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Если нужно быстро связаться с администрацией - почта админа - amvas73@narod.ru

alte Leute

Сообщение: 1
Зарегистрирован: 17.12.10
Репутация: 0
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.12.10 16:11. Заголовок: NARA/BAMA обмен/продажа

Господа, есть ли люди заинтересованные в обмене NARA/BAMA документами?

Своя коллекция пока небольшая, но стараюсь помаленьку обновлять. Сфера моих интересов - 1945, Восточный фронт, посему для себе в основном ищу именно эти доки, но в процессе обмена проходят через руки и документы более раннего периода и по другим направлениям.

Имеющиеся на данный момент документы:

Группа армий Висла / HGr Weichsel

T311 R167
Скрытый текст

T311 R168

Скрытый текст

T311 R169
Скрытый текст

T311 R170
Скрытый текст

T311 R171
Скрытый текст

9-я Армия / Armeeoberkommando 9

T312 R297
Скрытый текст

21-я Армия / Armeeoberkommando 21

T312 R111
Скрытый текст

1-я Парашютная Армия / Fallschirm-Armeeoberkommando

T312 R111
Скрытый текст

Армия Лигурия / Armeeoberkommando Ligurien

T312 R111
Скрытый текст

Более подробно содержание роллов запостил на райберте:

По мере обновления коллекции - буду здесь же отмечать обновления.
Короче, если кого-то что-то заинтересует - отписываемся тут или в личку.
Если есть желание преобрести что-либо из документов, то и это тоже возможно. Оплата - было бы предпочтительно через Приват24. Выкладка материала на паблик-хост или ФТП.

Спасибо: 0 
Ответов - 301 , стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 All [только новые]

alte Leute

Сообщение: 4
Зарегистрирован: 17.12.10
Репутация: 0
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.12.10 16:29. Заголовок: T314 R1474 (LVII.Arm..


T314 R1474
Скрытый текст


T314 R1530
Скрытый текст

Спасибо: 0 
alte Leute

Сообщение: 5
Зарегистрирован: 17.12.10
Репутация: 0
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 18.12.10 16:18. Заголовок: ОБНОВЛЕНИЯ!

Планируется большое обновление - 21 новый ролл: документы 3 танковой группы, 8 армии; корпусов: 3, 24 танковых; 13, 48, 55 армейских и 49 горного; дивизий - 4, 6, 7 танковых; 3 СС; 256 и 260 пехотных; дивизии фон Мантойфеля (Африка).

Номера роллов выложу сейчас, а подробное содержание каждого опишу чуть позже - нужно потратить время на разгребания такого количества бумаг.


Pz.AOK3 - T313 R223, R224, R225, R227, R228.
AOK8 - T312 R39.

III.Panzer-Korps - T314 R183
XIII.Armee-Korps - T314 R524
XXIV.Panzer-Korps - T314 R715
XXXXVIII.Armee-Korps - T314 R1138
XXXXIX.Gebirgskorps - T314 R1218
LV.Armee-Korps - T314 R1368

4.Pz.Div. - T315 R208
6.Pz.Div. - T315 R323
7.Pz.Div. - T315 R407

256.Inf.Div. - T315 R1800
260.Inf.Div. - T315 R1822, R1823, R1824

Div. v.Manteuffel - T315 R2278

3.SS-Pz.Div. - T354 R134

Спасибо: 0 

Сообщение: 268
Настроение: Разное
Зарегистрирован: 01.12.07
Откуда: Россия, Москва
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 18.12.10 16:51. Заголовок: NARA, это ко мне. Лю..

NARA, это ко мне. Любые документы в неограниченном количестве...

Кто выстрелит в прошлое из ружья, в того будущее выстрелит из пушки Спасибо: 0 
alte Leute

Сообщение: 6
Зарегистрирован: 17.12.10
Репутация: 0
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 18.12.10 17:06. Заголовок: AMVAS прям так люб..


прям так любые???)))

махнёмся? тут представлено не всё, что на руках - если есть интерес пройди по ссылке в первом посте, на райберте лежит весь каталог

Спасибо: 0 
alte Leute

Сообщение: 7
Зарегистрирован: 17.12.10
Репутация: 0
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.12.10 16:12. Заголовок: Новинки!

3-я Танковая Армия/ Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3

T313 R223
Скрытый текст

T313 R224
Скрытый текст

T313 R225
Скрытый текст

T313 R227
Скрытый текст

T313 R228
Скрытый текст

8-я Армия / Armeeoberkommando 8

T312 R39
Скрытый текст

Спасибо: 0 

Сообщение: 270
Настроение: Разное
Зарегистрирован: 01.12.07
Откуда: Россия, Москва
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.12.10 17:13. Заголовок: alte Leute пишет: п..

alte Leute пишет:

прям так любые???)))

Абсолютно любые

Самое занятное, что мне-то самому немецкие документы ни к чему...

Кто выстрелит в прошлое из ружья, в того будущее выстрелит из пушки Спасибо: 0 
alte Leute

Сообщение: 8
Зарегистрирован: 17.12.10
Репутация: 0
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.12.10 01:15. Заголовок: Описания

4-я танковая дивизия / 4. Panzer-Division

T315 R208
Скрытый текст

6-я танковая дивизия / 6. Panzer-Division

T315 R323
Скрытый текст

7-я танковая дивизия / 7. Panzer-Division

T315 R407
Скрытый текст

256-я пехотная дивизия / 256. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1800
Скрытый текст

260-я пехотная дивизия / 260. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1822
Скрытый текст

T315 R1823
Скрытый текст

T315 R1824
Скрытый текст

Division von Manteuffel

T315 R2278
Скрытый текст

3-я танковая дивизия СС "Мёртвая голова" / 3. SS Panzer-Division "Totenkopf"

T354 R134
Скрытый текст

Спасибо: 0 
alte Leute

Сообщение: 9
Зарегистрирован: 17.12.10
Репутация: 0
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.12.10 01:26. Заголовок: Новинки!

T971 R51 (v.Rohden Collection)
Скрытый текст

Спасибо: 0 
alte Leute

Сообщение: 10
Зарегистрирован: 17.12.10
Репутация: 0
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.11 02:15. Заголовок: ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ!


Группа армий "Центр" / Heeresgruppe Mitte

T311 R224
Скрытый текст

PS В ролле представлена большая коллекция ситуационных карт ГА Центр; качество более чем приемлемое, хотя карты и не цветные.

Спасибо: 0 
Миша Т

Сообщение: 1216
Зарегистрирован: 08.01.10
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.11 03:35. Заголовок: AMVAS пишет: NARA, ..

AMVAS пишет:

NARA, это ко мне. Любые документы в неограниченном количестве...

А по Luftwaffe документы в NARA можно найти? 41 год интересует.

Спасибо: 0 
постоянный участник

Сообщение: 341
Настроение: хорошее
Зарегистрирован: 31.01.09
Откуда: Россия, Липецк
Репутация: 2
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.11 10:24. Заголовок: По люфтваффе в NARA ..

По люфтваффе в NARA туго. Сам пытался найти что нужно, но увы...Как мне там сказали, документов по люфтваффе, особенно касательно оперативного использования частей ( документов типа журнала бевых действий) почти не сохранилось, так так в последние дни войны архив с этими документами сгорел от союзной бомбёжки. Лично я не нашёл ни одного нужного мне документа по периоду 1942 года и даже не видел их в каталогах имеющихся доков.

Спасибо: 0 

Сообщение: 273
Настроение: Разное
Зарегистрирован: 01.12.07
Откуда: Россия, Москва
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.11 11:02. Заголовок: Краевед абсолютно пр..

Краевед абсолютно прав. По Люфтваффе в NARA близко к нулю.

Кто выстрелит в прошлое из ружья, в того будущее выстрелит из пушки Спасибо: 0 
alte Leute

Сообщение: 11
Зарегистрирован: 17.12.10
Репутация: 0
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.11 11:52. Заголовок: Краевед, Миша Т Поп..

Краевед, Миша Т
Попробуйте поискать через Фрайбург. Ассортимент, предлагаемый Фрайбургом, значительно отличается от предоставляемого Вашингтоном. Во Фрайбурге, конечно, неахти как налажен поиск по сети, но можно попробовать пообщаться с немцами и, возможно, они помогут с подбором доков.

Спасибо: 0 

Сообщение: 274
Настроение: Разное
Зарегистрирован: 01.12.07
Откуда: Россия, Москва
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.11 12:03. Заголовок: Ну, у меня есть чело..

Ну, у меня есть человек, который может помочь со Фрайбургом. пока не пользовался, но вроде грит нормально

Кто выстрелит в прошлое из ружья, в того будущее выстрелит из пушки Спасибо: 0 
Миша Т

Сообщение: 1219
Зарегистрирован: 08.01.10
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.11 23:30. Заголовок: Спасибо всем огромно..

Спасибо всем огромное за информацию!

Ну, у меня есть человек, который может помочь со Фрайбургом. пока не пользовался, но вроде грит нормально

А как то узнать что и на каких условиях, я просто ни разу не сталкивался с ихними архивами?

Спасибо: 0 

Сообщение: 275
Настроение: Разное
Зарегистрирован: 01.12.07
Откуда: Россия, Москва
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.11 23:31. Заголовок: Миша Т пишет: А как..

Миша Т пишет:

А как то узнать что и на каких условиях, я просто ни разу не сталкивался с ихними архивами?

Надо спросить, я тоже из Фрайбурга не заказывал

Кто выстрелит в прошлое из ружья, в того будущее выстрелит из пушки Спасибо: 0 
постоянный участник

Сообщение: 342
Настроение: хорошее
Зарегистрирован: 31.01.09
Откуда: Россия, Липецк
Репутация: 2
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.11 23:48. Заголовок: Ребята, во Фрайбурге..

Ребята, во Фрайбурге на этом деле подрабатывают (а некоторые, судя по всему, просто зарабатывают этим себе на жизнь!) немецкие посредники, которые за определённую плату берутся посмотреть и, если есть, найти нужные дела и документы. Стоит такое посредничество, с моей точки зрения, недёшево. Я имел некоторый опыт сотрудничества с ними.

Спасибо: 0 
Миша Т

Сообщение: 1220
Зарегистрирован: 08.01.10
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.11 23:51. Заголовок: А какие расценки?..

А какие расценки?

Спасибо: 0 
постоянный участник

Сообщение: 343
Настроение: хорошее
Зарегистрирован: 31.01.09
Откуда: Россия, Липецк
Репутация: 2
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.11 23:59. Заголовок: Я лично отдал посред..

Я лично отдал посреднику 350 долларов за то, что он нашёл мне нужные документы (объёмом примерно в 25 страниц), которых не было в NARA.

Спасибо: 0 
Миша Т

Сообщение: 1222
Зарегистрирован: 08.01.10
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.01.11 00:07. Заголовок: Да не слабо признать..

Да не слабо признаться, хотя если это журнал-боевых действий какой то части или соединения, то приемлемо...

Спасибо: 0 
alte Leute

Сообщение: 12
Зарегистрирован: 17.12.10
Репутация: 0
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.01.11 11:54. Заголовок: Краевед А можно по..


А можно поинтересоваться за какие именно бумаги Вы отдали такие деньги?

Спасибо: 0 
постоянный участник

Сообщение: 344
Настроение: хорошее
Зарегистрирован: 31.01.09
Откуда: Россия, Липецк
Репутация: 2
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.01.11 22:18. Заголовок: Может так получиться..

Может так получиться, что летом поеду в NARA. Может кому чего надо?

Спасибо: 0 
Миша Т

Сообщение: 1227
Зарегистрирован: 08.01.10
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.01.11 22:20. Заголовок: Меня интересуют доку..

Меня интересуют документы частей Люфтваффе - типа наших ЖБД, к сожалению не могу точно их назвать (постараюсь уточнить), за июнь-июль 41 года.

Спасибо: 0 
постоянный участник

Сообщение: 785
Зарегистрирован: 05.04.08
Откуда: Россия
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.01.11 23:39. Заголовок: Миша Т пишет: Меня ..

Миша Т пишет:

Меня интересуют документы частей Люфтваффе - типа наших ЖБД, ...., за июнь-июль 41 года.

Меня тоже интересуюти документы авиа частей (VIII авиакорпуса) за июнь-июль.

С уважением Belarus Спасибо: 0 
постоянный участник

Сообщение: 345
Настроение: хорошее
Зарегистрирован: 31.01.09
Откуда: Россия, Липецк
Репутация: 2
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.01.11 09:58. Заголовок: Документов 8 АК в ка..

Документов 8 АК в каталогах я не обнаружил, хотя тщательно всё изучил. Скорее всего этих документов там нет, поскольку они вообще не сохранились.

Спасибо: 0 
Миша Т

Сообщение: 1232
Зарегистрирован: 08.01.10
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.01.11 10:07. Заголовок: Мне были бы интересн..

Мне были бы интересны документы KG1, 2, 3, 27, 51, 53, 54, 55, 76, 77.
StG1, 2, 77.
JG 3, 27, 51, 52, 53, 54, 77.

Спасибо: 0 
постоянный участник

Сообщение: 786
Зарегистрирован: 05.04.08
Откуда: Россия
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.01.11 11:05. Заголовок: Краевед пишет: Доку..

Краевед пишет:

Документов 8 АК в каталогах я не обнаружил

Понятно, жаль!

С уважением Belarus Спасибо: 0 

Сообщение: 38
Зарегистрирован: 23.10.08
Репутация: 0
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.01.11 11:28. Заголовок: Краевед пишет: Доку..

Краевед пишет:

Документов 8 АК в каталогах я не обнаружил, хотя тщательно всё изучил. Скорее всего этих документов там нет, поскольку они вообще не сохранились.

В NARA этого нет

Спасибо: 0 
Миша Т

Сообщение: 1233
Зарегистрирован: 08.01.10
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.01.11 11:36. Заголовок: Panzeralex пишет: Д..

Panzeralex пишет:

Документов 8 АК в каталогах я не обнаружил, хотя тщательно всё изучил. Скорее всего этих документов там нет, поскольку они вообще не сохранились.

В NARA этого нет

Документов Luftwaffe вообще нет?

Спасибо: 0 

Сообщение: 276
Настроение: Разное
Зарегистрирован: 01.12.07
Откуда: Россия, Москва
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.01.11 11:40. Заголовок: Миша Т пишет: Докум..

Миша Т пишет:

Документов Luftwaffe вообще нет?

В следовых количествах

В принципе, можно попробовать изучать документы наземных частей, которых поддерживали люфты. Там может что-то сохраниться. Но гарантий никаких

Кто выстрелит в прошлое из ружья, в того будущее выстрелит из пушки Спасибо: 0 
Миша Т

Сообщение: 1234
Зарегистрирован: 08.01.10
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.01.11 11:44. Заголовок: AMVAS пишет: В след..

AMVAS пишет:

В следовых количествах

В принципе, можно попробовать изучать документы наземных частей, которых поддерживали люфты. Там может что-то сохраниться. Но гарантий никаких

Ясно, жаль. Документы наземных частей навряд ли помогут...

Спасибо: 0 

Сообщение: 39
Зарегистрирован: 23.10.08
Репутация: 0
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.01.11 13:03. Заголовок: Миша Т пишет: Докум..

Миша Т пишет:

Документов Luftwaffe вообще нет?

Есть но мало,
в архивах Германии, например, в ВА-МА гораздо больше информации
Миша Т пишет:

Мне были бы интересны документы KG1, 2, 3, 27, 51, 53, 54, 55, 76, 77.
StG1, 2, 77.
JG 3, 27, 51, 52, 53, 54, 77.

могу посмотреть в каталоге по ВА-МА, что есть по этим эскадрам,
или сделаю проще, как найду (нужно время, чтобы я его у себя в компе нашел :) ), выложу каталог ВА-МА по люфтваффе, а Вы сами посмотрите, что там есть
вот нашел каталог, смотрите:

Спасибо: 0 
Миша Т

Сообщение: 1237
Зарегистрирован: 08.01.10
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.01.11 17:47. Заголовок: Panzeralex пишет: М..

Panzeralex пишет:

Миша Т пишет:

Спасибо попробую сам посмотреть. Если не разберусь спрошу?

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Миша Т

Сообщение: 1238
Зарегистрирован: 08.01.10
Откуда: Москва
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.01.11 18:11. Заголовок: Приветствую еще! Пох..

Приветствую еще!
Похоже есть интересующая меня информация. Я так понял дела там идут по категориям Воздушные Флоты/ Авиа Корпуса/ Авиа Дивизии / Эскадры и группы. Единственно плохо понимаю по немецки (точнее совсем не гу-гу), поэтому хотелось бы разобраться какого рода документы заметил уже примелькавшиеся:
KTB и Geschichte. Это я так понимаю Журнал боевых действий и история части? Все основное сложнее.
Вы мне можете помочь в получении этих документов?
И если да, то хотелось бы узнать чем я могу Вас отблагодарить?
Спасибо огромное!

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Сообщение: 40
Зарегистрирован: 23.10.08
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.01.11 18:12. Заголовок: Миша Т пишет: Приве..

Миша Т пишет:

Спасибо попробую сам посмотреть. Если не разберусь спрошу?

да, конечно, можно спросить, но в каталоге многие дела не имеют описаний, то есть не понятно, что в них,
а вот это и есть хлеб тех, кто в ВА-МА работает, чтобы точно узнать, что в таком деле, нужно для этого дело заказать и посмотреть, вот это и могут сделать за Вас "специальные" люди, оплата у них почасовая, поэтому дорого получается,
вариантов сэкономить всего два:
- самому съездить в ВА-МА
- найти знакомых из Германии, занимающихся историей 2 МВ, посещающих ВА-МА, и их можно попросить попутно посмотреть интересующие Вас дела.
- а если точно знаете, что Вам надо, номер дела, то копию его можно заказать через фирму Selke
Самое сложное с ВА-МА - это найти нужную информацию, потому что каталоги не очень подробные.
Вот, например, что сразу видно в каталоге - есть ЖБД JG 77
RL 10/305 ЖБД Nr 7 за период 16.5.41-16.7.41.

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Зарегистрирован: 13.01.11
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 13.01.11 22:19. Заголовок: Добрый вечер, Всем.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 13.01.11 22:39. Заголовок: Добрый вечер, Всем.

По заказу доков.
Во Фрайбурге, карта формата А3, получается около 200 руб. - скан 300 dpi ч/б.
Теперь о процессе заказа:
1. Вы пишете мне на почту номер дивизии и период времени, лучше когда это пол-года год. Т.к. экономит ваши средства на поиск.
2. Если карты найдены, я говорю вам стоимость поиска и стоимость копировального агенства.
3. Вы оплачиваете и я и размещаю заказ у своего немецкого коллеги.
4. Через неделю0две он высылает мне по почте диск с картами, и я его передаю вам.
5. Пример расчета:
1?1 I.D. 1.12.41.-6.3.42 Karten.
Includes 16 maps of different size. If we calculate 6 sheets DinA3 per map = 56 Euro.

1?1 I.D. 6.3.-16.6.42 Karten.
Includes 14 maps of different size. If we calculate 6 sheets DinA3 per map = 49 Euro.

1?5 I.D. 5 17.8.-18.9.42.
Includes 36 maps of different size. If we calculate 6 sheets DinA3 per map =125 Euro.

+ 55 Euro поиск
+ 6 Euro пересылка

Итого: 291 Euro за 66 сканов.

С Уважением К.

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Сообщение: 3
Зарегистрирован: 13.01.11
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 13.01.11 22:45. Заголовок: Доки NARA


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alte Leute

Сообщение: 13
Зарегистрирован: 17.12.10
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.01.11 00:59. Заголовок: Кирилл, Вы решили ох..

Кирилл, Вы решили охватить ещё не охваченную паству?

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Сообщение: 4
Зарегистрирован: 13.01.11
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.01.11 14:00. Заголовок: Доки и карты

Добрый день.
Был вопрос про Бундесархив, я на него ответил наглядно и подробно.
Т.ч. все в тему. Если что-то беспокоит попрошу модератора убрать посты и создам отдельную тему.

С Уважением К.

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alte Leute

Сообщение: 14
Зарегистрирован: 17.12.10
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.01.11 14:57. Заголовок: Да ладно, Кирилл, я ..

Да ладно, Кирилл, я просто пошутил, отметив Ваше появление на форуме... не более того.
Я б даже сказал, что Ваше появление - это хорошо для нашего общего дела, насколько я могу судить по ww2.ru Вы достаточнно неплохой трейдер, правда не всегда внимательны к собственному почтовому ящику))

С неменьшим уважением,

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alte Leute

Сообщение: 15
Зарегистрирован: 17.12.10
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.01.11 16:25. Заголовок: ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ!


Группа армий "A" / Heeresgruppe A

T311 R158

Скрытый текст

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alte Leute

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.01.11 20:00. Заголовок: ОБНОВЛЕНИЯ! 72-й ар..


72-й армейский корпус / LXXII. Armeekorps

T314 R1562
Скрытый текст

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alte Leute

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 18.01.11 19:12. Заголовок: ОБНОВЛЕНИЯ!



Ia, KTB 4 und TB. War journal concerning transfer from Cholet, France to Makeyevka, Russia, 10-20 Jan; movement north to Voroshilovsk, Kharkov, 21-28 Jan; defensive operations in the Kharkov area, 28 Jan-14 Feb; disengagement movements in the Merefa, Krasnograd, Novo-Moskovsk, and Yuryevka areas, 15 Feb-3 Mar; advance and offensive engagements in the Krasny, Berestovenka, and Starovarovka areas, 4-9 Mar; offensive engagements in the Valki area, 10-16 Mar; attack on and capture of Kharkov, 17-20 Mar; offensive engagements in the Liptsy and Belgorod areas and pursuit to the Donets River, 21-23 Mar; and defense of the Donets Piver sector, 24-26 Mar 1943. War journal of the corps' antiaircraft battery, 9 Jan-26 Mar 1943, and activity reports of the personnel branch, 1 Jan-31
Mar, engineer staff officer, 1 Jan-18 Mar, Nazi guidance officer, 1 Jan-31 Mar, chemical warfare officer, 10-28 Mar, and the SS geologist company, 1-31 Mar 1943.
1943/01/09 - 1943/03/26


Ia, KTB 3 mit Anlagen, "Oranienbaumer-Kessel" (Klopizy) vom 27.11.43-31.12.43. War journal with daily reports, orders, directives, and maps pertaining to arrival of the. III. (germanisches) SS PzK on the Oranienbaum (Loraonosov) front with headquarters at Klopitsy, 27 Nov-6 Dec, defensive operations and counterattacks to offset a major Russian offensive along the Oranienbaum front by the Corps, the 4. SS Polizei
Panzergreanadier-Division, 11. SS Panzergrenadier-Division "Nordland," 9. and 10. Luftwaffen Feld-Divisionen, and the 4. SS Freiwillige Panzergrenandier-Brigade "Nederland," 7-30 Dec, and regrouping of units of the III. SS PzK, 31 Dec 1943. Also order-of-battle chart and a table of organization
showing artillery units.

Pi., IIa, TB. Activity report of the Pi.-Aufstellungsstabes of the III. (germ.) SS PzK pertaining to formation, equipping, and training at the Truppenuebungsplatz Grafenwoehr, Hehrkreis XIII, 1 May-1 Sep 1943, movement to and training at Truppenuebungsplatz Hradischko, Radotin, and transfer to the Oranienbaum front for construction of defensive positions and strong points, 23 Nov-31 Dec 1943. Activity report of the personnel branch concerning Hitler's order for activation of Generalkommando III. (germ.) SS PzK, 30 Mar 1943; formation at Truppenuebungsplatz Grafenwoehr, 1 May-1 Sep; assignment of 12,934 Volksdeutsche from Rumania to the Corps, Aug 1943; movement to Zagreb (Agram) Yugoslavia for continued formation and antipartisan operations, 1 Sep-27 Nov 1943, and transfer to and operations
at the Oranienbaum front with its subordinate units, 27 Nov-31 Dec 1943; withdrawal movement to the Begunitsy, Udosolovo, Alekseyevka, Novopyatnitskoye, and Narva areas in January 1944; and movement to Sillamae and Voka on the Narva front, 5 Feb 1944. Data relating to
promotions and decorations, 18 May-26 Nov; casualty list, 11 Dec 1943-31 Mar 1944; strength report by units and nationality, Dec 1943; register of officers; and training directives for the Germanic SS troops.
1943/05/01 - 1944/03/31

IVb, Anordnunqen - Allqemein. Special directives of the medical officer.
1943/08/07 - 1943/08/07

SS Infanterie Ersatz-Bataillon "Germania" - Wochendienstplaene. Weekly training schedules, 5 Oct-21 Nov 1942, and 18-23 Jan 1943, and training directives relating to map exercises.
1942/10/05 - 1943/03/30


Fernschreiben von 13.2.1945. Copy of a teletype message sent by IV. SS PzK, SS Obersturmbannfuehrer Schoenfelder to SS Gruppenfuehrer Feqelein concerninq strength and casualties of the 3. SS PzD "Totenkopf", 10-12 Feb 1945.
1945/02/10 - 1945/02/13


Stuetzpunktuebersicht zur Lagekarte. Survey of strong points of the 369. ID (Kroatisch) , 118.JgD, and 7.SS GebD in the Teslic, Mesici, Visegrad, Topola, Travnik, Zavala, Caoljira, Mostar, and Konjic areas, Yugoslavia and in the northwestern area of Bosnia.
Aug. 1944


IIa. Bekanntinachug. Notification by the personnel branch to rectify the wrong distribution of mail.
1944/05/25 - 1944/05/25


Korps- und Korueck Befehle. Orders and instructional pamphlet pertaining to security activity, march and traffic control, road maintenance, defense against air raids and air landings, recruiting of labor force, and training in the rear area of the Poer River sector; an order regarding defensive operations by subordinate units of the 9.PzD, 176.ID, and the 183.VGrD in Geilenkirchen, Stolberg, and Venrath areas, 17-18 Nov 1944; and special supply directives.
1944/11/17 - 1945/03/26


Ia, Tagesmeldungen. Daily reports concerning defensive operations by the corps and its subordinate units of the 9., 79., 212., and 352.VGrD., 2.GebD, and the Kampfgruppe von Hobe in the Ippesheim, Crailsheim, Medbach, Laubenheim, Blaufelden, Adelshofen, and Pfaffenhofen areas, 10-15 Apr 1945; orders concerning control of foreign civilian labor force, directives
pertaining to the defining of the strength concept, and data on enemy operations.
1944/09/20 - 1945/04/15


III, Anlage zum KTB der SS V-Division (Verfuegungs-Division). Periodic reports concerning the activation of the office of the judge advocate of the
SS V-Division in Pilsen, 17 Oct 1939, and the results of courts-martial proceedings, 1 Nov 1939-27 Jul 1940.
1939/10/30 - 1940/07/27

FPM, TB der SS V-Division (Verfuegungs-Division). Activity report concerning the activation or the office of the postmaster of the SS V-Division in Dachau, 3 Nov 1939 and its immediate transfer to Pilsen, 4 Nov 1939; and movements to and operations in the areas of Erlangen and Ahlen/Westfalen, 30 Nov 1939-12 May 1940, Hesel, Breda, Hertogenbosch, and Tilburg, 13-19 May, Monchy-Chateau, Hirson, Cambrai, Saint-Quentin, Troyes, Chalons-sur-Marne, 19 May-20 June, Poitiers, Orleans, Romilly, Angouleme, Tours, Brussels, Geldern, Emmerich, and Apeldoorn, 20 Jun-14 Jul 1940.
1939/11/01 - 1940/07/31

Ib, KTB Nr. 1 der 2. SS Division "Reich", Einsatz Suedost. War journal pertaining to supply branch activities during the Balkan campaign, division orders regarding movements, reports on medical services, special directives concerning supply troops and services, and an afteraction critique relating to the issuing of motor fuel.
1941/03/28 - 1941/05/01

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alte Leute

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.01.11 00:12. Заголовок: ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ!


170-я пехотная дивизия / 170.Infanterie-Division<\/u><\/a>

T315 R1533
Ia, Ic, Anlagenband 66 zum KTB. Daily reports, orders, and overlays pertaining to defensive operations in the Krasny Bor area; relief of the 2.SS-Inf.Brig, by the 170.ID, 24 - 25 Apr; defensive and assault troop operations; construction of defensive positions in the Pushkin, Aleksandrovka, and Verkhneye Koyrovo areas; regrouping; and training. Order-of-battle charts; status and strength reports; intelligence bulletins
regarding enemy operations, replacements, morale, new weapons, unit identification, training, and tactical situation and conditions in Leningrad; map showing the tactical disposition of Russian forces in the Kolpino area, 8 Apr 1943.
1943/04/07 - 1943/06/01
Ia, KTB 6. Defensive and assault troop operations in the Gatchina, Dudergof (Nagornoye), and Verkhneye Koyrovo areas and movement to and defense of the Krasnoye Selo area.
1943/07/01 - 1943/10/21
Ia, Anlagenband 68 zum KTB. Daily reports, orders, and overlays pertaining to defensive operations, artillery activity and organization, and counterattack, 26 Jul, in the Gatchina, Verkhneye Koyrcvc, and Dudergof (Nagornoye) areas; instruction pamphlet on road maintenance; order-of-battle charts; status, strength, and casualty reports; intelligence reports on enemy
artillery activity.
1943/07/01 - 1943/07/31
Ia, Anlagenband 69 zum KTB 6. Daily reports, orders, and overlays pertaining to defensive and assault troop operations, regrouping, and antitank defense in the Gatchina, Dudergof (Nagcrnoye), and Verkhneye Koyrovo areas; a list of officers duty assignments; an order-of-battle chart; strength reports; and
afteraction reports concerning Russian assault troop operations, 18 Aug, and assault troop action of the I./Gr.Rgt. 399, 23 and 30 Aug 1943.
1943/08/01 - 1943/08/31
Ia, Ic, Anlagenband 70 zum KTB 6. Daily reports, orders, and overlays pertaining to defensive operations, reorganization, construction of the
Gatchina positions, and preparations for winter warfare and services in the Gatchina and Dudergof (Naqornoye) areas; order-of-battle charts; strength reports; an afteraction report concerning assault troop operations of the I./Gr.Rgt. 399, 20 Sep; intelligence bulletins and a map regarding enemy operations, unit identification, strength, and weapons, and tactical
disposition of enemy troops facing the 170.ID.
1943/09/01 - 1943/09/30
la, Anlagenband 71 zum KTB 6. Daily reports, orders, and overlays pertaining to defensive operations in the Gatchina, Dudergof (Nagcrnoye), and Verkhneye Koyrovo areas; preparations for winter warfare; reorganization
of the 170.ID to a new type of division; and movement to and defense of the Krasnoye Selo area. A list of obstacles and barriers along the division front; an order-of-battle chart; status and strength reports; afteraction reports concerning a Russian attack on Verkhneye Koyrovo and its defense by the II./Gr.Rgt. 401 and Aufkl.Abt. 240, 14 Get 1943.
1943/10/01 - 1943/10/21
Ia, KTB 5. Defensive operations in the Krasnoye Selo area, 30 Mar - 4 Apr, the Krasny Bor area, 6 - 24 Apr, the Pushkin and Verkhneye Koyrovo areas, 7 Apr - 1 Jun, and the Krasnoye Selo and Gatchina areas, 1 - 30 Jun 1943.
1943/03/30 - 1943/06/30
Ia, Anlagenband 67 zum KTB 5, Daily reports, orders, and overlays pertaining to defensive operations, construction of defensive positions, antitank defense, evacuation of the civilian population, regrouping, and training in the Gatchina and Krasnoye Selo areas; strength reports; order-of-battle charts; intelligence bulletins and reports regarding enemy operations, artillery activity and training, and unit identification and strength.
1943/06/01 - 1943/06/30

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alte Leute

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.01.11 15:34. Заголовок: ОБНОВЛЕНИЯ!


11. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division Nordland<\/u><\/a>

Ib, IVb, Besondere Anordnung fuer die Versorgunq Nr . 7, 12.7.1943. Special supply directive from the SS Panzer-Grenadier-Freiwilligen-Division "Nordland" pertaining to medical service of the division at Truppenuebungsplatz Grafenwoehr and reporting methods to the subordinate III. (germ.) SS Panzer-Korps. Also various training material of individual SS personnel.
1943/07/12 - 1943/07/12

10. SS-Panzer-Division Frundsberg<\/u><\/a>

Ib, IVb, Besondere Anordnungen fuer die Versorgung und das Sanitaetswesen. Special directives concerning supply services in the Falaise, Argentan, Fontainebleau, and Treprel areas; also medical services in the Evreux, Dreux, and Nogent-le-Rotrou areas.
1943/09/10 - 1943/09/22

Ia, Ib, Ic, IIa/b, IVa, V, VI, Eerichte, Sonder- und Austildungsbefehle. Orders, directives, and reports pertaining to combat, chemical warfare, training, and antiaircraft protection; also administrative, supply, personnel, intelligence, and motor transport matters.
1943/32/11 - 1945/03/01

IIa/b, Tagesstaerke der Panzer und Artillerie Einheiten. Strength report of the armored and artillery units of the division.
1945/03/25 - 1945/03/25

Ia, Na/Fue, Empfangsscheine und Berichte ueber Nachrichtenwesen. Receipts for signal communication material and reports concerning signal communication services, training, and other signal matters.
1944/01/02 - 1944/05/03

Ia, IIa/b, Ic, IVb, V, Divisions- und Sonderbefehle. Orders, directives, and lists pertaining to combat training, conduct with POW's, personal hygiene, medical service, prevention of venereal disease, casualties, personnel matters; also inventories of motor fuel expended and on hand.
1943/33/03 - 1944/07/24

Ia, Ic, IVa, Na/Fue, Berichte und Ausbildungsanordnungen. Directives and reports concerning training, signal communication, security measures, aid to the Ukrainian population during spring planting, and an afteraction critique relating to the assignment of the division in Russia. No specific locations are mentioned, 5-24 Apr 1944.
1943/03/01 - 1944/08/20

III, Anordnungen und Merkblaetter ueber Disciplinar- und Garichtswesen. Directives and reports pertaining to the military court system and disciplinary matters.
1943/04/01 - 1944/32/09

Ia, Erfahrungsbericht und Nerkblatt ueber Panzerbekaempfung. Afteraction critique and training manual relating to antitank warfare.
1944/01/08 - 1944/01/08

V, Merkblaetter, Anordnungen und Listen ueber Fahrausbildung. Directives, training manuals, and lists pertaining to drivers' education, assignment, and care of motor vehicles; also requisitions for motor vehicle parts and tires.
1943/09/30 - 1944/06/10

12. SS-Panzer-Division Hitlerjugend<\/u><\/a>

Ia, Ib, Ic, IIa/b, IVa, V, Btl. Befehle und Berichte der SS Pz.-Pionier Bataillon 12/12. SS PzD "Hitlerjugend." Reports and orders pertaining to administrative, medical, personnel, and motor transport matters; also securing and destroying classified material.
1943/09/04 - 1944/07/02

Ia, Ib, Ic, IIa/b, IVa, IVb, VI, Befehle und Eerichte. Orders and reports pertaining to supply; administrative, personnel, and training matters; and medical service, military security, and troop indoctrination.
1943/09/29 - 1944/06/02

Ia, Ib, Ila/b, IVa, IVb, Befehle und Richtlinien. Orders, directives, and guidelines pertaining to administrative, medical, personnel, and supply matters.
1943/07/25 - 1944/05/29

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.01.11 01:04. Заголовок: ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ!


1-я танковая армия / Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1<\/u><\/a>

T313 R015
IIa, IIb, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen 1-10. Consolidated activity reports and orders dealing with personnel replacement, casualties, and security of troop movements.
May 1 - Nov 1, 1941
IIa, IIb, Anlage z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Laufende Ubersichtslisten uber eingetretene Verluste nach Divisionen getrennt. Daily and consolidated personnel casualty reports.
Jun 22 - Oct 31, 1941
O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch. War diary covering Operation "Barbarossa", preparation for the Russian campaign, the invasion, advances to Kiev, the coastal area of the Sea of Azov and to Rostov.
May 1 - Oct 31, 1941
O.Qu., Anlagenband, Anlage 1 z. KTB. Directives and policies relating to furnishing supplies to various units during the first phase of the Russian campaign, treatment of prisoners of war, and exploitation of the local economy, and maps showing the main highways in the Ukraine.
Mar 28 - Oct 30, 1941
Qu., Anlage 2 z. KTB. Tatigkeitsberichte der Abteilungen. Consolidated activity reports of Abt. IVa, IVb and Feldpostamt 422.
May 20, 1941 - Jan 3, 1942
III, IVd, Anlage z. KTB. Tatigkeitsberichte. Monthly consolidated activity reports.
May 6 - Dec 31, 1941
O.Qu., Tatigkeitsbericht. Monthly activity reports of Kommandant des Hauptquartiers dealing with the training of rear service personnel, ordnance and equipment inspections, billeting, confirmation of civilian government employees, and other administrative matters.
May 1 - Oct 31, 1941
A.Na.Fu., T£tigkeitsberichte. Consolidated activity reports dealing with signal communication during the preparation for Operation "Barbarossa," and the campaign in Russia. Also instructions for maintenance of signal equipment and sketches of the communication networks in Silesia and Poland.
Apr 28 - Dec 15, 1941
A.Na.Fu., Anlagenband 1 u. 2 z. Tatigkeitsberichten, Activity reports and instructions relating to operation and maintenance of signal communication installations during the first phase of the Russian campaign. Also overlays showing the communication networks in the Ukraine.
Jun 22 - Dec 15, 1941

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.02.11 23:15. Заголовок: ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ!


1. Kosaken-Kavallerie-Division

T315 R2281
Ia, KTB 1. War journal concerning preparations for and transfer from Truppenuebungsplatz Mielau (Mlawa), Wehrkreis I, Poland, to Mitrovica, Yugoslavia, 17 Sep-15 Oct 1941; movements, quartering, reconnaissance and assault operations, securing roads, railroads, and airfields, training, and operations against partisans in the Mitrovica, Ruma, Sid, Tovarnik, Tlok, Triq, Novi Sad, Indija, Krusedol, Vrdnik, Karlovci, and Vinkovci areas and the Fruska Gora Mountains, 6-31 Oct; in the Vinkovci, Djakovo, Osijek, Cepin, Nasice, Brod, Doboj, Valpovo, Podgorac, and Potnjani areas, 1-21 Nov; and in the Sisak, Petrinja, Glina, Gora, Sunja, Kostajnica, Bosanski Novi, Dubica, and Zagreb (Agram) areas, 29 Nov-31 Dec, with headquarters of the division at Mitrovica, 6-22 Oct, at Vinkovci, 23 Oct-2 Nov, at Djakovo, 3-21 Nov, and at Sisak, 27 Nov-31 Dec. Movement from Djakovo to Sisak and relief of the 11. SS Panzer-Gren-Div. "Nordland", 21-28 Nov, and assignment of the II. Kosaken-Reiter-Brigade in detached service to secure the railroad line Brod-Derventa-Doboj-Bosansko Petrovo Selo-Tuzla, 29 Nov-31 Dec.
1943/09/17 - 1943/12/31
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 1. Orders, reports, messages, maps, and overlays pertaining to the activation of the 1. Kosaken-Div., 23 Apr 1943, operational readiness on 23 Sep, preparations for and transfer of the division, consisting of the I. and II. Kosaken-Reiter-Brigade and including 6 Reiter-Regimente: Donkosaken-Reiter-Rgt. 1 and 5, Sibirkosaken-Reiter-Rgt. 2, Kubankosaken-Reiter-Rgt. 3 and 4, and Terekkosaken-Reiter-Rgt. 6, from Mlawa, Poland, to Mitrovica, Yugoslavia, 17 Sep-15 Oct; movements, quartering, reconnaissance and assault operations, securing roads and railroads, training, and operations against partisans in the Mitrovica, Ruma, Novi Sad, and Vinkovci areas, 6-31 Oct, in the Djakovo, Osijek, and Nasice areas, 1-21 Nov; and movement to and relief of the 11. SS Panzer-Gren-Div. "Nordland" in the Sisak area, 21-28 Nov.
Operations against partisans and securing roads, railroads, and airfields in the Sisak, Glina, and Dubica areas and south of Zagreb (Agram) and securing the railroad line Brod-Derventa-Doboj-Tuzla by the II. Kosaken-Reiter-Briqade in detached service, 29 Nov-31 Dec.
Afteraction reports and critiques regarding Unternehmen Araiin (operations against partisans in the Tlok, Trig, Vrdnik, Krusedol, Karlovci, and Indija areas of the Fruska Cora Mountains, 13-17 Oct) ; Unternehmen Wildsau I (operations against partisans in the Vinkovci, Tovarnik, Sid, and Kuzrain areas between the 3osut and Sava Rivers, 20-27 Oct) ; and Unternehmen Panther (operations to destroy partisan units and mopping-up action in the Glina, Gora, Petrinji, and Sunja areas between the Una and Korana Rivers, 7-20 Dec).
Order-of-battle charts; billeting surveys; status, strength, and casualty reports; special directives concerning supply and signal communications; and data relating to partisan operations and losses.
1943/09/17 - 1943/12/31
Ia, Ic, Laqekarten und Berichte ueber Feindlage im Raum um Sisak. An intelligence report of 11 Nov 1943 presenting a listing of identification and strength of partisan units in the Sisak area and situation maps showing the tactical disposition of the 1. Kosaken-Div. and Kroat. Gebirqs-Einheitan in the Belgrade area, 7 Oct, and in the Zagreb (Aqram), Bjelovar, and Sisak areas, 27 Nov 1943-12 Jan 1944.
1943/10/07 - 1944/01/12
Ic, TB 1. Activity reports concerning partisan operations and losses, control of Cossacks during their stay at Truppenuebungsplatz Mielau (Mlawa), Poland, counterintelligence, courts-martial, troop indoctrination and entertainment, and Unternehmen Armin (operations against partisans in the Fruska Gora Mountains, 13-17 net 1943), Unternehnen Wildsau I (operations against partisans in the area between the Bosut and Sava Rivers, 20-27 Oct) , and Unternehmen Panther (operations to destroy partisan units and moppinq-up action in the area between the Una and Korana Rivers, 7-20 Dec).
1943/08/01 - 1944/01/16
Ic, Anlagenband zum TB 1, Feindnachrichtenblaetter. Intelligence bulletins and interrogation summaries.
1943/10/02 - 1943/12/11
Ic, Anlagenband zum TB 1, Vernehmungsberichte. Interrogation summaries; an intelligence bulletin;directives governing military security and counterintelligence; reports concerning enemy propaganda and acts of sedition the political situation in the division sector, and troop indoctrination; an afteraction critique of Unternehmen Panther; and Stammtafeln (unit historical record sheet) of units of the 1. Kosaken-Div., 17 Jun-25 Aug 1943.
1943/10/21 - 1943/12/31

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7. SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgs Division Prinz Eugen

Ia, Ib, NaFue, Anlagenband 2 zum KTB. Division orders relating to regrouping, security duty, and antipartisan operations in eastern Herzegovina, Mostar, Posusje, Savnik, and Avtovac areas, 9 May-30 Jun; execution of Unternehmen "Schwarz", 25 May-18 Jun; re-designation of the SS Freiwilliqe-Division "Prinz Euqen" as SS Freiwilliqe Gebirqs-Division "Prinz Eugen", 18 Jun 1943; and movement to Sarajevo, regrouping, and antipartisan operations in the Jarlanica, Sokolac, and Vlasenica areas, 19 Jun-23 Jul 1943. Also special directives concerning supply service, signal communication, and cooperation of the air force; sketches of signal communication networks in the Mostar and Sarajevo areas; afteraction critique on Unternehmen "Schwarz" in the eastern Herzegovina and Montenegro areas, 13 May-14 Jun 1943; and data on enemy operations.
1943/05/09 - 1943/07/23
Ia, Ib, IIa/b, Allgemein. A letter concerning the handinq over of 9,400 Italian POW's to the 114.JgD for labor camps in the east, 29 Sep 1943; lists of personnel ID-tags, 15 Oct 1943; a list of German and enemy casualties suffered at the Brcko bridgehead, 14-21 Jan 1945; and an activity report pertaining to mopping-up operations and retreat in the Adrejevac, Prod, Otocac, Maglaj, Zepce, Tetovo, Poculica, and Dusovaca areas, 27 Feb-8 Mar 1945.
1943/09/29 - 1945/03/08
Id, KTB Nr. 2, SS Geb.-Pionier Btl. 7. War journal concerning antipartisan operations and constructions of bridges in the Zepce, Uzice, Visegrad, and Nis areas, 4 Aug-21 Get; in the Rogatica, Kraljevo, Ljubovija, Sopotnik, Otok, Brcko, Bijeljina, Sarajevo, Vares, Zvornik, and Tetovo areas, 22 Oct 1944-1 Apr 1945; and in the Zaqreb (Agram) and Zenica areas, 2-13 Apr 1945. Also a personnel roster, a register of officers, casualty and strength report, and copies of newspaper articles regarding SS Briqadefuehrer Otto Kumm's military service as commander of the division and its reassignment to head the 1. SS PzD "LSSAH" and SS Briqadefuehrer August Schmidhuber taking over the command of the division.
1944/08/04 - 1945/04/13
Ia, KTB Nr. 3, SS Geb-Pionier Btl. 7. War journal concerning antipartisan operations, regrouping, and construction of bridges and roads in the Zagreb (Agram), Luzani Novi (Mulabegovi-Luzane), Potok, Novska and Celje (Cilli) areas, Yugoslavia, 13 Apr-8 May, movement to Drauburg and Klagenfurt, Austria, 8-10 May, disbandment of the battalion in the Klagenfurt area,
10 May 1945. Also, casualty and strength reports.
1945/04/13 - 1945/05/10
Wehrgeologische Erkundungsarbeiten im Bezirk Novi-Pazar durch Wehrgeologen-Bataillon (mot), Reports concerning the exploration for the presence of ore at Zminjak in the Rogozna Mountains.
1943/07/08 - 1944/06/05

9. SS-Panzer-Division Hohenstaufen

Ia, IIa/b, III, IVa, Wochendienstplaene. Gefechtsausbildungsunterricht, Beurteilungen. Weekly duty rosters, combat training instructions, and reports and orders on personnel, disciplinary, and administrative matters.
1942/12/07 - 1943/08/25
Ia, Ib, Ic, IIa/b, III, IVa, VI, Austildungsbemerkungen, Merkblaetter, Mitteilungen flier die Truppe und Offiziere, Drucksachen, und Begimentsbefehle. Reports on administrative, personnel, and disciplinary matters; training directives; orders of the day; special supply directives; publications relating to troop indoctrination, entertainment, and counterintelligence activity; and German Armed Forces communiques (OKH Nachrichten) , 1943-44.
1942/08/01 - 1944/03/03
Ia, TE des SS PzGr Egt. 2 der Panzer Grenadier-Division "Hohenstaufen." Activity report concerning the activation of the 9. SS PzGrD "Hohenstaufen" in Berlin-Lichterfelde, 31 Dec 1942; activation of SS PzGr Rgt. 2 and formation of the activation staff (Aufstellungsstab) by the SS Pz Gr Ersatzbataillon "Tottekopf" III in Brno (Bruenn) , Moravia, 27 Jan 1S43; movement to and formation of the division in Chalons-sur-Marne and Mailly-le-Camp areas, France, 3-28 Feb 1943 ; movement to and quartering, training, formation, alert exercises, air raid protection, security activity, and occupation duty in Ypres (Ypern) , Hazebrouck, and Ghent areas, Belgium, and the Tourcoing area of France, 1 Mar-2 Aug, and movement to for air raid protection; training, alert exercises, security activity, and occupation duty in Amiens and Forges-les-Eaux areas, France, 3 Aug-3 1 Dec 1943.
1942/12/31 - 1943/12/21

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18-я армия / 18.Armee

T312 R933
Koluft., Anlagen zum Tatigkeitsbericht, Verb.-Kdo, d. Lfl. 1. Weekly activity reports of Verb.-Kdo.d.Lfl. 1, Feb 19 - Jul 14, 1944; correspondence dealing with reconnaissance missions; reports on the enemy air situation, Feb 19 - Jul 14, 1944; and maps (1:300000) showing daily disposition of Russian forces and defenses in the Leningrad, Nowgorod, Volkhov, Kolpino, Pleskau and Ostroff areas, Feb 8-9 and Feb 19 - Jul 14, 1944.
Stabsoffizier Reit- u. Fahrwesen, Tatigkeitsberichte. Daily activity reports.
Jan 1 - Jun 24, 1944
IIa/b, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4g. Daily statistical reports of dead, wounded and missing officers and enlisted men of AOK 18 corps and divisions.
Jan 3 - Jul 10, 1944
Ia, Ic, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4g, Tagesmappen. Records covering operations in the Leningrad area, comprising daily Ia reports, correspondence, orders, maps and overlays (1:100000 and 300000) concerning the mission, commitment, removal, replacement, transfer, reactivation and deactivation, assignment and reduction of personnel, reorganization, order of battle, chain of command, tables of organization and equipment, march movement, assembly, billeting, reserves, combat and ration strength, discipline, combat readiness, firing power, antiaircraft defense, equipping and reequipping, transportation, supply problems and situation, alert plans, code names, loss of men, horses, weapons and equipment, signal communications, location of headquarters and command posts, troop identification, and tactical operations on the ground and in the air of AOK 18 units. Daily Ia reports, correspondence, orders, maps, overlays (1:100000 and 300000) dealing with the security of roads, bridges, railroads and troop transports, map and alert exercises, captured prisoners of war and booty, construction and maintenance of roads, railroads, bridges and fortified lines, evacuation of the civilian population, traffic control, use of auxiliary workers, coastal defense, destruction of railroads, bridges, and important industrial installations, and dispersal of supply bases. Ic reports concerning enemy mission, movement, order of battle, and tactical operations on the ground and in the air. Monthly economic-political situation reports. Appraisals of the artillery, antitank, antiaircraft, armored and supply situation in the AOK 18 sector. Experience reports pertaining to evacuation, traffic control, security of roads and railroads, combat operations, use of weapons, antiaircraft defense, activation of special units, use of paratroopers and combating partisans.
Jan 1 - Jul 15, 1944

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Armee-Abteilung Narwa - Grasser - Kleffel

T312 R1635
Ia, Anlagenteil z. KTB Nr. 5, 6, 7, (g) Verlustlisten. Daily casualty reports on the number of dead, wounded and missing officers and enlisted men for A. A. Narwa units. Also separate list for officers, giving name, rank and relevant military data.
Jul 4 - Sep 20, 1944
A.Pi.Fu., Tatigkeitsberichte mit Anlagen. Daily activity reports, Jul 16 - Oct 15, 1944. Orders about the regulation of traffic and the maintenance of the road network, with accompanying overlays (1:300000). Statistics on mines and demolition stock. Reports on the use of tank obstacles on bridges and narrow roads and in swampy areas. Orders for the demolition of bridges and shale oil mining and power facilities.
Jul 16 - Oct 15, 1944

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17. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division Götz von Berlichingen

Ia, Richtlinien ueber Gliederung und Kampfweise der Gruppe mit le. MG. Instructions concerning the organization and combat methods of a light machine-gun section.
1943/12/20 - 1943/12/20
V, Einsatzbefehl Nr. 186. Order relating to the use of vehicles for the transportation of POW's from Kriechincren to Forbach.
1944/10/05 - 1944/10/05
IVb, Truppenkrankennachweis der III/SS Pz.Gr.Rgt. 37.Strength, sickness, and casualty statistics for the period 21-31 May and 1-10 Jul 1944.
1944/05/21 - 1944/07/10
VI, Befehle ueber weltanschauliche und politische Schulung. Orders and instructions relating to troop indoctrination.
1944/01/20 - 1944/04/26

19. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (lettische Nr. 2)

Ia, Kriegsgliederungen der 19. Waffen-Grenadier-Division SS (Lettische Nr. 2). Order-of-battle charts.

20. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (estnische Nr. 1)

IIa/b, Personallisten der 20. Waffen-Grenadier-Division (Estnische Nr. 1). Alphabetical lists of SS personnel presenting rank, name, date of birth, military unit, and profession.
IIa/b, Personallisten der 20. Waffen-Grenadier-Division (Estnische Nr. 1). Alphabetical lists of SS personnel presenting rank, name, date of birth, military unit, and profession.
Ia, IIa/b, Wochenmeldung, Stand vom 10.2.45. Copy of a radio message of 20. WGrD (estnische 1) to Gruppenfuehrer Fegelein pertaining to weekly reports on the strength of six battalions; also the names of commanding officers and the situation on weapons.
1945/02/12 - 1945/02/12
IIa/b, Meldungen des Ersatzkommandos Estland, Erfassungsstelle. Reports concerning the recruiting of SS personnel in Estonia for the division.
1944/11/21 - 1945/03/01
IIa/b Bewerbungsmeldungen fuer die Einstellung in die Waffen-SS. Personal data pertaining to recruiting, examining, and assigning Estonian SS personnel for the division.
1945/01/09 - 1945/01/09

21. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS Skanderbeg (albanische Nr. 1)

Ia, Zusammenfassender Bericht ueber die Aufstellung and den Zustand der 21. Waffen-Gebiras-Division der SS "Skanderbeg." Report concerning the activation and formation of the division with Albanian Muslems in the Kosovo-Prizren areas, Serbia; assignment of the division to arrest 281 Jews and 210 Communist leaders; evaluation of the combat efficiency of the Albanians; political and military setbacks in the Balkans caused differences in the division and heavy desertions (3,425) by 1 Oct 1944. Mass desertions and dependency on German and other national units in the Kosovo, Pristina, Decani, Pec, Prizren, and Gnjilane areas of Yugoslavia necessitated reorganization of the division. Also a strength report.
1944/10/02 - 1944/10/02

23. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS Kama (kroatische Nr. 2)

Ia, Zur Erinnerung an den Besuch bei der SS-Freiw. b.h .Geb.-Div (Kroatien). A photo album entitled: The Memory of a Visit With the 13. SS Freiwilligen b.h. (Bosnien-Herzegowina) Gebirgs-Division (Kroatien), signed by SS Brigadefuehrer Sauberzweig during a visit by the Reichsfuehrer SS and Chef der Deutschen Polizei Heinrich Himmler and the Grand Mufti (Grossmufti) in Croatia. Also pictures of paintings from a Niederehnheim picture collection (Bildnis-Sammlung der Oberrheinischen Adels, Buerger- und Bauern-Geschlechter) of Austrian historical nobilities, 15th-17th centuries. (This item was filmed as a record item of the 23. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division SS "Kama" (Kroatische Nr. 2).

25. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS Hunyadi (ungarische Nr. 1)

Ia, Korrespondenz des Kommandears der 25. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS "Hunyadi" (Unqarische Nr. 1) . A letter from the division commander to the
lord mayor (Buergermeister) of Rednitzhembach, north of Rothr Middle Franconia, Germany, stating that the division is stationed in the Eednitzhembach area and that cooperation between the liaison officers of the division and the local civilian officials is expected regarding the conduct and discipline of the partially new recruited volunteer units.
1945/03/14 - 1945/03/14

26. Panzer-Division der SS

Ia, IIa/b, Befehle, Neldunqen und Skizzen. Orders, reports, and sketches pertaining to the defense of Paris in the Amiens, Suzanne, Montreuil-sur-Mer,
Calais, Campagne-les-Hesdin, Provins, Piennes, Bray-sur-Somme areas and the Seine River sector. Also personnel and training matters.
1944/08/18 - 1944/08/25
Ia, IVa, Eefehle, Meldungen. Orders and reports concerning the defense of Paris in the Provins and Nogent-sur-Seine areas and the Seine River sector,
reconnaissance operations, and administrative matters. Also sketches and intelligence bulletins.
1944/08/17 - 1944/03/25

27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division Langemarck (flämische Nr. 1)

IVa, Gescbaeftsordnung, Uebersicht ueber das Arbeitsgebiet, Richtlinien fuer den Innendienst der I./SS Schtz.-Rgt. "Langemarck." A survey and directives concerning administrative matters.
1942/05/15 - 1942/06/15

30. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (russische Nr. 2)

Ia, Kriegstagebuch III./76 Rgt./30. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (Russische Nr. 2). War journal concerning training, alert exercises, security of the Rhine River area, and regrouping in the Wittisheim, Bindernheim, Strasbourg, and Mulhouse areas, France,
1944/09/20 - 1944/10/31
Ia, Ib, IIa/b, III, V, Befehle, Meldungen und Listen der Schutzmann Brigade Sieqling, 20-31 Juli 1944 und 30. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (Russische Nr. 2), 1 Aug-29 Sep 1944. Orders, reports, and lists pertaining to formation, supply, personnel, disciplinary, administrative, and motor transport matters: movement from Susz (Rosenberg), East Prussia, via Ilawa (Deutsch Eylau), Kowalewo (Schoensee), Torun (Thorn), Tnowroclaw (Hohensalza) , Frankfurt/Oder, Juterbog, Grossbeeren, Hanau, Frankfurt/Main, Worms, Germany, and Mulhouse, Besancon, Dole, Montbeliard, Pont-de-Roide, Saint-Hippolyte, Dijon, France, 17-31 Aug, and from Dijon to Mulhouse, 8-11 Sep 1944. Lists of deserters, officers duty assignments, reports showing personal data of Russian, Ukrainian, and White Ruthenian (Belorussia) volunteers, and strength reports.
1944/07/20 - 1944/09/29
Ia, KTB III./76 Rgt./30. Waffen-Grenadier-Division (Russische Nr. 2). War journal, 16-19 Sep 1944, concerning movement from Dachau to Neubreisach and Markolsheim areas north of Mulhouse, France, for training and disbandment of the 3. Regiment by order of the division dated 19 Sep. (For records of the war journal for the period 20 Sep-31 Oct 1944, see item No. 78027/1.) Also a unit personnel roster, a register of officers, combat and ration strength reports, data on enemy operations, and an order relating to defense against enemy air landings, and security of rear areas and supply routes in the Illhaeusern, Guemar, and Ostheim areas.
1944/09/16 - 1944/11/25
Ia, IIa/b, Personal- and Waffenstaerkemeldungen. Strength reports on personnel, equipment, and weapons.
1944/09/22 - 1944/11/09
Ia, Ib, Ic, IIa/b, IVa, Meldungen und Befehle. Reports and orders pertaining to training, work detail, maintenance of weapons, and supply, intelligence, personnel, and administrative matters. Also an inventory of weapons and ammunition, strength reports, and a training directive.
1944/09/16 - 1944/11/10
Ia, IIa/b Meldungen. Reports in Russian language pertaining to training, personnel, and operational matters.
1944/11/16 - 1944/11/18
Ia, IIa/b, VI, Divisions- und Tagesbefehle. Orders concerning organization, assignments, maintenance and loss of weapons and equipment; use of motor vehicles, investigations and troop discipline, search for deserters, military police and security operations, air raid protection, attachment of the Russische 654. Batl. to the division, granting of awards and decorations,
and troop indoctrination.
1944/09/14 - 1944/11/10
Ia, Divisionsbefehle. Division orders and instructions in the Russian language concerning combat training and security activity in the Guemar area north of Mulhouse, France.
1944/09/15 - 1944/11/17

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61. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1011
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4 (Tatigkeitsbericht). Activities in Brittany, entraining on Feb 2. 1941, for movement via Rennes, Le Mans. Paris, Aachen, Duisburg, Minister, Hamburg, Liibeck, and Stettin to Konigsberg, East Prussia, for training and preparations for the invasion of Russia, and the transfer to Heydekrug on the Lithuanian border. The division was subordinate to the I. and XXVI. A.K. during this period.
Feb 1 - Jun 21, 1941
Ia, Anlagen I-II z. KTB 4, Befehle und Meldungen. Division operation reports, orders, and overlays.
Jan 27 - Jun 21, 1941
Ia, Anlage IV z. KTB 4, Kriegsranglisten.
Feb 1 - Jun 21, 1941
Ia, Anlage V z. KTB 4, Gefechts- und Verpflegungsstarken.
Feb 1 - Jun 21, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 6, Band I. Operations from Tikhvin to the Volkhov River between Gruzino and Chudovo. The division was subordinate to the XXXIX. and I. A.K. during this period.
Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenbande 1-8 z. KTB 6, Band I. Corps reports, division orders and reports, messages and reports from subordinate units, and maps and overlays showing division and enemy positions along the Volkhov River front.
Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1942

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61. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1016
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 5, Bande 12-17. Corps and division orders, reports and messages from subordinate units, and naps and overlays.
Sep 19 - Dec 31, 1941
Ia, Erfahrungsbericht Unternehmen Dago. Afteraction report concerning preparation for and the attacks on the Inland of Hiiumaa off the coast of Estonia.
Oct 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebich 6, Band II. Position defense along the Volkhov River between Grusino and Chudovo, and Operation "Birkhahnbalz" (offensive along the Volkhov River during Oct 1942). The division was subordinate to the I. A.K. during this period under the command of Oberst Franz Scheidies from Apr 1 to 7, 1942, when he was killed, of Oberst Frankewitz from Apr 7 to 10, and of Gen.Maj. Werner Huhner, who became division commander on Apr 10, 1942.
Apr 1 - Oct 24, 1942

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12. Panzer-Division

T315 R630
Ia, Anlagenheft 2 z. KTB 2. Division orders, radio and teletype messages, activity and afteraction reports, and maps.
Feb l - Mar 31, 1942
Ia, Anlage z. KTB 2, Bericht das Kampfbataillons Ehrenpfordt, der Kampfgruppe Bruchert und der Schutzenkompanie Fehler. Reports covering the tactical, personnel, ration, clothing, materiel, and motor vehicle situation; the state of health of the troops; and enemy operations and acts of sabotage. War journal and reports of Kampfbataillon Ehrenpfordt, Jan 23 and May 23, 1942, in the Spasskaya area. Also, an activity report of Kampfgruppe Bruchert, Mar 20 - 31, 1942, concerning its operations in the Oranienbaum encirclement and an activity report of the Schutzenkompanie Fehler, Feb 8 - Mar 25, 1942, relating to its operations in the area south of Lissino.
Jan 25 - May 21, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3, Russland. War journal pertaining to the operations of the division on the northern front in the Lyuban area and to its transfer in Nov 1942 to the Roslavl area on the central front via Velikiye Luki, Nevel, and Gorodok. Also, data concerning Operation "Affenkafig" (the destruction of partisan units in the Velikiye Luki area). The division was subordinate to AOK 18, I., XXVIII., L., XXVI., and XXX. A.K., AOK 11, LIX. A.K., H.Gr. Mitte, AOK 9, XXXII. Pz.K., and the XXIII, A.K. at various times during this period.
Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Anlage z. KTB 3, Anlagen 1-102, Corps and division-orders, radio and teletype messages, and combat reports.
Apr 1 - May 20, 1942
Ia, Anlage z. KTB 3, Anlagen 102a-265. Corps and division orders, radio and teletype messages, and activity reports concerning reorganization of combat units, and maps.
May 21 - Aug 12, 1942

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12. Panzer-Division

T315 R629
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht und Aufstellung uber Gefangene und Beute, als Anlage z. KTB 1.
Jun 1 - Dec 15, 1941
Ic, Anlagenmappe 1 z. TB z. KTB 1.
Jun 17 - Aug 16, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 2. War journal concerning the transfer of the division first to the area south of Lyuban and later to Estonia for six weeks for rest and refitting, Dec 16, 1941; subsequently it operated on the Leningrad front, and later on the Oranienbaum front. The division was subordinate to AOK 18, Dec 17, 1941, under the command of Generalmajor Wessel on Jan 16, 1942.
Dec 16, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenheft 1 z. KTB 2. Radio and teletype messages, corps and division orders, and afteraction reports.
Dec 16, 1941 - Jan 31, 1942

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56. Infanterie-Division

T315 R976
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5, Teil XIVa, Stellungskampfe ostw. Mogilew. Position defense and antipartisan operations in the Mogilev area along the Dnieper River. The division was subordinate to the XII. A.K. during this period.
Oct 1 - 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z, KTB 5, Teil XIIIa-b u. XIVa. Corps and division orders, afteraction and daily reports, messages, order of battle charts, maps, and overlays.
Aug 1 - Oct 31, 1943

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17. Panzer-Division

T315 R692
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 9, War journal concerning the withdrawal between the Don and Volga Rivers and in the Makeyevka, Krasnyy, and Liman areas northwest of Rostov. Gen. Fridolin von Senger u. Etterlin was division commander.
Feb 4 - May 15, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband I z. KTB 9, Operationsakten. Corps and division orders, radio and teletype messages, reports, naps, and overlays concerning the withdrawal northwest of Rostov in the Bolshokrepinskaya, Nikolayevka, and Stalino areas.
Feb 2 - Mar 7, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband II z. KTB 9, Operationsakten. A division report on combat operations after the crossing of the Don River; Fuhrer, army, corps, and division orders concerning operations between the Don and Donets Rivers and construction of defense lines with the help of Russian civilians, including women. Also, maps, overlays, and order of battle charts.
Mar 6 - May 15, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 10. War journal concerning operations in the Druzhkovka area and Operation "Zitadelle" (preparations for the defense of the Kharkov area). The division was subordinate to the LVII. PzK, and Pz.AOK 1, successively.
May 16 - Jun 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband I z. KTB 10. Corps and division orders and reports concerning training and maneuver exercises in the area between Stalino and Kharkov. Also, maps and order of battle charts.
May 9 - Jun 13, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband II z. KTB 10. Afteraction reports and reports on training and maneuver exercises in the Konstantinovka and Kramatorsk areas, with maps giving location of units. Gen. Fridolin von Senger u. Etterlin departed for another assignment and General Schilling assumed command of the division.
Jun 13 - 30, 1943
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report concerning enemy operations in the division sector, reports from adjoining units on enemy operations, and interrogation evaluations.
May 20 - Sep 17, 1943
Ic, Anlagenband I z. TB. Afteraction and evaluation reports and interrogation summaries en prisoners of war and deserters.
Jun 18 - Aug 31, 1943

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16. Armee

T312 R635
Ia, Anlagenband E II z. KTB Nr. 5, Teil XI, Eingehende Fernschreiben.
Dec 1 - 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband F z. KTB Nr. 5, Teil XI, Abgehende Fernschreiben.
Oct 16 - Dec 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband G. z. KTB Mr. 5, Teil XI, Morgen-, Zwischen- und Tagesmeldungen der Generalkommandos.
Oct 16 - Dec 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband H z. KTB Nr. 5, Teil XI, Morgen- und Tagesmeldungen an O.Kdo. H.Gr. Nord.
Oct 16 - Dec 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband K z. KTB Nr. 5, Teil XI, Kriegsgliederungen der 16. Armee.
Oct 16 - Dec 31, 1944

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6. Armee

T312 R1468
Ia, Die Abwehrschlachten der 6. Armee zwischen Mius und Dnjepr, in der "Wotan-Stellung" und durch die Nogaische Steppe bis zum Dnjepr und im Donezbecken und in der Nogaischen Steppe. Maps and overlays (1:300000 and n.s.) showing disposition, of German and Soviet units. Aug. 18 - Nov. 3, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Akte F, Tasche 9, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:100000 & 1:300000). Southern sector of the Russian front.
Oct - Nov 1943
Ia, Anlagen, Band 2. Orders pertaining to soldiers suffering from the cold during the winter 1942/43. Southern sector of the Russian front.
Nov 1942 - Apr 1943
Ia, Anlagen, Band 5. Reports concerning rail transport conditions, Jassinowataja to Tschir.
Nov. 13 - 18, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Akte F, Tasche 10, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:100000 & 1:300000) concerning artillery formations; situation of the XLIV Corps, distribution of forces in West Tauric. Southern sector of the Russian front.
Nov - Dec 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Band 6 u. 7, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:100,000) indicating
tactical disposition of Sixth Army units in the Fedorowka-Wassiljewka-Dmitrowka
area. Oct 1-27, 1943.
la, Kriegstagebuch, Akte F, Tasche 11, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:100000 & 1:300000) showing enemy situation, situation of the 6th Army and the IV, XVII, XXX and LII Corps and LVII Armored Corps. Area: Ssergejevka, Kamenka, Gorodischtsche, etc.
Dec 1943 - Jan 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Akte G, Tasche 5, Sonstige Karten. Maps (1:300000 and 1:100000) concerning highways and bridges; fortifications; supply units; organization and battalion strength; operations of construction troops; and artillery situation. Area of Chersson, Nikolajew.
Oct. 1943 - Feb 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Akte F, Tasche 12, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:100000 & 1:300,000) of the 6th Army. Southern sector of the Russian front, Nowyj Bug.
Jan - Feb 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Akte F, Tgsche 13, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:100000 & 1:300000) of the 6th Army. Southern sector of the Russian front.
Mar 1 - 16, 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Akte F, Tasche 16, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:300000 & 1:100000) concerning situation of the 6th Army and the XXIX Corps; assumed enemy disposition; grouping of the LXXII Corps units; planned withdrawal from the Bug to the Panther positions. Area: Bug to Rumania.
Mar. - May 1944

4. Panzer-Division

T315 R195

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6. Armee

T312 R1467
O.Qu, Anlagenband 8 z. KTB 9, Ubergabe Pz. AOK 4/0.Qu. an Armee-Abteilung Hollidt (spater AOK 6). Correspondence concerning ammunition and equipment; weapon inventory of the 57th Panzer Corps and Corps for Special Employment; fuel supply; veterinary matters.
Feb 15 - 17, 1943
O.Qu, Anlagenband 9 z. KTB 9, Vorl. Ubergabe von Pz. AOK 4/0.Qu. an Armee-Abteilung Hollidt. Supply situation map (1:300000); daily reports on the general supply situation; Taganrog city plan (1:15000); and data on railroads.
Feb 13 - 14, 1943
IVa, Anlagenband III z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Skizzen I, Stand des Verpflegungsnachschubs. Sketches showing location of supply depots and status of ration supply. Russia.
July 1 - Oct 25, 1941
IVa, Anlagenband IV z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Skizzen II, Stand der Verwaltungsdienste. Sketches showing location of administrative offices and status of administrative services. Russia.
Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1941
Ia, Rriegstagebuch, Akte F, Tasche 3, Lagekarten. Maps (1:300000) showing tactical dispositions of 6th Army units in the Taganrog-Makejewka-Woroschilowgi-Malo area.
Jun 26 - Jul 29, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Akte G, Tasche 2, Sonstige Karten. Maps (1:50000 & 1:100000) concerning field fortifications and construction, Russian fortifications, tactical situations, combating of partisans. Southern sector of Russian front.
May - Jun 1943
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht, Anl. I zu Akte H. Maps (1:300000) concerning enemy situation, artillery and partisans. Southern sector of the Russian front.
Jul - Oct, 1943
Ia, Anlage z. KTB, Akte F, Armee-Abteilung Hollidt, Gliederungen. Order of battle charts of Task Force Hollidt, Southern sector of the Russian front.
Jan - Mar 1943
Ia, Die Juli Abwehrsehlacht der 6. Armee am Mius. Report on the battle of the 6th Army on the Mius: Russian concentration before the 6th Army, Russian penetration of the Mius positions, the counter-attack, movement of material during the battle, and German and Russian casualties and booty.
Jul - Aug 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Tagliche Lageskizzen. Situation maps (1:100000) showing tactical dispositions of Sixth Army units in the Kalinowka-Marinowka area.
Jul 17 - Aug 2, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Akte F, Tasche 4, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:50000, 1:100000) of the 6th Army. Southern sector of the Russian front.
Jun - Jul 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Akte G, Tasche 3, Sonstige Karten. Maps (1:300000, 1:100000, 1:50000) concerning highways and bridges, tactical deployment of the 16th Armored Infantry Division, tactical situation of the XVII, XXIV, and XXIX Corps, march movements of the II Armored Corps and 3rd Armored Division. Southern sector of Russian front.
Jun - Aug 1943
Ic/IIa, Feindlagenpausen. Situation maps (1:300000) indicating tactical disposition of enemy units facing Sixth Army.
Jul 1 - 31, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Akte G, Tasche 4, Sonstige Karten. Maps (1:100000 & 1:300000) concerning combating of partisans; anti-aircraft situation; reorganization of the XXIX Corps Headquarters. Southern sector of the Russian front.
Aug - Sep 1943
Ia, Die Juli Abwehrschlacht der 6. Armee am Mius. Study of the July battle of the Sixth Army on the Mius: the concentration of Russian troops in front of the Sixth Army, the Russian penetration into the Mius position, and the counter-attack during the period July 30 to August 2, 1943.
Jul 17 - Aug 2, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Akte F, Tasche 5, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:100000 and 1:300000) of the 6th Army. Southern sector of the Russian front.
Aug - Sep 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Akte F, Tasche 6, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:100000 and 1:300000) of the 6th Army. Southern sector of the Russian front.
Sep 8 - 18, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Akte F, Tasche 7, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:100000 and 1:300000) of the 6th Army. Southern sector of the Russian front.
Sep 19 - 30, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Akte J, Band 3, Bild-Archiv. Photographs of the Mius positions, Cossack unit, general officers, first-aid station, quarters etc. Southern sector of the Russian front.
Summer 1943
Ic, Feindlagekarten. Situation maps (1:300000) showing disposition of Soviet units in the Taganrog-Krassnyj-Woroschilowsk-Woroschilowgrad area.
Aug 1 - 31, 1943

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61. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1019
Ia, Anlagenbande 9-20 z. KTB 6, Band II. Division orders, daily operation reports, radio messages, status and casualty reports, and situation maps and. overlays.
Apr 1 - Oct 24, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 6, Band II, Gefechts- u. Verpflegungsstarken u. Kriegsrcnglisten.
Apr 1 - Oct 24, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Enemy activities along the Volkhov River between Gruzino and Chudovo.
Apr 1 - Oct 24, 1942
Ic, Anlagen z. TB. Summaries of interrogations of prisoners of war and of the enemy situation, and maps and overlays showing locations of enemy units.
Apr 1 - Oct 24, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 6, Band III. Position defense along the Volkhov River between Gruzino and Chudovo.
Oct 24, 1942 - Feb 28, 1943

215. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1638
Ic, TB. Activity report concerning enemy operations, losses, and unit identification; military police and counterintelligence activities; German propaganda; troop entertainment; and the transfer of the division from France to Russia, movements, and combat actions, 15 Nov 1941-31 May 1942. Intelligence bulletins, interrogation summaries, and maps showing the tactical disposition of enemy forces.
1941/11/15 - 1942/05/31
Ia, KTB. War journal concerning defensive and assault operations in the Dymno, Volkhovo-Stantsiya, and Chudovo areas.
1942/36/02 - 1942/06/14
Ia, KTB. War journal concerning defensive operations and regrouping in the Volkhov River sector, relief of the division by 1.ID, 15-18 Jul 1942, and preparations for movement to the Tosno area.
1942/06/15 - 1942/07/18
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Orders, messages, and pertaining to defensive operations in the Chudovo areas, training and regrouping in River sector, and the planned transfer to Tosno, 19 July 1942.
1942/06/02 - 1942/07/18
Ic, TB. Activity report concerning enemy operations and losses, German propaganda, counterintelligence activity, and troop entertainment and indoctrination; intelligence bulletins; interrogation summaries; and maps showing enemy tactical disposition.
1942/06/01 - 1942/07/18
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Gefechtsbericht ueber den Einsatz bei Tichwin und am Wolchow. Afteraction reports concerning the capture of Tikhvin by A.K 39 in order to cut the railroad line leading to Leningrad, 8 Nov 1941, arrival of the division in the Chudovo area from France, 24-30 Nov, relief of Gruppe Vahl by elements of the division at the bridgehead in the Grusino area, 29-30 Nov, and relief of the 20.ID (mot) by the division in the Budogoshch area, 1-5 Dec 1941. The Tikhvin front was manned from left to right by the 20. ID (mot), 215. ID, 126. ID, and the 250. ID (spanisca). The division repulsed all enemy attacks, 7-14 Dec, and further enemy attacks forced a withdrawal movement to the Volkhov River sector, 15-18 Dec 1941, and defensive operations in the Chudovo and Novgorod areas,
18 Dec 1941-14 Jul 1942.
1941/11/15 - 1942/07/18
Ia, KTB. War journal concerning movement to Tosno and to the Oranienbaum and Leningrad fronts, and position defense in the Petrodvorets area.
1942/07/19 - 1942/10/22
Ia, KTB. War journal concerning position defense on the Oranienbaum and Leningrad fronts and in the Petrodvorets area. Casualty and strength reports.
1942/10/23 - 1943/01/20
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB; Ic, IIa/IIb, TB. Orders and reports pertaining to tactical operations and maps showing the tactical disposition of the division; order-of-battle charts. Activity report of the intelligence branch concerning enemy operations, losses, and unit identification, control of the civilian population, military police and counterintelligence activities, German propaganda, troop indoctrination and entertainment, and combat action and regrouping of the division on the encirclement front west of Leningrad; interrogation summaries; intelligence bulletins; and an activity report o± the personnel branch.
1942/07/23 - 1943/01/21
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Gefechtsbericht ueber den Einsatz an der Einschliessungsfront von Leningrad. Afteraction report concerning the assignment of the division on the encirclement front west of Leningrad.
1942/07/13 - 1942/11/03
Ia, KTB. War journal concerning position defense on the Oranienbaum and Leningrad fronts and in the Petrodvorets area.
1943/31/21 - 1943/04/02
Ic, TB, Vernehmungen und Efolgsberichte. Activity report concerning enemy operations, losses, and unit identification along the encirclement fronts around Oranienbaum and Leningrad, control of the civilian population, troop entertainment and indoctrination; interrogation summary; and afteraction critique relating to the assignment of the division on the encirclement front west of Leningrad, 22 Jul 1912-26 Aug 1943. Activity report covers the period 21 Jan-18 Sep 1943, however, there are no reports after 26 Aug 1943.
1943/01/21 - 1943/09/18
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Orders, messages, maps, and overlays pertaining to defensive and assault operations, tactical dispositions, rehabilitation, and regrouping in the Dymno, Volkhovo-Stantsiya, and Chudovo areas; order-of-battle charts; strength reports; and interrogation summaries. Includes special directives on supply, 22 Nov 1940, and daily combat operition reports of AK 38 and its subordinate units in the Ostrov area, 4-15 Jul 1944.
1942/01/08 - 1942/05/31

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12. Panzer-Division

T315 R628
Ia, Anlagenmappe 7 z. KTB 1. Radio and teletype messages, corps and division orders, combat reports, and maps.
Sep 1 - 30, 1941
Ia, Anlagenmappe 8 z, KTB 1. Corps and division orders and radio and teletype messages.
Oct 1 - 15, 1941
Ia, Anlagenmappe 9 z. KTB 1. Corps and division orders and radio and teletype messages.
Oct 16 - 31, 1941
Ia, Anlagenmappe 10 z. KTB 1. Reports, corps and division orders, and radio and teletype messages.
Nov 1 - 15, 1941
Ia, Anlagenmappe 11 z. KTB 1. Radio and teletype messages, orders, combat reports, and maps.
Nov 16 - 30, 1941
Ia, Anlagenmappe 12 z. KTB 1. Radio and teletype messages, corps and division orders, and combat reports.
Dec 1 - 15, 1941

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11. Infanterie-Division

T315 R574
Ic, Mlagen 67-68 z. TB. Orders and reports.
Jun 21 - Aug 8, 1941
Ic, Anlage 79 z. TB. Morgen- und Tagesmeldungen.
Jun 22 - Aug 17, 1941
Ic, Anlage 80 z. TB. Feindnachrichten 3-9.
Jul 9 - Aug 15, 1941
Ic, Anlage 81 z. TB. Verfugungen, allgemeine Schreiben, Meldungen.
Jun 25 - Aug 17, 1941
Ic, Anlage 82 z. TB. Fliegermeldungen.
Jun 22 - Aug 17, 1941
Ic, Anlage 83 z. TB. Berichte des Propagandatrupps.
Jun 24 - Jul 23, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5. War journals with maps and overlays pertaining to the division's operations during its holding of the bridgehead at Novgorod and its advance via Vyazniki and Podberezye to Chudovo along the Volkhov River.
Aug 18 - Sep 28, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 6. War journal, with maps and overlays, pertaining to operations during the advance from Chudovo via Kirishi to Drachevo and Volkhov and to the division's subordination to Gruppe Wolchow (I. A.K.).
Sep 29 - Dec 2, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 7. War journal, with maps and1 overlays, pertaining to operations during Russian attempts to break through the Volkhov River line between Novgorod and Chudovo and its defensive activities in the Volkhov and Lyuban areas. The division was subordinate to the I. A.K.
Dec 3, 1941 - Jan 27, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 8. War journal, with maps, pertaining to defensive operations in the Pogostye, Chala, and Lyuban areas. The division was subordinate to the I. A.K., to Gruppen Herzog, Sponheimer, and Thomaschki, the XXVII. A.K., and the I. A.K., successively, under the command of Gen. Maj. Siegfried Thomaschki.
Jan 28 - Mar 31, 1942

4. SS-Polizei-Panzergrenadier-Division

T354 R628
Ia, Ib, Ic, IIa/b, IVa, Anlagenheft Nr. 2 zum KTB 10, Wolchow. Orders, daily reports and messages, maps, and sketches pertaining to defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations, offensive engagements resulting in the destruction of the "2. russische Stossarmee," administrative and supply services, artillery activity, regrouping, and training in the Dubovik and Volkhov areas, 1 Apr-5 May; relief of the 291.ID in the area east of Oredezh, 6-10 May; movement to and securing of the Vyritsa area, 11 May-30 Jun 1942; release of units for the Volkhov battle; and the awarding of decorations. Also interrogation summaries, casualty reports, lists on booty taken, intelligence bulletins, and data relating to enemy operations, losses, and unit identification.
1942/04/01 - 1942/06/30
Ia, Lagekarten ueber die Kaempfe zur Schliessung des Wolchow-Kessels (noerdlich Ilmensee) vom 23.2. bis 6.5.1942. Maps showing the location of operations during the battle in the Volkhov sector north of Lake Ilmen and order-of-battle charts.
1942/02/18 - 1942/06/20
Ic, TB und Karten. Activity report concerning enemy operations, losses, organization, strength, and unit identification of soviet forces facing AK 1 and its units in the Priyutino, Korpovo, Glushitsa, Spasskaya Polist, and Vyritsa areas, maps showing the tactical disposition of German and enemy units, interrogation summaries, and intelligence bulletins.
1942/02/23 - 1942/05/31
IIa/b, VI, TB. Activity report of the personnel branch, 16 Nov 1941-1 Jun 1942, Nazi guidance officer, 1 Jun 1941-30 Jun 1942, and grave registration officer, 16 Nov 1941-20 Jul 1942, sketches showing the location of German military cemeteries in the Zapol'e,
Krasnogvardeisk, Sablino, Tosno, Lyuban, and Chudovo areas, a register of officers, and an afteraction critique relating to personnel branch activity in the Leningrad-Volkhov areas.
1941/11/16 - 1942/07/20
Ib, KTB Nr. 2. War journal concerning supply branch activities and antipartisan operations during transfer to Ebenrode, East Prussia, 24 Jun; assembly at and invasion of Lithuania from Schirwindt, 26-29 Jun; crossing of Lithuania in the Kaunas (Kovno) area to Daugavpils (Duenaburg), Latvia, 30 Jun-5 Jul; advance into Russia in the Sebezh area, 6-18 Jul; movement northward to Luga via Opochka and Ostrov, 19 Jul-20 Aug; movement to Krasnogvardeisk (Gatchina) via Turovo and Oredezh, 21 Aug-11 Sep; operations in the Krasnogvardeisk area, 12 Sep 1941-20 Feb 1942; movement to Chudovo, 21 Feb - 5 May; relief of the 291.ID in the area east of Oredezh, 6-13 May; movement to and operations in the Vyritsa area, 11-31 Hay 1942; and release of units for the Volkhov battle.
Also activity reports of the postmaster, judge advocate, military police, 24 Jun 1941-31 May 1942, and motor transport officer, 24 Jun 1941-27 Jul 1942; orders and reports pertaining to administrative, supply, personnel, and motor transport matters; status of motor vehicles; formation and activity of night assault troops; periodic supply situation reports; intelligence bulletins; casualty reports; notes on command conferences on supply matters; and maps showing the location of supply routes and installations.
1941/06/24 - 1942/05/31
IVb, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report concerning medical service during the transfer from Massy and Palaiseau, France to Schirwindt, East Prussia via Insterburg, Gumbinnen, and Trakehnen, 24-29 Jun; crossing of Lithuania and Latvia to Sebezh, Russia, 30 Jun-18 Jul; movement to and operations in the Pushkin front, 19 Jul 1941-20 Feb 1942, the Volkhov front, 21 Feb-5 May, and in the Vyritsa area, 6-31 May 1942; lists of officers duty assignments and awarded decorations of SS personnel; and a casualty report.
1941/06/24 - 1942/05/31
IVc, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report concerning veterinarian service during the transfer from France to East Prussia, 24-28 Jun; movements across Lithuania and Latvia to Sebezh, Russia, 30 Jun-18 Jul; and advance to and combat operations on.the Pushkin front, 19 Jul 1941-20 Feb 1942, the Volkhov front, 21 Feb-5 May, and the Vyritsa area, 6-31 May 1942. Lists of veterinarian officers and tables showing the movement of horses, 22 Jun 1941-31 May 1942.
1941/06/24 - 1942/05/31

VIII. Armeekorps

T314 R387
Ia, Anlage 2 z. KTB Korps Hohne. Daily reports on operations at Borok, Koschelki, Nowoje Sselo, Sholkovo, and Velikoye Sselo.
Jun 1 - Jul 19, 1943
Ia, Anlage 3 z. KTB Korps Hohne. Orders, reports, and maps concerning operations in the Demyansk, Lake Ilmen, and Redya River areas.
Mar 19 - May 15, 1943
Ia, Anlage 4 z. KTB Korps Hohne. Orders, reports, and maps on operations at Borok, Koschelki, Novoye Sselo, Shukovo, and Velikoye Sselo.
May 16 - Jul 19, 1943
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Report on intelligence and propaganda activities and various security measures in connection with operations at Demyansk, Lake Ilmen, and the Redya River.
Mar 19 - Jul 19, 1943
Ic, Anlagen z. KTB. Information concerning intelligence activities during operations between Kholm and Staraya Russa along the Redya River.
Mar 19 - Jul 19, 1943
Ic, Anlagen z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Interrogation reports of prisoners of war and deserters.
Mar 20 - Jul 19, 1943
Ic, Tagesmeldungen. Daily intelligence reports pertaining to enemy activities during operations along the Redya River between Kholm and Staraya Russa (Lake Ilmen area).
Mar 19 - Jul 19, 1943
IIa, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Report on officer assignments, strength, vacancies, replacements, casualties, and awards in connection with operations along the Redya River between Kholm and Staraya Rnssa.
Mar 15 - Jul 20, 1943
Qu., Kriegstagebuch. War journal covering operations and activities of the Corps Supply Branch.
Mar 18 - Jul 19, 1943

21. Luftwaffen-Feld-Division

T315 R770
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3. War journal concerning operations in the northern sector of the eastern front in the area between Kholm and Staraya Russa. The division was under the command of Gen.Maj. Rudolf-Eduard Licht.
Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 1 z. KTB 3, Taktische Befehle, Meldungen der Verbande.
Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Anlage 2 z. KTB 3. Gliederung, Anforderung, Umriistung und Aufstellung; Erfahrungsund Tatigkeitsberichte; Besichtigungen, Besprechungen und Allgemeines; Zustandsberichte und Kriegsgliederungen; Entwicklung der Feindlage.
Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Anlage 3 z. KTB 3. Morgen-, Tages-, Zwischen- u. Artilleriemeldungen.
Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1943

I. Armeekorps

T314 R48
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Lagenkarten. Maps showing the tactical situation in the area of the I Corps.
Sep 2 - Oct 31, 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Lagenkarten. Maps showing the tactical situation in the area of the I Corps.
Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Lagenkarten. Maps showing the tactical situation in the area of the I Corps.
Jan 1 - Apr 1, 1942
Fuhrungsabteilung, Kriegstagebuch, Band 1. Daily notes and reports compiled by the Operations Group pertaining to tactical problems of the I Corps during the spring thaw period and position warfare in the Volkhov area. Also included is material dealing with supply difficulties, maintenance of roads, equipment, caring for the troops, analyzing of warfare methods, strength, defense, obstacles, troop movements, weather conditions, and experiences gained.
April - June 1942

8. Panzer-Division

T315 R482
Ia, Anlagenband 41 zun Kriegstagebuch. Division operation orders, strength reports and a special report dealing with the breakthrough of the enemy.
Nov 10 - 13, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband 42 zum Kriegstagebuch. Daily front-line operation reports, radio messages, division orders and enemy activity reports.
Nov 14 - 18, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband 43 zum Kriegstagebuch. General orders, strength reports and operation Division orders, radio messages and enemy messages.
Nov 19 - 25, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband 44 zum Kriegstagebuch. Division orders, activity reports, radio messages and enemy activity reports.
Nov 26 - 30, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband 45 zum Kriegstagebuch. Division orders, combat activity reports and work detail assignments to prisoners of war.
Dec 1 - 13, 1941

T315 R484
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. Band 3.
Oct 15 - Dec 31, 1941
Ia, Kartenanlagen zum Kriegstagebuch.
Jun 22 - 30, 1941
Ia, Kartenanlagen zum Kriegstagebuch.
Jul 1 - 31, 1941
Ia, Kartenanlagen zum Kriegstagebuch.
Aug 1 - 16, 1941
Ia, Kartenanlagen zum Kriegstagebuch.
Aug 18 - Nov 23, 1941
Ia, Kartenanlagen zum Kriegstagebuch.
Nov 14 - Dec 31, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Text und Anlagen 1-37.
Jun 22 - Dec 31, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen 38-69.
Aug 23 - Dec 22, 1941

3. SS-Panzer-Division Totenkopf

T354 R136
Ia, Befehle. Orders concerning the mopping-up operations in the Jurbarkas (Jurburg) and Ukmerge areas, Lithuania, 24 - 27 Jun; crossing the Dvina River near Daugavpils, 28 - 30 Jun; offensive engagements in the Kraslava and Dagda areas, Latvia, 1 - 5 Jul; invasion of Russia and offensive operations in the Rasina (Rosenov) and Isaki areas, 6 - 12 Jul; breakthrough of the Stalin line and offensive engagements in the Sebezh, Utorgosh, Opochka, Gorki, Dno, and Gorodishche areas, 13 Jul - 9 Aug; advance and offensive engagements in the Selishche, Derglets, Zamoshye areas of the Polist and Lovat Rivers sectors, 10 - 23 Aug; attack across the Lovat and Pola Rivers and offensive engagements beyond Demyansk to the Kirillovshchina area, 24 Aug - 25 Sep; and a defensive battle in the Luzhno area, 26 Sep - 14 Dec 1941. Also orders on preparations for the invasion of Lithuania in East Prussia, 13 Jun 1941, and personnel matters, 11 and 29 Jan 1941.
1941/06/24 - 1941/12/14
Ia, IIa/b. Division orders and radio messages concerning administrative, personnel, medical, disciplinary, training, and organizational matters and special directives pertaining to supply service.
1941/01/08 - 1942/10/08
Ia, KTB. War journal concerning the transfer from Partenay, France, to Sztum (Stuhm), East Prussia, 6 - 19 Jun; assembly in the Nickelsdorf area, 20 - 25 Jun; invasion of Lithuania and mopping-up action in the area south of Lake Zarasai, 25 - 29 Jun; offensive engagement across Latvia in the Daugavpils, Kraslava, and Dagda areas, 29 Jun - 5 Jul; invasion of Russia and offensive engagements in the Rasina, Isaki, Gorki, Opochka, and Zaborovye areas, 6 - 25 Jul; defense of the Utorgosh area, 26 Jul - 9 Aug; offensive engagements in the Selishche, Derglets, and Zamoshye areas, attack across the Polist, Lovat and Pola Rivers, and advance beyond Demyansk to Kraseya, 24 Aug - 14 Sep; and defensive operations in the Kraseya and Luzhno areas, 15 Sep - 15 Dec 1941.
1941/06/06 - 1941/12/15
Ia, Befehle. Orders relating to administrative, transportation, postal, medical, personnel, and disciplinary matters; supply service and economy and preparations for and movement from Dachau to Stuttgart, 19 Nov - 3 Dec 1939; and a pamphlet concerning "Das franzoesische Elsass-Lothringen".
1939/10/12 - 1940/07/18
Ia, Divisionstagesbefehle. Orders of the day concerning administrative, supply, intelligence, personnel, medical, disciplinary, and motor transport matters.
1939/10/21 - 1940/03/31

18. Panzergrenadier-Division

T315 R695
Ic, "Unser Weg zum Meer", Kriegserlebnisse, bearbeitet von Major von Altenstadt. A book concerning the combat experience of the 18. Inf.Div. published by the German Armed Forces, Berlin 1940.
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3. War journal concerning the division's combat engagement in the Bethune and Cassel areas, and its transfer to Paris and to Lower Silesia in Sep 1940, The division was subordinate to the XV. and X. A.K., Stadtkommandantur Paris, and the VIII. A.K., successively, under the command of Gen.Lt. Friedrich Karl Cranz.
Jun 6 - Oct 31, 1940
Ia, Anlagenheft z. KTB 3. Corps and division orders, reports, and radio and teletype messages. Also, orders concerning Operation "Seelowe" (planned invasion of Great Britain).
Jun 6 - Oct 12, 1940
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht.
Jun 7 - Oct 31, 1940
Ia, Ic, Tatigkeitsberichte. Activity reports concerning training activities and the reorganization of the 18. Inf.Div. to a motorized division in Nov 1940. Also, activity reports of the Intelligence Branch relating to indoctrination and entertainment of troops.
Nov 1, 1940 - May 24, 1941
Ib, Tatigkeitsbericht des Stab Franke; Ia, Anlagenheft z. KTB 3. Activity report of Stab Franke and an Ia order concerning the formation of this staff (a quartermaster staff), which was subordinate to Gruppe von Erdmannsdorff and had as its mission the supplying of combat units operating along the Volkhov River front. Also, special directives relating to supply and supply troops.
Oct 31 - Nov 19, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5. War journal concerning the divisions operations during its transfer from Lower Silesia to the Bialystok area. On Jun 22, 1941, it invaded Russia and engaged in combat in the Polotsk, Vitebsk, Gorodok, and Smolensk areas. In Aug 1941 the division was reorganized and rehabilitated after which it was transferred north via Demidov, Velizh, Nevel, Opochka, and Ostrov to the area northeast of Ostrov. It then fought in the Dno, Novgorod, and the Volkhov River areas, and late in Dec 1941 it withdrew from the Tikhvin area. The division was subordinate to the LVII. and XXXIX. A.K. (mot.), Pz.Gr. 3, I. A.K., Gruppe v. Roques, and the X. A.K. (tactically AOK 16) at various times during this period under the command of Gen.Maj. Friedrich Herrlein.
May 25 - Dec 31, 1941
la, Anlagenhefte 1-4 (Nr. 1-270) z. KTB 5. Corps and division orders and radio and teletype messages.
May 25 - Dec 31, 1941

Heeresgruppe Nord

T311 R51
Ia, Unternehmen Baltische Inseln "Beowulf" - "Siegfried". Folder contains plans, reports, studies, correspondence, charts arid maps 1:150000, relating to the forthcoming landing operation "Beowulf" and "Siegfried". Detailed information on Russian strong points in the Baltic Sea.
April 29 - July 7, 1941
Ia, Unternehmen Baltische Inseln "Beowulf" - "Siegfried". Continuation of preceding document, TWX messages, operational reports, correspondence and map relating to operation "Beowulf" and "Siegfried". Reports on enemy and own combat activities detailed information on Russian and German personnel and material losses.
Sep. 10 - Oct. 23, 1941
Ia, Unternehmen Baltische Inseln "Beowulf" - "Siegfried" Nr. 4. Continuation of Doc. no. 14985/36. Folder containing historical reports, correspondence, overlays, maps and charts, giving detailed information on the success of the operation "Beowulf" and "Siegfried", combat experiences, assault landing and capture of Khiuma Island (Estonia), coordination between Army, Navy, and Air-force.
Oct. 8 - Mov. 4, 1941
Ia, O.B., Kriegs-Gliederungen I. Records giving detailed information on tactical growing for plan "Barbarossa".
March 31 - July 14, 1941
Ia, O.B., Kriegs-Gliederungen 2. Combat formations reports of the 16th and 18th Army, and the 3rd and 4th Armored Group.
July 15, 1941 - Jan. 1, 1942
Ia, Lagebeurteilungen Nr. 1. Reports, correspondence, directives and charts describing enemy and om situation, combat activities and plans in connection with the siege of Leningrad.
July 15 - Nov. 24, 1941
Ia, Besprechungs- und Vortragsnotizen Nr. 2. Operation reports, directives, telegram messages, and memos describing enemy and own situation in the vicinity of Wolchow and Leningrad.
Sep. 19, 1941 - Jan. 12, 1942

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1. Infanterie-Division

T315 R5
IVb, Tatigkeitsbericht.
Oct. 1939 - June 1940
IVb, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4.
April 1 - Dec. 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 1. Korpsbefehle, Divisionsbefehle, Karten u.s.w.
June 20, 1941 - Jan. 2, 1943
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 2. Auffrischung und Umbewaffnung.
April 7 - June 1, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch.
April 1 - Sep. 30, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch.
Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch I. Korpsbefehle, Divisionsbefehle, Gefechtsbericnte, Tank- und Gasabwehr, Karten u.s.w.
April 3 - July 6, 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch II. Korpsbefehle, Divisionsbefehle, Luftbilder, deutsche Zeitungen u.s.w.
July 8 - Nov. 5, 1942

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1. Infanterie-Division

T315 R6
Ia, Anlagen zum Krierrstagebuch III. Divisionsbefehle, Abwehr von Luftlandungen im ruckwartigen Gebiet, verschiedene Berichte.
Nov. 4, 1942 - Jan. 9, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 4 zum Kriegstagebuch. Gefechts- und Verpflegungsstarken, einsatzbereite Waffen, Kriegsrangliste, Verlustliste, Kriegsgliederungen und Zustandsberichte.
April 1, 1942 - Jan. 1, 1943
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 5. Zwischen-, Tages- und Wettermeldungen.
Dec. 1 - 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband 6 zum Kriegstagebuch. Armee- und Korpsbefehle.
Oct. 26 - Nov. 12, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband 7 zum Kriegstagebuch. Stellungsbau.
Jan. 3 - Nov. 1942
Ia, Anlagenband 8 zum Kriegstagebuch. Ruckwartiges Div. Gebiet.
July 26 - Oct. 22, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband 9 zum Kriegstagebuch. Ausstattung von Scbneetruppen; Instandhaltung der Wege wahrend der Schlammzeit und Schneeschmelze u.s.w.
Dec. 29, 1941 - Apr. 5, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband 10 zum Kriegstagebuch. Unterfuhrer-Lehrgang in Kingissepp.
May 19 - Dec. 1, 1942

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1. Infanterie-Division

T315 R9
Ia, Anlagen (Nr. 410-695) zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 3. Korps- und Divisionsbefehle, Gefechtsbericht liber den Grossangriff sudlich des Ladoga-Sees von 12 - 14 Jan. 1943, u.s.w.
Jan. 20 - Feb. 3, 1943
Ia, Anlagen (Nr. 696-893) zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 4. Verlustlisten, Gefechtsberichte, Ausbildung in der Gasabwehr, u.s.w.
Feb. 4 - March 3, 1943
Ia, Anlagen (Nr. 899-1151) zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 5. Korps- und Divisionsbefehle, Tagesmeldungen, Panzerbekarapfung, u.s.w.
March 4 - 29, 1943
Ia, Anlagen (Nr. 1152-1345) zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 6. Gefechtsberichte, Stellungsausbau, Grosskampfvorbereitungen, u.s.w.
March 30 - April 24, 1943

T315 R10
Ia, Anlagen (Nr. 1346-1563) zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 7. Tagesmeldungen, Unternehmen "Erna", Koamandeurbesprechungen, Umgruppierung der Artillerie, u.s.w.
April 25 - May 18, 1943
Ia, Anlagen (Nr. 1564-1691) zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 8. Korps- und Divisionsbefehle, Kommandeurbesprechungen, Truppenausbildung, Anordnungen fur Gasabwehr, u.s.w.
May 19 - June 6, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 9 zum Kriegstagebuch. Korpsbefehle u.s.w. (auch Verschiedenes uber Panzerabwehr).
Oct. 30 - Dec. 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband 10 zum Kriegstagebuch. Kampferfahrungen aus der Abwehrschlacht sudlich des Ladoga-Sees.
Jan. 12 - March 22, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 11 zum Kriegstagebuch. Kriegsgliederungen, Gefechts- und Verpflegungsstarken, Gefechtsstarken der Truppenteile (taglich v. 19. Jan. bis 25. Mai, 1943), Einsatzbereite Waffen.
Jan. 1 - Hay 25, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 12 zum Kriegstagebuch. Lagenkarten.
Dec. 1, 1942 - May 25, 1943
la, Anlagenband 13 zum Kriegstagebuch. Telefonbuch.
Dec. 11, 1942 - March 6, 1943

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4. Panzer-Division

T315 R196
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Anlage c: Befehle.
July 1 - 31, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Anlage c: Befehle.
Aug. 1 - 31, 1941

8. Panzer-Division

T315 R483
Ia, Anlagenband 46 zum Kriegstagebuch. Division orders, combat operation reports, minutes of meetings and enemy activity reports.
Dec 14 - 31, 1941
Ic, Karten und Planpausen zum Tatigkeitsbericht.
Jun 22 - Dec 31, 1941
Ic, Karten und Planpausen zum Tatigkeitsbericht.
Jun 22 - Dec 31, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. Band 1.
Jun 13 - Jul 20, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. Band 2.
Jul 21 - Oct 15, 1941

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4. Panzer-Division

T315 R199
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Anlage c: Meldungen.
June 22 - 30, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Anlage c: Meldungen.
July 1 - 15, 1941

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18. Panzergrenadier-Division

T315 R696
Ia, Anlagenhefte 1-4 (Nr. 1-270) z. KTB 5. Corps and division orders and radio and teletype messages.
May 28 - Dec 31, 1941
Ia, Anlagenheft 5 z. KTB 5, Tagesmeldungen. Daily reports concerning operations.
Jun 22 - Dec 31, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report concerning intelligence matters relating to Operation "Barbarossa" and information pertaining to enemy operations, movements, and unit identification in the Vitebsk, Gorodok, and Smolensk areas and later in the Dno, Novgorod, and Volkhov River areas.
May 26 - Dec 31, 1941
Ic, Anlagenheft z. TB, Band 1, Anlagen 1-125. Radio and teletype messages, maps, and summaries of interrogations of German soldiers concerning Russian atrocities.
Jun 5 - Aug 8, 1941

T315 R697
Ic, Anlagenheft z. TB, Band 2, Anlagen 126-321. Radio and teletype messages, maps, daily reports, and interrogation summaries on prisoners and deserters.
Aug 22 - Nov 10, 1941
Ic, Anlagenheft z. TB, Band 3, Anlagen 322-423. Radio and teletype messages, maps, and daily reports.
Nov 11 - Dec 31, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5. War journal concerning operations in the Novgorod and Staraya Russa areas. The division was subordinate to the I. A.K. under the command of Gen.Maj. Friedrich Herrlein through Feb 28, 1942, and Gen.Maj. Werner v. Erdmannsdorff, from Mar 1, 1942.
Jan 1 - Apr 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagen 1-149 z. KTB 5. Afteraction, casualty, and combat strength reports, division orders, and maps.
Jul 23 - Aug 10, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 5, Morgen- und Zwischenmeldungen.
Jan 8 - Apr 30, 1942

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Heeresgruppe Mitte

T311 R228
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Akte XIX, Heft 13, Allgemein. Correspondence, reports, and directives concerning reorganization of units, change of subordinate status of National Socialist indoctrination officers, military discipline, activity of supply units, equipping armored divisions with diesel-engine vehicles, communications, and weather forecasts; pamphlet of Russian infantry obstacles; and monthly situation reports of Army Group Center.
Oct 1 - Dec 31, 1944
Ia, Ic/A.O., Anlagen z. KTB, Akte XV, Heft 5, Operation. Reports and messages relating to tactical operations and situation in Army Group Center sector and to fortifying Warsaw. Also, map showing the tactical disposition of Soviet units facing Pz. AOK 1 and 4 and Hungarian AOK 1 units.
Jan 1 - Dec 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Akte XIV, Heft 5. Teletype messages between Army Groups Center and North concerning the transfer of units from one army group to the other.
Apr 15 - Nov 4, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Akte XIII, Heft 10, Luftwaffe. Correspondence, directives, and reports of Army Group Center and 6th Air Force pertaining to the employment of antiaircraft artillery units, air support of ground action, measures to conserve gasoline, aerial reconnaissance regulations, air raid protection, aerial photographs of combat area of Belgorod, and 63-page study issued by Air Force High Command entitled "Russian Improvisation Methods."
Jun 30 - Sep 25, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Akte XIII, Heft 11, Luftwaffe. Correspondence, reports, and directives of Army Group Center and 6th Air Force concerning aerial reconnaissance missions, weather forecasts, antiaircraft artillery activity, and experiences of 1st Fighter Squadron; study entitled "Tactical Observation of the Air Force High Command"; and order of battle charts of the 6th Air Force.
Oct 3 - Dec 17, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Akte XI, Niedergelegte Ferngesprache und Notizen. Reports and teletype messages pertaining to commitment, combat readiness, strength, armament, equipment, and mobility of Army Group Center units.
Jul 1 - Dec 6, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Akte XVI, Heft 12, Kriegsgliederungen. Order of battle data covering Army Group Center units and reports on the tactical situation.
Jun - Dec 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Kommandanten Fester Platze. Correspondence of Army Group Center with Army High Command, subordinate commands, 6th Air Force, and Military Commander of White Ruthenia and directives concerning Hitler Order No. 11, which calls for the establishment of so-called "Feste Platze"; rosters showing name of commander of these strongpoints ; and directives on combating partisans.
Mar 11 - Sep 19, 1944

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250. Infanterie-Division (División Azul)

T315 R1726
Ia, Gefechtsberichte. Daily afteraction reports concerning the operations and losses of the division and enemy units in the Volkhov and Vishera Rivers, Novgorod, Podberez'ye, and Krechevitsy areas (first 25 pages missing - так указано в каталоге).
1941/12/16 - 1942/03/31
Ia, KTB 1. A type written copy of part of record item 22764/1.
1941/08/13 - 1942/03/31
Ia, KTB 1. War journal of Deutscher Verbindungsstab der spanischen Division concerning the activation of tha 250. ID (spanisch) (also known as the Spanish 250th "Blue" Division) at Truppenuebungsplatz Grafenwoehr, Wehrkreis XIII, 13 Aug 1941; movement to Olecko (Treuburg), Poland, via Hof, Plauen, Berlin, and Elk (Lyck), 21 - 24 Aug; advance to and administrative activities in Olecko, 25 - 31 Aug, Grodno, Russia, 1 - 7 Sep, Vilna, 8 - 14 Sep, Minsk, 15 - 20 Sep, Vitebsk, 21
Sep - 1 Oct, Dno, 3 - 10 Oct, and Girgorovo, 11 Oct; and defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations and regrouping in the Volkhov and Vishera Rivers, Novgorod, Podberez'ye, and Krechevitsy areas, 12 Oct 1941 - 24 Jul 1942. A register of officers of Deutscher Verbindungsstab der spanischen Division.
1941/08/13 - 1942/07/24
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 1 . Orders relating to the advance into Russia, defense of the Volkhov River sector, security of and training in rear areas. Strength reports, maps showing the location of division units, and daily afteraction reports concerning operations, 18 Aug 1941 - 31 Mar 1942.
1941/08/18 - 1942/07/19
Ia, KIB. Monthly war journals concerning defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations and regrouping in the Volkhov River, Novgorod, Podberez'ye, and Krashevitsy areas, 1 May - 31 Auq 1942; transfer to the Leningrad front, 1 - 6 Sep; and defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations in the Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Krisny Bor, and Izhora River areas, 7 Sep 1942 - 30 Jun 1943. Casualty reports and information regarding enemy operations and losses.
1942/05/01 - 1943/06/30

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165. Reserve-Division

T315 R1475
Ia, TB mit Anlagen d. Division Schacky. Re-designation of Div.Nr. 165 as Division Schacky, consisting of the Div.Stab, IR Graeter, and Art.Abt. Roemer, in Epinal, France, 10 Jul, to secure the demarcation line; movements to the Sens, Bourges, Nevers, Dijon, Beaune, and Chalon-sur-Saone areas; disbandment of Division Schacky, 1 Oct 1942; training, alert exercises, and regrouping. Activity report of IR Graeter, 25 Apr - 31 Aug, on its formation between 25 Apr and 4 May in the Feldkdtr. Nancy; activity reports of the administrative, medical, veterinary, and signal staff officers, the judge advocate, and chaplains; register of officers; strength reports.
1942/07/09 - 1942/09/30
Ia, TB mit Anlagen. Re-formation of Division Schacky (also designated 165.Div.), 10 Oct, assembly of its personnel at Dijon, Beaune, Chalon-sur-Saone, and Nevers, and transfer to the Cherbourg area, 14 - 16 Oct, for coastal defense and security of this sector; and redesignation of IR Graeter as Gren.Rgt. Reithinger, 19 Oct. Order-of-battle charts, billeting surveys, and orders concerning the state of alerts. Activity reports of the intelligence branch of the 165.Div., Gren.Rgt. Beithinger, Art.Abt. Boemer, the supply branch, and the administrative, medical, and veterinary officers.
1942/10/09 - 1942/11/30
Ia, KTB mit Anlagen. Coastal defense and security of the Cherbourg area and the vest coast of the Cotentin Peninsula under the command of Kmdr.d.Verteidigungsbereichs Cherbourg; transfer of command responsibility for Kuestenverteidigungsabschnitt West to the 709.ID, 19 Feb; movement of Gren.Rgt. Beithinger and Art.Abt. Roemer to Dunkirk to be incorporated into the 282.ID, 19 - 22 Feb; transfer of the remainder of the 165.D to the 165.ResD at Epinal, and disbandment of the 165.D on 25 Feb 1943. War journal, including orders and special directives of the supply branch; activity reports of the administrative, medical, and veterinary officers and the judge advocate; a register of officers; billeting surveys; strength reports.
1942/12/01 - 1943/02/25
Ia, TB 1 mit Anlagen. Formation of the 165.ResD from units of Div.Nr. 165 in Dijon, 4 Oct 1942; movement of the headquarters to Beaune, 13 Oct; formation of Eingr.Btl. Brunhilde, its disbandment 19 Oct, and re-formation on 1 May 1943; training of recruits; securing the Belfort-Besancon railroad line; occupation duty; map exercises; mobilization preparations (code name Senta); and transfer of the 165.ResD to Epinal, 26 Jan 1943. Orders relating to the reorganization of the Ersatzheer; registers of officers; lists of officers duty assignments; billeting surveys with maps showing the location of division units; order-of-battle charts.
1942/10/04 - 1943/04/30
Ia, TB 2 mit Anlagen. Assignment of personnel; weapons, equipment, and horses to and transfer (destination unknown) of Eingr.Btl. Brunhilde, 10 - 16 May; training, administrative, personnel, disciplinary, medical, veterinary, and supply matters; and troop entertainment. An intelligence report relating to army academic courses; afteraction reports pertaining to security services and combat against partisans; lists of officers duty assignments; an order-of-battle chart; a map showing the location of division units in the Sens, Auxerre, Beaune, Dijon, and Belfort areas; tables of assignments of officers and staff personnel released to Eingr.Btl. Brunhilde.
1943/05/01 - 1943/10/31
Ia, TB 3. Training, security, personnel, disciplinary, medical, veterinary, and supply matters and troop indoctrination and entertainment in the division sector at Dole, Auxerre, Sens, Dijon, Beaune, and Belfort.
1943/11/01 - 1943/12/31

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Foreign Military Study

Господа, время не стоит на месте и мы всячески стараемся угнаться за его полноводной рекой.

С сегодняшнего дня я добавляю к уже имеющимся у меня роллам коллекцию документов FMS, или Foreign Military Study. Знающие люди поймут о чем речь и без моих объяснений, для людей, которые не знаком с данным типом архивных документов, я позволю себе процитировать самих американцев:

The manuscripts within this title provide a unique insight into the tactics, strategy, and policy of the German military during World War II through reports, interviews, and questionnaires. This collection was originally compiled to obtain information on enemy operations in the European Theater for use in the preparation of an official history of the United States Army in World War II. Many of the more recent studies have analyzed the German experience with a view toward deriving useful lessons.

Вот такие вот документы.

С полным каталогом FMS можно ознакомиться скачав НАРА каталог, находящийся по этой ссылке: http://downloads.sturmpanzer.net/FMS/Guide_Foreign_Military_Studies.pdf<\/u><\/a>

Имеющиеся на данный момент FMS документы:

A-956 6th Parachute Division - Combat in Northern France (to 24 Aug 1944). By Generalleutnant Ruediger von Heyking.
A-959 16th Luftwaffe Field Division in Normandy (1 - 23 Jul 1944). By Generalleutnant Karl Sievers.

B-008 346th Infantry Division (Feb - 24 Jul 1944). By Oberst i.G. Paul Frank. Defensive operations in Normandy.
B-009 277th Infantry Division (15 April - 25 July 1944). By General der Nachrichtentruppen Albert Praun.
B-010 91st Airborne Division (10 Jul - Aug 1944). By Generalmajor Eugen Koenig. Operations in Normandy.
B-026 Effect of Ardennes Offensive on Army Group G. By SS Generaloberst Paul Hausser.
B-031 326th Volks Grenadier Division (Ardennes). By Generalmajor Erwin Kaschner.
B-056 277th Infantry Division (25 Jul - 10 Sep 1944). By General der Nachrichtentruppen Albert Praun.
B-209 409th Replacement Division (28 Mar - 2 Apr 1945). By Generalteutnant Albert Zehler.
B-221 XXXIX Panzer Corps (22 Apr - 7 May 1945). By Generalleutnant Karl Arndt.
B-238 First Army (10 Feb - 24 Mar 1945). By Generalmajor Wolf Hauser.
B-241 352 Infantry Division (18 - 22 Jun 1944). By Oberstleutnant Fritz Ziegelmann.
B-256 27lst Infantry Division (Mar - 13 Aug 1944). By Generalleutnant Paul Danhuwser.
B-316 309th Infantry Division (27 Apr - 7 May 1945). By Generalmalor Heinrich Voigtsberger.
B-526 276th Infantry Division (1 Jan - 20 Aug 1944). By Generalleutnant Kurt Badinski.

C-029 Secret Field Police. By Oberst Wilhelm Kirchbaum. The development and history of the Geheime Feldpolizei as an army agency.
C-034 In Snow and Mud: 31 Days of Attack Under Seydlitz During Early Spring of 1942. By General der Infanterie Gustav Hoehne. Winter warfare in the East. Includes information about roads, reconnaissance, forest fighting, ski troops in the Demjansk area.
C-050 Conduct of Operations in the East, 1941-43. By General der Panzertruppen Walter Krueger.
C-079 Experiences of a Division in Russia, 1941. By General der Artillerie Curt Gallenkamp. Tactical examples illustrated by sketch maps.
C-081 Battalion in the Stalingrad Pocket. Author unknown. Translated from an article in “Allgemeine Schweizerische Mititaerzeitschrift.”

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23. Panzer-Division

T315 R795
Ia, Anlagenband E z. KTB 3. Verlustliste.
Dec 1, 1942 - May 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband F z. KTB 3. Gefechts- und Verpflegungsstarken.
Dec 1, 1942 - May 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband G z. KTB 3. Orders from higher headquarters.
Dec 1, 1942 - May 12, 1943
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Enemy operations, movements, unit identification, losses of men and equipment, the tactical situation, and troop entertainment; and an activity report of Panzer-Dienststelle D, Oct 15, 1941 - Jan 31, 1942. Also, daily intelligence reports and prisoner-of-war interrogation summaries, maps showing the tactical disposition of enemy forces, and reports concerning the battle of Rostov, Feb 7 - 12, engagements along the Mius River, Feb 16, and the destruction of the Soviet IV. Garde mech. Corps, Feb 16 - 23, 1943.
Dec 1, 1942 - Jun 30, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4. Operations in the Dmitriyevka and Makeyevka areas; movement northward via Slavyansk and Barvenkova to defend Kharkov; return to the Artemovsk area; withdrawal west to defend Krivoi Rog; combat engagements in the Pyatikhatki, Aleksandriya, and Kremenchug areas; and final operations in the Kirovograd area.The division was subordinate to AOK 6, Pz.AOK 1, LVII. Pz.K., XVII. A.K., XL. Pz.K. and the XXX. and LII. A.K. at various, times during this period under the command of Gen.Maj. Nikolaus von Vormann. [The original copy of this war journal was destroyed during the withdrawal to Krivoi Rog and this copy was drawn up from afteraction reports and existing notes.]
Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband A z. KTB 4. Organization and strength reports.
Nov 3 - Dec 18, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband C z. KTB 4. Orders from higher headquarters and radio messages.
Oct 14 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband C 1 z. KTB 4. Daily combat reports.
Oct 16 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband D z. KTB 4. Afteraction and evaluation reports and situation maps.
Jul 27 - Nov 1, 1943

36. Infanterie-Division (mot)

T315 R898
Ic, Kriegstagebuch 1. Enemy operations and unit identification and troop entertainment.
Feb 11 - Apr 2, 1940
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht und Ia, Tagesmeldungen LIII, A.K. Activity report, Apr 3 - Jun 24, 1940, concerning enemy operations during the assembly of division units in the Bitburg area, the invasion of Luxembourg and Belgium, the crossing of the Meuse River, and the capture of Verdun. Also, daily reports of the LIII. A.K. pertaining to division operations in the Sevsk area in Russia. The division was under the command of Gen.Lt. Georg Lindemann.
Apr 3 - Jun 24, 1940
Mar 26 - 31, 1943

Ia, Tatigkeitsbericht. Occupation duties at Neufchateau in June, at Sens and Auxerre in July, and at Paris in August, at which time the division was transferred to Wiesbaden and was subordinate to the XII. A.K. Later it was moved to the training area at Baumholder and Bitche and was converted to a motorized division in July 1940, On Mar 1, 1941, Gen.Lt. Otto Ottenbacher took over the command of the division.
Jun 25, 1940 - May 18, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1. Division operations during the transfer from Bitche to East Prussia in June 1941; the invasion of Lithuania near Taurage; the crossing of Lithuania and Latvia via Sheduva, Madona, and Aleuksne; offensives northward via Pskov, Lyady, and Luga to the Gatchina, Krasnogvardeysk, and Pulkovo areas; the relief of the division from the area south of Leningrad; and assembly in the Luga area. The division was subordinate to the XLI. A.K.
May 25 - Sep 21, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 2. Division operations during the transfer from Luga to the Nevel-Velizh area; offensive engagements in the Gorodok, Staritsa, Rzhev, Zubtsov, Kalinin, and Pushkino areas; and fighting along the Moskva Canal near Dmitrov. The division was subordinate to the XLI. A.K., H.Gr. Nord, and the LVI. A.K., successively, under the command of Gen.Lt. Otto Ottenbacher until Oct 9, Oberst Casper until Oct 16, and Gen.Maj. Hans Gollnick thereafter.
Sep 22 - Dec 5, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3. Division defensive operations along the Volga River near Klin and its withdrawal in Jan 1942 to the Staritsa and Rzhev areas, where it participated in further defensives.
Dec 6, 1941 - May 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenbande 1-2 z. KTB 1. Orders, messages, directives, maps, and overlays.
May 19 - Aug 31, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband 3 z. KTB 1 u. 2. Orders, maps, messages, and directives.
Sep 1 - 30, 1941

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58. Infanterie-Division

T315 R996
Ia, Kriegstagebucher mit Anlagen. Corps and division orders, daily division reports and messages, and maps pertaining to the siege of Leningrad and withdrawal of the division at the end of February for rehabilitation; strength, casualty, and status reports; charts showing division order of battle and the extent of corps and division radio networks; and officers' duty assignment rosters. The division was subordinate to the L. and XXXVIII. A.K.
Oct 1, 1941 - Feb 28, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebucher mit Anlagen; IIa/b, Tatigkeitsbericht. Corps and division orders and reports and maps pertaining to operations during the transfer to the Novgorod area via Luga and offensives along the Volkhov River. Also, activity report of the Personnel Branch, Apr 1 - 30, 1942, with officers' duty assignment rosters, and strength, casualty, status, and afteraction reports; order of battle charts; notes on staff conferences; and intelligence bulletins. The division was subordinate to the L. and XXXVIII. A.K., under the command of Gen.Maj. Friedrich Altrichter until Apr 3, 1942, and of Oberst Karl von Graffen thereafter.
Mar 1 - Apr 30, 1942

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58. Infanterie-Division

T315 R997
Ic, IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte mit Anlagen; Ia, Divisionsbefehl. Division and enemy operations, control of the civilian population, enemy unit identification and losses, antipartisan action, counterintelligence and military security, and troop indoctrination and entertainment; and an order concerning the evacuation of civilians from the combat zone. Also, activity reports of the Personnel Branch, Jun 12, 1941 - Apr 30, 1942, with casualty reports and registers of officers.
Jun 22, 1941 - Apr 30, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebucher mit Anlagen. Corps and division orders and reports and maps pertaining to offensives in the Volkhov River sector; strength, casualty, and status reports; intelligence bulletins; officers' duty assignment rosters; artillery fire plans; and afteraction reports about Russian attacks during the winter of 1941-42.
May 1 - Jun 30, 1942

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126. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1356
Ia, Anlagenband 6 zum KTB 2, Gefechtsberichte. Afteraction reports concerning offensives against Novorzhev, 10 - 20 Jul, the assignment of engineer units during the battle for the railroad bridges near Shimsk, 30 Jul, the battles for Staraya Russa, 3 - 21 Aug, and Novgorod, 10 - 20 Aug, the attack across the Volkhov River, 16 Oct 1941, and offensives in the Tikhvin area, 16 Oct - 11 Nov, and offensive operations of Gruppe Neumann, 17 Aug, and verst. 3/SS IR 4 (mot), 23 Sep - 2 Oct 1941. Translation of a diary of a commissar of Soviet Art.Rgt. 627.
1941/07/10 - 1941/11/11
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report for the period 1 - 21 Jun 1941, and intelligence bulletins concerning enemy defenses, troop movements and identification; morale of the Lithuanian population; military-geographic data relating to Lithuania; and troop entertainment. Instruction pamphlet on handling prisoners of war, a report pertaining to Russian battle tactics, and tables showing the results of surveillance of Soviet activities along the German-Lithuanian border.
1941/05/19 - 1941/06/21
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report with intelligence and interrogation reports, intelligence bulletins, overlays, and maps pertaining to enemy operations, losses, morale, unit identification, partisan warfare, and tactical disposition in Lithuania and the Novorzhev, Staraya Russa, Lovat, Malaya Vishera, and Volkhov River areas; and the military situation on all fronts. Periodic communiques of OKH, German propaganda leaflets, translations of enemy combat orders, and reports concerning the training and weapons of partisans.
1941/06/22 - 1941/11/15
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report with intelligence and interrogation reports, intelligence bulletins, overlays, and maps pertaining to enemy operation's, losses, morale, unit identification, strength, fighting qualities, and tactical disposition in the Malaya Vishera and Bolshaya Vishera areas; counterintelligence activity; and troop entertainment. Translations of enemy combat orders.
1941/11/16 - 1941/12/31
Ia, KTB 3. War journal concerning defensive operations in the Malaya Vishera area until the middle of January and then in the Vol'naya Gorka, Podberez'ye, and Gorynevo areas.
1942/01/01 - 1942/06/30

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215. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1637
Ia, KTB. War journal concerning preparation for operational readiness in Heilbron, Wehrkreis V, 25 - 29 Auq 1939, movement to and training in the Bruchsal, Eppingen, and Graben areas and on the Rhine River, 30 Aug - 15 Oct 1939, relief by the 35.ID and movement to the Ettlingen and Rastatt areas to secure the German-French border, 16 Oct - 17 Nov 1939, relief by the 96.ID and movement to and training in the Bruchsal, Eppingen, and Graben areas, 18 Nov - 31 Dec 1939. Officer register, casualty and strength reports.
1939/08/25 - 1939/12/31
Ia, Aolaqen zum KTB. Orders, directives, reports, and maps pertaining to movements, training, security of German-French border, and planned movement to the Kaiserslautern, Landstuhl, and Homburg areas, 3 Jan 1940.
1939/08/27 - 1939/12/31
Ic, Anlaqen zum KTB. Daily reports on enemy activities along the German-French border.
1939/10/11 - 1939/11/07
Ia, KTB. War journal concerning movement to the Zweibruecken and Kornbach areas, via Kaiserslautern, Landstuhl, and Homburg for security along the German-French border, 4 Jan - 9 Feb 1940; movement to Mannheim for training, 10 Feb - 17 Mar 1940; movement to Landau, Pirmasens, and Bergzabern area to secure the French border across from Weissenburg, Lembach, Rott, and Wingen, 18 Mar - 13 May 1940; and offensive engagements in France, 14 - 15 May 1940. An officer register and a casualty report.
1940/31/01 - 1940/05/15
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Daily situation reports on German and enemy activities on the western front.
1940/31/01 - 1940/05/15
Ic, Anlagen zum KTB. Intelligence reports concerning troop entertainment and indoctrination.
1940/31/11 - 1940/05/05
Ic, Anlagen zum KTB. Daily enemy situation and activity reports and interrogation summaries.
1940/05/15 - 1940/06/14
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Orders and reports pertaining to movement to and regrouping, occupation duty, and training in the Epinal, Colmar, Belfort, Saint-Die, Gerardmer, and Luneville areas, 7 Sep - 9 Nov 1940, and the Vesoul, Remiremont, Plorabieres-les-Bains, Belfort, and Bains-les-Bains areas, 10 Nov - 3 Dec 1940; and movement to and relief of 198.ID in the Nevers, Apremont, Digoin, and Moulins areas for training and security duty along the demarcation line.
1940/09/07 - 1940/12/31
Ia, TB. Activity report concerning security of the demarcation line, occupation duty, training, and regrouping in the Cosne, Nevers, Chateau-Chinon, Decize, Moulins, Montceau-les-ftines, Autun, Le Creusot, and Digoin areas, and planned transfer to northern Russia.
1941/01/01 - 1941/11/14
Ia, KTB des Stabes der 215.ID. War journal concerning the transfer from Moulins, France, to Chudovo, Russia, via Tilsit, Cesis, Pskov, and Dno, 15 - 24 Nov 1941, and defensive operations in tho Chudovo and Budogoshch areas. Includes a register of officers.
1941/11/15 - 1941/12/17
Ia, KTB, Ostfeldzug. War journal concerning defensive operations in the Chudovo area and Oskuya River sector.
1941/12/17 - 1941/12/31
Ia, KTB. War journals concerning defensive and assault operations in the Chudovo, Dymno, and Volkhovo-Stantsiya areas.
1942/31/01 - 1942/02/22
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Ostfeldzug. Orders, directives, and messages pertaining to defensive and assault operations in the Chudovo and Budogoshch areas and in late December in the Volkhov River positions, construction of defensive positions, and battle conduct. Interrogation summaries and maps concerning the enemy tactical dispositions east of Chudovo.
1941/11/15 - 1942/02/22
Ia, KTB. War journal concerning defensive and assault operations in the Dymno, Volkhovo-Stantsiya, and Chudovo areas. Includes a register of officers.
1942/02/23 - 1942/06/01

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36. Infanterie-Division (mot)

T315 R899
Ia, Anlagenband 4 z. KTB 2. Reports, orders, directives, and messages.
Oct 1 - Nov 30, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband 5 z. KTB 2 u. 3. Reports, directives, orders, charts, and overlays.
Dec 1 - 31, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband 6 z. KTB 3. Orders, messages, reports, directives, and maps.
Jun 22 - Sep 21, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 1. Messages, directives, reports, orders, announcements, and maps.
Jun 22 - Sep 21, 1941

126. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1357
Ia, Anlagen zun KTB 3. Divisionsbefehle. Division orders relating to the defense of the Volkhov area and the Novgorod-Chudovo railroad line in January, capture of Maloye Zamosh'ye and defense of the Bol'shoye Zamosh'ye area in February, major enemy attack and counterattack west of Koptsy, Feb - Mar, defense of the areas around Podberez'ye and Vol'naya Gorka, Apr - May, and hemming-in the Volkhov pocket and defense of the area north of Podberez'ye, June 1942.
1942/01/02 - 1942/06/23
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Korpsbefehle. AK 38 orders relating to defensive and counteroffensive operations of the 126.ID, the 250. spanisch blaue ID, and the 285.Sich.D.
1942/01/01 - 1942/06/19
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Meldungen und Befehle.
1942/01/01 - 1942/01/15
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Meldungen und Befehle.
1942/01/16 - 1942/06/26
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Meldungen und Befehle.
1942/01/27 - 1942/02/06

285. Sicherungs-Division

T315 R1877
Ia, TB. Activity report including orders and maps pertaining to the activation as SichD 285 in Wehrkreis II, 15 Mar 1941; quartering, formation, and training in the Greifenberg, Naugard, Regenwalde, and Gollnow areas and at Truppenuebungsplatz Gross Born, 25 Mar - 28 Apr; and planned movement to East Prussia in May 1941. Activity report of Landesschuetzen-Rgt. 113, 2 - 30 Apr 1941, and order-of-battle charts.
1941/03/15 - 1941/04/30
Ia, KTB 1. War journal concerning training in the Naugard and Gollnow areas; movement to and training in Pomerania and East Prussia, 22 Apr - 29 Jun; assembly in the Gumbinnen and Eydtkau areas, 30 Jun - 2 Jul; invasion of Lithuania and movement to the Vilkaviskis, Kaunas, Jonava, Ukmerge, Utena, and Zarasai areas, 3 - 12 Jul, across Latvia to the Griva, Daugavpils, Rezekne, and Karsava areas, 13 - 20 Jul, and to the Pytalovo, Ostrov, and Pskov areas of Russia, 21 - 25 Jul; security activity and operations against partisans in the Pskov, Strugi Krasnye, Plyussa, and Zapol'ye areas, 26 Jul - 5 Aug, in the Lyady, Seredka, Polna, Gdov, Lugar and Yashchera areas, 6 Aug - 8 Dec, and in the Novosel'ye, Novgorod, Chudovo, and Lyuban areas and in the Volkhov River sector, 9 - 31 Dec 1941; and defense of the flanks of AK 61 in the Luga River sector in August and the Voloskovo, Vyritsa, and Gatchina areas in September 1941.
1941/04/22 - 1941/12/31
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 1. Orders, reports, and maps pertaining to training in the Naugard and Gollnow areas, 22 Apr - 18 May; movement to and training in the Neustettin, Schlochau, Chojnice, Grudziadz, Wormditt, Heilsberg, Mohrungen, Bartenstein, Gerdauen, Angerapp, Insterburg, Gumbinnen, and Eydtkau areas, 19 May - 2 Jul; invasion of Lithuania in the Kybartai and Vilkaviskis areas and movement to the Kaunas, Jonava, Ukmerge, Utena, and Zarasai areas, 3 - 12 Jul, across Latvia to the Griva, Daugavpils, Rezekne, and Karsava areas, 13 - 20 Jul, and into Russia to the Pytalovo, Ostrov, and Pskov areas, 21 - 25 Jul; and security of supply depots and routes and railroad lines and operations against partisans in the Pskov, Strugi Krasnye, Plyussa, and Zapol'ye areas, 26 Jul - 5 Aug. Order-of-battle charts, notes on command conferences, and a translation of combat directives of Russian partisans.
1941/04/22 - 1941/08/05
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 1. Daily reports, orders, and maps pertaining to securing division headquarters, supply routes, railroad lines, bridges, airfields, and rear areas and operations against partisans and regrouping in the Pskov, Strugi Krasnye, Plyussa, Lyady, Seredka, Polna, Gdov, Luga, and Yashchera areas, 7 Aug - 8 Dec; defense of the flanks of AK 61 during its offensive engagements in the Luga River sector in August and the Voloskovo, Vyritsa, and Gatchina areas in September 1941; and security activity and operations against partisans in the Lyady, Plyussa, Luga, Novosel'ye, Novgorod, Chudovo, and Lyuban areas and in the Volkhov River sector, 19 - 30 Dec 1941. Order-of-battle charts and intelligence reports concerning partisan activity and losses, counter intelligence, and the execution of partisans.
1941/08/07 - 1941/12/31
Ic, IIa, TB. Activity report of the intelligence branch, 29 Apr - 31 Dec 1941, concerning partisan activity and losses, liquidation of partisans, control of the civilian population, counterintelligence, operations against partisans, and troop training and entertainment. Activity report of the personnel branch, 30 Apr - 31 Dec 1941; and lists of officers dutyassignments, 23 Apr - 31 Dec 1941.
1941/04/23 - 1941/12/31
Ib, KTB 1. War journal including an order dated 10 Mar 1941 concerning the activation of the 285.SichD from units of the 207.ID in Regenwalder, Wehrkreis II; formation in Greifenberg, Plathe, Naugard, and Gollnow, 24 Mar - 19 May; movement through Pomerania, West and
East Prussia, 20 May - 30 Jun, and Lithuania to Pskov, Russia, 1 - 26 Jul; transportation, supply, and security operations in the Pskov and Luga areas, 27 Jul - 31 Dec 1941; personnel and administrative matters; and operations against partisans.
1941/03/24 - 1941/12/31

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126. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1359
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Meldungen und Befehle.
1942/04/11 - 1942/05/10
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Meldungen und Befehle.
1942/05/11 - 1942/06/15
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Meldungen und Befehle.
1942/06/16 - 1942/06/30
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Besprechungsniederschriften, Zustandsberichte, geheime Befehle, Helduagen und Tagesbefehle. Reports and orders pertaining to combat operations and the formation, assignment, relief, and disbandment of general and armored reserves; winter mobile units; raiding detachments; and replacement training battalions. Notes on a command conference, 12 Jan 1942; periodic status and strength reports; afteraction critiques relating to defensive operations and winter warfare.
1942/01/12 - 1942/06/30

T315 R1360
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3, Kraeftegliederungen. Periodic order-of-battle charts and lists of subordinate units.
1942/01/17 - 1942/06/24
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3, Gefechtsberichte. Afteraction reports concerning combat operations in the Arefino, Volkhov pocket and Maloye Zamosh'ye areas; reports from the 4./SS-Legion Flandern, SS-Rgt. Burk, and Spanish troops with Gefechtsgruppe Hoppe.
1942/01/19 - 1942/06/27
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Plans and preparations for offensive operations in the Volkhov area.
1942/04/24 - 1942/05/22
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report with intelligence and interrogation reports and maps pertaining to enemy operations, movements, losses, morale, and unit identification and strength; partisan warfare and tactical disposition on the Volkhov front; alleged atrocities committed by the Russians against German prisoners of war; and troop entertainment. German translations of a Soviet troop proclamation and combat orders.
1942/01/01 - 1942/01/31
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report with interrogation summaries, intelligence bulletins, tables, maps, and overlays pertaining to enemy operations, losses, morale, fighting qualities, replacements, and unit identification and strength; the tactical disposition on the Volkhov front and in the Podberez'ye and Bol'shoye Zamosh'ye areas; and German propaganda. Report on the formation of Russian auxiliary military police units.
1942/02/01 - 1942/02/28
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report with interrogation summaries and maps pertaining to enemy operations, losses, morale, replacements, unit identification and strength, and tactical disposition in the Bol'shoye Zamosh'ye area; counterintelligence activity; and troop entertainment. German propaganda leaflets and translations of enemy combat orders.
1942/03/01 - 1942/03/31
Ic, TB mit Anlagen, Gefangenenvernehmungen, Abhoeren von russischen Fernspruechen. Activity report, interrogation summaries, intercepted radio messages, maps, and overlays pertaining to enemy operations, movements, morale, replacements, partisan warfare, unit identification, and tactical disposition in the Bol'shoye Zamosh'ye area; and to counterintelligence activity. German propaganda leaflets and a list of code names used in enemy radio messages.
1942/04/01 - 1942/04/30
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report, interrogation summaries, and an intelligence bulletin pertaining to enemy operations, rations, morale, partisan warfare, and unit identification and strength.
1942/05/01 - 1942/05/31
Ic, TB. Activity report, interrogation summaries, and maps pertaining to enemy operations, code names, unit identification and strength, and tactical disposition in the Volkhov pocket; troop indoctrination and entertainment. Report on the recruitment of Russian agricultural workers for Germany.
1942/06/01 - 1942/06/30
Ia, Gefechtsbericht ueber die Winterschlacht ostwaerts des Wolchow. Afteraction report with a map concerning the winter battle east of the Volkhov River, 12 Nov - 27 Dec 1941.
1941/11/12 - 1941/12/27
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Erkundung, Querriegel Nowgorod-Abramowo. Report and reaps on construction of trenches and fortifications in the Novgorod and Abramovo areas.
1942/06/23 - 1942/07/11
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Stellungsbau Luga. Reports and maps concerning construction of fortifications around Luga, Ovsino, and Medvedi.
1942/06/04 - 1942/06/14
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Umgliederung und Auffrischung. Reports and order-of-battle charts relating to the reorganization and refitting of the division.
1942/03/15 - 1942/06/14
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Untersuchung IR 426, Angriff 15.3.1942. An investigation report concerning the abortive assault action of IR 426 at Bol'shoye Zamosh'ye, 15 Mar 1942.
1942/03/15 - 1942/03/24
Ia, KTB 4. Defensive operations in the Podberez'ye area, transfer to the area south of Staraya Russa via Novgorod and Shimsk, 7 - 20 Jul, defensive engagements and counterattacks in the western part of the Demyansk pocket, and Fall Winkelried {attack across the Rob'ya
River to the Lovat River, 27 - 29 Sep 1942).
1942/07/01 - 1942/12/31

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223. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1692
Ia, Anlaqen zum KTB 4, Gefechtsberichte. Afteraction reports with maps and sketches.
Ic, IIa, TB als Anlaqen z u m KTB 4, Verpflequnq und Gefechtsstaerken. Activity report of the intelligence branch, 5 Nov 1941-15 Apr 1942, concerning enemy operations, losses, unit identification, and partisan and espionage activity, control of the civilian population, counterintelligence, and troop indoctrination and entertainment; interrogation summary; and maps showing the location of enemy forces in the areas east of Mga and Voronovo. Activity report personnel branch, 27 Oct 1941 - 31 Mar 1942; a register of officers; strength and casualty reports; an activity report of Pz.Jaeq.-Abt. 223 with casualty report, 6 Nov 1941 - 10 Jun 1942; and a list of the division's attached units from 9 Nov 1941 - 26 Mar 1942.
Ia, KTB 5. Defensive operations in the Mga, Voronovo, and Kirsino areas, 1 Apr - 17 Jul 1942, and in the Voronovo and Mishkino areas, 17 Jul - 30 Sep 1942.
Ia, Ic, Anlaqenband zum KTB 5. Orders, reports, and maps pertaining to defensive operations, regrouping, and training in the Mga, Voronovo, and Kirsino areas; order-of-battle charts; status reports; an afteraction critique relating to offensive engagements in the Pogost'ye area, 23 - 27 Mar 1942; intelligence bulletins; interrogation summary; translation of a Stalin order dated 23 Mar 1942; and reports and maps regarding enemy operations, unit identification, and tactical disposition.
Ia, Ic, Anlaqenbard zum KTB 5. Orders, directives, reports, and maps pertaining to defensive operations, construction of positions, road maintenance, preparations for winter, military security, reorganization, regrouping, and training in the Mga, Voronovo, Kirsino, and Mishkino areas, 1 Jun - 30 Sep 1942, and offensive engagements in the Mishkino area, 9-10 Sep 1942. Order-of-battle charts; status reports; special supply directives; an afteraction critique relating to combating Russian tanks; an interrogation summary; intelligence bulletins; a translation of a Stalin order for the Russian 191. Security Div. "Red Flag"; and reports and maps, regarding enemy operations, unit identification, and tactical disposition.

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1. Panzer-Division

T315 R20
Ia, Anlage C 17 zum Kriegstagebuch 6. Eingegangene und ausgegangene Befehle.
Aug 20 - 31, 1941
Ia, Anlage C 18 zum Kriegstagebuch 6. Eingegangene und ausgegangene Befehle.
Sep 1 - 7, 1941
Ia, Anlage C 19 zum Kriegstagebuch 6. Eingegangene und ausgegangene Befehle.
Sep 9 - 10, 1941
Ia, Anlage C 20 zum Kriegstagebuch 6. Eingegangene und ausgegangene Befehle.
Sep 11, 1941
Ia, Anlage C 21 zum Kriegstagebuch 6. Eingegangene und ausgegangene Befehle.
Sep 12 - 14, 1941

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T314 R902
Ic, Anlagenband IV z. TB. Intelligence reports received from subordinate units including reports from the 250th (Spanish) Division, concerning the activities throughout the Baltic campaign and the battles in the Lake Ilmen-Leningrad area.
Jun 23, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4. War journal describing combat engagements and other operations of the Corps in the Volkhov sector.
Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband I z. KTB 4, Organisationsbefehle. Miscellaneous papers including reorganization orders, directives regarding the training of alert units, instructions on preparation for the forthcoming winter, orders prescribing measures to raise effective strength, suggestions designed to increase effectiveness of units. Also includes order of battle charts.
Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband IA z. KTB 4, Auffrischung. Miscellaneous papers pertaining to the rehabilitation of the Corps including directives on the re-manning and reequipping of subordinate units, order of battle charts, and reports submitted by various staff sections and subordinate units.
Apr 5 - Jul 16, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband II z. KTB 4, Taktische Befehle. Tactical orders concerning Corps operations and training activities, and a map (1:100000) showing the location of patrol activities, enemy order of battle charts, messages and reports regarding the evacuation of troops from an area encircled by Soviet forces and the military situation in the Volkhov area.
Apr 1 - Jun 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband II,2 z. KTB 4, Taktische Befehle. Tactical orders concerning Corps operations, overlays and maps (1:25000, and 1:50000) showing tacticaldispositions of own and enemy forces in the Volkhov sector, and reports concerning German and Soviet artillery.
Jul 1 - Oct 31, 1942

T314 R903
Ia, Anlagenband II,3 z. KTB 4, Taktische Befehle. Tactical orders pertaining to Corps operations, maps and overlays (1:50000, 1:100000, and 1:300000) showing the tactical disposition of own and enemy forces on the Volkhov front, informational reports on German and Soviet artillery, and Corps order of battle.
Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband IIA z. KTB 4, Ordnen der Verbande, Zu- und Abgange von Truppenteilen. Miscellaneous papers pertaining to the reorganization and rehabilitation of the Corps, including entraining and detraining tables, maps showing the location of assembly areas near Luga, and the tactical disposition of own forces in the Novgorod area, order of battle charts, and special regulations on signal communications.
Aug 31 - Dec 19, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband IIB z. KTB 4, Ordnen der Verbande, Zu- und Abgange von Truppenteilen. Miscellaneous papers relating to the reorganization and rehabilitation of the Corps, including transportation schedules, movement orders, timetables showing arrival and departure of units, and directives returning supply troops from combat assignments to their status as supporting troops.
Mar 28 - Aug 27, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband IIC z.KTB 4, Korpsbefehle. Corps orders pertaining to operations in the Novgorod area.
Jan 5 - Jul 17, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband III z. KTB 4, Ausbildung und Lehrgange. Schedules and correspondence relating to combat readiness and training, and excerpts of division commanders conference concerning field training.
Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband IV z. KTB 4, Erfahrungsberichte. Reports of subordinate units on combat experiences and other activities relating to combat operations. Also, reports by the 158th Engineer Battalion on tank destroyers, by the Spanish Blue Division on combat operations in the Volkhov pocket, and on climatology (in German and Spanish).
Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Anlage z. KTB 4, Denkschrift Winterkrieg 1941/42. Reports submitted by various subordinate units concerning experiences gained during the winter of 1941-42, including detailed accounts on the supply situation, distribution of winter clothing, equipment, weapons, fuel and ammunition, functioning of weapons, construction of defensive positions and bunkers, prevention of frostbite, camouflage, and execution of combat operations under extreme cold.
Apr 28 - Jun 8, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband V z. KTB 4, Starken und Ubersichten. Reports and charts, based on surveys of subordinate units, on effective personnel strength and equipment on hand. Also, a report on enemy order of battle.
Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband VI z. KTB 4, Tagesmeldungen, Luftaufklarungen. Air reconnaissance and daily operations reports pertaining to the engagements in the Volkhov area.
Apr 1 - Jul 10, 1942

T314 R904
Ia, Anlagenband VI z. KTB 4, Tagesmeldungen, Luftaufklarungen. Air reconnaissance and daily operations reports pertaining to the engagements in the Volkhov area.
Apr 1 - Jul 10, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband VI z. KTB 4, Tagesmeldungen, Luftaufklarungen. Air reconnaissance and daily operations reports of subordinate units. Also, a report on the capture of General Vlassov (who later became Commanding General of the Russian Liberation Army) at Tukhovezhi.
Jul 11 - Aug 31, 1942

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T314 R905
Ia, Anlagenband VI z. KTB 4, Tagesmeldungen und Luftaufklarungen. Operations and air reconnaissance reports.
Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband VII z. KTB 4, Stellungsbau, Bau von Strassen und Unterkunften. Directives issued to subordinate units on the construction of field fortifications, roads, and shelters; sketches and building plans for the construction of dugouts, trenches, roadblocks, and plaited hurdle fences; one situation map (1:100000); and one overlay (1:50000) showing the location of defense lines of opposing Red Army units.
Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband VTII z. KTB 4, Allgemeines. Reports on conferences of the Commanding Generals of the l8th Army and the XXXVIII Corps with division commanders on proposed operations, memorandum on the destruction of communication lines, directives pertaining to security of signal communications, orders regarding the apprehension of deserters, and memoranda on commendations given to the 58th and 126th Infantry Divisions and other subordinate units for their parts in the campaign.
Apr 1 - Dec 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband IX z. KTB 4, Kriegsgliederungen. Charts and listings relating to own and enemy order of battle.
Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia/Mess, Stopi, Gabo, Ic, IIa/IIb, III, Tatigkeitsberichte. Activity reports of the Intelligence, Personnel, Map and Survey, Chemical Warfare, and Engineer Officers, and the Judge Advocate concerning the enemy situation in the Volkhov area, partisan situation and propaganda, counterintelligence activity, training, and construction of roads, bridges, and minefields.
Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ic, Anlagenband 1 z. TB, Entwicklung des Feindbildes. Reports, messages, order of battle charts, maps, and overlays compiled by the Corps Intelligence Branch concerning the enemy tactical situation along the Volkhov front, the annihilation of the 2d Soviet Assault Army, capture of General Vlassov and other staff officers; also, prisoner-of-war interrogation reports and translations of captured documents giving extensive information on enemy order of battle and other data in connection with military operations.
Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942

T314 R906
Ic, Anlagenband Ia z. TB, Meldungen. Daily intelligence reports and summaries from the Volkhov area.
Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ic, Anlagenband Ib z. TB, Meldungen der unterstellten Verbande. Intelligence reports of subordinate units, and a directive pertaining to the security of information and measures to be taken to prevent unauthorized disclosure of classified information.
Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ic, Anlagenband Ic z. TB, Gefangenenvernehmungen. Consolidated reports of interrogations of prisoners of war compiled by the Intelligence Branch giving detailed accounts of the enemy tactical situation, organization, strength, supply situation, movements, morale, and reserves, and including data on strategic intelligence.
Apr 1 - May 31, 1942

T314 R907
Ic, Anlagenband Ic z. TB, Gefangenenvernehmungen. Reports and summaries pertaining to prisoner-of-war interrogations including sketches illustrating details of the reports.
Jun 1 - Aug 30, 1942
Ic, Anlagenband Ic z. TB, Gefangenenvernehmungen. Reports and summaries concerning prisoner-of-war interrogations and a missing persons report.
Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ic, Anlagenband Id z. TB, Vernehmungsergebnisse, OKH Fragebogen und Aufklarungsforderungen. Army High Command questionnaires, and replies thereto from the Corps on intelligence data extracted from prisoner-of-war interrogation reports and from reconnaissance reports and summaries.
May 31 - Dec 20, 1942
Ic, Anlagenband 1e z. TB, Ersatzzufuhrungen. Reports based on prisoner-of-war interrogations regarding the number and type of replacements received by opposing Red Army forces.
Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ic, Anlagenband 2 z. TB, Befehle zur Bandenbekampfung, Abwehr, Propaganda. Orders and directives pertaining to the combating of irregular forces in the Corps area, memoranda and instructions on psychological warfare and propaganda directed toward the enemy, including samples of leaflets (in German and Russian) urging surrender.
Apr 24 - Dec 30, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5. War journal concerning operations in the Novgorod area including data on number and type of units assigned to combat and on the outcome of individual engagements.
Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband z. KTB 5, Organisationsbefehle. Correspondence pertaining to alarm units, sketches of unit emblems and insignia, organization charts of a Latvian volunteer brigade and several supply transport units, files relating to demands for better weapons and better treatment of Estonian volunteers, and miscellaneous orders and reports on organizational matters.
Oct 23, 1942 - Jun 23, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband II z. KTB 5, Taktische Befehle. Tactical orders concerning Corps operations in the Dolgovo-Novgorod area,with maps and overlays (1:50000 and 1:100000).
Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband II z. KTB 5, Taktische Befehle. Tactical orders with maps and overlays (1:50000 and 1:100000) concerning the operations of Corps infantry and artillery units in the Novgorod area.
Apr 1 - Jun 30, 1943

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291. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1909
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Daily reports, orders, and maps pertaining to relief of the 291.ID, 24 - 27 Nov; transfer to the Volkhov front by route of Lisino-Korpus, Vyritsa, Tosno, Lyuban, Shapki, Kilozi, and Khandrovo, 28 Nov - 7 Dec; relief of the 223.ID in the Mikhaylovskiy area, 6 - 8 Dec; and defensive and assault operations, attacks, mopping-up action, artillery activity, personnel and veterinary matters, and regrouping in the Babino, Memino, Gorokhovets, Metino, Nakhody, and Nechan'ye areas, 9 Dec 1941 - 2 Jan 1942. Order-of-battle charts; status reports; afteraction critiques relating to the activity of the supply branch and the medical, veterinary, and motor transport officers and the suitability of enemy maps; data on enemy operations; and intelligence bulletins.
1941/11/28 - 1942/01/02
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Daily reports and orders pertaining to defensive operations, offensive engagements, artillery activity, construction of positions, personnel and veterinary matters, and regrouping in the Babino, Memino, and Nechan'ye areas and in the Tigoda River sector; strength and status reports; a list of unit code names; a bulletin on road maintenance in the winter; an afteraction critique relating to the winter offensive in Russia; special directives concerning supply, supply troops, and signal communications; data on the military situation on the eastern front and enemy operations and unit identification in the sector facing the 291.ID; and interrogation summaries.
1941/12/23 - 1942/01/18
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Daily reports, orders, and maps pertaining to defensive operations in the Volkhov River sector south of Tigoda, artillery activity, use of civilians and prisoners of war as a work force, road and rail security, and regrouping; order-of-battle charts; strength and status reports; a list of daily passwords; special directives concerning supply, supply troops, and engineer and construction services; instructions relating to operations against enemy artillery and for artillery in defense; an afteraction report of I./Inf.Rgt. 504, 16 Dec 1941 - 18 Jan 1942; a brochure by the Komsomol on "Das Leben im Schnee"; data pertaining to enemy artillery; interrogation summaries; and an intelligence bulletin.
1942/01/16 - 1942/02/09

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1. Panzer-Division

T315 R21
Ia, Anlage C 22 zum Kriegstagebuch 6. Eingegangene und ausgegangene Befehle.
Sep 15 - 18, 1941
Ia, Anlage C zum Kriegstagebuch 6. Orders, directives, reports, maps, photographs.
April 21 - June 17, 1941
Ia, Lagenkarten 1-39 zum Kriegstagebuch 6. Situation maps.
June 8 - Sep 19, 1941
Ia, Anlage A zum Kriegstagebuch 6. Gliederung der unterstellten Verbande. Unterstellungsverhaltnis.
May 1 - Sep 19, 1941
IIa, Anlage F zum Kriegstagebuch 6. Kriegsrangliste.
June 8 - Sep 19, 1941
IIa, Anlage G zum Kriegstagebuch 6. Verluste.
June 22 - Sep 19, 1941
IIa, Anlage H zum Kriegstagebuch 6. Gefechts- und Verpflegungsstarken.
June 11 - Sep 11, 1941
IIa, Tatigkeitsbericht der Abteilung IIa zum Kriegstagebuch 6.
June 8 - Sep 19, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht zum Kriegstagebuch 6.
June 20 - Sep 17, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5. Also Tatigkeitsberichte fur die Zeit vom 1 Feb-21 Apr. 1941.
June 26, 1940 - Jan 31, 1941 and April 21 - June 7, 1941
Ia, Anlage A zum Kriegstagebuch 5. Kriegsgliederungen.
June 26, 1940 - April 1, 1941
Ia, Anlage B zum Kriegstagebuch 5. Unterbringungskarten.
June 26, 1940 - June 7, 1941
Ia, Anlage C 1 zum Kriegstagebuch 5. Eingegangene und ausgegebene Befehle.
June 26 - July 28, 1940
Ia, Anlage C 2 zum Kriegstagebuch 5. Eingegangene und ausgegebene Befehle.
July 28, 1940 - May 23, 1941
Ia, Anlage D zum Kriegstagebuch 5. Kriegsrangliste.
June 26, 1940 - June 21, 1941
Ia, Anlage E zum Kriegstagebuch 5. Gefecht- und Verpflegungsstarken.
July 1, 1940 - June 11, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht der Abt. Ic zum Kriegstagebuch 5.
Aug 21, 1940 - May 20, 1941

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II. Armeekorps

T314 R151
Ic, Meldungen der Truppen uber den Feind. Reports and observations by various units in regard to enemy activities and presumable plans, prisoner of war statements, information on Russian espionage, daily enemy situation reports, enemy troop identifications, and various other material in connection with Russian operations on the Eastern front.
Nov 1, 1941 - Jan 31, 1942
Ic, Meldungen uber Gefang. u. Beute. Charts and lists on Russian prisoners and on captured materials.
June 22, 1941 - Jan 31, 1942
Ia, Anlage 139 Ostfeldzug, Meldungen. Tactical information on German defensive operations against continuous Russian attacks, reports on guerrilla warfare and assault-reconnaissance actions on both sides.
Nov 1 - 10, 1943
Ia, Anlage 140 Ostfeldzug, Meldungen. Details on continuous Russian attacks at the Eastern front near Kholm.
Nov 11 - 20, 1943
Ia, Anlage 141 Ostfeldzug, Meldungen. Information on Russian attacks at the Eastern front near Juchnoff, Stresheno, Tarakanowa, Kholm, etc.
Nov 21 - 30, 1943
Ia, Anlage 142 Ostfeldzug, Meldungen. Details on continuous assault and reconnaissance actions on both sides, general tactical information, and guerrilla warfare reports.
Dec 1 - 10, 1943

Oberkommando der Luftwaffe:
Luftflottenkommando 6

T321 R50
Luftflottenkommando 6. Fuhrungsabteilung Ia Kriegstagebucher, containing daily weather reports, reports on the military situation in general and detailed reports on the operations conducted by the units of Luftflotte 6 in Czechoslovakia, 1943 - 1945.
OKL 385 contains material for February 1945; OKL 382a-b contain material for March 1945.

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4. Armee

T312 R243
O.Qu., Anlagenband 10 z, KTB. Versorgungslage der 4. Armee.
Jan 1 - June 21, 1944
O.Qu., Anlagenband 11 z. KTB. Tatigkeitsberichte of Abteilungen IVa, IVb, IVc, IVd, (ev. u. kath.), V, Armeefeldpostmeister, Armeewirtschaftsftihrer.
Jan - June 1944
Bv.T.O., Tatigkeitsberichte. Activity reports concerning transportation matters (evacuation). Central Russia.
Aug - Dec, 1944
Ia, Beitrag zum KTB. Beabsichtigtes Unternehmen "Ziethen". This was a probing operation. East Prussia. Includes maps.
Nov 19 - 29, 1944
Ia, Beitrag z. KTB. Unternehmen "Winterreise." Offensive operation in East Prussia.
Dec 11 - 23, 1944
Ia, Unternehmen "Ingeborg" "Wildsau." Counteroffensive operations in East Prussia.
Dec 21, 1944 - Jan 4, 1945
Ia, Beilage z. KTB. Notizen iiber Ferngesprache und Besprechungen. OB level.
Jan 14 - 25, 1945
Ia, Beilage z. KTB. Heeresgruppen- und Armeebefehle. Defensive operations in East Prussia.
Nov 12, 1944 - Jan 9, 1945

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4. Armee

T312 R260
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Daily situation reports and radio messages.
Jan 16 - 21, 1945
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Radio messages and daily situation reports.
Jan 22 - 26, 1945
Ia, 1 Pack Karten z. Kartenband z. KTB.
Jan 15 - 27, 1945
Ia, Anlage z. Akte VI, Band b, Heft 7. 4 Karten. Erkundungsergebnis der 7. Pz. Div.
July - Dec 1944
Ia, Beilage z. KTB. Armee Befehle der 4. Armee, Befehle der Heeresgruppe Mitte (ab 25.I. Heeresgruppe Nord).
Jan 3 - Feb 8, 1945

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Oberkommando der Luftwaffe:
Luftflottenkommando 6

T321 R51
Luftflottenkommando 6. Fuhrungsabteilung Ia Kriegstagebucher, containing daily weather reports, reports on the military situation in general and detailed reports on the operations conducted by the units of Luftflotte 6 in Czechoslovakia, Germany, and Poland, 1943 - 1945.
Folders OKL 386a-b and OKL 387a-b contain material for April 1945.
Folder OKL 2571:
Heeres Flak-Abteilung 273 file, containing "Merkblatt zur Luftwaffen-Unterstatzung," prepared by Panzergruppe West, Abt. Ia/Fliegerverbindungsoffizier, March 1944. The file contains also aerial photographs of Gross Wartenberg, Schildberg and Kampen, no date.

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4. Armee

T312 R260
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Daily situation reports and radio messages.
Jan 27 - 30, 1945
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Radio messages, daily situation reports and reports of Russian atrocities.
Jan 31 - Feb 2, 1945
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Daily situation reports, radio messages and reports of Russian atrocities.
Feb 3 - 5, 1945

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126. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1355
Ia, Anlagenband 3 Mappe 15 zum KTB 2. Daily reports, messages, and overlays pertaining to operations; reports on the activities of the division's artillery, reconnaissance, antitank, and engineer units and the withdrawal of supply trains; afteraction reports concerning the battle for Nekrasovo, 5 Dec 1941.
1941/12/01 - 1941/12/15
Ia, Anlagenband 3 Mappe 16 zum KTB 2. Daily reports and messages pertaining to operations and reports on the activities of the division's artillery, reconnaissance, antitank, and engineer units.
1941/12/16 - 1941/12/31
Ia, Anlagenband 4a Mappe 1 zum KTB 2; Ic, TB. Orders, directives, and maps pertaining to training, subordination, assembly, securing the German-Lithuanian border, preparations for the invasion of Russia, and tactical disposition in the Ebenrode (Nesterov) area. Activity report of the Intelligence Branch, 1-30 Apr 1941, regarding Soviet defenses, counterintelligence activity, German propaganda, and troop entertainment; status reports; order-of-battle charts; billeting surveys with maps; special directives concerning engineer and construction troops and traffic control.
1941/03/25 - 1941/06/11
Ia, Anlagenband 4a Mappe 2 zum KTB 2; Ic, TB. Orders, studies, and maps pertaining to preparations for the invasion of Russia, security along the German-Lithuanian border, strategic concentration, and tactical disposition along the Memel River; a report on Russian combat tactics. Activity report of the Intelligence Branch, 1-31 May 1941, concerning Soviet defenses and troop movements and military security and troop entertainment.
1941/06/11 - 1941/06/18
Ia, Anlagenband 4b zum KTB 2. Besprechungsniederschriften, Zustandsberichte, Armee-, Korps- und Divisionstagesbefehle.
1941/06/22 - 1941/12/31

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11. Panzer-Division

T315 R2320
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Kriegsgeschichtliche Berichte der Division, Einsatz Russland. War journal concerning operations and activities after the Yugoslav campaign when the division was transferred to the area west of Vienna on Apr 28, 1941, for rest, refitting, and training; movement to southern Poland between Jun 8 and 15, in preparation for the invasion of Russia and subordination to the XLVIII. A.K.; the crossing of the border at Sokal under H.Gr. Sud on Jun 22; the advance toward Yampol and Zhitomir; the crossing of the Dnieper River; and the advance toward Gomel where the division came under H.Gr. Mitte, subordinate to the XLVI. Pz.K. Also, combat and ration strength reports.
Generalmajor Cruwell was replaced by Oberst Angern on Aug 22, 1941.
May 1 - Oct 21, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband I z. KTB, Einsatz Russland. Reports, orders, and radio messages, with overlays, relating to unit reorganization in Austria, preparations for the eastern campaign, and the first 3 days of the invasion.
May 1 - Jun 25, 1941
Ia, Anlagenbande 2-4 z. KTB, Einsatz Russland. Orders and radio messages relating to the division's progress in the southern sector of the eastern front.
Jun 26 - Sep 11, 1941

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61. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1018
Ia, Anlagenbande 13-16 z. KTB 6, Band II. Division orders, daily operation reports, radio messages, status and casualty reports, and situation maps and. overlays.
Jun 1 - Jul 23, 1942

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T314 R501
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3. War journal containing entries on tactical operations during the first months of the eastern campaign, describing the crossing of the Bug River and the German advance along the line of Brest-Litovsk, Minsk, Berezino, the Berezina River, the Prut River, Bykhov, the Dnieper River, Gorodets, Mglin, Roslavl, and the Desna River.
May 25 - Oct 1, 1941
Ia, Anlage A z. KTB 3. Orders, messages, and reports on ground and air situations, experiences, and plans in connection with the German advance during the first months of the eastern campaign from the Bug to the Desna River.
Jun 8 - Sep 29, 1941
Ic, Tätigkeitsbericht. Reports on intelligence activities, prisoner-of-war interrogations, enemy situation, captured materiel, guerrilla warfare, enemy and own propaganda, counterintelligence methods, and other security information in connection with the German advance on the eastern front between the Bug and Desna Rivers.
May 25 - Sep 30, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5. War journal containing information on tactical operations, defense of the Ugra position, attacks on Buslava, Krasnaya Gorka, and Aksinino, the Russian offensives against Pavlova, and the gaining of bridgeheads over the Ugra River.
Mar 5 - May 31, 1942

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Heeresgruppe A

T311 R159
Ia, H.Gr. Süd, Anlagen z. KTB. Reports and correspondence on the German and Hungarian defense of Hungary.
Oct. 26 - Nov. 3, 1944
Ia, H.Gr. Süd, KTB Entwürfe, Band IV, Teil 4.
Nov. 1 - 15, 1944
Ia, H.Gr. Süd, Anlagen z. KTB. Operational reports from the defense of Hungary. Attitude of the new Szalasi regime. Reports on Hungarian forces. Preparations for evacuation. Chefsachen.
Nov. 4 - 14, 1944
Ia, H.Gr. Süd, Kriegstagebuch, 2, Hälfte.
Nov. 15 - 30, 1944
Ia, H.Gr. Süd, Anlagen, 2. Hälfte. Defense of Hungary. Letter from Genoberst. Friessner to Hitler on the critical situation. Retreat from the Gisela-Stellung. Chefsachen.
Nov. 15 - 30, 1944
Ia, H.Gr. Süd, Anlagen z. KTB, Meldungen. November 1944. Mimeographed operational reports.
Nov. 1 - 30, 1944
Ia, H.Gr. Süd, Kriegstagebuch.
Dec. 1 - 15, 1944

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T314 R979
Qu., Anlagen z. KTB. Special supply directives and situation maps on fortifications in France.
Mar 8 - Jul 4, 1940
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. War journal relating to the Corps operations during the transfer from Kecskemet, Hungary, to East Prussia, preparations for Operation "Barbarossa" (the invasion of Russia); the invasion of the Baltic Countries from the Memel area, the breakthrough of the Russian border fortifications in Lithuania, the tank battle at Raseiniai, offensive engagements in the Daugavpils, Pskov, and Luga River areas, the advance to the Leningrad front, the siege and attempt to encircle Leningrad, the transfer to the central sector, the advance toward Moscow, offensive engagements at Vyazma and Bryansk and northward to the capture of Kalinin, then the thrust to the Moscow-Volga Canal, and withdrawal to the Lama and later to the Mormyli positions in the Gzhatsk, Zubtsov, and Rzhev areas. Also, register of officers. The Corps was subordinate to Panzergruppen 4 and 3, respectively, under the command of Gen. Lt. Friedrich Kirchner until Oct 25, and Gen. d. Pz. Tr. Walter Model, Oct 26, 1941 - Jan 15, 1942.
Apr 21 - Dec 31, 1941
Ia, Anlageriband I z. KTB, Vorbereitung der Operation, Studie Barbarossa. Orders and correspondence of Panzergruppe 4 and subordinate units relating to preparations for the invasion of Russia from the Memel area. Also included are order of battle charts and maps.
Apr 20 - Jun 20, 1941

T314 R980
Ia, Anlagenband II z. KTB, Geh. Kdos., Chefsache v. 2.5.41. Orders, march and battle instructions with operation maps and order of battle charts of Panzergruppe 4 and other Panzer units relating to preparations for the invasion of Russia in the area of Lithuania. Also included are a movement schedule and special regulations for the Air Force, supply, signal communication, and assignment of engineers.
May 2 - 22, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband IIa z. KTB, Der Vorstoss auf Leningrad. Orders and reports of Panzergruppe 4 covering the advance toward Leningrad.
Jun 22 - Jul 12, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband IIb z. KTB. Reports and correspondence relating to unit's military operations in the Pskov area.
Jul 3 - Aug 14, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband IIe z. KTB. Daily operation reports and orders with overlays (1:50000) covering the Corps' advance in the Leningrad area. Also, notes on General Hoppner's conference on the progress of the siege of Leningrad and the cooperation of the German Air Force.
Aug 15 - Sep 9, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband IId z. KTB, Der Durchbruch durch den leningrader Festungsring und die Einschliessung von Leningrad. Daily operation reports and orders relating to the breakthrough of the Leningrad outer defense perimeter and the encirclement of Leningrad.
Sep 9 - 19, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband III z. KTB, Marsch und Versammlung fur die Doppelschlacht von Wjasma und Brjansk. Reports, orders, and correspondence covering preparations for the anticipated battle at Vyazma and Bryansk.
Sep 20 - Oct 1, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband IVa z. KTB, Der Vorstoss auf Kalinin. Reports, orders, and correspondence relating to the advance toward Kalinin, the breakthrough of enemy fortified positions in the Dnieper area, and the capture of Kalinin.
Oct 2 - 9, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband IVb z. KTB, Verteidigung von Kalinin. Operation reports and orders relating to the defense of Kalinin after the capitulation of Russian units in that city.
Oct 15 - Nov 20, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband V z. KTB, Der Vorstoss zum Moskwa-Wolga Kanal. Operation reports, orders, and situation overlays relating to the advance toward the Moscow-Volga Canal and to preparations for winter warfare.
Nov 21 - Dec 5, 1941

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Елисеенко Алексей
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Мне пожалуй интересна пара ролов. Вопрос цены если бы обозначили, было бы хорошо.

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С уважением,

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T314 R981
Ia, Anlagenband VI z. KTB, Der Ruckzug auf die Lama Stellung und die Besetzung der Mormyli Stellung. Daily reports, radio messages, and orders with situation maps and sketches relating to the retreat of German units to the Lama position and the occupation of the Mormyli position.
Dec 6 - 31, 1941
Ic, Anlagen z. KTB, Gefangenenvernehmungen. Interrogation reports of Russian prisoners of war and deserters, a translation of a captured document giving an account of conditions in Russia and in the city of Moscow, and maps.
Jun 22 - Nov 8, 1941
Ic, Anlagen z. KTB. Enemy information bulletins, combat orders, and reports with situation maps and overlays of Festungsstab Allenstein and other subordinate units.
May 19 - Oct 9, 1941
Ic, Anlagen z. KTB. Interrogation reports of Lithuanian refugees and suspected Russian agents, border observation reports, and information on Soviet principles of warfare and on Russian Army preparations for the suspected outbreak of hostilities with Germany.
Apr 28 - Jun 19, 1941
Ic, Anlagen z. KTB. Reports and correspondence relating to activities of propaganda units and partisan warfare.
Jun 13 - Oct 26, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report pertaining to intelligence reports with maps, activities of enemy units in the Obsha (Bely) area and to the Corps' counterintelligence operations. Also, interrogation reports of Russian prisoners of war and deserters.
Jul 7 - 15, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report relating to preparations for the invasion of Russia, the breakthrough of the Russian border fortifications, the pursuit of the enemy to the Moscow-Volga Canal, and the retreat of German units from the Moscow area to the Lama and Mormyli positions; troop information and education; instructions and reports on German and enemy propaganda.
Apr 21 - Dec 31, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsberichte. Activity reports concerning enemy operations, unit identification, partisan warfare, German and enemy agents, and troop indoctrination.
Jan 1 - Sep 25, 1942
Ic, Anlagen z. TB. Daily intelligence reports with maps and overlays concerning enemy operations, unit identification, and tactical situation, and instructions for employment of prisoners of war and Russian civilians.
Jul 27 - Sep 25, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. War journal concerning the Corps' defensive operations from the Lotoshino position east of Zubtsov to Smolensk and Bryansk. During this period the Corps was subordinate to the 3 Panzerarmee and later to AOK 9 and was commanded by Gen.d.Pz.Tr. Josef Harpe, Jan 15, 1942 - Nov 4, 1943. It was redesignated the XLI. Panzerkorps on July 7, 1942.
Jan 1 - Jul 27, 1942

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22. Panzer-Division

T315 R784
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1, Frankreich, Russland. Rail movement of the division from the Bordeaux area in France, where the division was formed, to Odessa, Russia; march to Nikolaev; the crossing of the Dnieper River at Kherson; movement by train to Simferopol; training and antipartisan activities; and combat operations in the Stary Krym area. Also, lists of officers' duty assignments and casualties, and combat and ration strength reports. The division was subordinate to AOK 7, OKH, AOK 11, and the XLII. and XXX. A,K. at various times during this period under the command of Gen.Maj. Wilhelm von Apell.
Feb 7 - May 20, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband I z. KTB 1, Befehle vorgesetzter Dienststellen, Divisionsbefehle, Unterbringung.
Feb 7 - May 20, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband II z. KTB 1, Gefechtsberichte.
Mar 20 - 24, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband III z, KTB 1, Ausbildung.
Mar 27 - Apr 26, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband IV z. KTB 1, Wiedereroberung der Halbinsel Kertsch. Corps and division orders and reports concerning Operation "Trappenjagd" (the battle for the Kerch Peninsula), from Stary Krym toward Kerch. Also, maps and overlays of the area.
Apr 4 - May 21, 1942
Ic, Kriegsgeschichtlich wichtiges Material, Band 1. Reports on the enemy situation and antipartisan warfare, and prisoner-of-war interrogation summaries.
Mar 23, 1942 - Feb 28, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 2, Russland. Transfer from the Crimea, via Melitopol, to the Kramatorsk and Slavyansk areas to participate in the encirclement of Kharkov; Operation "Wilhelm" (offensive at Artemovsk), the crossing of the Donets River near Aleksandrovka, the Don River near Kamensk, and the advance to Rostov and to the Don River Bend east of Rostov, Also, lists of officers' duty assignments and casualties, and combat and ration strength reports. The division was subordinate to Pz.AOK 1, III. Pz.K., OKH Reserve, AOK 6, and the XVII. and XI. A.K. at various times during this period. /The war journal for the period Sep-Nov was destroyed when the enemy threatened encirclement of the division./
May 21 - Aug 31, 1942

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22. Panzer-Division

T315 R785
Ia, Anlagenband I z. KTB 2. Order of battle charts.
May 1 - Aug 15, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband II z. KTB 2. Tactical orders of the division, radio messages, and reports concerning Operation "Fridericus" (offensive in the Kupyansk area).
May 23 - Aug 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband IV z. KTB 2. Combat operations on the Don River, east of Rostov, and movement of the division to Kalach on the Don when the Russians broke through the Rumanian line in the encirclement of Stalingrad. Also, order of battle charts, radio messages, maps, and overlays. Oberst von der Chevallerie became division commander on Oct 8, 1942, when Generalmajor von Apell became ill.
Sep 1 - Nov 18, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3. The Russian encirclement of iSMlngrad between the Chir and Don Rivers in the breakthrough of the Rumanian frontline and the withdrawal and
defensive operations toward Morozovsk and Ivanovka. Also, lists of officers' duty assignments and casualties, and combat and ration strength reports. The division was subordinate to the XLVIII. Pz.K. and XVII. A.K. during this period under the command of Gen.Maj. Eberhard Rodt.
Dec 1, 1942 - Mar 5, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband I z. KTB 3, Kriegsgliederungen.
Dec 1, 1942 - Mar 5, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband II z, KTB 3. Corps and division orders and directives, messages, reports, order of battle charts, and reorganization orders and reports concerning
the formation of Kampfgruppe 22 under the command of Major Burgstaller. Also, a short history of the division covering its formation in France in the winter of 1941-42, its transfer from France to Odessa; the battles in the Crimea, Kharkov area, and at the Donets and Don Riversj the transfer to Kalach on the Don when the Russians broke through the Rumanian line of defense and withdrawal to Starobelsk in Jan 1943 and to the Chistyakovo area by early Mar 1943.
Dec 6, 1942 - Mar 5, 1943

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302. Infanterie-Division

T315 R2021
Ic, Anlagen C, Mappe 1-2 zum KTB 4, Frankreich - Russland, Taetigkeitsberichte, Tagesmeldungen, Vernehmungen, Gefechtsberichte und Feindlagekarten.
1942/11/01 - 1943/02/28
Ia, Anlagenheft D zum KTB 4, Frankreich - Russland, Tagesbefehle.
1942/11/28 - 1943/03/30
Ia, KTB 5. War journal concerning training, position defense, maintenance of roads during the muddy season in the Ivanovka area, movement of division headquarters from (mining) shaft No. 10 to Krasny Kut, 28 May - 1 Jun, and defensive engagements in the Bokovo-Platovo, Klenovaya Gorge, Bokovskiy, and Kosakovka areas; a report of GrRgt 571 stating that between 6 and 13 Apr 1943 a total of 1,241 Russians were buried at Petrovskogo after the late February battle with the Soviet 7th Guards Cavalry Corps; a register of officers; combat and ration strength reports; and casualty lists.
1943/04/01 - 1943/07/04
Ia, Anlagenheft A zum KTB 5, Division orders, combat instructions, strength and casualty reports, maps and overlays, detailed activity report of the division adjutant, and interrogation reports.
1943/04/03 - 1943/07/02
Ia, Anlagenheft B, Mappe 1 zum KTB 5. Daily reports concerning German and enemy artillery activities.
1943/04/01 - 1943/05/20

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11. Panzer-Division

T315 R591
Ia, Anlagenband 1 z. KTB 4. Reports, traffic regulations, corps and division orders, radio and teletype messages, conference notes, and maps.
Apr 17 - Jun 27, 1942
IIa, Tatigkeitsbericht als Anlage z. KTB 4. Activity report concerning casualties, awards and decorations, and transfer and replacement of officers.
Apr 21 - Jun 30, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5, Textband. War journal concerning operations and activities in the Voronezh and Orel areas. The division became subordinate to the XXIV.Pz.K. on Jul 7, 1942, to the VII. A.K. on Jul 10, 1942 , to Armeegruppe v. Weichs (AOK 2) on Jul 14, 1942, to Pz.AOK 2 on Jul 24, 1942, to LVII. A.K. (mot.) on Jul 27, 1942 , and to the LIII. A.K. on Jul 30, 1942. During that period the division fought from the central sector to the southern sector of the eastern front; Gen.Maj. Hermann Balck was division commander.
Jun 28 - Oct 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenbande 1-5 z. KTB 5. Afteraction reports, radio and teletype messages, corps and division orders, traffic regulations, and maps.
Jun 28 - Oct 31, 1942

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6. Panzer-Division

T315 R328
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Orders, maps, teletype messages, reports, information about the enemy. Folders 1-12.
Aug 1 - 31, 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Maps, teletype messages, radio messages, combat experiences. 10 folders.
Nov 1 - 30, 1941

T315 R329
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Orders, maps, teletype messages, reports, information about the enemy. Folders 1-12.
Aug 1 - 31, 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Maps, teletype messages, radio messages, combat experiences. 10 folders.
Nov 1 - 30, 1941

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302. Infanterie-Division

T315 R2017
Ia, KTB 1. War journal concerning activation of the 302.ID (13. Welle) from elements of 75.ID, 292.ID, and AR 311 in Wehrkreis II, 15 Nov, with formation and training at Friedland, Mecklenburg, 19 - 28 Nov 1940; register of officers; and combat and ration strength reports.
Ia, Anlage A zum KTB 1. Divisions Tagesbefehle.
Ia, Anlage C zum KTB 1. Orders and correspondence concerning the activation, formation, and training of the division; situation map showing the formation area of Friedlaad; and transfer orders.
Ia, Anlage D zum KTB 1. Orders pertaining to the activation and training of the division.
Ia, Anlage E zum KTB 1. Heports concerning activities of the personnel and intelligence branches and entertainment of troops.
Ia, KTB 2. War journal concerning transfer to France, 1 - 10 Apr, relief of 295.ID in the Somme Department with headquarters at Argues-la-Bataille, preparation for Unternehmen Attila (occupation of unoccupied France), training for Unternehmen Seeloewe (planned invasion of Great Britain) in the Dieppe and Le Treport areas, and coastal defense; register of officers; combat and ration strenth reports; and a casualty list.
Ia, Anlage A, Teil I zum KTB 2. Division orders.
Ia, Anlage A, Teil II zum KTB 2. Division orders.
Ia, Anlage B zum KTB 2. Correspondence relating to inspections, recommendation for improvement of coastal security, travel plans, conference minutes, and territorial organization of the division; lists of officers; strength reports; and monthly billeting surveys for the Argues-la-Bataille, Eu, Mers-les-Bains, Criel-sur-Mer, Chantereme, Saint-Valery-en-Caux, Veulettes, Malleville, Le Treport, Dieppe, Pourville, Saint-Nicolas, Saint-Quentin, Rue, Abbeville, Gamaches, and other areas dating from arrival in France.

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302. Infanterie-Division

T315 R2018
Ia, Anlage C, Teil I zum KTB 2. Orders and instructions relating to coastal security and training.
Ia, Anlage C, Teil II zum KTB 2. Orders, reports, and instructions concerning improvement of coastal security, training, and formation of new infantry
divisions, including activation orders for 370.ID.
Ia, Anlage D zum KTB 2. Reports relating to combat missions of British aircraft over occupied areas in France and combat readiness of the division; and afteraction reports concerning coastal bombardment of Dieppe and landing of airborne troops near Criel-sur-Mer and Neufchatel.
Ic, IIa/IIb, IVd, TB als Anlage E zum KTB 2. Activity reports of the intelligence and personnel branches, Apr 1941 - Feb 1942, and of the Protestant and Catholic chaplains, Jul - Dec 1941.
Ia, KTB 3. War journal concerning release of personnel for activation of 370.ID, 26 Apr, movement of division headquarters to Envermeu, 27 Apr, British air attacks on Dieppe and Le Treport, 2 - 5 Jun, reorganization of the division, large-scale Allied (British and Canadian) landing attempts at Dieppe with flank attacks on army coastal batteries (Heereskuestenbatterien) at Berneval and Varangeville, 19-20 Aug, redesignation of regiments as Grenadier-Regimenter, training and equipping of the division for combat on the eastern front, relief by 348.ID, and assembly of 302.ID in the Amiens area for transport, 27 Nov 1942; register of officers; and combat and ration strength reports.
Ia, Anlagenheft A zum KTB 3. Division orders concerning daily operations, transfer of Generalleutnant Haase and assumption of command by Oberst Elfeldt, and celebration of the division's second anniversary on November 15.

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1. Infanterie-Division

T315 R11
Ia, Anlagenband 14 zum Kriegstagebuch. Verschiedenes.
Dec. 14, 1942 - May 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 15 zum Kriegstagebuch. Stellungsbau.
Nov. 23, 1942 - March 26, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 16 zum Kriegstagebuch. Zustandsberichte, Verkurzte Zustandsmeldungen, Verteidigungsubersichten.
Jan. 1 - June 3, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 17 zum Kriegstagebuch. Wege, Brucken, Bahnen.
Dec. 6, 1942 - May 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 18 zum Kriegstagebuch. Ausbildung.
Oct. 14, 1942 - May 28, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 19 zum Kriegstagebuch. Ruckwartiges Gebiet.
Dec. 24, 1942 - Feb. 28, 1943
Ia/Ic, Tatigkeitsberichte mit Anlagen.
Jan. 1 - May 31, 1943
IIa, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen: Kriegsrangliste, Offz., Uffz. und Mannschaften-Ersatz, Ubersicht uber verliehene Auszeichnungen, Verluste, Gefechtsstarken.
Jan. 1 - May 31, 1943
Ib, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 3.
Jan. 1 - June 30, 1943
Ib, Anlage 1 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 3. Besondere Anordnungen.
Jan. 1 - June 30, 1943
Ib, Anlage 2 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 3. Tagesmeldungen.
Jan. 1 - June 30, 1943

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T78 R931

H 6/402
OKH/Heerespersonalamt/Amtsgruppe P1.

An alphabetically arranged card file of panzer (armored) troop officers, giving name, rank, branch of service, date of rank, date of birth, area where drafted, and lists of awards, training, and assignments. Item H6/402 continues through roll 935. On this roll are alphabetical listings from Michalek through Renzmann.

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XXXXII. Armeekorps

T314 R1669
Ia, VII. Beilagenheft z. KTB 4, Flieger- und Funkmeldungen unterstellteter Einheiten, Lageberichte. Daily reports of the Air Force concerning air tactical support, radio messages of subordinate units, and situation reports.
Oct 30, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942
la, VIII. Beilagenheft z. KTB 4, Gefechtsbericht der "Brigade Ziegler" 28.10. - 7.11.41; Ic, Qu., Tatigkeitsberichte. After-action report of Brigade Ziegler concerning the activation of this mobile unit on Oct 27, 1941, under the command of Oberst Ziegler. The Brigade's staff and signal company were transferred from Nikolaev via Kherson, Berislav to Preobrazhenka and its combat units, Gruppen v. Boddien and Korne, were available in the Vorontsovka, Dshetischai, and Ongar Nayman areas. The Brigade had as its mission the crossing of the Alma River sector southwest of Simferopol to block the enemy's withdrawal through the Alma Valley to Sevastopol. This operation was carried out from Oct 29 to Nov 7, 1941. Also, an activity report of the Intelligence Branch pertaining to enemy operations and successful disengagement movements, enabling the enemy forces to reach Sevastopol, an activity report of the Supply Branch, an order relating to the activation of the Brigade, a casualty report, and a map.
Oct 27 - Nov 23, 1941
la, IX. Beilagenbeft z. KTB 4, Anlagen zum Gefechtsbericht "Brigade Ziegler" vom 28.10. - 8.11.41. Orders, reports, messages, and a map pertaining to the combat operations of Brigade Ziegler as it attempted to cut off enemy forces withdrawing to Sevastopol.
Oct 28 - Nov 8, 1941
la, X. und XI. Beilagenhefte z. KTB 4, Karten zum Kriegstagebuch. Maps and overlays showing the tactical disposition of subordinate units on the Kerch Peninsula.
Oct 30, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942
la, XII. Beilagenheft z. KTB 4, Befehle und Gefechtsberichte. Orders and afteraction reports concerning the Alert "Weihnachtsmann," a call for the defense of the Kerch Peninsula, the landing of enemy units at Kamysh Burun south of Kerch, Dec 26, 1941, and strong enemy landings at Feodosiya, Dec 29, 1941, compelled the Corps to withdraw from the Kerch Peninsula and defend the Feodosiya area.
Dec 24, 1941 - Jan 1, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report of the Intelligence Branch pertaining to enemy operations, unit identification, losses of men and equipment, and tactical situation; counterintelligence; and troop entertainment.
Oct 28, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942

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1. Infanterie-Division

T315 R12
Ib, Tatigkeitsberichte und Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 3.
Jan. 1 - June 30, 1943
Ib, Anlage 4 fur Kriegstagebuch Nr. 3. 2 Verorgungskarten.
Jan. 1 - June 30, 1943
Ic, Anlagenband. Die Kampfe der 1. Inf Div in der Zeit vom 10-15 Jan. 1944.
Ia, Sperren, Zerstorungs- bezw. Sperranweisungen fur den Kriegsfall. Ladungsentwurfe. Band 3 & 4. 39/34. Plans and directives for demolition of bridges and other defensive measures in case of war.
Jan. 30, 1933 - Aug. 4, 1936
IIb, Grabenstarken. Strength reports.
Dec. 31, 1941 - March 15, 1942

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11. Armee

T312 R1691
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1. War journal concerning operations of the 11th Army while it was subordinate to Army Groups "South," Apr 1 - Jul 6, 1942, and "A," Jul 7 - Aug 23, 1942, in the Ukraine, Crimea, and Sevastopol, including information on the effects of environment on the various arms and services and air and naval activities in support of ground forces.
Apr 1 - Aug 23, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 1, Russland. Reports and orders relating to the operations, supplying, and order of battle of 11th Army units in the Sevastopol and Crimea area and in Operation "Trappenjagd" (plans to breakthrough the enemy lines between Feodosiya and Parpach); an appraisal of the enemy tactical situation; and maps (1:50,000 and 1:100,000) showing the tactical disposition of German and Soviet forces and the main line of resistance in the 11th Army sector.
Apr 1 - 23, 1942

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I. Armeekorps

T314 R42
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Ausgegangene Befehle. Orders of the I Corps, messages to subordinate divisions and other units, and reports on enemy and own activities.
June - Nov. 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Ausgegangene Befehle. 5 OB charts showing artillery positions in the I Corps area and 2 sketches on tactical deployment of anti-aircraft artillery and range finders.
Nov. 1941 - Jan 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Ausgegangene Befehle. Orders, Lake Ilmen area.
February 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Ausgegangene Befehle. Orders. Lake Ilmen - Volkhov River area.
March 1942
la, Anlagen zum KTB, Eingegangene Meldungen. Daily reports to I Corps from subordinate divisions and units concerning own activities against the enemy in the Baltic States.
June - July 1941

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20. Infanterie-Division (mot)

T315 R734
Ia, Anlage C z. KTB 4, Erfahrungsberichte.
Jun 22 - Dec 23, 1941
Ia, Anlage D z. KTB 4, Gefechts- und Zustandsberichte.
Jun 22 - Dec 23, 1941
Ia, Anlage E z. KTB 4, Kriegsrang- u. Verlustlisten, Gefechts- u. Verpflegungsstarken.
Jun 22 - Dec 23, 1941
Ia, "Die 20. Division im polnischen Feldzug" (Vortrag von Oberstlt. Friebe). Text of a lecture by Oberstleutnant Friebe pertaining to the division's participation in the Polish campaign. Also, army, corps, and division orders concerning operations in the Polish campaign with overlays showing location and line of attack of units from the German-Polish border to Brest-Litovsk.
Oct 31, 1939
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht 1. Activity report concerning enemy operations before and during the invasion of Russia and the enemy situation at Olita, Vilna, and Vitebsk. Also, intelligence bulletins, messages, sketches of gun emplacements, and prisoner-of-war interrogation summaries, including a copy of an interrogation report of the Commanding General of the Russian 6th Army.
Jun 22 - Oct 29, 1941

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1. Infanterie-Division

T315 R8
Ib, Anlage 4 (Graphische Anlage) zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2.
1941 - 1942
Ib, Karten zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2.
May 20 - Dec. 31, 1942
Ib, III, IVa, IVb, IVc, IVde, IVdk, V, WuG, FPA1. Band 6 mit Tatigkeitsberichten und Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2.
Apr. - Dec. 1942
Ia, Feldzug der 1 Inf Div in Russland, bearbeitet von Oberstleutnant Pantenius. A report on the 1st Division's participation in the opening weeks of the campaign in Russia.
June 22 - Sep. 24, 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch (geheime Kommandosachen). Versorgungslage, neue Korpsgrenzen, Munitionslage, Gefechtsberichte u.s.w.
Aug. 12, 1942 - March 6, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Band 1.
Jan. 1 - 28, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Band 2.
Jan. 29 - March 21, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Band 3.
March 22 - May 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagen (Nr. 1 - 226) zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 1. Gefechtsberichte, Tagesmeldungen, Divisionsbefehle u.s.w.
Jan. 1 - 15, 1943
Ia, Anlagen (Nr. 227 - 409) zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 2. Divisionsbefehle, Erlebnisberichte, Tagesmeldungen, u.s.w.
Jan. 16 - 19, 1943

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1. Infanterie-Division

T315 R2
Ib, Karten zum Kriegstagebuch.
Dec. 28, 1939 - July 4, 1940
III, Tatigkeitsbericht des Gerichts.
Nov. 1, 1939 - July 31, 1940
IVa, Tatigkeitsbericht.
Nov. 1939 - Sep. 1940
IVb, Tatigkeitsbericht des Sanitatsdienstes.
May 10 - July 2, 1940
IVc, Tatigkeitsbericht und Erfahrungen des Veterinardienstes.
May 10 - Aug. 1, 1940
IVd, Ev. Kriegspfarrer, Tatigkeitsbericht.
May 5, 1939 - Sep. 11, 1940
FPM, Feldpostamt, Tatigkeitsbericht.
Jan. 1 - July 31, 1940
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3.
Sep. 17, 1940 - Jan. 31, 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch 3. Kriegsrangliste, Unterkunftsubersicht, Ausbildungsbefehle, Bekrutenvereidigung u.s.w
Sep. 17, 1940 - Jan. 31, 1941
Ic & IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte.
Aug. 1, 1940 - Jan. 31, 1941
Ib, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2.
Sep. 16, 1940 - Jan. 31, 1941
Ib, Anlagenband 1 zum Kriegstagebuch. Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung und ruckwartige Dienste.
Sep. 16, 1940 - Jan. 31, 1941
Ib, Anlagenband 2 zum Kriegstagebuch. III, IVa, IVb, IVc, IVd, WuG & Feldpostamt, Tatigkeitsberichte.
Sep. 16, 1940 - Jan, 31, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch.
June 20 - Sep. 24, 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 1. Divisionsbefehle.
June 19 - July 26, 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 2. Divisionsbefehle.
July 26 - Sep. 24, 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Mappe 1.
June 19 - 26, 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Mappe 2.
June 27 - Sep. 5, 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Mappe 3.
Sep. 5 - 24, 1941

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9. Armee

T312 R309
IVa, Anlagen zu den Tatigkeitsberichten. Beitrage zu den Besonderen Anordnungen.
Jan 3 - Mar 25, 1943
O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch.
Jan 1 - Mar 25, 1943
III, Tatigkeitsbericht und 1 Anlagenband. Report on administration of justice, its organization and personnel.
Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1943
IVa, IVb, IVc, O.Qu., Tatigkeitsberichte.
Jan 1 - Mar 25, 1942
IVd/Ev.&Kath., APM, Tatigkeitsberichte.
Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1943
Bv.T.O., A.Wi.Fu., Tatigkeitsberichte.
Jan 1 - Mar 25, 1943
O.Qu.2, A.O. Kraft., Betr.Stoff-Versorgung, W.Ing., Beitrage z. KTB. Includes material on the employment of local labor, on refugee movements, prisoners of war, and booty taken.
Jan 1 - Mar 25, 1943
O.Qu., 3 Anlagenbande z. KTB, Abendmeldungen, Wochenberichte, Monatsberichte.
Jan 1 - Mar 25, 1943
O.Qu., 1 Anl. Band zum KTB. Sammelband. Material on fodder, fuel, ammunition and other supplies and on the employment of local labor.
Jan 1 - Mar 25, 1943
O.Qu., Anl. Band zum KTB. Karten.
Jan 1 - Mar 25, 1943
O.Qu., Anl. Band zum KTB. Meldungen an Gen Qu. Tagesmeldungen, Zahlenmeldungen and other reports on losses, wastage, and the supply situation made to OKH/Gen.Qu. and Heeresgruppe Mitte.
Jan 1 - Mar 25, 1943

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20. Infanterie-Division (mot)

T315 R726
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3. Operations after the cessation of hostilities in France, in the areas between Vesoul and Besancon, transfer to the demarcation line west of Autun and then to Chatillon-en-Bazois, the subsequent movement to an area west of Paris for preparation of Operation "Seelowe" (planned invasion of England), and training. A list of officers' duty assignments, and combat and ration strength reports. The division was subordinate successively to the XLI. A.K., AOK 2, and the XIV. and XV. A.K. for training, and to the XLV. A.K., and Pz.Gr. 3. Generalmajor Zorn assumed command on Nov 10, 1940.
Jun 24 - Nov 30, 1940
Ic, Tatigkeitsberichte als Anlagen z. KTB 3. Events along the demarcation line in France and the enemy situation. Reports on troop strength of Great Britain, Switzerland, Sweden, and Turkey and on German-Russian relations.
Jun 25 - Nov 30, 1940
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 3. Corps and division orders, training directives, and afteraction reports on the western campaign.
Jun 23 - Nov 29, 1940
Ia, Tatigkeitsbericht 1. Activity report concerning the movement from an area west of Paris to Magdeburg, Germany, for training and refitting, the transfer back to the Auxerre and Corbigny areas of France to participate in Operation "Attila" (plan to occupy the unoccupied part of France), the planned march to Marseille, training in chemical warfare, entraining at Auxerre for movement to Vienna and to Gross Born, near Poznan, Poland, for training.
Dec 1, 1940 - May 25, 1941
Ia, Anlage 1 z. TB 1. Division orders, training directives, and maps showing billeting areas.
Nov 27, 1940 - Mar 30, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbeficht. Activity report concerning preparations in Auxerre for Operation "Attila" and troop entertainment in Magdeburg and Gross Born; and an intelligence bulletin pertaining to the enemy situation.
Dec 1, 1940 - May 24, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4, Teil I. War journal concerning training activities at Gross Born; movement to Sensburg, East Prussia, and transfer to the Russian border for the invasion of Russia; crossing the border at Olita (Alitus), Lithuania; advance toward Vilna; crossing the Dvina River at Vitebsk; and combat operations in the encirclement battle of Smolensk.
Jun 22 - Aug I8, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4, Teil II. War journal concerning operations in the Smolensk area; the transfer via Vitebsk, Ostrov, and Pskov to the northern sector; and the encirclement of Leningrad.
Aug 19 - Sep 30, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4, Teil IV. War journal concerning operations and activities in the Volkhov area south of Lake Ladoga. Also, a summarized report pertaining to operations, condition of personnel and equipment, awards and decorations issued, number of prisoners captured, equipment and materiel captured and destroyed, and casualties from Jun 22 to Dec 23, 1941.
Nov 21 - Dec 23, 1941
Ia, Anlage A z. KTB 4, Akte I-III. Special traffic directives, intelligence bulletins, division orders relating to preparations for frontline duty, and corps and division orders and radio messages concerning operations in the central sector of the eastern front during the initial invasion.
Jun 3 - 30, 1941

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LVI. Armeekorps / Panzerkorps

T314 R1389
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1. War journal concerning preparations for the invasion of Russia, offensive operations from Jun 22, 1941, from the Memel area through Lithuania, Latvia, Porkhov, Shimsk on Lake Ilmen, to Luga, transfer southeast to Staraya Russa, offensive across the Lovat and Pola Rivers to Demyansk. On Sep 14, 1941, the Corps came under HGr Mitte and advanced to Klin northwest of Moscow. The Corps was subordinate to Pz.Gr. 4, AOK 16, and Pz.Gr. 3, successively during this period under the command of Gen.d.Inf. Fritz Erich von Manstein and General von Lewinski, Mar 15, 1940 - Sep 12, 1941, and Gen.d.Pz.Tr. Ferdinand Schaal, Sep 13, 1941 - Aug 15, 1943.
Jun 19, 1941 - Jan 21, 1942
Ia, Anlage G z. KTB 1. Order of battle charts of subordinate units while they were in East Prussia, Lithuania, Ingermanland, and the area southwest of Moscow.
Jun 12 - Dec 29, 1941
Ia, Anlage H z. KTB 1, Chefsache. Directives from OKH, Pz.Gr. 4, and Kommandostab Blucher concerning troop training and concentration in assembly areas, materiel for bridge construction, border patrols, and march movements preceeding the execution of Operation "Barbarossa" (invasion of Russia).
Mar 8 - Sep 23, 1941
Ia, Chefsache, Kommando der Panzergruppe 4, Aufmarsch und Kampfanweisung "Barbarossa" (Studie). Directives from Pz.Gr. 4 to subordinate units concerning the concentration of troops and battle directives for Operation "Barbarossa."
May 2 - Jun 13, 1941
Ia, Anlage J z. KTB 1. Correspondence of Generals von Manstein, Hoppner, and Busch, and of other unit commanders and chiefs of staff pertaining to military problems such as capabilities, needs, grievances, and points needing emphasis. Also, a map showing the tactical situation on the Lovat River front.
Jul 1 - Sep 4, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 1. Reports, teletype messages, orders, order of battle charts, and maps and overlays pertaining to operations and the tactical situation during the beginning of the Russian campaign, and lists of officers' duty assignments.
Jun 18 - 30, 1941

6. Panzer-Division

T315 R351
Ia, Kriegstagebuch des Pz. Grenadier Regiments 4.
Sep 12, 1943 - Jul 14, 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch II/S.R. 4.
Jan 1 - May 9, 1940
Ia, Kriegstagebuch II/S.R. 4.
May - Jun 1940
Ia, Tatigkeitsbericht des Schutzenregiments 114.
Aug 1, 1940 - Apr 21, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1, Schutzenregiment 114.
Jun 1941 - May 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Schutzen-Bataillon 114.
Dec 1941 - May 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen. Radio messages, information about enemy, orders.
Feb 18 - Mar 7, 1943

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X. Armeekorps

T314 R446
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Westen VII, Meldungen. Reports to higher headquarters on reconnaissance, and recognition signals to be used between ground and air forces.
Jul 29 - Oct 29, 1940
Ia, Ic, IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte. Reports on activities during the transfer of the corps from Carsix (France) to Neidenburg (East Prussia) in preparation for the Russian campaign.
Nov 1, 1940 - Jan 31, 1941
Ia, Ic, Tatigkeitsberichte. Training instructions for the corps while it was in East Prussia with emphasis on field maneuvers, chemical defense, and defense against possible action by Polish underground organizations.
Feb 1 - May 25, 1941
Ia, Befehle. Tactical information on the German advance during the first phase of the eastern campaign; the crossing of the Neman River; the assault via Livani (Dvina), Opochka, Porkhov, Staraya Russa, and the Lovat River to the Lake Ilmen area.
Jun 22 - Dec 12, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Ost I. War journal on tactical operations and the advance across the Neman River to the assault on Porkhov east of Pskov including a report on intelligence activity, an army directory, and casualty and strength reports.
May 26 - Jul 20, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Ost I, Armee- u. Korpsbefehle. Army and corps orders pertaining to tactical operations during the German advance from the crossing of the Neman River near Babtei to the vicinity of Porkhov.
Jun 22 - Jul 20, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Ost I, Fern- u. Funkspriiche, Fernschreiben. Messages pertaining to the period before the invasion of Russia and to the actual campaign from the crossing of the Neman River near Babtei to operations in the vicinity of Porkhov.
Apr 19 - Jul 23, 1941

3. Panzer-Division

T315 R165
Na Fu, Funkspruche.
Aug. 7 - 9, 1943
Na Fu, Funkspruche. Operational and tactical messares, orders, reports.
Aug. 10 - 20, 1943

6. Panzer-Division

T315 R350
Ia, "Krieg im Westen." Combat report of the 6th Pz. Div.
May - Jun 1940
Ib, Kriegstagebuch.
Jun 22, 1941 - Apr 14, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch-Entwurf.
Jun 25 - Sep 30, 1944
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Orders, information about the enemy.
May 8 - 20, 1940
Ia, Divisionsbefehle.
May - Jul 1940
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 3 des Schutzenregiments 4.
Apr 22, 1941 - May 22, 1942

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Armee Norwegen / 20. Gebirgs-Armee

T312 R990
Ia, Anl.bd. 6 z. KTB Nr. 4. Tables of organization of units of Gebirgskorps Norwegen.
Sep 18, 1940
Ia, "Bluecher" Erlebnisberichte. Reports on the personal experiences of the men who served on the warship "Bluecher" which was later sunk.
Apr 6 - 9, 1940
Ia, Erfahrungsberichte of Gruppe XXI. Reports on experiences gained in the Norwegian Campaign.
Jul 20, 1940
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Reports of Gruppe Narvik to Gruppe XXI and orders by Gruppe XXI to Gruppe Narvik concerning operations in the Drontheim, Dombass, Flegvis and Wittstock areas.
May 11 - Jun 25, 1940
O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch.
May 22 - Jun 10, 1940
O.Qu., Anl. 2 z. KTB. Special Directives Nr. l-38 dealing with AOK 20 O.Qu. supply activities. Nr. 1 and 2 concern Operation "Weseruebung."
Mar 8 - May 17, 1940
O.Qu., Anl. 3 z. KTB. Special directives concerning the conduct of German troops during the occupation of Denmark and Norway.
Mar 13 - Apr 18, 1940

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T315 R747
Ia, Anlagenband C 2 z. KTB 6, Divisionsbefehle.
Jan 4 - Jun 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband G z. KTB 6, Gefechts- und Verpflegungsstarken und Verwendungsbereite Waffen.
Jan 1 - Jun 20, 1943
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen 1 - 126 als Anlagenband D 2 z. KTB 6. Activity report including interrogation summaries, intelligence bulletins, daily reports concerning enemy operations and situation, overlays and maps, translations, and reconnaissance reports from the Donskoi area.
Apr 1 - Jun 20, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 7, Textband, Erstschrift mit Aktenplan. War journal relating to operations in the Donskoi area north of Orel and the retreat across the Desna River south of Bryansk. The division was subordinate to the XLVII. Pz.K., LIII. A.K., XLI. Pz.K., XXIII. A.K., Gruppe Harpe, LVI. Pz.K., and the LV. A.K.
at various times during this period under the command of Generalmajor v. Kessel.
Jul 1 - Oct 8, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband A z. KTB 7, Zustandsberichte mit Kriegsgliederungen.
Jul 1 - Oct 8, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband C z. KTB 7, Gefechts- und Verpflegungsstarken, Verwendungsbereite Waffen.
Jul 1 - Oct 8, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband C 1 z. KTB 7, Befehle von Korps, Armee und hoheren Staben.
Jul 1 - Oct 8, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband C 2 z. KTB 7, Divisionsbefehle.
Jul 1 - Oct 8, 1943

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II. Armeekorps

T314 R91
IVa, IVb, IVc, III, Tatigkeitsberichte. West.
June 25, 1940 - March 8, 1941
Ia, Unterlagen Ostfeldzug, Band 1. Information about the first days of the Eastern campaign and details on military operations.
June 21 - 26, 1941
Ia, Unterlagen Ostfeldzug, Band 2. Information about the first days of the Russian campaign and details on military operations.
June 27 - July 1, 1941
Ia, Unterlagen Ostfeldzug, Band 3. Information on the first phase of the war against Russia, giving also details on tactical operations.
July 2 - 6, 1941
Ia, Unterlagen Ostfeldzug, Band 4. Information on the first phase of the war against Russia, giving also details on tactical operations near Pustina.
July 7 - 14, 1941

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217. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1650
Ic, Anlage zum TB, Feindpropaganda, Uabervachung der Zivilbevoelkerung, Voelkerrechtsverletzungen, Massnahmen gegen Pluenderung. Reports, directives, and leaflets pertaining to enemy propaganda; control of the civilian population, alleged Soviet violations of international lav, and measures taken against looting.
1941/06/24 - 1942/02/06
Ic, Anlage zum TB, Geistige Betreuung, Berichte zur Veroeffentlichung in der Presse. Reports concerning troop indoctrination and entertainment and press releases.
1941/09/12 - 1942/01/13
Ic, Anlage zum TB, Meldungen.
1941/06/22 - 1941/07/13
Ic, Anlage zum TB, Meldungen.
1941/07/14 - 1941/08/04
Ic, Anlage zum TB, Meldungen.
1941/07/29 - 1942/11/29
Ic, Anlage zum TB, Meldungen an AK 26.
1941/11/30 - 1942/02/28
Ia, KTB 3. Daily reports, in lieu of a war journal, pertaining to the invasion and crossing of Lithuania and penetration of Latvia to Jelgava, 22 - 30 Jun 1941, advance and offensive engagements to Paide, Estonia, via Riga, Parnu, and Turi, 1-31 Jul 1941, capture of Paide and security of the Paide area, 1-9 Aug 1941, advance and offensive engagements to Reval {Tallin) via Rapla, 10-28 Aug 1941, capture of Beval and coastal defense in the Reval and Paldiski areas, 29 Aug-18 Sep 1941, transfer to the Oranienbaum front, 19-24 Sep 1941, and position defense in the area south of Oranienbaum. Order-of-battla chart; afteraction reports and a critique concerning Russian attacks, 10-11 Dec 1941 and 30 Jan 1942; and appraisals of the German and enemy military situation in December 1941 and January and February 1942.
1941/06/22 - 1942/02/28

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29. Infanterie-Division (mot)

T315 R844
Ia, Anlage 8 z. KTB, IV. Gefechtsabschnitt C. Corps and division orders, reports, and messages concerning the encirclement of Bryansk in the Navlya area. Also, reports of the Intelligence Branch concerning enemy units along the divisions front and interrogation summaries on prisoners of war.
Oct 11 - 13, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Luftbilder.
Jul 28 - Aug 26, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebucher 2-5. The encirclement east of Smolensk on the Dnieper River, offensives toward Pochep on the Rog River, the battles along the Desna River in the Yampol area, the advance north toward Bryansk, east to Karachev, and northeast to Mtsensk. Also, lists of officers' duty assignments and casualties, combat and ration strength reports, and reports on losses of vehicles and weapons, ammunition expended, number of prisoners taken, and amount of captured equipment. The division was subordinate to the XLVII. Pz.K., Pz.Gr. 2, LIII. A.K., and Pz.AOK 2 during this period.
Jul 30 - Dec 16, 1941

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XXVI. Armeekorps

T314 R755
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen 1-13, Teil I-II. Activity and situation reports, orders, information bulletins, maps, and correspondence concerning security measures and economic intelligence, Soviet tactics and activities, Russian railroads and German-Soviet border incidents.
Jul 7, 1940 - Jun 30, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 6. War journal concerning border security, construction of defenses, organizational matters, weather conditions, plans in case of war with the Soviet Union, the attack against Russia on June 22, 1941, and subsequent combat actions. During this period the German Army advanced almost to the Luga River.
Jun 1 - Aug 20, 1941
Ia, Anlagenbande 1-2 z. KTB 6, Anlagen 1-100. Orders and reports pertaining to the campaign against Soviet forces in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia; unit transfers; border security measures; order of battle of Soviet forces; and communication facilities.
Jun - Jul 1941
Ia, Anlagenbande 3-4 z. KTB 6, Anlagen 101-192. Orders and reports, chiefly prepared by the Operations Branch, containing data concerning measures to capture Estonia from the Soviet forces, organizational matters, and activities of Soviet naval forces including several situation maps and overlays (1:100,000 and n.s.) indicating troop locations, routes of advance, and other information.
Jul 13 - Aug 19, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht z. KTB 6. Activity report of the Intelligence Branch for the period Jun 1 - Aug 20, 1941, containing data about matters affecting morale of own (German) troops, and about the Soviet Army including security measures, combat actions against the Soviet forces in the Baltic countries, intelligence obtained from interrogations of Soviet prisoners of war, and propaganda results in the general area of Lake Peipus.
Jan 14, 1942
Ic, Anlagenmappe 2 z. TB, Feindnachrichten. Information reports prepared by the Intelligence Branch containing data about organization and changes within Soviet Army units, estimated strength of opposing Soviet forces, Soviet positions and location of units, estimate of Soviet intentions, evaluation of Soviet soldiers, and related intelligence data.
Jun 14 - Aug 22, 1941
Ic, Anlagenmappe 3 z. TB, Richtlinien. Instructions prepared by the Intelligence Branch concerning preparation and submission of intelligence reports, essential elements of information obtained through prisoner-of-war interrogations, and exploitation of captured documents and materials.
Jun 9, 1941

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T315 R744
Ic, Anlagen z. TB als Anlagenband L 6 z. KTB 2 Ia, Gefangenenvernehmungen. Summaries of interrogations of prisoners of war and deserters.
Aug 8, 1941 - Apr 30, 1942
Ic, Anlagen z. TB als Anlagenband L 8 z. KTB 2 Ia, Aufrufe, Verordnungen. Propaganda leaflets, orders, and regulations.
Aug 15, 1941 - Apr 30, 1942
Ic, Anlagen z. TB als Anlagenband L 9 z. KTB 2 Ia, Feindunterlagen allgemeiner Art. Instructions and regulations concerning partisan warfare, and translations of enemy orders.
Aug 18 - Nov 9, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1. War journal concerning activities in Sangerhausen, Nordhausen, and in the troop training area of Ohrdruf, entraining for movement to East Prussia (Loetzen area) for the invasion of Russia, crossing the border in the Suwalki area, the advance and combat operations toward Vilna, Minsk, and .Smolensk. The division was subordinate to the XXXIX. A.K. from May 5 to Jul 26, 1941, and to the LVII. Pz.K. from Jul 26, 1941. On Aug 2, 1941, Oberst von Bismarck became temporary division commander, replacing Gen.Lt. Stumpff.
May 25 - Aug 15, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband z. KTB 1. Division orders and reports with an overlay concerning operations. Also, lists of officers' duty assignments.
Jun 17 - Aug 15, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband z. KTB 1, Befehle, Schriftverkehr, Vorbereitungen zum Angriff, Kriegsgliedemngen, Auffrischung.
May 7 - Aug 15, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband C 1 z. KTB 1, Eingegangene Befehle des XXXIX. A.K.
Jim 6 - 30, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband C 2 z. KTB 1, Eingegangene Befehle des XXXIX. A.K. und LVII. Pz.K.
Jul 1 - Aug 8, 1941
Ia, Anlagenbande C 3-4 z. KTB 1, Erhaltene u. erstattete Meldungen.
Jun 20 - Aug 15, 1941

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T314 R182
III, Tatigkeitsberichte. First report concerns Polish campaign and second report the Western front.
Aug. 1939 - May 1940
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4 mit Anlagen A, C und D. Diary covers activities in occupied territory in Poland.
July - Aug. 1940
la/Ic, Tatigkeitsberichte. Include instructions that all command units under the Eighteenth Army are to maintain "Activity Reports" instead of "War Diaries". Reports cover activities in occupied Poland before invasion of Russia.
Aug. 1940 - May 1941
Fuhrungsabteilung, Anlagen zur Akte Tatigkeitsberichte. Includes various reports, organizational charts, maps, orders for training of general staff officers, supply directives, propaganda material during occupation of Poland
Aug. 1940 - May 1941
Ia, Generalstabs-Ausbildung 1941 - Studie. Study of the Chief of staff of the III Corps for the Chief of Staff of the Seventeenth Army preparatory to the attack on Russia.
Feb. 5, 1941
IVa, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Report includes data about personnel and administrative supply rations, fiscal matters, clothing supplies, pay, etc. in occupied Poland.
July 1940 - May 1941
IVa, Tatigkeitsbericht, Korpsintendant. Concerns problems of supply of food and other necessities and attempts to secure these from Russian sources.
June - Dec. 1941
Fuhrungsabteilung, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5. Daily activities of an operational and planning nature in occupied Poland before the invasion of Russia.
May - June 1941
Ia, Anlagen A: Kriegsgliederungen, C: Operationsakten, E: Allgemein z. KTB Nr. 5. Enclosures divided into three parts: Organizational charts, Operational plans and reports, and general. Definite plans leading up to the attack on Russia outlined, including Hitler's letter to troops on the Eastern front.
May - June 1941
Ia, Generalstabs-Ausbildung 1941 - Studie. This study is a special enclosure to War Diary No. 5 and outlines plans for an attack in the East, including planning routes and highways to be used.
Jan. 23, 1941
Fuhrungsabteilung, Kriegstagebuch 6. Operations during first month of the war against Russia - hourly and daily movements of units and other pertinent information.
June - July 1941
la, Anlage A, Ausgange, Gen.Kdo. mot. Morning and daily reports, Corps directives, etc. concerning operations during the first month on the Russian front.
June - July 1941


T315 R706
la, "Eine Nacht auf dem Divisionsgefechtsstand einer Panzerdivision" als Beitrag z. KTB. A report concerning the combat engagements of the division during the first three days of the Russian campaign in the Bialystok, Brest, Volkyovsk, Slonim, Kobrin, and Frushany areas.
Jun 24 - 25, 1941
la, "Als die Vernichtungsschlacht um Kiew geschlagen wurde" (Stimmungsbild), Beitrag z. KTB. A report concerning combat activities during the offensive battle around Kiev.
Sep 25, 1941
la, Kriegstagebuch mit Gefechtskalender, Teil I, Russland. War journal concerning the invasion of Russia (Jun 22, 1941); the division's operations in the Brest-Litovsk and Bialystok areas; and its advance via Pruzhany, Slonim, Baranovichi, Nesvizh, Stolotsy, Minsk, Borisov, Krupki, Tolochin, Orsha, Snolensk, and Pochinok to Yelnya and Roslavl. The division was subordinate to the XLVII. Pz.K.
Jun 22 - Aug 20, 1941
la, Kriegstagebuch mit Gefechtskalender, Teil II, Russland. War journal concerning combat engagements in the Roslavl, Zhukovka, Bezhitsa, Pochep, Mglin, Uritski, and Bryansk areas.
Aug 21 - Sep 29, 1941
la, Kriegstagebuch mit Gefechtskalender, Teil III, Russland. War journal concerning operations in the Bryansk, Belye Berega, and Karachev areas.
Sep 30 - Oct 19, 1941
la, Anlagen z. KTB, Heimat und Russland. Corps and division orders, afteraction reports, and messages.
May 26 - Jul 20, 1941
la, Anlagen z. KTB, Russland. Radio and teletype messages, reports, and corps and division orders.
Jul 21 - Aug 14, 1941

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T314 R1014
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Chefsachen. Orders and maps concerning counteroffensive east of Novosokolniki to relieve the pressure on the fortress and plans for resisting a possible enemy winter offensive in the Daugavpils (Dunaburg) area by outflanking Novosokolniki, reports on enemy strength, and charts showing order of battle of Pz. AOK 3.
Apr 17 - Aug 25, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Akte "Blau". Orders concerning preparations for Operation "Blau" (a general withdrawal along the northern front to the Panther line).
Sep 13, 1943 - Feb 17, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Akte "Grun". Orders and plans for Operation "Grun" (the withdrawal of Corps elements to the Luchs line, south of Novosokolniki, to protect the flanks of the I. Korps which was overrun in the Russian attack on Nevel). Included are maps and overlays illustrating successive positions.
Dec 19, 1943 - Jan 4, 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. War journal concerning defensive and antipartisan operations in the Novosokolniki and Pustoshka areas, the battle for Nevel, and preparations for withdrawal to the Luchs positions in the area south of Novosokolniki.
Sep 19 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenbande I-II z. KTB, Tagesmeldungen. Daily operation reports from the divisions to the Corps and from the Corps to AOK l6/Armeegruppe Loch. Includes reports on casualties and prisoners taken.
Sep 19 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband III z. KTB, Band 29. Messages from and to higher headquarters, orders and units reports of the Corps concerning, operations at Novosokolniki and rear area security. Included are directives for the construction of Panther line fortifications and order of battle.
Sep 19 - 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband IV z. KTB, Band 30. Orders of the Corps and AOK 16 and unit reports concerning operations on the Novosokolniki front. Included are directives for Operation "Blau", reports of the commanding general's inspections of the Panther line, and intelligence evaluations of enemy movements.
Oct 1 - 31, 1943

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3. Gebirgs-Divison

T315 R181
Ib, IVa, IVb, IVc, IVd (ev), IVd (kath), V, WuG, Feldpostamt 68, Feldgendarmerie Trupp 68. B.A.V. u. Tatigkeitsberichte der Qu. Abt.
Nov. 1, 1942 - Apr. 30, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Russland.
July 5 - Nov. 15, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband I. Bildung der Gruppe Picker, Karten.
July 6 - Nov. 12, 1943
Ia, Ic, Anlagenband 2. Gefangenenvernehmungen, Meldungen, Karten.
Aug. 29 - Sep. 21, 1943
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht.
Sep. 1 - 30, 1943


T314 R832
Ic, Anlagen 1-83 z. TB, Band 3. Miscellaneous papers supplementing the activity report, including intelligence maps (1:300000), directives concerning the organization of intelligence sections within subordinate units, intelligence bulletins and reports, orders requiring men quartered in private billets to make radios inoperative for any periods of absence from those billets, and standard operating procedures for reporting and processing intelligence information.
Mar 23 - Apr 30, 1943
Ic, Anlagen 1-91 z. TB, Band 4. Various papers supplementing the activity report of the Intelligence Branch including intelligence maps (1:300000), directives on survey of excess classified material, and intelligence reports regarding activities in the Donets sector.
May 1 - 31, 1943
Ic, Anlagen 1-79 z. TB, Band 5. Miscellaneous papers supplementing the activity report of the Intelligence Branch including intelligence maps, memorandum on the distribution and use of a Corps battle history containing classified data but issued without security restrictions, and intelligence reports.
Jun 1 - 30, 1943
Ic, Anlagen 1-74 z. TB, Band 6. Annexes to the activity report of the Intelligence Branch containing intelligence maps (1:300000 and n.s.), intelligence reports concerning estimated enemy strength and losses, intelligence bulletins, and information on effectiveness of reporting and processing intelligence information. Also, papers on the employment of a theater group in Kaganovich for the entertainment of the troops.
Jul 1 - 31, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, "Abwehrkampfe am Donez". War journal describing defensive operations along the Donets River front, in the Chuguyev and Izyum area. Includes information on desertion of Turkomans to the Russians and on the preparation of rear area fortifications.
Aug 1 - 31, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, "Abwehrkampfe vom Donez" (1.9. - 26.9.43). War journal describing the retreat from the Donets River and efforts made to establish positions in the Dnieper River area in the face of Red attacks near Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhe.
Sep 1 - 30, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, "Kampfe am Dnjepr" (27.9. - 24.10.43). War journal describing heavy combat and the retreat from the Dnieper River.
Oct 1 - 31, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, "Kampfe im grossen Dnjeprbogen". War journal describing heavy combat and Russian advance toward Krivoi Rog.
Nov 1 - 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, "Abwehrkampfe am Donez". Miscellaneous papers supplementing the war journal including situation maps (l:100000), order of battle charts, orders charging local commanders with the prevention of panic and unauthorized withdrawals, other operations orders, and instructions regarding orderly withdrawals and destruction of supplies and surplus equipment.
Aug 1 - 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, "Abwehrkampfe vom Donez" (1.9. - 26.9.43). Annexes to war journal including situation maps (1:100,000), sketches of Dnieper River crossings in the Verkhne-Dneprovsk and Zaporozhe sectors, Army and Corps orders, operations reports on the withdrawal to the Dnieper positions, and memoranda concerning inadequacies found in field fortifications.
Sep 1 - 30, 1943

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11. Panzer-Division

T315 R599
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht z. KTB 9. Activity report concerning enemy operations in the Kharkov area, prisoner-of-war interrogation summaries, and overlays showing enemy positions south of Kharkov.
Mar 1 - 31, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 10, Einsatz Russland; IIa, Tatigkeitsbericht. War journal concerning operations and activities in the Kharkov and Kursk areas. Corps orders pertaining to Operation "Zitadelle" (German counteroffensive in the Kursk battle). The division was subordinate to Pz.AOK 4, XLVIII. Pz.K., II. SS-Pz.K., and the LII. A.K. at various times during this period under the command of Generalmajor
Mickl from May 17, 1943, when Generalleutnant v. Choltitz returned to Germany for hospitalization. Also, activity report of the Personnel Branch which is listed in the Potsdam Catalog as Item No. 34132/8 and was filmed with this folder.
Apr 1 Jul 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenbande 1-3 z. KTB 10. Radio and teletype messages, corps and division orders, reports, and rules for antipartisan actions.
Apr 1 Jul 31, 1943

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T314 R184
Ia, Anlagen Nr. 1 - 541, z. KTB, Band I. Orders, directives and situation and reconnaissance reports covering the battle for Krementschug and other areas.
July - Aug. 1941
Ia, Anlagen Nr. 542 - 1056 z. KTB. Daily operational reports, messages and orders covering own and enemy situation, missions, air attach, etc. Areas: Ssurskoje, Dnjepropetrowsk, Podgorodroje.
Aug. 19 - Sep. 22, 1941

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14. Panzer-Division

T315 R656
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 2. Operations of the division during its transfer from Yugoslavia to the Radom, Chelm, and Lublin areas; the invasion of Russia via Lutsk, Rovno, Zhitomir, Fastov, Kirovograd, Kremenchug, Krivoi Rog, Dnepropetrovsk, and Mariupol to the Rostov and Pokrovskoye areas; and defense along the Mius River. The division was subordinate to the III. A.K., III. Pz.K., and the XIV. Pz.K. at various times during this period under the command of Generalmajor Kuhn.
May 1 - Dec 15, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband 1 z. KTB 2. Division and corps orders, daily operation and situation reports, and intelligence bulletins.
Apr 26 - Aug 23, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband 2 z. KTB 2. Division orders, daily operation messages, and enemy situation reports.
Aug 23 - Dec 15, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht z, KTB 2. Daily intelligence reports concerning enemy operations, unit identification, and morale; prisoner-of-war interrogation reports, including those of the division commissar of the Russian 176th Division and the commanding general of the Russian 51st Security Division; and German translations of Soviet army orders.
Jun 22 - Dec 15, 1941
Ic, Anlagenband z, TB. Intelligence bulletins, reports on Russian weapons, and overlays showing the enemy situation.
Jun 25 - Nov 29, 1941

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II. Armeekorps

T314 R162

Ia, Anlage 168a Ostfeldzug, Meldungen. Information on continuous Russian attacks near Vanatare, Sargaste, etc, and reports on minor German counter-attacks.
Aug. 21 - 25, 1944
Ia, Anlage 168b Ostfeldzug, Meldungen. Information on Russian advance north of Dorpat and on mutual attacks near Reku, etc.
Aug. 26 - 31, 1944
IIa, Tatigkeitsbericht. Information on casualties, assignments, promotions, decorations, transfers, replacements, and shifting of command posts.
July 16 - Oct. 15, 1944
IIa, Kriegsrangliste. Directory listing all II Corps staff officers.
July 16 - Oct. 15, 1944
IIa, Offiziersstellenbesetzungen. Information on unit and job assignments of all officers under the Corps command.
July 16 - Oct. 15, 1944
IIa, Anerkennungsbefehle, Verlust- und Verleihungslisten. Unit citations for outstanding performance of duty, casualty lists of officers and enlisted men according to type of casualty (killed, wounded, and missing), and records of decorations by type of medals.
July 16 - Oct. 15, 1944
Ic, Tagesmeldungen. Information on enemy and own activities and operations with regard to the major Russian offensive towards Dorpat.
July 16 - Oct. 15, 1944
Ic, Nachrichten. Information on prisoner of war interrogations and observations of the enemy, tactical reports and situation estimates with regard to the major Russian offensive towards Dorpat.
July 16 - Oct. 15, 1944

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II. Armeekorps

T314 R164
Ia, Anlage 173 Ostfeldzug, Meldungen. Information on continuous Russian attacks near Masini, Lilayi, Kalnini, etc.
Oct. 11 - 20, 1944
Ia, Anlage 174 Ostfeldzug, Meldungen. Information on major Russian attacks and further withdrawal of German troops near Vizuli, Camali, Panzeri, etc.
Oct. 21 - 31, 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5. Diary containing detailed entries on tactical operations at the Eastern front, mostly consisting of German withdrawals and continuous Russian advances in the Dorpat (Estonia) and Riga (Latvia) areas.
July 16 - Oct. 15, 1944
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Report containing detailed descriptions of intelligence activities.
Oct. 16 - Dec. 31, 1944
Ic, Anlagen zum TB. Maps showing enemy movements, enemy artillery positions, air reconnaissance results, and enemy orders of battle.
Oct. 16 - Dec. 31, 1944

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VIII. Armeekorps

T314 R389
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. War journal containing tactical information on military operations at Penna, Staraya Russa, Nevel, Idriza, Pustoschka, Sheglovo, and Ossveya.
Jul 20 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Orders, reports, and tactical maps pertaining to operations at Penna, Staraya Russa, and Nevel (main points of Russian attacks).
Jul 20 - Nov 16, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Orders, reports, and tactical maps concerning operations in the area of thb Shadro, Beresno, Jasno, and Nevedro Lakes.
Nov 17 - Dec 22, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Orders, reports, and tactical maps concerning Operation "Otto" (annihilation of guerrilla bands in the Ossveya area, northwest of Vitebsk).
Dec 23 - 31, 1943
Ia, Meldungen z. KTB. Daily reports containing tactical infomation on operations in the Vlassova, Karkatschevo, and Novoye Sselo areas.
Jul 20 - Sep 30, 1943
Ia, Meldungen z. KTB. Daily reports containing tactical information on operations in areas of the Shadro, Beresno, Jasno, and Nevedro Lakes.
Oct 1 - Dec 31, 1943

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T314 R914
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 7. War journal relating to daily combat activity and tactical situation along the Corps front in the area of Volkhov. Includes data on the collapse of the Volkhov front, the withdrawal from Novgorod, and engagements south of Pskov.
Jan 1 - Jul 15, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband I z. KTB 7. Organisationsbefehle, Kriegsgliederungen. Orders relating to organization and reorganization of the Corps, order of battle charts, directives on the use of unit emblems on vehicles, and other matters in connection with military operations.
Jan 2 - Jul 7, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband III z. KTB 7. Erfahrungsberichte, Ausbildung. Directives, orders, and reports concerning the training of troops, with maps and overlays (1:50000). Also, reports relating to experiences gained in the use of infantry weapons.
Jan 8 - Jul 1, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband IV z. KTB 7. Wochentliche Starkemeldungen, Divisions Wochenmeldungen. Weekly reports of subordinate units on effective strength and combat readiness.
Jan 1 - Jul 15, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 7. Daily operations and reconnaissance reports, orders pertaining to the Red Army breakthrough on the Volkhov front and to the movement of trains, and other papers concerning operations in the area of Novgorod.
Jan 1 - 20, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 7. Daily and intermittent operations reports, radio messages, order of battle charts, aerial reconnaissance reports, and orders specifying, assignment for Corps units relating to the withdrawal from the Novgorod area.
Jan 21 - 31, 1944

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329. Infanterie-Division

T315 R2059
Ic, TB 7. Activity report concerning enemy assault and reconnaissance operations, losses, movements, and unit identification; execution of Unternehmen Ziethen (disengagement from the Demyansk combat area to the Glukhaya Gorushka, Vyazki, Ruchi, Peski, Kozlovo, Karkachevo, Lyakhnova, and Sosnovka areas, 21 Feb - 18 Mar); assault and defensive operations in the Lyakhnova, Karkachevo, Sosnovka, and Zimnik areas, 19 Mar - 13 May; and relief by the 122.ID, 14 May 1943.
1943/02/21 - 1943/05/13
Ic, Anlagen 1-20 zum TB 7. Interrogation summaries; daily intelligence messages; a report pertaining to Russian strength and casualties en the front south of Lake Ilmen, 26 Feb - 1 Mar 1943; maps showing the tactical disposition of enemy forces; and an afteraction report concerning a attack en the 329.ID by the Soviet 2d LGSD (2. Luftlande-Garde-Schuetzen-Div) in the Vyazki area, 26 Feb 1943.
1943/02/23 - 1943/03/09
Ic, Anlagen 21-40 zum TB 7. Interrogation summaries; daily intelligence messages; a report on enemy losses during the battles, 26 Feb - 26 Mar 1943; order-of-battle charts of Russian units; and maps showing the tactical disposition of enemy forces facing AOK 16.
1943/03/10 - 1943/03/29
Ic, Anlagen 41-55 zum TB 7. Interrogation summaries, intelligence messages, and intelligence bulletins with maps showing the location of Russian units along the Porus'ya River scuth of Staraya Russa.
1943/03/30 - 1943/04/22
Ic, Anlagen 56-68 zum TB 7. Interrogation summaries; intelligence bulletins with maps showing the tactical disposition cf enemy forces; order-of-battle charts of Russian units; intelligence messages; afteraction report concerning Unternehmen Feuerkopf (assault troop operation, 23 - 24 Apr); and tables showing enemy artillery and reconnaissance activity en the Soviet 34th Army front, 28 Mar - 30 Apr 1943.
1943/04/23 - 1943/05/12
Ic, TB 8. Activity report concerning enemy assault and reconnaissance operations, movements, unit identification, air and artillery activity, propaganda, and probable intentions; German propaganda; the taking over by the 329.ID of the Staraya Russa and Lake Ilmen sector from the 225.ID, 24 May; and defensive operations in the Malaya Viton', Bakochino, and Staraya Russa areas and south of Lake Ilmen, 25 May - 30 Jun 1943.
1943/05/24 - 1943/06/30
Ic, Anlagen 1-11 zum TB 8. Intelligence bulletins with maps showing the location of enemy units east and south of Staraya Russa.
1943/05/17 - 1943/06/28
Ia, TB (sic) (Anlagenband M zum KTF 1?). Daily reports, messages, orders, and maps pertaining to relief of tne 21.LwFldD in the Meglets area, 23 Feb, and defensive operations, assignment cf replacements, training, regrouping, and mobility and reorganization of the division's regiments in the Glukhaya Gorushka, Kozlovo, Karkachevo, Lyakhnova, and Ust'ye areas. Order-of-battle charts; status, strength, and 10-day artillery situation reports; special supply directives; an afteraction report regarding the defensive battle, 23 - 25 Feb 1943; and data relating to enemy offensive and reconnaissance operations west of the Lovat River and air activity.
1943/02/23 - 1943/04/25

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4. SS-Polizei-Panzergrenadier-Division

T354 R634
Ia, Anlagenband 1 zum KTB Nr. 14. Maps showing the tactical disposition of the SS Polizei-Division-Kampfgruppe and the 4. SS Pol. PzGrD in the Tosna River sector.
1943/10/01 - 1943/11/30
Ia, Erfahrungsberichte. Afteraction critiques concerning combat operations during the western campaign, May-June 1940; the southeast European campaign, April-May 1941; and the eastern campaign on the northernr central, and southern fronts, June 1941-July 1943; also data relating to enemy operations and unit identification and organization.
1940/05/00 - 1943/07/00
Ia, Anlagenband 3 zum KTB, Befehle ueber Aufstellung der SS Polizei Division. An order by OKH/AHA concerning the activation of the SS Polizei-Division at Truppenuebungsplatz Wandern, 1 Oct 1939, composed of Polizei, SS-Verfuegungstruppen, Totenkopfverbaende, Allgemeine-SS, and Wehrmacht; orders and correspondence pertaining to the formation and training of the SS Polizei-Division and its new units; and a table showing the number of recruits to be furnished by Wehrkreise II thru XIII for the SS Polizei-Division.
1939/10/03 - 1942/03/03
Ic, TB der SS Polizei-Division - Kampfgruppe - vom 1.10. - 31.10.1943 und 4.SS Polizei Panzer-Grenadier-Division, 1.11.-30.11.1943. Activity reports of the intelligence branch concerning enemy operations, losses, unit identification, and control of the Soviet civilian population, intelligence bulletins, maps showing the location of enemy units facing AK 54 in the Tosna River sector, and interrogation summaries.
1943/10/01 - 1943/11/30
Ib, KTP Nr. 5 und Anlagen. War journal and orders concerning supply branch operations in the Tosna River sector, 1 Oct-28 Nov; movement to the Oranienbaum (Lomonosov), Luchki and Semeyskaya areas, 29-30 Nov, and planned transfer from Kotly to Truppenuebungsplatz Neuhammer, Wehrkreis VIII, 1-5 Dec 1943; and a register of officers, strength and casualty reports, monthly weather reports, and maps showing the location of supply installations and routes.
1943/10/01 - 1943/11/30
IVa-c, V, VI, Feldgend. TB. Activity reports of the administrative, medical, veterinary, motor transport, and Nazi guidance officers, and the military police troops. Included are statements concerning the movement of the division staff to Semeyskaya and Kotly near Kopor'ye , 29-30 Nov 1943, and an afteraction critique relating to the operations of the veterinary officer, 15 May-15 Nov 1943.
1943/10/01 - 1943/11/30
Ia, KTB 10. War journal concerning movement from the Leningrad-Pushkin front to the Volkhov River sector to close the Russian penetration in the AK 38 area north of Lake Ilmen, 19-23 Feb; offensive engagements in the Fornosovo (Novo Lisino), Oshaki, Krasnaya Gorka, Spasskaya Polist, and Volkhov River areas with the mission to destroy the 2d Russian Assault Army, 24 Feb-26 Jun 1942; and data relating to enemy operations.
1942/02/19 - 1942/06/26
Ia, IIa/b, WuG., Befehle. Orders, correspondence, and lists concerning organizational, personnel, and training matters of the Division and status reports on ammunition and weapons, order-of-battle charts, and an instruction pamphlet on signal communication tactical principles.
1939/11/11 - 1941/04/20

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4. SS-Polizei-Panzergrenadier-Division

T354 R626
IVa, TB. Activity report concerning the activation of the 4. SS Polizei Division at Truppenuebungsplatz Wandern from members of the Waffen-SS , Allgemeine-SS, Ordnungs Polizeir and Wehrmacht, 1 Oct 1939; formation and training through 24 Jan 1940; movement to and training at Freiburg/Brg. 25 Jan - 11 Apr; movements as Heeres. Reserve to Waldkirch, 12 Apr - 5 May, to Tuebingen and Reutlingen, 6 - 20 May, to Bitburg, 21 - 24 May, and thru the Eifel, 25 - 27 May; offensive advance thru Luxembourg, Belgium, and to Sedan, France, 28 May - 9 Jun; combat operations in the Sedan area, 10 - 22 Jun; occupation duty in the Bourbonne-les-Bains area, 23 Jun - 6 Jul; securing of the "Gruene Sperrlinie," in the Chaumont and Saint-Dizier areas, 7 Jul - 3 Aug; movement to and securing of an obstacle line around Paris, 4 - 31 Aug 1940; and operations of the administrative branch and police administrative service.
1940/02/01 - 1940/08/31
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB Nr. 1. Orders relating to the formation and training of the division at Truppenuebungsplatz Wandern and tables showing the number of SS personnel furnished by each Wehrkreis, and an order-of-battle chart.
1939/10/03 - 1939/10/24
Ia, Anlagenheft zum KTB 3. Orders and messages pertaining to offensive engagements and pursuit in the Attigny, Grandpre, Argonne, Clermont, Conde, Bar-le-Duc, Liffol-le-Grand, and Montigny-le-Roi areas, 9 - 21 Jun , and occupation duty in the Bourbonne-les-Bains area, 22 - 25 Jun 1940.
1940/06/09 - 1940/06/25
Ia, IVb-c, Anlagenheft III zum KTB 3, Erfahrungsberichte. Afteraction reports and critiques relating to combat operations of the division and the XVII AK during the western campaign and afteraction critiques concerning medical service, 15 Apr - 15 Jul 1940, and care of horses, 19 May - 1 Jun 1940.
1940/04/15 - 1940/08/23
Ia, Feindunterlagen zum KTB 3. Captured French orders and plans with German translations concerning French artillery operations during the western campaign.
1940/05/21 - 1940/06/24
Ib, KTB Nr. 1 vom 22. Mai bis 24. Juni 1940 and Erfahrungsberichte. War journal concerning supply branch operations during movement from Bitburg, Germany, through the Eifel, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Boutancourt , France, 22 May - 5 Jun ; offensive engagement and pursuit in the Villers-le-Tilleul, Vandy, Bar-le-Duc, Dainville, and Bourbonne-les-Rains areas, 5 - 22 Jun; and occupation duty in the Bourbonne-les-Bains area, 22 - 24 Jun 1940. Afteraction critigue relating to supply branch operations during the western campaign and veterinary services, 31 Jan - 12 Apr 1940; activity report of the judge advocate, 19 May - 30 Jun; a report regarding supply branch operations, 1 Jul - 14 Sep; and tables showing the status of horses, 19 May - 22 Jun 1940.
1940/05/22 - 1940/09/19
Ia, KTB 9, Puschkin. War journal concerning defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations, counterattacks, and regrouping in the Pushkin area.
1941/10/16 - 1942/02/19

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8. SS-Kavallerie-Division Florian Geyer

T354 R641
Ia, Ib, Ic, Na/Fue., Anlagen zum KTB Nr. 1. Orders, reports, and daily teletype messaqes pertaining to the preparation for and transfer from Padcm and Debica, Poland to the Akatovskoye Lake sector, Russia, 26 Aug - 16 Sep, and antipartisan operations in the Gobza River sector, and Mirenovo, Pankova, Burdukovo, and Praniki areas, 16 - 30 Sep, the Verdino and Starina areas, 1 - 31 Oct, and the Tverdy, Pochinck, and Zakharkina areas, 1 Nov - 16 Nov 1942. Also status, strength, and casualty reports; special directives concerning supply, signal communication, military security, and battle conduct; notes on command inspections and conferences; inventories of ammunition expended; afteraction reports regarding antipaitisan and assault operations; aiteraction critique pertaining to antitank defense ard engineering activities; intelligence bulletins; and data on enemy operations.
1942/08/26 - 1942/11/16
Ia, IIa/b, Ib, Anlagen zum KTB Nr. 1. Daily teletype messages and orders pertaining tc antipartisan and combat operations, regrouping, formation of mobile units, and security duty in the Tverdy, Pochinok, Zakharkina, Baturino, and Volynovo areas, and the release of Reiter-Regimeats 1 and 3 for rehabilitation to the Medvedevo, Timonino, and Kholonidina areas. Also strength and casualty reports; inventories of ammunition expended; reports regarding the military situation southwest ot Rzhev, 10 - 17 Dec, grave registration service, and the evacuation of civilian population from the combat zone; special directives concerning supply, signal communication, and battle conduct; and data relating to enemy operations.
1942/11/16 - 1942/12/20
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB Nr. 1, Lagekarten. Maps showing the location in the Akatovskoye Lake area during Unternehmen Spaetlese I, 7 - 19 Sep; Demidov, 13 - 19 Sep; Tverdy, 8 Oct; Bely, 5 - 21 Nov; Starina, 1 Nov; and Baturino, 24 Nov - 2 Dec and 8 - 20 Dec 1942.
1942/09/07 - 1942/12/20
Ic, TB zum KTB Nr. 1. Activity reports with maps concerning organization, movements, and operations of the intelligence branch in the Tverdy, Baturino, Burdukovo, and Akatovskoye Lake areas; participation in Unternehmen "Spaetlese II": enemy military situation and operations; morale of the Russian population; and antipartisan operations. Also reports on reconnaissance activity, daily intelligence reports, interrogation summaries, and intelligence bulletins.
1942/09/11 - 1942/12/20
IIa/b, TB zum KTB Nr. 1. Casualty and strength reports, lists of SS personnel qranted awards, and reqister of officers.
1942/09/11 - 1942/12/20
Ib, KTB Nr. 1. War journal concerninq the transfer from Deoica, Poland, to Russia, and supply services in the Rudnya, Kasplya, Demidov, Pochinok, Yartsevo, and Dukhovshchina areas.
1942/09/11 - 1942/12/20
IVa, TB. Activity report of the administrative officer concerninq operations in the Rudnya, Tverdy, Demidov, and Pochinok areas.
1942/10/01 - 1942/12/20
IVc, TB. Activity repoit ot the veterinary officer concerning the care and condition of horses durinq the transfer of the division from Pustynia, Poland, to the Rudnya and Kasplya areas, Russia and operations in the Demidov and Dukhovshchina areas.
1942/09/13 - 1942/12/29
V, TB. Activity report of the motor transport officer concerninq operations in the Kasplya, Demidov, Pochinok, and Dukhovshchina areas.
1942/09/17 - 1942/12/20
FPM, TB. Activity report concerninq postal service in the Rudnya and Smolensk areas.
1942/09/11 - 1942/12/30
Ib, Karten zum KTB Nr. 1. Maps showinq the location of supply installations arid routes in the Demidov area.
1942/09/17 - 1942/10/25

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4. SS-Polizei-Panzergrenadier-Division

T354 R631
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report concerning enemy operations, losses, unit identification, and military situation. Includes maps and sketches showing enemy units facing the division and interrogation summaries.
1942/07/06 - 1943/01/31
IIa/b, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report concerning personnel matters, register of officers, strength reports, and tabular lists on casualties during the defensive battles before Leningrad, 3 Jan - 15 Feb, Volkhov front, 8 Apr - 30 Jun, Tosna River, 1 Jul 1942 - 16 Jan 1943, Sinyavino and Ladoga Lake, 16 Jan - 2 Feb 1943.
1942/06/26 - 1943/01/31
Ib, KTB 3. War journal of the supply branch concerning operations in the Sablino area, Neva River front, and south of Lake Ladoga, a register of officers, strength and casualty reports, and maps showing the location of supply routes and installations.
1942/06/01 - 1943/01/31
IVa, TB. Activity report concerning administrative services in the Vyritsa area, 1 - 3 Jul, and the Sablino area on the Neva River front, 4 Jul 1942 - 31 Jan 1943, and a list of special rations for Christmas.
1942/07/01 - 1943/01/31
IVb, TB. Activity report concerning medical services on the Neva River front and south of Lake Ladoga, a list of officers duty assignments, monthly weather reports, and afteraction critiques relating to medical services.
1942/06/27 - 1943/01/31
IVc, TB. Activit y report concerning veterinarian services during operations in the Vyritsa area and movement to and operations on the Neva River front and south of Lake Ladoga, a list of officers duty assignments, a strength report of veterinarian personnel, and tables showing the movement of horses in the division sector, 1 Jun 1942 - 31 Jan 1943.
1942/06/01 - 1943/01/21
V, VI, FPM , Feldgend., TB. Activity reports of the motor transport officer, 28 Jul 1942 - 30 Jan 1943; the Nazi guidance officer, 1 Jul 1942 - 15 Mar 1943; the military police troop 300, 26 Jun 1942 - 31 Jan 1943; and the postmaster, 1 Jun 1942 - 31 Jan 1943.
Ia, KTB Nr. 2 mit Anlagen. War journal concerning completion of formation at Truppenuebungsplatz Wandern, 28 Jan, and movement to and training in Freiburg, 30 Jan - 12 Apr, Waldkirch, 13 Apr - 10 May, Reutlingen, 11 - 19 May, and Bitburg, Eifel, 19 - 20 May 1940. Also activity report of the intelligence branch, 1 Feb - 8 Jul 1940, a register of officers, and casualty and strength reports.
1940/02/01 - 1940/05/20
Ia, Anlagenheft I zum KTB 2. Orders, directives, reports, and messages pertaining to completion of formation of the division at Tr.Ueb.Pl. Wandern and training in the Freiburg, Waldkirch, Reutlingen, and Bitburg, Eifel areas.
1940/01/27 - 1940/05/19
Ia, Anlagenheft II zum KTB 2, Planpausen ueber Stellungsbau, Berichte ueber Anbiederungsversuche, Erfahrungsberichte. Overlays relating to the construction of positions, reports regarding fraternization between German and enemy (French) troops, and an afteraction critique concerning movement to and quartering in Reutlingen.
1940/02/01 - 1940/05/15
Ia, Anlagenheft III zum KTB 2, Einsatzkarten. Maps showing the location of quartering and training areas.
1940/02/01 - 1940/05/20
Sonderanlage, Heldentod des Gen.Lt. Muelverstedt. Reports and maps concerning the death of the commanding officer of the 4. SS PolD, Gen.Lt. Arthur Wuelverstedt, on the field of battle at Smerdi near Lagar Russia, 10 Aug 1941.
1941/08/10 - 1941/08/10
Ia, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report with orders, directives, and maps pertaining to offensive engagements and pursuit in the Cleremont, Villers-le-Tilleul, Vandy, Bar-le-Duc, areas, 9 - 22 Jun; occupation duty in the Boorbonne-les-Bains area, 23 Jun - 6 Jul; securing the "Gruene Sperrlinie" in the Chaumont and Saint-Dizier areas, 7 Jul - 3 Aug; movement to the outskirts of Paris via Troyes and Romilly-sur-Seine; relief of the 87.ID and 56.ID, 4 - 15 Aug; control of traffic around and in Paris; civilian population; prisoner-of-war camps in the Paris, Bures, Saint-Cloud, Orsay, Cirey-sur-Blaise, Epinay-sur-Orge, Saint-Denis, Billancourt, and Evry areas, 16 Aug 1940 - 21 Jun 1941; movement to and quartering of part of the division at Tr.Ueb.Pl. Suippes, 19 May - 23 Jun 1941; and transfer to East Prussia, 22 - 26 Jun 1941. Also order-of-battle charts, strength reports, notes on command conference and inspections, special supply directives, billeting surveys, and reports on troop entertainment and indoctrination.
1940/06/09 - 1941/06/26
Ic, TB. Activity report of the intelligence branch concerning enemy acts of sabotage, counterintelligence activity, morale and behavior of the French population and German troops, enemy and German propanda, 9 Jul 1940 - 31 Hay 1941; also enemy operations, losses, and the military situation in Russia, Jul 1941 - 22 Feb 1942.
1940/07/09 - 1942/02/22

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163. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1456
Ia, Die Eroberung von Kristiansand. Report by a commission of naval officers set up by the Wehrmachtbefehlshaber Norwegen and the Kommandierende Admiral Norwegen to investigate events that transpired during the capture of the fortress of Kristiansand. (There is no indication that the Erfahrungsbericht ueber den Norwegenfeldzug, 14 Jul 1940, record item E285 as listed in the Potsdam catalog, was ever in National Archives custody.)
1941/12/12 - 1941/12/12
Ic, IVa, IVd, IIa, III, TB. Activity report of the intelligence branch concerning the sinking of the German warship Bluecher during the invasion of Norway with the loss of most of the personnel of the intelligence branch; the attitude, behavior, and control of the press, the civilian population, military personnel, and the police; attempts to effect a reconciliation with the king and his exile government; and the sinking of the warships Antares and Jonia, 10-11 Apr 1940. Activity reports of the administrative officer regarding movement to the Lillehammer, Hamar, Elverum, and Gjovik areas; of the chaplains and judge advocate; and the personnel branch pertaining to movement to Stettin, embarkation, and the landing in Oslo.
1940/04/09 - 1940/06/10
Ia, Anlagenmappe 3 zum KTB 1. Orders, regulations, and messages pertaining to combat and security operations in the Oslo area and in the Gjovik area from 23 Apr, control of the civilian population, and relationship with the Quisling and Nygaardsvold (exile) Governments; an activity report of Batl. Manthey, 23 Apr - 3 May; an afteraction report and critique relating to the operations of Gruppe Gysler and Gruppe Ringsaker in Norway, 9 Apr - 6 May 1940. (There is no indication that KTB 1 and Anlagen for the period 10 Nov 1939 - 10 Jun 1940, record items W1396a-c as listed in the Potsdam catalog, were ever in National Archives custody.)
1940/04/09 - 1940/05/06
Ia, KTB 2. Security operations, billeting, disbandment and disarming of the Norwegian Armed Forces, and training in the Lillehaminer area. A register of officers and casualty and strength reports.
1940/06/11 - 1940/10/31
Ia, Ic, Anlagen zum KTB 2. Orders, reports, and surveys pertaining to billeting, reorganization, training, athletic events, and the disbandment and disarming of the Norwegian Armed Forces; an order-of-battle chart; and lists of officers duty assignments. A report dated 19 Jun 1940, regarding the formation of the 163.ID (7. Welle) from Ersatztruppenteile in Potsdam, Spandau, and Doeberitz; its organizational breakdown; location of combat operations in Norway; and enemy losses. An activity report of the intelligence branch concerning behavior and morale of the civilian population and troop indoctrination; copies of German army newspapers; activity reports of the veterinary officer, and of the chaplains.
1940/06/11 - 1940/10/31
Ia, Ic, TB (Norwegen). Training, replacements, billeting, and cooperation between military and civilian officials in the Liliehammer area. An activity report of the intelligence branch regarding control of the press and troop indoctrination and entertainment; an activity report of the personnel branch.
1940/11/01 - 1940/11/30
Ia, Anlagen zum TB. Orders and directives concening training and cooperation between German military and Norwegian officials. A translation of Marshal Petain's speech to the French people, 10 Oct 1940.
1940/11/06 - 1940/11/30
Ia, Ic, TB (Norwegen). Personnel matters, the weather, training, health conditions, replacements, the supply situation, troop welfare, and final disbandment of the Norwegian Armed Forces in the Lillehammer area. An activity report of the intelligence branch concerning the political attitude of the civilian population, counterintelligence activity, press control, and troop entertainment.
1940/12/01 - 1940/12/31
Ia, Ic, TB (Norwegen). Personnel matters, the weather, training, health conditions, replacements, the supply situation, and troop welfare in the Lillehammer area. An activity report of the intelligence branch concerning the political attitude of the civilian population and the press and troop entertainment.
1941/01/01 - 1941/01/31
Ia, Anlagen zum TB. Orders concerning supply problems during winter maneuvers, billeting, equipping, veterinary matters, and training.
1941/01/06 - 1941/01/30
Ia, Ic, TB (Norwegen). Personnel matters, the weather, training, health conditions, replacements, the supply situation, and troop welfare and entertainment in the Lillehammer area.
1941/02/01 - 1941/02/28
Ia, Ic, TB (Norwegen). Training and organizational matters in the Lillehammer area. An activity report of the intelligence branch concerning the conduct and attitude of the civilian population and the press and troop indoctrination.
1941/03/01 - 1941/03/31
Ia, Anlagen zum TB. Orders, directives, and tables pertaining to training, march and traffic control, war games in the Oslo area, 21 Mar, and the reorganization of a Winter-Batl. as a Sonder-Batl.; a questionnaire concerning experiences gained during the winter.
1941/03/01 - 1941/04/01
Ia, Ic, TB (Norwegen). Training and organizational matters in the Lillehammer area. An activity report of the intelligence branch concerning the attitude and morale of the civilian population and troop indoctrination.
1941/04/01 - 1941/04/30
Ia, Ic, TB (Norwegen). Training, organizational matters, and billeting in the Hoenefoss, Hamar, and Lillehammer areas. An activity report of the intelligence branch concerning the attitude and morale of the civilian population and troop indoctrination; lists of officers duty assignments.
1941/05/01 - 1941/05/31
Ia, Ic, IIa/b, IVd, TB mit Anlagen. Training and organizational matters. An activity report of the intelligence branch concerning territorial security and attitude of the civilian population; an activity report of the personnel branch relating to the transfer to Finland, 22 Jun 1941; an activity report of the chaplains; a combat and ration strength report; a list of officers duty assignments; orders pertaining to coastal defense; a billeting survey with map.
1941/06/01 - 1941/06/22

255. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1782
Ic, TB als Anlage zum KTB, Teil 8. Activity report concerning enemy operations, losses, unit identification and strength, operations against partisans, counterintelliqence activity, and troop entertainment.
1942/05/01 - 1942/09/30
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Teil 8. Order-of-battle charts.
1942/05/01 - 1942/09/01
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Teil 8. Combat and ration strength reports.
1942/05/01 - 1942/09/30
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Teil 8. Orders, reports, messages, and maps pertaininq to defensive operations along the Vorya River in the Ivanovskoye and Berezki areas, 1 - 5 May; and movement to and relief of the 17.ID, defensive operations, regrouping, reorganization as a two-regiment division, construction of positions, road maintenance, security, and training in the Vorya and Ugra Rivers sector, 5 - 31 May. Status and afteraction reports.
1942/05/01 - 1942/05/31

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123. Infanterie-Division

T354 R1332
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Morgen-, Zwischen- und Tagesmeldangen.
1942/03/11 - 1942/03/20
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Gefechtsstaerken und Kriegsgliederungen.
1942/03/12 - 1942/03/19
Ic, TB. Activity report with interrogation summaries concerning enemy operations, losses, and unit identification and strength. Captured radio data relating to radio operations, coding and enciphering measures of enemy communication units, and the training of radio operators.
1942/03/13 - 1942/03/20
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Befehle, Orders, reports, and radio messages pertaining to Gruppe Rauch's defensive operations, reconnaissance activity, order of battle, boundaries, assignment of engineer units, and tactical situation in the Deayansk pocket. Intelligence reports concerning enemy operations, intentions, artillery activity, and unit identification and strength.
1942/03/21 - 1942/03/31
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Meldungen.
1942/03/21 - 1942/03/31
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Morgen-, Zwischen- und Tagesmeldungen.
1942/03/21 - 1942/03/31
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Gefechtsstaerken und Kriegsgliederungen.
1942/03/21 - 1942/03/31
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report with interrogation summaries and maps pertaining to enemy operations, movements, mission, weapons, losses, unit identification, tactical disposition, and partisan activity. Reports on the results of reconnaissance and appraisal of enemy signal intelligence.
1942/03/21 - 1942/03/31
Ia, KTB. Entwurf. Defensive operations in the Demyansk pocket and at Staryye Ladomery.
1942/03/21 - 1942/03/31
Ia, KTB 1, Band 2. Defensive operations of Gruppe Rauch carried out while it was virtually encircled, beginning Jan 1942, in the Molvotitsy, Pupovo, Lyubno Staryye Ladomery, and Demyansk areas. Data on German and Russian losses and combat and ration strength reports.
1941/12/16 - 1942/12/31

T354 R1338
Ic, TB. Activity report with interrogation and reconnaissance reports, AK 2 messages, and maps pertaining to enemy operations, movements, mission, losses, replacements, unit identification, strength, weapons, and tactical disposition in the Demyansk, Staryy Novosel, Molvotitsy, and Staryye Ladoraery areas.
1942/11/11 - 1943/01/20
Ia, Band 3, Defensive engagements in the Pola River sector. Includes a ration strength report.
1943/01/01 - 1943/01/31
Ia, Anlagenband 2 zum KTB 1. Orders relating to the assignment of replacement units and personnel.
1942/10/03 - 1942/12/31
Ia, Anlagenband 3 zum KTB 1. Lehrgaenge. Orders and directives relating to training of troops.
1942/10/09 - 1943/01/06
Ia, Anlagenband 6 zum KTB 1. Orders pertaining to the employment of supply troops and Russian civilians in road construction, organizational changes to achieve greater combat effectiveness, and the redesignation of Gruppe Rauch as 123.ID, 17 Dec 1942.
1942/10/09 - 1942/12/31
Ia, Anlagenband 8 zum KTB 1. Taktische Befehle. Orders, directives, reports, messages, tables, overlays, and maps pertaining to tactical operations and situation; construction and location of defensive positions, tank obstacles, strong points, and combat shelters; and securing rear areas against enemy agents partisans, and airborne troops. Reports concerning supply by air of the strong point at Demidovo and an afteraction critigue relating to Russian attack methods,

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32. Infanterie-Division

T315 R873
Ia, Anlagenband 2 z. KTB 6, Tagesmeldungen der Regimenter.
Sep 16 - Nov 15, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. The enemy tactical situation and losses of men and equipment, antipartisan action and combating enemy agents, troop entertainment, and German propaganda.
Jul 16, 1942 - Jan 31, 1943
Ic, Anlagenband 1 z. TB, Zusammenfassende Meldungen und Feindlagekarten.
Jul 11, 1942 - Feb 15, 1943
Ic, Anlagenband 2 z. TB, Grundsatzliche Befehle, Abwehr, geistige Betreuung.
Sep 7 - Nov 3, 1942
Ia, Anlagenbande 3-4 z. KTB 6, Tagesmeldungen.
Nov 16, 1942 - Jan 31, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 7. Defensive operations in the area of the Seliger, Polonets, Pestovskoye, and Velye Lakes and withdrawal to the Lovat River area. Also, information relating to Operation "Ziethen" (withdrawal in the Demyansk area).
Feb 1 - Jun 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagenbande 1-2 z. KTB 7, Allgemeines.
Feb 1 - Jun 29, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 7, Entrumpelung. Orders relating to the collection of surplus equipment and supplies.
Feb 2 - 14, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 8. Defensive operations south of Staraya Russa along the Lovat River, and transfer to the Novosokolniki-Nevel area and the defense of this sector. The division was subordinate to the II. and I. A.K, under the command of Gen.Maj. Wilhelm Wegener until Sep 15, 1943, and Gen.Lt. Hans Boeckh-Behrens thereafter. (This record item (filmed originally without frame numbers on MR 1229) has been assigned a simulated initial frame number.)
Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1943

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122. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1314
Ia, Anlagen Nr. 200-386 zum KTB 2. Defensive operations, construction of defensive positions, training, tactical disposition in the Kolpino and Krasny Bor areas, and enem y offensive operations. Afteraction reports concerning assault troop operations, 5 Jan 1942, and activity of Kampfgruppe Hardt, 10 - 12 Feb 1942; critiques relating to the winter battle at Kolpino and defense against enemy assault troop operations, 18 Feb 1942; order-of-battle charts; an order regarding the transfer of the division to the Staraya Russa area and the taking over of its sector by Untergruppe Graffen, 3 - 4 Mar 1942.
1941/12/15 - 1942/03/04
Ic, IIa, TB zum KTB 2. Activity report of the Intelligence Branch concerning enemy operations, losses, unit identificatio n and strength, and tactical situation; activity report of the Personnel Branch, including a casualty report.
1941/10/01 - 1942/03/06
Ia, KTB 1, (Vom Durchbruch durch die Grenzstellungen am 22.6. bis zur Einschliessung von Leningrad). The division's operations during the invasion of Lithuania; crossing of the Baltic States via Kaunas, Ukmerge, and Daugavpils; and advance to the Kolpino area via Idritsa, Porkhov, the area west of Lake Ilmen, Torkovichi, and Lyuban. Combat and ration strength and casualty reports and a register of officers.
1941/06/22 - 1941/09/30
Ia, TB mit Anlagen als Vorbemerkungen zum KTB 1. Activity report and orders, directives, reports, and maps pertaining to the activation of the 122.ID, also known by the cover name Division Greif, 2 Oct 1940, in Wehrkreis II at the Truppenuebungsplatz Gross Born, Lager Linde, with personnel of the 32.ID and 258.ID; formation and training in the Neustettin (Szczecinek) area until the end of March 1941; transfer to East Prussia in preparation for Operation Barbarossa (invasion of Russia); and assembly in the Schlossberg (Dobrovolsk) area. Qrder-of-battle charts.
1940/10/02 - 1941/06/21
Ia, Anlagen 1-216 zum KTB 1. Orders, reports, maps, and overlays pertaining to offensive operations, movements, artillery activity, tactical situation, and road conditions from the German-Lithuanian border to Novorzhev; enemy operations, capabilities, unit identification, and field fortification along the Russian-Lithuanian border; and the military situation. Orders relating to traffic control during the crossing of the Western Dvina River and special directives concerning signal communications.
1941/06/22 - 1941/07/20
Ia, Anlagen 217-375 zum KTB 1. Orders, reports, overlays, and maps pertaining to offensive operations, movements, artillery and counterintelligence activity, and the tactical situation between Novorzhev and Torkovichi and to enemy operations and unit identifications. Reconnaissance reports showing military geographic data and an order-of-battle chart.
1941/07/21 - 1941/08/19

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122. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1315
Ia, Anlagen 376-593 zum KTB 1. Offensive operations, artillery activity, and tactical disposition in the Torkovichi, Lyuban, and Kolpino areas and enemy operations and unit identification. Order-of-battle charts and special directives concerning engineer units.
1941/08/20 - 1941/09/30
Ic, IIa, TB zum KTB 1. Activit y report of the Intelligence Branch, 30 Nov 1940 - 30 Sep 1941, pertaining to troop entertainment and indoctrination and counterintelligence activity and, from 22 Jun 1941, to enemy operations, movements, losses, unit identification, strength, and tactical situation. Activity reports of the Personnel Branch, 21 Sep 1940 - 30 Sep 1941, concerning the activation, formation, and training of the division and general personnel matters.
1940/09/21 - 1941/09/30
Ia, KTB 3. Transfer of the division to and defense of the area south of Staraya Russa.
1942/03/07 - 1942/07/03
Ia, Anlagen 1-99 zum KTB 3. Movement of the division to the Shimsk area, 5 - 15 Mar 1942, offensive engagements south of Staraya Russa toward the Lovat River, winter mobility, regrouping, and tactical disposition. Order-of-battle charts and intelligence bulletins, tables and maps concerning enemy operations, unit dentification, and defensive position.
1942/03/07 - 1942/03/31
Ia, Anlagen 100-219 zum KTB 3. Defensive operations and counterattacks in the area west of the Lovat River and south of Staraya Russa, artillery activity, and tactical disposition; enemy operations, unit identification, and tactical disposition. Order-of-battle charts and special directives concerning engineer units.
1942/04/01 - 1942/04/30
Ib, Erfahrungsberichte, Russland. Experience reports and critigues relating to supply services, administration, and situation; organization of supply troops; status of winter preparations; use of winter equipment; and veterinary services. (This record item, filmed originally without frame numbers on MR 1479, has been assigned a simulated initial frame number.)
1941/07/11 - 1942/11/23

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XXXIX. Armeekorps (mot) / Panzerkorps

T314 R925
Ic, Unterlagen z. TB. Daily intelligence reports describing enemy and own activities along the eastern front in connection with operations between Novgorod, Kholm, and Velizh.
Jan 11 - 31, 1942
Ic, Unterlagen z. TB. Daily intelligence reports describing enemy and own operations along the Lovat River around Kholm and Staraya Russa.
Feb 1 - 20, 1942
Ic, Unterlagen z. TB. Daily intelligence reports describing enemy and own activities along the eastern front centering around Kholm.
Feb 21 - Mar 12, 1942
Ic, Unterlagen z. TB. Daily intelligence reports on enemy and own operations between Kholm and Velikiye Luki.
Mar 13 - Apr 20, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Russland, Chefsachen, g.Kdos. und g.Sachen. Folder containing information on the reorganization of the XXXIX Corps and on the reassignment of its divisions after they were released from the l6th Army.
Jul 20 - Aug 4, 1942
Ia, Anlagen und Karten z. KTB. Tactical and strategic information and maps pertaining to Corps operations between Vyazma and the Ugra River.
Jul - Aug 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Activity report of the Intelligence Branch with attached orders and reports covering offensive operations in Holland, Belgium, and northern France, and later-occupied France.
May 12 - Oct 27, 1940
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. War journal of the Operations Branch containing detailed infor-mation on operations south of Lake Ladoga between Leningrad, Gorodishche, and Tikhvin.
Aug 27 - Dec 27, 1941

T314 R927
Ic, Anlagen z. KTB. Intelligence reports on enemy and own activities southwest of Lake Ladoga.
Sep 1 - 10, 1941
Ic, Anlagen z. KTB. Intelligence reports describing enemy and own activities during continuous action south of Lake Ladoga.
Sep 10 - 20, 1941
Ic, Anlagen z. KTB. Intelligence reports concerning enemy and own operations east of the Neva River and south of Lake Ladoga.
Sep 21 - Oct 10, 1941
Ic, Anlagen z. KTB. Intelligence reports pertaining to enemy and own activities south of Lake Ladoga and north of Novgorod.
Oct 11 - 25, 1941
Ic, Anlagen z. KTB. Intelligence reports on enemy and own activities between Lake Ladoga and Lake Ilmen.
Oct 25 - Dec 27, 1941

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58. Infanterie-Division

T315 R992
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 14 mit Anlagen. Division orders and reports and a map pertaining to training activities in the Braunsberg, Frauenburg, Bladton, and Elbing areas; strength reports and directives relating to chemical warfare. The division was subordinate to Festungsstab 38.
Jun 1 - 11, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsberieht. Activity report and special directives concerning troop indoctrination before the campaign against Russia; and a map shoiiring the location of enemy artillery positions in the Zamoshskoye Boloto area.
May 1 - Jun 11, 1941
Ia/Gabo., Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report of the Chemical Warfare Officer.
May 1 - Jun 10, 1941
Ia/Mess., Tatigkeitsberichte der Kartenstelle. Activity report of the Map and Survey Officer.
Jan 1 - May 31, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen. Corps and division orders, daily division reports and messages, and maps pertaining to the assembly of the division east of Konigsberg and the invasion of Lithuania as far as Siauliai via Tilsit and Taurage; strength, casualty, and status reports and data concerning the new Lithuanian Government with K. Skirpa as Premier. The division was subordinate to Festungsstab 38 and the XXXVIII. A.K.
Jun 12 - 30, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebiicher mit Anlagen. Corps and division orders, daily division reports and messages, and maps pertaining to offensive engagements across Lithuania and Latvia, northward along the Plyussa and Pyata Rivers and the battles for Narva, Kingisepp, Volosovo, Uritsk, and Krasnoye Seloj strength, casualty, status, and afteraction reports, and charts showing the extent of corps and division radio networks. The division was subordinate to the XXXVIII. and the L. A.K. under the command of Gen.Maj. Iwan Heunert until Sep 14, 1941, and Gen.Maj. Friedrich Altrienter thereafter.
Aug 1 - Sep 30, 1941

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II. Armeekorps

T314 R166
Ia, Anlage 176 Ostfeldzug, Meldungen. Information on Russian advances.
Nov. 11 - 20, 1944
Ia, Anlage 177 Ostfeldzug, Meldungen. Information on Russian advances.
Nov. 21 - 30, 1944
Ia, Aalage 178 Ostfeldzug, Meldungen. Information on tactical preparations on hoth sides for the major battle in Courland (Baltic provinces).
Dec. 1 - 10, 1944
Ia, Anlage 179 Ostfeldzug, Meldungen. Information on further tactical preparations on both sides for the battle in Courland.
Dec. 11 - 20, 1944
Ia, Anlage 180 Ostfeldzug, Meldungen. Information on the start of the Russian major offensive in Courland.
Dec. 21 - 31, 1944
QM, Versorgungsbefehle. Regulations and directives pertaining to supply services in connection with the battle in Courland.
June 21 - Dec. 30, 1941

V. Armeekorps

T314 R245
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 2, Heft 1. Information regarding preparations in East Prussia and the actual campaign in Russia, giving tactical details of operations during the advance on Vitebsk and Smolensk.
May 25 - Aug 4, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 2, Heft 2. Tactical information concerning the battle in the Smolensk pocket, relieving the 3d Pz Group in the northern sector, the advance along Russian positions, ana crossing the Dnieper River south of the Vyazma outlet.
Aug 5 - Oct 1, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 2, Heft 3. Tactical information regarding German attempts to penetrate to the Dnieper River, advances to Gorki and Putschki, and change of tactics to positional warfare from the beginning of December 1941.
Oct 2 - Dec 6, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 2, Heft 4. Tactical information on positional warfare, on discontinuation of the advance on Moscow, and on defensive battles at the Lama River and northeast of Gzhatsk.
Dec 7, 1941 - Feb 5, 1942

123. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1322
Ic, TB. Activity report concerning counterintelligence activity, safeguarding security information, and troop entertainment and indoctrination, and a critique relating to the transfer of headguarters staff.
1940/11/01 - 1941/05/10
Ic, Anlagen zum TB. Reports and directives concerning training of translators.
1940/05/08 - 1941/06/05
Ic, Anlagen zum TB, Allgemeines. Reports, directives, and messages concerning safeguards for security information and telephone conversations and protection of the army postal service. Lists of security officers and passwords.
1940/11/13 - 1941/05/20
Ic, Anlagen zum TB. Vorsorglicher Geheimschutz und Verluste. Reports concerning safeguards for classified documents and telephone conversations, mail control, loss of classified material, and court-martial verdicts. Lists of security officers and passwords.
1940/10/08 - 1941/05/20
Ic, Anlagen zum TB. Reports concerning military, political, and economic developments in Russia, Italy, the United States, Great Britain, Japan, France, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey; intelligence training; interpreters courses. Data on foreign chemical warfare. Photographs of Red Army maneuvers in the autumn of 1940.
1940/11/14 - 1941/05/22
Ia, KTB 1, Band 1. War journal concerning the security of the German-Lithuanian border in the Eydtkau (Chernyshevskoye) and Schlossberg (Dobrovolsk) areas; participation in an AOK 16 map exercise; preparations for and execution of Operation Barbarossa (invasion of Russia), 22 Jun 1941, via Kaunas, Okmerge, Daugavpils, Lithuania, Opochka, Russia, and the advance to the area southwest of Kholm.
1941/05/17 - 1941/07/31
Ia, KTB 1, Band 2. Offensive engagements during the advance from the Kholm area to west of Lake Seliger via Slautino and Ostashkov.
1941/08/01 - 1941/12/15

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I. Armeekorps

T314 R73
Qu, Tatigkeitsberichte der Abt. IVa, IVb, IVc, Qu/V, FPA 401 zum KTB 12. Continuation of Item No. 53143/46, pertaining to mobile warfare; loading, unloading, and reloading of supplies and equipment; difficulties in supply upkeep; inventorying of supplies; and final withdrawal to Pustina.
April - July 1944
Ia, Anlage zum OB, Lagekarten. Maps showing the position occupied by the I Corps on the Latvian front.
June 25 - 30, 1944
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Bruckenkopf Grusino. Orders, directives, correspondence, reports, maps and sketches pertaining to the tactical importance of the Gruzino bridgehead.
Feb. 1942 - Jan. 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. Daily combat activity notations and information on own and enemy situation during defensive warfare and withdrawals from the Dvina and Polota Rivers.
July 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KTB. Maps showing the position occupied by the I Corps during the withdrawals from the Polotsk area toward the Latvian coast along the River Dvina.
Jan. 10 - July 15, 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KTB. Maps showing the Latvian positions occupied by the I Corps.
July 1 - 15, 1944
IVa, Tatigkeitsbericht, Korpsintendant. Activity report of the I Corps Administrative Officer dealing with the general supply situation in continous mobile warfare; loading, unloading, and reloading of supplies and equipment; difficulties in supply upkeep; inventorying and final withdrawal to Pustina.
April - July 1944
IVa, Tatigkeitsbericht, Korpsintendant. Activity report of the Administrative Officer.
July - Oct. 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. War Journal of the I Corps Operations Branch containing dally combat activity notations and information on own and enemy situation.
July - Oct. 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Eingegangene Befehle. Field orders, messages, and correspondence regarding planned operations.
July - Oct. 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Eingegangene Befehle. Continuation of Item No. 59872/2. Included are an overlay (n.s.) showing rear area positions and connections with the 18. Army; and a road map (1:100000) shewing main highways between Riga and Tukums.
July - Oct. 1944

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T314 R201
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Band 3. Daily journal relating to defensive and offensive actions, guerrilla activities, high enemy casualties, holding the west bank of the Dnieper.
Nov. - Dec. 1943
Ia, Anlage z. KTB, Band 1. Daily and morning reports of the Corps and divisions, Corps orders of the day, reports of bitter fighting and high Russian losses, operations in the Alexejewka region, and shortages ammunition.
Aug. 5 - 17, 1943
Ia, Anlage z. KTB, Band 2. Daily and morning reports of the Corps and divisions, Corps orders of the day, organizational charts, order for defense of the Mokr. Mertschik position.
Aug. 18 - 31, 1943

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329. Infanterie-Division

T315 R2057
Ia, Anlagenband L zum KTB 1. Daily reports, messages, orders, and maps pertaining to defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations; Entruempelungsaktion; and training in the Vel'ye, Mamayevshchina, and Bol'shoye Zamosh'ye areas, 4 - 13 Feb, and preparations for and execution of Unternehmen Ziethen (disengagement from the Demyansk area, 13 - 22 Feb 1943). A study relating to the shortening of the combat front; strength, status, and 10-day artillery situation reports; an order-of-battle chart; and data regarding enemy
operations and movements.
1943/02/04 - 1943/02/22
Ia, Anlagenband N zum KTB 1. Daily reports, messages, orders, and maps pertaining to the completion of Unternehmen Ziethen; withdrawal to the Red'ya River position; defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations in the Gluzino and Glukhaya Gorushka areas along the Porus'ya and Red'ya Rivers; securing and maintenance of the division's supply route Zimnik-Ust'ye; and regrouping in the Red'ya River sector, 8 Mar - 1 Apr 1943. A report en the losses suffered by German forces during the withdrawal from the Demyansk area and the disengagement battle west of the Lovat River; strength and 10-day artillery situation reports; notes on command conferences; an afteraction report concerning the battle along the Red'ya River, 26 Feb - 26 Mar 1943; an intelligence bulletin; and data regarding eneiry operations.
1943/03/08 - 1943/04/01
Ia, Anlagenband P zum KTB 1. Daily reports, messages, orders, and maps pertaining to defensive and assault operations in the area west of the Porus'ya River, 1 - 5 May; relief by the 122.ID and movement to the Shimsk area for rehabilitation, 6 - 11 May; and defensive operations and training in the Shimsk, Malaya Viton', and Solonitsko areas northwest of Staraya Russa and south of Lake Ilmen, 12 - 26 May 1S43. An order-of-battle chart, strength reports, notes on command conferences, special supply directives, an intelligence bulletin, and data on enemy land and air operations.
1943/05/01 - 1943/05/26
Ia, Anlagenband Q zum KTB 1. Daily reports, messages, orders, and maps pertaining to movement to and defensive and reconnaissance operations, training, and regrouping in the Zhiloy Chernets, Bol'shoye Voronovo, Balogizha, Bol'shoye Uchno, and Staraya Russa areas south of Lake Ilmen, 27 May - 17 Jun 1943. Strength, status, and 10-day artillery situation reports; notes on command conferences; and data en enemy land and air operations.
1943/05/27 - 1943/06/17

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T175 R178

Sonderbatl. Dirlewanger file containing general directives of the SS-Fuhrungshauptamt on proper direction of mail, changes in recruitment policy, leave and training and similar matters, 1943 - 1944.

Item of unknown provenance. Directives of the SS-Hauptamt, Zentralkannzlei on the procedure which governs the entry into the customs service, the creation of the office of Inspekteur der SS-Wacheinheiten and admonitions against "Bonzentum" in the SS, 1935 - 1937.

Fuhrer der Gendarmerie Hauptmannschaft Wiesbaden copy of a directive of the SS-Fuhrerhauptamt on the necessity of greater co-operation between the Uberwachungsdienst and army and SS units, May 1943.

Folder of a member of the Stammbattr. SS-Flak A.u.E. Regt. 6., Rechnungsfuhrer Lehrgang containing instructions on pay procedure of SS regiments, 1942.

Erganzungsamt der Waffen-SS, Erganzungsstelle Nordwest folder containing directives on special pay and special benefits for SS units and the families of SS men, 1941.

Item of unknown provenance. Information on the creation of the SS-Sturmbann "Ost" (Dienststelle des hoheren SS- und Polizei-fuhrers Ost in Krakau 20, Regierungsgebaude) and its organization, issued by the SS-Fuhrungshauptamt, March 1941.

SS-Kavallerie-Regiment 1, Stabs- und Sondereinheiten Verwaltung, file containing correspondence on financial matters; special pay allowances for vehiclest riding competitions, journeys, etc., 1941.

SS-Verwaltungsschule file containing a variety of directives issued by the SS-Fuhrungshauptamt pertaining both to administrative and to training matters, 1939 - 1944.

SS-Karstwehrbataillon folder "Monatsberichte (Rechenschafts-bericht) des KWB an das Fuhrungshauptamt, (Dienstplflne)" 1943.

SS-Fuhrungshauptamt folder containing material on a new patent for canned meat, 1941.

Item of unknown provenance. Copies of the "Verordnungsblatt der Waffen-SS" for the period June 1941 - April 1945. Nor fur den Dienstgebrauch.

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5. Infanterie-Division

T315 R245
Ia, Tatigkeitsbericht der Vorausabteilung Richter. Pi. 48.
Jun. 14 - 18, 1940
Ia, Kriegstagebuch.
May 25 - Nov. 20, 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Befehle, Karten, Fernspriiche.
Aug. 10 - Sep. 20, 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Befehle, Karten, Fernspriiche.
Sep. 21 - Nov. 20, 1941

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6. Gebirgs-Division

T315 R362
Ia, Kartenanlage zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4.
Jan. 1 - Mar. 30, 1942
Ib, Kriegstagebuch. Tatigkeitsbericht der Ib, IVa, IVb, IVc, IVd, Graber Offizier, V, FPM und III.
Jan. 1 - Mar. 31, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5, Band 1.
Apr. 1 - May 15, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5, Band 2.
May 16 - Dec. 31, 1942
Ia, Ahlagehband 1 Nr. 1-100 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5. Orders, directives, operation and combat reports, overlays and propaganda material.
Apr. 1 - 27, 1942

218. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1651
Ia, Ib, Ic, IIa/IIb, III, IVa-c, TB. Activity report of the operations branch, 25 Jun 1940 - 28 Feb 1941, concerning occupation duty in the Gerardmer, Rambervillers, and Epinal areas, 25 Jun - 10 Jul 1940; movements to the Zveibruecken and Saarbruecken areas and to Berlin, 12 - 18 Jul 1940; antiaircraft defense; and training at Truppenuebungsplaetze Doeberitz, Potsdam, Brandenburg, and Wuestermack. Activity reports of the supply, intelligence, and personnel branches; of the administrative, medical, and veterinary officers; of the judge advicate; and of subordinate units.
1940/07/14 - 1941/02/28
Ia, TB des Inf.-Regt. 397. Activity report of IR 397.
1941/04/01 - 1941/11/30
Ic, TB. Activity report concerning the transfer to Denmark, 17 Mar 1941, security of Jutland, counterintelligence activity, and troop entertainment.
1941/03/01 - 1941/11/30
Ia, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report concerning the transfer to Denmark to relieve the 269.ID, 16 - 25 Mar 1941, coastal and antiaircraft defense, regrouping, training, and preparations for Unternehmen Harpune Nord (planned attack against the coast of Britain); order-of-battle chart; and maps showing the tactical disposition of the division in Denmark.
1941/03/01 - 1941/06/30
Ia, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report concerning coastal and antiaircraft defense, removal of sea mines, regrouping, training in Denmark, and the planned transfer of the division to the eastern front, 4 Jan 1942; order-of-battle charts; training directives; and afteraction critiques relating to coastal defense.
1941/07/01 - 1942/01/03
Ia, KTB. War journal concerning offensive and defensive operations of Gruppe von Uckermann in the Lovat River sector, 1 - 16 Feb 1942, and assault operations toward Kholm with penetration to Dubrovo southeast of Kholm. Activity report of the personnel branch, a list of officers duty assignments, casualty and strength reports, and an inventory of ammunition expended.
1942/02/01 - 1942/02/28
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Befehle. Orders and messages pertaining to the operations and missions of Gruppe von Uckermann, artillery activity, and intelligence bulletins.
1942/02/01 - 1942/02/28
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Kraeftegliederungen.
1942/02/04 - 1942/02/24
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Meldungen. Reports concerning supply routes of Gruppe von Uckermann, activity report of subordinate units, afteraction reports, interrogation summary, and radio and teletype messages.
1942/02/01 - 1942/02/20
Ib, KTB und TB mit Befehle, Ia, IIa/IIb, Befehle und Meldungen. Movements from Burg bei Magdeburg to the Freudenstadt, Biberach, and Offenburg areas, 30 May - 2 Jun 1940; assembly in the Lahr and Emmendingen areas for the invasion of France, 9 - 13 Jun 1940; crossing the French border near Markolsheira, breakthrough of the Maginot Line at Ribeauville, opening of the Vosges Pass at Kaysersberg, assault against Col du Bonhomme, and offensive engagements in the Colmar and Corcieux areas, 15 - 24 Jun 1940; French armistice on 25 Jun 1940; movement to and occupation duty in the Gerardmer, Saint-Die, Rambervillers, and Epinal areas, 25 Jun - 5 Jul 1940; and transfer to Berlin, Gross Beeren, 6 - 14 Jul 1940. (This record item, filmed originally without frame numbers on HR 1165, has been assigned a simulated initial frame number.)
1940/05/30 - 1940/07/14

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87. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1145
Ia, Anlage V z. KTB 11, Verluste und Gefechtsberichte.
Jul. 15 - Dec. 31, 1942
Ia, Anlage VII z, KTB 11, Tagesmeldungen.
Aug. 28 - Dec. 31, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsberiehte, Bande 1-3, Abwehrkampfe der Division. Activity reports, with intelligence reports and bulletins, interrogation summaries, and maps and overlays, pertaining to enemy operations, movements, unit identification, troop morale, and tactical situation, and appraisals of the enemy military situation.
Jul. 29 - Dec. 31, 1942

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XXIV. Panzerkorps

T314 R727
Ic, Tatigkeitsberichte. Activity reports of the Intelligence Branch concerning own and enemy operations and plans, enemy order of battle, infantry and tank units, also, daily reports to the 4th Panzer Army High Command on troop identi-fications, propaganda methods, enemy situation, and prisoner-of-war interroga-tions relative to the campaign in the Dnieper Bend.
Sep 24 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 2/43, Tell 3. War journal pertaining to daily combat activity and the tactical situation along the corps front in the area of Komyshi, Birki, Lyutenka, Achtyrka, and Bogodukhovka; summaries indicating enemy offensive and corps defensive operations, tank and artillery activity, and construction of defensive positions; and daily weather reports.
Aug 16 - Sep 23, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3/43. War journal containing daily entries on tactical operations, situation, and developments during the defense of the Dnieper River front.
Sep 24 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 1/44. Reports, orders, and directives pertaining to the German withdrawal to the line between Novaya Greblya and Vuyna and the battle around Vinnitsa (Bug River) and Chernyatin.
Jan 1 - 20, 1944

LVII. Panzerkorps

T314 R1493
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 8, Morgen-, Zwischen-u. Tagesmeldungen. Daily operation reports and messages on the tactical situation.
Jul 4 - Dec 1, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 8, Wochenmeldungen u. Zustandsberichte. Order of battle and unit strength reports concerning personnel, weapons, vehicles, and other combat implements.
Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1943

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36. Infanterie-Division (mot)

T315 R900
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 2. Messages, directives, orders, and announcements.
Sep. 22 - Dec. 5, 1941
Ia, Aalagen z. KTB 3. Reports, orders, messages, and announcements.
Dec. 6, 1941 - May 31, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht 1. Enemy operations and unit identification as the division crossed Lithuania and Latvia and advanced northward via Pskov, Lyady, and Luga to Gatchina; transfer in Jan 1941 from Luga to the Nevel-Velizh area; offensive engagements in the Gorodok, Staritsa, Rzhev, Zubtsov, Kalinin, and Pushkino areas; and withdrawal in January to the Staritsa-Rzhev area, where it partici-pated in defensive operations.
May 25, 1941 - May 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 4, Meldungen und Gesprache.
July 24, 1941 - May 31, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4 mit Anlagen. Offensives in the Yaropolets, Zubtsov, Krasny, Kholm, and Bezhetsk areas; and, beginning in Oct 1942, defensive action in the Gzhatsk area. The division was subordinate to the XLI. A.K. and the XLVI.Pz.K.
June 1 - Dec. 31, 1942

12. Infanterie-Division

T315 R608
Ia, Anlagenheft z. KTB 3. Orders, maps, reports, and directives.
July 1 - Oct. 3, 1940
Ia, Anlagenheft z. KTB 3. Orders, reports, and maps.
Oct. 12, 1940 - Mar. 27, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht.
Jun. 23, 1940 - Mar. 31, 1941
Ia, Aalagenheft z. KTB 4. Reports, orders, and overlays concerning the division's training activities in Belgium, change of subordination to XXIII. A.K. in Apr 1941 and its transfer to East Prussia in May 1941.
Mar. 14 - May 31, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht.
Apr. 1 - May 31, 1941
Ia, Sonderanlagen z. KTB. Reports, directives, orders, memoranda, maps, and overlays.
May 8 - June 19, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4. War journal concerning the activities of the division during the preparations for the invasion of Russia; the crossing of the border into Lithuania at Eydthuhnen; and its advance via Kaunas, Polotsk, Nevel, and Velikiye Luki to Demyansk. The division was subordinate to the II. A.K. under the command of Gen.Maj. v. Seydlitz-Kurzbach.
June 1 - Dec. 15, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht.
June 1 - Dec. 15, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 5, Band I, Ausgehende Meldungen.
Dec. 15, 1941 - Dec. 10, 1942

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26. Infanterie-Division

T315 R816
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3. Activities in Darney, France, after the western campaign; transfer to Amiens for reorganization and training; and subsequent transfer to the Boulogne area for ship loading and unloading exercises in preparation for Operation "Seelowe" (planned invasion of England). Also, lists of officers' duty assignments and combat and ration strength reports. The division was subordinate to the XVII., XXIII., and XXXVIII. A.K., successively, during this period, under the command of Gen.Lt. Sigismund von Forster.
Jun 25 - Nov 21, 1940
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 3. Division orders and maps.
Jul 25 - Nov 20, 1940
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4, Textband Russland. Preparations for the invasion of Russia after the transfer from France to Lotzen, East Prussia, the crossing of the border near Mariyampole; offensives to Polotsk; antipartisan warfare; the battle at the Dvina River southeast of Velikiye Luki; and the advance to the Volga River near Rzhev and Staritsa. Also, lists of officers' duty assignments and casualties and combat and ration strength reports. The division was subordinate to the VI. A.K. under the command of Gen.Maj. Walter Weiss.
Jun 6 - Oct 31, 1941
Ia, Anlagenbande A 1-2 z. KTB 4. Corps and division orders and maps.
May 10 - Oct 31, 1941

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L. Armeekorps

T314 R1231
Ia, Anlagen "c" 1-130 z. KTB 2. Daily reports, orders, and a map pertaining to operations and the tactical situation during the movement through Lithuania, engagement near Nevel, and advance to Velikiye Luki. Also, a detraining table for the 86. Inf.Div.
Jun 13 - Jul 27, 1941
Ia, Anlagen "c" 131-204 z. KTB 2. Daily reports, orders, and maps pertaining to operations and tactical situation during the drive toward Leningrad and the battle for Luga. Also, special directives concerning signal communications.
Jul 28 - Aug 26, 1941
Ia, Anlagen "c" 205-259 z. KTB 2. Daily reports, orders, charts, and a map overlay pertaining to operations, order of battle, and the tactical situation during the opening phase of the siege of Leningrad.
Aug 26 - Sep 24, 1941
Ia, Anlagen "d" z. KTB 2, Gefechtsberichte. Afteraction reports of the 251. and 253. Inf.Div. and orders and a map concerning the battle for Velikiye Luki from Jul 27 to Aug 2, 194l. Also, reports relating to the loss of personnel, artil-lery support, and. organization of the Corps.
Jul 26 - Nov 8, 1941
Ia, Anlagen "f" z. KTB 2, Kriegsranglisten. Army directory of officers and officials giving name, grade, position, date of rank, decorations, and promotions.
Apr - Dec, 1941
Ia, Anlagen "g" z. KTB 2, Verlustlisten. Casualty list showing the number of staff officers and enlisted men killed, wounded, and missing.
Sep 18, 1941

254. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1761
Ia, KTB 2, Heft 1. Orders, reports, and maps pertaining to regrouping, training, border security, and preparations for the invasion of Netherlands and Belgium in the Goch, Cleves, and Emmerich areas, 6 - 21 Feb 1940 ; and the invasion of Netherlands, 10 May, and advance and offensive engagements in Grave, Hertogenbosch, and Breda, 11 - 17 May, and in the Antwerp, Brussels, Ath, Renaix, and Menin areas of Belgium, 18 - 27 May 1940. Special directive s concerning supply, signal communications, use of engineers, and reconnaissance (damaged by fire).
1940/02/06/ - 1940/05/27
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 2, Heft 3. Orders, reports, and maps pertaining to coastal defense, occupation duty, regrouping, and contact between infantry and artillery in the Boulogne, Etaples, Berck, Saint-Valery-sur-Somme, Abbeville, Rue , Outreau, Samer, and Montreuil areas (no records available for the period 1 Oct 1940 - 9 Jun 1941). Order-of-battle charts.
1940/07/09 - 1940/09/30
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 2. Conscript of daily radio messages.
1940/05/10 - 1940/05/26
Ic, TB. Activity report concerning enemy operations in Netherlands from Grave to Breda, 10 - 17 May, in Belgium from Antwerp to Ypres, 18 - 29 May, and in France in Dunkirk area, 30 May - 4 Jun, and the Calais, Boulogne, and Etaples areas, 5 - 16 Jun 1940.
1940/05/10 - 1940/05/26
Ic, Anlagenband I zum TB . Orders, reports, and maps pertaining to the tactical disposition of enemy forces in Netherlands, Belgium, and France before and during the western campaign; division and enemy operations; surrender negotiations with the Belgian Armed Forces, 28 - 29 May; the battle for Dunkirk, France, 30 May - 4 Jun; and advance, offensive engagements, and occupation of the French coast in the Calais, Boulogne, and Etaples areas, 5 Jun - 4 Jul 1940.
1940/03/18 - 1940/07/04
Ic , Anlagenband II zum TB . OKW bulletins citing information on the military situation and reports on troop recreation.
1940/04/31 - 1940/06/16
Ia, KTB 4, Teil I. Quartering and training in the Wormditt (Orneta) area, 10 - 16 Jun; assembly in the Insterburg (Chernyakhovsk) area, 17 - 21 Jun; invasion of Lithuania, 22 Jun , and offensive engagements in the Taurage, Kelme, Seduva, Pasvalys , and Birzai areas, 23 Jun - 4 Jul, in the Jekabpils, Jaunjelgava, Plavinas, Vespiebalga, Velena, and Ape areas of Latvia, 5 - 12 Jul, and in the Voru, Viljandi, Jogeva, Paide, Tapa, Kuada, and Aseri areas of Estonia, 13 Jul - 11 Aug; movement to and mopping-up action and security activity in the Sonda and Reval (Tallinn) areas of Estonia, 12 Aug - 8 Sep; movement to Krasnoye Selo, Russia, defensive operations; and movement to the Mga area, 26 Sep - 25 Oct 1941 A register of officers and casualty and strength reports.
1941/06/10 - 1341/10/25
Ia, KTB 4, Teil II. War journal concerning defensive operations in the Mga, Glazhevo, and Podsol'ye areas
south of Lake Ladoga and along the Volkhov River.
1941/10/26 - 1941/12/23

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291. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1906
Ia, KT B 1. War journal concerning preparations for the attack on Russia in the Kretingale area, 20 - 21 Jun; and the invasion of and offensive engagements in the Kretinga, Palanga, and Skuodas areas of Lithuania, 22 - 23 Jun; and the Priekule, Liepaja, Aizpute, Kuldiga, Saldus, Ventspils, Sabile, Talsi, Tukums, and Riga areas of Latvia, 24 Jun - 15 Jul 1941.
1941/06/20 - 1941/07/15
Ia, KTB 2. War journal concerning movement to the Limbazhi and Airazi areas of Latvia and to the Parnu area of Estonia, 16 - 18 Jul; and movement to and offensive engagements in the Haapsalu, Vandra, Turi, Paide, Tapa, Rakvere, Kunda, Aseri, Sonda, Toila, and Narva areas of Estonia, 19 Jul - 20 Aug, and in the Fedorovka, Kotly, and Kopor'ye areas of Russia, 21 Aug - 5 Sep 1941.
1941/07/16 - 1941/09/05
Ia, KTB 3. War journal concerning offensive engagements in the Kotly, Kopor'ye, and Lopukhinka areas, 6 - 8 Sep; movement to and defensive and assault operations in the area west of Krasnoye Selo and south of Petrodvorets, 9 Sep - 23 Nov; relief and movement to the area southeast of Mga via Vyritsa, Tosno, Lyuban,
and Lisino-Korpus, 24 Nov - 7 Dec; relief of the 223.ID, 6 - 8 Dec; and defensive and assault operations in the Memino, Babino, and Kirishi areas, 8 - 20 Dec 1941.
1941/09/06 - 1941/12/20
Ia, KTB 4. War journal concerning defensive and assault operations and regrouping in the Memino, Babino, Metino, Tur, and Nechan'ye areas southeast of Mga, 21 Dec 1941 - 28 Feb 1942, and movement to Lisino-Korpus for operations southwest of Lyuban, 1 - 3 Mar 1942.
1941/12/21 - 1942/03/03
Ia, KTB 5. War journal concerning movement to Lisino-Korpus, 4 - 5 Mar ; movement, defensive and assault operations, and regrouping in the Fedcsino and Kamenka (Matreshkino) areas, 6 Mar - 13 Jun; formation of Gruppe Herzog with the 285.SichD and the 254.ID subordinate to it, 3 Jun, and its disbandment 13 Jun; and planned movement back to Lisino-Korpus, 14 Jun 1942.
1942/03/04 - 1942/06/13
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Orders relating to securing the Memel River sector, offensive operations across Lithuania and Latvia, advance to Parnu, Estonia, and the artillery defense of Liepaja; reports regarding the military situation on all fronts and enemy operations and unit identification; daily reports; order-of-battle charts; status reports; special directives concerning movement to the assembly area, land and air reconnaissance, border security, and the formation of Latvian self-defense; an interrogation summary; and intelligence bulletins.
1941/05/10 - 1941/07/21
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB . Orders relating to offensive operations in Estonia; daily reports and special directives concerning signal communications and reconnaissance; status reports; interrogation summaries; and reports regarding the military situation on all fronts, engineer and artillery activity, and the Russian 50 ton tank; and an intelligence bulletin.
1941/07/21 - 1941/08/19

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291. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1907
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Orders and daily reports pertaining to mopping-up action in the Narva area of Estonia, 19 - 20 Aug; offensive engagements in the Fedorovka, Kotly, Kopor'ye, and Lopukhinka areas of Russia, 21 Aug - 8 Sep; and defensive and assault operations in the area west of Krasnoye Selo and south of Petrodvorets, 9 - 24 Sep 1941. Order-of-battle charts; status reports; directives relating to operations against partisans; reports regarding enemy operations, Russian rocket launchers, fortifications east of the old Russian border, and the military situation on the eastern front; special directives concerning supply and supply troops; translations of orders by Gen.Lt. Vasiliy Danilovich Sokolovskiy and Field Marshal Semen Konstantinovich Timoshenko; interrogation summaries; and intelligence bulletins.
1941/08/19 - 1941/09/24
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Daily reports, orders, directives, and overlays pertaining to defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations; regrouping; artillery activity; personnel matters; preparations for the winter; and the evacuation of the civilian population in the area west of Krasnoye Selo and south of Petrodvorets, 24 Sep - 5 Oct 1941. Reports regarding enemy operations, the military situation on the eastern front, the Russian Salvengeschuetz, and the situation in Leningrad; special directives concerning supply and supply troops; and a translation of an order by Gen.Maj. Lazarev.
1941/09/24 - 1941/10/05
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Daily reports and orders pertaining to defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations and regrouping in the area west of Krasnoye Selo and south of Petrodvorets, 4 - 13 Oct; activity report of Nachr.Abt. 291, 22 Jun - 30 Sep 1941; reports on enemy operations, the military situation on the eastern front, and experiences gained during the eastern campaign; special directives concerning supply and supply troops; an afteraction report regarding a Russian tank attack on 5 Oct; an afteraction critique relating to the use of prisoners of war; and a translation of a Russian directive pertaining to the use of the Molotov cocktail.
1941/10/04 - 1941/10/13
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Daily reports and orders pertaining to defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations, regrouping, and personnel matters in the area west of Krasnoye Selo and south of Petrodvorets; a report regarding the activities of AK 38 artillery, 1 - 10 Oct; status, strength, and casualty reports; special directives concerning supply and supply troops; and data on enemy operations and mines.
1941/10/14 - 1941/10/23

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291. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1907
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Orders and daily reports pertaining to mopping-up action in the Narva area of Estonia, 19 - 20 Aug; offensive engagements in the Fedorovka, Kotly, Kopor'ye, and Lopukhinka areas of Russia, 21 Aug - 8 Sep; and defensive and assault operations in the area west of Krasnoye Selo and south of Petrodvorets, 9 - 24 Sep 1941. Order-of-battle charts; status reports; directives relating to operations against partisans; reports regarding enemy operations, Russian rocket launchers, fortifications east of the old Russian border, and the military situation on the eastern front; special directives concerning supply and supply troops; translations of orders by Gen.Lt. Vasiliy Danilovich Sokolovskiy and Field Marshal Semen Konstantinovich Timoshenko; interrogation summaries; and intelligence bulletins.
1941/08/19 - 1941/09/24
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Daily reports, orders, directives, and overlays pertaining to defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations; regrouping; artillery activity; personnel matters; preparations for the winter; and the evacuation of the civilian population in the area west of Krasnoye Selo and south of Petrodvorets, 24 Sep - 5 Oct 1941. Reports regarding enemy operations, the military situation on the eastern front, the Russian Salvengeschuetz, and the situation in Leningrad; special directives concerning supply and supply troops; and a translation of an order by Gen.Maj. Lazarev.
1941/09/24 - 1941/10/05
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Daily reports and orders pertaining to defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations and regrouping in the area west of Krasnoye Selo and south of Petrodvorets, 4 - 13 Oct; activity report of Nachr.Abt. 291, 22 Jun - 30 Sep 1941; reports on enemy operations, the military situation on the eastern front, and experiences gained during the eastern campaign; special directives concerning supply and supply troops; an afteraction report regarding a Russian tank attack on 5 Oct; an afteraction critique relating to the use of prisoners of war; and a translation of a Russian directive pertaining to the use of the Molotov cocktail.
1941/10/04 - 1941/10/13
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Daily reports and orders pertaining to defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations, regrouping, and personnel matters in the area west of Krasnoye Selo and south of Petrodvorets; a report regarding the activities of AK 38 artillery, 1 - 10 Oct; status, strength, and casualty reports; special directives concerning supply and supply troops; and data on enemy operations and mines.
1941/10/14 - 1941/10/23

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XXXVIII. Armeekorps

T314 R898
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 2. Orders, daily reports, order of battle charts, and experience reports. Also, orders and special directives concerning the formation, organization, and operations of Festlandstab XXXVIII. A.K. in relation to its planned participation in Operation "Seelowe".
Oct 16, 1940 - Apr 10, 1941
Ia, Ic, Tatigkeitsberichte. Activity reports of the Operations and Intelligence Branches of the Corps while it was stationed in France. Also contains information regarding the transfer to the vicinity of Elbing, East Prussia, during April-May 1941 to prepare for Operation "Barbarossa".
Jun 25, 1940 - May 26, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. TB. Orders issued by Corps Headquarters and daily reports.
Nov 1, 1940 - May 17, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3, Teil 2. War journal concerning operations in the Lake Ilmen area south of Leningrad. Also information on the inspection of the 250th Infantry Division (Spanish "Blue Division") by General Moscarolo; the relief of Brigadier General Altrichter from command of the 58th Infantry Division and the replacement of the Corps Commander, Lieutenant General von Chappius by Major General Haenicke, Mar 29, 1942; and orders relating to Operations "Raubtier" and "Bruckenschlag" (offensive engagements north of Lake Ilmen).
Nov 11, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Miscellaneous papers supplementing the war journal and pertaining to activities of the Corps in the Lake Ilmen and Leningrad areas includes Corps orders, operations reports, charts and other papers on enemy order of battle, maps (1:100000, 1:200000 and 1:300000), and messages sent.
Nov 11, 1941 - Jan 4, 1942

LIII. Armeekorps

T314 R1329
Ia, Anlagenband 1 z. KTB 6, Aufklarungsmeldungen. Aerial and ground reconnaissance reports pertaining to enemy operations in the Yagodnoye, Bolkhov, Dobrun, and Bocharki areas.
Jul 9 - Aug 12, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 2 z. KTB 6. Reports, orders, directives, order of battle charts, intelligence reports, and maps of Pz.AOK 2, Gruppe Harpe, and the Corps pertaining to Operation "Herbstreise" (withdrawal from the Oka River line toward the Desna River).
Jul 1 - 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenbande 3-4 z. KTB 6, Tagesmeldungen. Daily reports of H.Gr. Mitte, Pz.AOK 2, AOK 9, Gruppe Harpe, and the Corps concerning operations in the Bogushevsk and Bolkhov areas.
Jul 1 - Sep 30, 1943

XXIV. Panzerkorps

T314 R722
Ia, Anlagenbande 13-20 z. KTB 2. Reports, orders, messages, notes and maps (1:20000, 1:50000, and 1:100000) pertaining to daily combat activity, the tactical situation, and the construction of defensive positions along the corps front in the area of Dmitriyevka, Fedorovka, Kuibyshevo, and Veprik.
Aug 1 - 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenbande 21-22 z. KTB 2. Reports, orders, messages, notes, and maps pertaining to daily combat activity and the tactical situation along the corps front in the Chervonny-Sayarye, Veprik, Pirki, Yanovshchina, Velbivka, and Velika-Pavlika areas.
Sep 1 - 9, 1943

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XXXXVIII. Panzerkorps

T314 R1172
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Daily reports, messages, and orders concerning operations, missions, march movements, order of battle, boundaries, subordination, and tactical situation of the Corps; and enemy land, air, and artillery activities, probable intentions, movements, and losses of men arid equipment. Also, evaluation reports of the military situation and inventories of ammunition.
Oct 1 - Nov 30, 1943

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129. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1376
Ia, KTB 6 mit Anlagen. War journal with orders and reports pertaining to defensive operations in the area northwest and west of Olenino and at Rzhev, 15 Aug - 30 Sep 1942. Afteraction reports concerning the defensive battle at Rzhev, intelligence bulletins concerning enemy operations, status reports, and order-of-battle charts.
1942/06/01 - 1942/09/30
Ia, KTB 1 der Kampfgruppe Wuestenhagen mit Anlagen. Formation of Kampfgruppe Wuestenhagen under the command of Oberst Albert Wuestenhagen from components of the 129.ID and 161.ID to strengthen the defenses south of the Volga River near Zubtsov. Lists of officers duty assignments; register of officers; combat and casualty reports; activity report of the Intelligence Branch with interrogation reports concerning enemy operations, losses, partisan warfare, propaganda, and unit identification.
1942/05/08 - 1942/06/04
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report and intelligence bulletins concerning enemy operations, losses, unit identification, and tactical situation during defensive operations in the Tvertsa River, Rzhev, and Zubtsov areas, 23 Jan - 12 May 1942, northwest and west of Olenlno, 21 May - 15 Aug 1942, and at Rzhev, 15 Aug - 30 Sep 1942. German translations of an order by the People's Commissariat for Defense, 28 Jul 1942, and an order for the Russian troops on the Kalinin front, 27 Jul 1942.
1942/01/23 - 1942/09/30

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10. Infanterie-Division (mot)

T315 R553
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 4. Division orders, daily operation and afteraction reports, and situation maps and overlays.
Apr 1 - 30, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5. War journal concerning operations and activities in the Milyatino and Markovo areas. The division became subordinate to the LVI. Panzerkorps in May 1942.
May 1 - 30, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 6. War journal and strength reports concerning operations and activities in the Markovo area. Gen.Maj. August Schmidt took command of the division on Apr 24, 1942.
Jun 1 - 23, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 5 u. 6. Division orders, daily operation reports, and situation maps and overlays.
May 1 - Jun 23, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch der Kampfgruppen Langesee und Hauss. War journal concerning operations and activities of Kampfgruppen Langesee and Hauss in the Trushkovo-Medvenka and Markovo areas. Also, overlays of enemy-occupied positions.
Jan 9 - Mar 7, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 4; Kriegstagebuch der Kampfgruppe Konig. War journal of Kampfgruppe Konig, tactical orders and reports, strength and casualty reports, lists of officers' duty assignments, and reports on booty and prisoners of war.
Apr 18 - 24, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebucher 7 u. 8. War journals concerning operations and activities in the Markovo area.
Jun 24 - Aug 15, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 9. War journal concerning operations and activities in the Markovo and Davydovo areas, and strength reports.
Aug 16 - Oct 7, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 10. War journal and strength reports concerning operations and activities in the Davydovo area and Operation "Hildebrand" (counteroffensive operation).
Oct 8 - Dec 9, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 11. War journal concerning operations and activities in the Davydovo area.
Dec 10 - 31, 1942
la, Kriegstagebucher 1-3. War journals concerning operations and activities in the Davydovo area.
Jan 1 - Apr 1, 1943

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121. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1305
Ic, Anlagen zu m KTB II. Intelligence and interrogation reports and maps pertaining to enemy operations, losses, morale, fortifications, movements, and strength. Translations of Molotov' s speech of 22 Jun 1941, an order of the Red Army Hgs., 16 Aug 1941, and combat orders.
1941/06/22 - 1941/08/16
Ic, Anlagen zum KTB II. Intelligence and interrogation reports, charts, and overlays pertaining to enemy operations; losses; morale; organization; order of battle; tactical situation; and unit identification, movements, and strength. Reports regarding the situation and conditions in Leningrad; overlays showing road conditions in the Leningrad area; and translations of an order of the Soviet 55th Army, 9 Sep 1941, a Soviet battle plan for a breakthrough of the Leningrad encirclement, and combat orders.
1941/08/16 - 1941/09/26
Ia, KTB IV. Defensive operations in the Lyuban and Chudovo areas and transfer in July to the Pavlovsk area to relieve the 5.GebD. (KTB III and Anlagen, 27 Sep 1941 - 30 Apr 1942, see document numbers 24289/1-6,9-12, roll numbers 1307-1309.)
1942/05/01 - 1942/07/16
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB TV. Orders, overlays, and maps pertaining to attacks, defensive operations, formation of alert units, rehabilitation, and reorganization; order-of-battle charts; combat strength reports; and an afteraction report concerning the battles in the Volkhov pocket. Intelligence reports, bulletins, and overlays regarding enemy offensive operations, unit identification and strength, and tactical disposition, and a translation of a battle plan of the Soviet 374th Division and the Soviet 29th Panzer Brigade, 16 Jun 1942.
1942/05/01 - 1942/07/17
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB IV. Daily reports from subordinate units.
1942/05/10 - 1942/07/16

126. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1361
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 4. Divisionsbefehle. Orders relating to the transfer from Podberez'ye to south of Staraya Russa via Novgorod and Shimsk, 7 - 20 Jul; securing the bridgehead east of the Lovat River near Ramushevo, 20 - 22 Jul; movement to the Gorodok and Rosino area, 25 Jul; offensive engagements in the area between the Lovat and Pola Rivers in August; defense of the Rob'ya River sector near Kalitkino in September, the Lovat and Rob'ya positions in October, and the Lovat-Starovskaya Rob'ya River sector in November; winter mobility; defensive operations and counterattacks to prevent the enemy from breaking through the corridor near Visyuchiy Bor in December 1942.
1942/07/02 - 1942/12/31
Ia, Anlagen zun KTB 4. Meldungen und Befehle.
1942/07/01 - 1942/07/31
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 4. Meldungen und Befehle.
1942/08/01 - 1942/078/31
Ia, Anlagen zun KTB 4. Meldungen und Befehle.
1942/09/01 - 1942/09/20

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121. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1306
Ic, Anlagen zum KTB IV, Feindlagemeldungen und Feindpropaganda. Intelligence and interrogation reports and maps pertaining to eneray operations, losses, unit identification and strength, intentions, and tactical disposition; and the military situation on all fronts. Enemy propaganda leaflets and newspaper reports relating to Molotov's visits to Washington and London to negotiate agreements with the United States and Great Britain for speeding up delivery of war materiel to the Soviet Union and to assure cooperation and aid after the war; and a translation of an order by the People's Commissariat for Defense, 1 May 1942.
1942/05/01 - 1942/07/16
Ia, KTB V. War journal concerning defensive operations in the Pavlovsk area, south of Chudovo, later around Pushkin, and in October in the area between Kolpino and Mga. On 20 Oct 1942 the division was withdrawn to Novolisino for training and rehabilitation.
1942/07/17 - 1942/10/21
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB V. Orders, messages, and reports pertaining to defensive engagements, assault troop operations, counterattacks, artillery activity, relief of the division by the 250. spanische Division and transfer to the Krasny Bor, Pushkin and Tosna River areas, 5 - 15 Sep 1942, and the battle for Gaytolovo which ended, 6 Oct 1942. An afteraction report concerning a counterattack at Putrolovo, 21 - 25 Jul 1942.
1942/07/17 - 1942/10/06
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB V. Orders, messages, and reports pertaining to reorganization afte r the battle at Gaytolovo, defensive operations, winter preparations, construction of defensive positions and winter shelters, relief by the 227.ID, and transfer to Novolisino for training and rehabilitation.
1942/07/17 - 1942/10/21
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB V. Reports from subordinate units.
1942/07/17 - 1942/08/31

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L. Armeekorps

T314 R1249
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Activity report of the Intelligence Branch with intelligence reports and a map pertaining to enemy operations, organization, personnel strength, disposition and movement of units, and tactical situation in the Velykaya River and eastern Latvia areas.
Jul 16 - Aug 9, 1944
Qu., Kriegstagebuch 16. War journal of the Supply Branch concerning supply operations during the withdrawal through Latvia.
Jul 16 - Aug 9, 1944
Qu., IVb-c, Feldgend., FPM, Tatigkeitsberichte als Anlage z. KTB 9. Activity reports of tbe Medical, Veterinary, and Economics Officers, the Chief of Supply Troops, the Military Police Detachment, and Postmaster 450 during their assignment in eastern Latvia. Also, receipts for the transfer of Corps records to the Chef des Heeresarchiv, Zweigstelle Liegnitz.
Jul 8 - Aug 9, 1944
IVa, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report of the Administrative Officer concerning supply and administrative services during the defense of the Madona area, the withdrawal from the Valga (Walk) area to and the defense of Riga, and the withdrawal from Riga.
Aug 10 - Oct 15, 1944
Ic, Anlage 1, Tatigkeitsbericht des Generalkommandos Kleffel mit Anlagen. Activity report of the Intelligence Officer, Gen.Kdo. Kleffel, with intelligence and reconnaissance reports, maps, and overlays pertaining to enemy operations, movements, unit identification, and tactical situation in the Riga-Mitau area.
Aug 1 - 31, 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 10, Band 1. War journal pertaining to the Corps' defensive operations during withdrawal movements and to enemy offensive operations and unit identification in the Kalnakrogs, Kureni, Kukul, Lazdona, Noras, Laudona, and the Lake Svetes and Liezere areas. Also, a memorandum concerning the disbanding of Gruppe Wegener to which the L. and X. A.K. and the VI. SS Inf.Korps were subordinate.
Aug 10 - 31, 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 10, Band 2. War journal pertaining to defensive operations during withdrawal through Latvia to East Prussia; Operation "Achilles" (the moving of the main line of resistance forward to the L. Korps' right flank and I. Korps left flank) on Oct 5, 1944; Operations "Donner" and "Regen" (withdrawal movements in the Riga, Duna River, and Mitau areas) on Oct 8 and 11, 1944, and enemy operations. Also, a memorandum relating to the death and burial of General Wegener.
Sep 1 - Oct 15, 1944
Ia, Anlagen "a" 1-29 z. KTB 10, Kriegsgliederungen. Charts with dated amendments showing order of battle of Gruppe Wegener and of the Corps' units.
Aug 10 - Oct 15, 1944
Ia, Anlagen "c" 1-223 z. KTB, Operationsakten. Reports, orders, and maps pertaining to defensive operations in the Madona, Valga, and Riga areas, the employment of the Legion "Niederlande," execution of Operation "Regen," and the recall of the Corps to Germany to defend East Prussia. Also, a memorandum concerning the assignment of Gen.Lt. Hans Boeckh-Behrens as temporary commander of the Corps.
Aug 10 - Oct 15, 1944

T314 R1250
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 10, Taktische Meldungen an die Armee. Daily outgoing reports to AOK 18 concerning defensive operations during the withdrawal from Lake Liezere to Riga.
Aug 10 - Oct 15, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 10, Taktische Meldungen von den Divisionen. Daily incoming reports concerning defensive operations during the withdrawal in Latvia.
Aug 10 - Oct 15, 1944
Ia, Anlage z. KTB 10, Akte Wolmar. Reports and maps pertaining to "Fall Wolmar" (an investigation relating to the failure to destroy a bridge at Valmiera (Wolmar) on Sep 23, 1944). Also, reports, and orders concerning blockade measures, defensive operations, withdrawal movements, and the tactical situation on Sep 23 and 24, 1944.
Sep 23 - Nov 1, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 10, Absetzbewegungen "Dormer" und "Regen". Orders, maps, and overlays cf the Corps and AOK 16 relating to Operations "Donner" and "Regen."
Oct 3 - 14, 1944
IIa, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report of the Personnel Branch with a list of personnel awarded decorations, an officers' register, and a casualty list of staff officers.
Aug 10 - Oct 15, 1944
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Activity report of the Intelligence Officer with intelligence and evaluation report, maps, and overlays pertaining to enemy operations, unit identification, prisoners of war and booty captured, propaganda and tactical situation in the Madona, Valga, Baldone, and Mitau areas, and German propaganda and counterintelligence activity.
Aug 10 - Oct 15, 1944
Qu, Kriegstagebuch 17. War journal of the Supply Branch concerning supply operations and administration in the Baldone, Valga, Mitau, Riga, and Lake Liezere areas.
Aug 10 - Oct 15, 1944
Qu., Anlagen 1-130 z. KTB 17. Reports, orders, and directives pertaining to supply problems during withdrawal, supply economy, stockpiling of ammunition, reorganization of supply troops, evacuation measures, and other administrative matters. Also, special directives concerning supply and evaluation relating to Operations "Donner" and "Regen."
Aug 10 - Oct 15, 1944
Qu., IVb-c, Feldgend., FPM, Tatigkeitsberichte als Anlage z. KTB 17. Activity reports of the Medical, Veterinary, and Economics Officers, the Chief of Supply Troops, the Military Police Detachment, and Postmaster 450 during their assignment in Latvia.
Aug 9 - Oct 15, 1944
Ic, Feindnachrichtenblatter. Intelligence bulletins with a map (1:100000) pertaining to enemy operations, unit identification, artillery positions, arms, and ammunition, rations, fighting quality, morale, deserters, propaganda, conditions in Leningrad, partisan activity, and the effectiveness of German weapons in the Leningrad, Kolpino, Orariienbaum, Mga, Neva and Tosna Rivers, and Lake Ladoga areas.
Oct 30, 1942 - Jun 16, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Niederschriften, Mai und Juni. War journal concerning operations and the tactical situation in the Wevel, Polotsk, Opochka, Krasnoye, Bolgotovo, Velikiye Luki, and Novosokolniki areas. Also, daily reports on weather conditions.
May 3 - Jun 21, 1944

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4. Armee

T312 R232
Ia, Anlagen B z. KTB Nr. 23. Messages and maps (n.s.) showing the location of Army fuel and ammunition dumps on an express highway along the defense line. Central Russia.
April 25 - May 5, 1944
Ia, Anlagen B z. KTB Nr. 23. Messages and weapon situation reports.
May 5 - 16, 1944
Ia, Anlagen B z. KTB Nr. 23. Messages, reports and data on assignment of personnel.
May 25 - June 3, 1944.
Ia, Beilage z. KTB Nr. 23. Meldungen zum Bandenunternehmen "Kormoran" der Gruppe von Gottberg.
May 26 - June 21, 1944

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4. Panzer-Armee

T313 R333
Ia, Anlagenband D 1-3 z. KTB Nr. 5, Koluft-Meldungen, Allgemeines, Gefechts- u. Verpflegungsstarken. Reports, correspondence, and teletype messages concerning the progress of operations, unit boundaries, daily rations strength, and assignment of Pz.Gr. 4 units. Also, organizational data and lists of officers' duty assignments.
Jun 19 - Sep 15, 1941
Ia, Ia/Mess., Gabo, IVd, Anlagenband E 1-2 z. KTB Nr. 5, Frontberichte, Erfahrungsberichte. Activity reports; reports on operations on the Leningrad front; and war diary of 8./Lehrregiment "Brandenburg".
Jun 22 - Sep 19, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 5, Kartenanlagen I-IV. Maps (1:100000 and 300000) showing tactical groupings of Pz.Gr. 4 units in the Jacobstadt, Dunaburg, Narva, Luga, Krasnogvardeisk, and Pushkin areas, and the siege of Leningrad.
Jun 21 - Sep 17, 1941
O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch, Heft 1-2. War diary concerning O.Qu. operations, Pz.Gr. 4, Apr 22 - Dec 31, 1941, and Pz. AOK 4, Jan 1 - Apr 29, 1942.
O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch, Zweitschrift. War diary pertaining to O.Qu. operations, XVI AK, Feb 1, 1940 - Feb 14, 1941; Pz.Gr. 4, Feb 15 - Dec 31, 1941; and Pz. AOK 4, Jan 1 - Apr 29, 1942.

58. Infanterie-Division

T315 R994
Ia, Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen. Corps and division orders, daily division reports and messages, and maps pertaining to the assembly of the division east of Konigsberg and the invasion of Lithuania as far as Siauliai via Tilsit and Taurage; strength, casualty, and status reports and data concerning the new Lithuanian Government with K. Skirpa as Premier. The division was subordinate to Festungsstab 38 and the XXXVIII. A.K.
Jun 12 - 30, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebiicher mit Anlagen. Corps and division orders, daily division reports and messages, and maps pertaining to offensive engagements across Lithuania and Latvia, northward along the Plyussa and Pyata Rivers and the battles for Narva, Kingisepp, Volosovo, Uritsk, and Krasnoye Seloj strength, casualty, status, and afteraction reports, and charts showing the extent of corps and division radio networks. The division was subordinate to the XXXVIII. and the L. A.K. under the command of Gen.Maj. Iwan Heunert until Sep 14, 1941, and Gen.Maj. Friedrich Altrienter thereafter.
Aug 1 - Sep 30, 1941

7. Panzer-Division

T315 R412
Ia, Einsatz Ost, Band 10. Reports, orders, teletype messages.
Feb. 16 - 28, 1942
Ia, Einsatz Ost, Band 11. Orders, radio and teletype messages.
May 1 - 15, 1942
Ia, Einsatz Ost, Band 13. Reports, orders, radio and teletype messages.
Apr 16 - May 17, 1942
Ia, Eingegangene Fernspruche, Funkspruche und Fernschreiben.
Jun 1941

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58. Infanterie-Division

T315 R993
Ia, Kriegstagebiicher mit Anlagen. Corps and division orders, daily division reports and messages, and maps pertaining to offensive engagements across Lithuania and Latvia, northward along the Plyussa and Pyata Rivers and the battles for Narva, Kingisepp, Volosovo, Uritsk, and Krasnoye Selo; strength, casualty, status, and afteraction reports, and charts showing the extent of corps and division radio networks. The division was subordinate to the XXXVIII. and the L. A.K. under the command of Gen.Maj. Iwan Heunert until Sep 14, 1941, and Gen.Maj. Friedrich Altrienter thereafter.
Aug 1 - Sep 30, 1941

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T314 R910
Ic, Anlagenband Ic z. TB, Gefangenenvernehmungen. Intelligence summaries and reports based on information obtained through interrogations of prisoners of war.
Jan 3 - Mar 30, 1943
Ic, Anlagenband Id z. TB, Vernehmungsergebnisse, OKH Fragebogen und Aufklarungsforderungen. Reports and summaries pertaining to enemy order of battle, based on statements obtained from Red deserters and prisoners of war and from data collected by reconnaissance patrols.
Jan 31 - Jun 20, 1943
Ic, Anlagenband 2 z. TB, Befehle zur Bandenbekampfung, Abwehr und Propaganda. Orders issued by the Intelligence Branch relating to security, antipartisan actions, observation posts, good will between German and non-German troops and civilians, centers for the reception and processing of enemy deserters, use of recreation facilities, and other matters under the control of the intelligence officer.
Jan 21 - May 28, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 6. War journal relating to operations on the Volkhov front including data relating to heavy combat in the Spasskaya Polist and Khutyn areas.
Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband I z. KTB 6, Organisationsbefehle. Miscellaneous papers including orders on reorganization, order of battle charts, casualty figures, a directive on subordination of Estonians to German officers, a decree on military discipline, and activation orders for Estonian auxiliary forces.
Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband II z. KTB 6, Taktische Befehle. Tactical orders concerning Corps operations near Spasskaya Polist, and along the Volkhov front, order of battle charts, situation maps (1:100000 and 1:300000), and overlays (1:20000, 1:50000, and 1:300000) showing data for artillery and intelligence operations.
Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1943

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35. Infanterie-Division

T315 R894
Ic, Anlage 1 z. TB, Bericht uber die Angriffe vom 22.-28. Feb. 1943. Intelligence activity report and a report concerning the offensive in the Sorokino area, Feb 22 - 28, 1943; and intelligence bulletins on the enemy situation.
Nov 11, 1942 - Mar 31, 1943
Ic, Anlage 4 z. TB, Meldungen und Nachrichtenblatter. Feindnachrichtenblatter der Division, Benachrichtigung uber Feindverhalten, Ersatzzufuhrmeldungen, Monatsmeldungen uber geistige Betreuung, Abwehr und Gegenmassnahmen, Feindliche Spah- und Stosstrupps.
Nov 16, 1942 - Mar 31, 1943
Ic, Anlage 5 z. TB, Fuhrung von Verzeichnissen. Hilfswillige, Zivilarbeitslager, Unerlaubt entfernte oder fahnenfluchtige Soldaten und Hilfswillige.
Nov 13, 1942 - Mar 25, 1943
Ic, Anlage 7 z. TB, Propaganda. Eigene Propaganda in den Feind, Eigene Propaganda in die Zivilbevolkerung, Feindpropaganda in die deutsche Wehrmacht, Feindpropaganda in die Zivilbevolkerung.
Dec 12, 1942 - Mar 29, 1943
Ic, Anlage 9 z. TB, Verschiedenes. Div.-Planspiel, Mitteilungsblatter der Div., Kommandeur und Adjutant Besprechung.
Dec 11, 1942 - Mar 30, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1 der Vorausgruppe Seyffardt. Activities before the campaign against Russia and advance operations to Volokolamsk when the group was inactivated. Also, lists of officers' duty assignments and casualties, and reports concerning combat strength, number of prisoners taken and enemy equipmant captured, and distance covered since the beginning of the campaign. Vorausgruppe Seyffardt was subordinate to the 35. and 5. Inf.Div. during this period, under the command of Oberst Paul Seyffardt, Oberstleutnant Borst, and Major von Puttkanier.
Jun 10 - Nov 13, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband I z. KTB 1 der Vorausgruppe Seyffardt. Corps and division orders, operations and situation reports, and radio messages.
Jun 10 - Aug 10, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband II z. KTB 1 der Vorausgruppe Seyffardt. Interrogation summaries, partisan activity reports, division orders, propaganda leaflets, overlays, and radio messages.
Aug 11 - Oct 5, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband III z. KTB 1 der Vorausgruppe Seyffardt. Division orders, afteraction reports, and radio messages concerning operations.
Oct 5 - Nov 5, 1941

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4. SS-Polizei-Panzergrenadier-Division

T354 R627
Ia, Anlagenheft zum KTB Nr. 9. Daily reports, orders, maps, and sketches pertaining to defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations; counterattacks, regrouping , artillery activity, and training in the Pushkin, Alexandrovka, and Bol'shoye Kuz'mino areas, 16 Oct 1941 - 17 Feb 1942; and relief by the 58.ID and 121.I D for a new assignment under the command of AK 1 in the Chudovo area, 18 - 19 Feb 1942. Includes afteraction critigue relating to combat operations on the eastern front, casualty and strength reports, tables showing the status of weapons, intelligence bulletins, and data on enemy operations and losses.
1941/10/16 - 1942/02/19
Ia, Lagenkarten. Maps showing the location of defensive and antitank operations in the Krasnogvardeisk, Alexandrovka, and Pushkin areas and the tactical disposition of German and enemy units in these areas.
1941/11/28 - 1942/02/10
Ia, Ib, Anlagenheft Nr. 1 zum KTB 10, Wolchow. Daily reports, orders, radio messages, and maps pertaining to movement, regrouping, and combat operations in the Volkhov and Tregubovo areas northeast of Petrokrepost and northwest of Tikhvin, and orders of AOK 18 and AK 1 concerning the participation of the reinforced 4. SSPolD (known as Division Wuennenberg) in the encirclement battle of the "2. russische Stossarmee" in the Glushitsa and Spasskaya Polist areas. Included are afteraction and strength reports, lists of code names, tables on weapons, special supply directives, and data on enemy operations.
1942/02/20 - 1942/03/31

T354 R629
Ia, KTB Nr. 11, Abwehrkaempfe am Newabogen. War journal concerning securing of the Vyritsa area, 26 Jun - 5 Jul; relief of the Kampfgruppe Neidholdt and II/Geb.-Rgt. 85 in the Nikolskoye area, 6 - 9 Jul; defensive battles along the Neva River bend in the Petrokrepost, Nikolskoye, Ul'yanovka, Pushkin, and Ivanovskoye areas, 10 Jul 1942 - 15 Jan 1943; and an order relating to the assignment of the division in the land bridgehead area of the Demyansk pocket.
1942/06/26 - 1943/01/15
Ia, Ic, Ib, IIa/b, Anlagen Teil 1 zum KTB Nr. 11. Orders, reports, messages, and maps pertaining to securing the Vyritsa area, 27 Jun - 4 Jul; defensive battles along the Neva River bend; regrouping; increasing of combat strength of division units; artillery activity; road maintenance; and construction of positions, 9 Jul - 18 Oct 1942. Afteraction reports and critiques concerning defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations and counterattacks in the Tosna and Neva River sector, notes on command conferences, strength reports, intelligence bulletins, and data relating to enemy operations, losses, and unit identification.
1942/06/26 - 1942/10/18

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58. Infanterie-Division

T315 R998
Ia, Kriegstagebucher mit Anlagen. Corps and division orders and reports and maps pertaining to offensives in the Volkhov River sector; strength, casualty, and status reports; intelligence bulletins; officers' duty assignment rosters; artillery fire plans; and afteraction reports about Russian attacks during the winter of 1941-42.
May 1 - Jun 30, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebucher mit Anlagen. Corps and division reports and orders and maps and overlays pertaining to operations north of Novgorod and the division's transfer to and defense of the Oranienbaum front in the latter part of July; strength, casualty, and status reports; officers' duty assignment rosters; service regulations for town and district commanders; and intelligence bulletins. The division was subordinate to the XXXVIII. and L. A.K., under the command of Gen.Maj. Karl von Graffen.
Jul 1 - Aug 31, 1942

T315 R999
Ia, Kriegstagebucher mit Anlagen. Corps and division reports and orders and maps and overlays pertaining to operations north of Novgorod and the division's transfer to and defense of the Oranienbaum front in the latter part of July; strength, casualty, and status reports; officers' duty assignment rosters; service regulations for town and district commanders; and intelligence bulletins. The division was subordinate to the XXXVIII. and L. A.K., under the command of Gen.Maj. Karl von Graffen.
Jul 1 - Aug 31, 1942

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4. SS-Polizei-Panzergrenadier-Division

T354 R632
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report concerning enemy operations, losses, unit identification, the military situation, interrogation summaries, intelligence bulletins, and maps and overlays showing the location of enemy units facing the division in the Volkhov River sector.
1942/02/23 - 1942/05/31
IVa, TB. Activity report of the administrative branch concerning the transfer from Orsay, France, 21 Jun 1941, and operations and supply services in the Krasnogvardeisk, Chudovo, and Vyritsa areas, Russia.
1941/06/20 - 1942/05/31
Ia, KTB 13. War journal concerning defensive operations in the Sablino area, 27 Jan - 7 Feb, movement to the Tosna and Neva Rivers sector with headquarters at Nikolskoye, assault operations, counterattacks, training, regrouping, and reorganization, Feb - Sep 1943. Also casualty lists of the division, 2 Feb - 1 Oct 1943; a register of officers; data on the reorganization of the division as a Kampfgruppe, 29 Apr 1943, and as SS Polizei Panzer Grenadier-Division by order dated 28 Aug 1943; and the transfer of the commanding officer, Gen.Lt. Alfred Wuennenberg, 10 Jun 1943, and assignment of SS Oberfuehrer Fritz Schmedes to command the division.
1943/01/27 - 1943/09/30
Ia, Anlagenband Teil I zum KTB 13. Daily orders, reports, messages, and overlays pertaining to the assembly of units in the Sablino area, 27 Jan - 7 Feb; movement to the Tosna River sector, 8 - 10 Feb; position defense; reconnaissance and assault operations; counterattacks; regrouping; training; and artillery activity in the Tosna and Neva Rivers sector with headquarters at Nikolskoye. Also data relating to enemy operations, losses, and units identification, 11 Feb - 29 Apr 1943; an order regarding the formation of Kampfgruppe Wengler, 12 Feb; order-of-battle charts of the division Feb - Apr 1943; strength reports; tables showing the organizational breakdown; afteraction reports of I/SS Pol.-PzJg.-Abtlg. in the battle in the Mishkino area, 10 - 20 Feb; and orders of the SS-FHA relating to the formation and training of reserve units at Truppenuebungsplatz Heidelager, Poland, and Milovice (Kilowitz) by Prague, Czechoslovakia, for the division.
1943/01/27 - 1943/04/29

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XXVI. Armeekorps

T314 R756
Ic, Anlagenmappe 4 z. TB, Morgen- u. Abendmeldungen an AOK 18. Morning and evening reports on the strength of Soviet forces, disposition of Soviet units, and intelligence obtained from prisoners of war.
Jun 1 - Aug 20, 1941
Ic, Anlagenmappe 5 z. TB, Feindgliederungen, Beutepapiere, deutsche u. russische Flugblattpropaganda. Reports on the order of battle of Soviet forces, translations of captured Soviet documents, and German and Russian propaganda leaflets.
Jun 1 - Aug 20, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 7. War journal of the Operations Branch concerning daily combat activities, weather conditions, artillery and aircraft engagements, reconnaissance and patrol missions, security measures, propaganda matters, assault actions, communication facilities; and laying of mines in shipping lanes in the Kingissepp and Oranienbaum areas.
Aug 20, 1941 - May 6, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband 1 z. KTB 7, Anlagen 1-100. Instructions, orders, reports, and messages concerning security measures, reappraisal of the situation and contemplated actions, organizational data, and information about Soviet forces.
Aug 18 - sep 29, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband 2 z. KTB 7, Anlagen 101-200. Reports, orders, and instructions pertaining to operations, and to designs of shoulder patches for the 18th Army and some subordinate units; plans for attack in the Oranienbaum area and for antipartisan operations including organizational charts, maps, and overlays.
Sep 29 - Dec 17, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband 3 z. KTB 7, Anlagen 201-280. Messages, orders, and reports on operations, a directive on "treatment of saboteurs and suspicious elements of the civilian populace" in the occupied territory, and data on road conditions during the thaw period.
Dec 24, 1941 - Mar 12, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband 4 z. KTB 7, Anlagen 281-335. Instructions, orders, reports, charts, maps, and messages concerning organizational matters, assignment of confidential agents, and estimates of the situation.
Mar 14 - May 6, 1942

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X. Armeekorps

T314 R447
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Ost I, Kriegsgliederungen. Corps and division order of battle.
May 26 - Jul 20, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Ost II. War journal on tactical operations during the German advance from the Porkhov sector to the Vershina sector.
Jul 21 - Dec 15, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Ost II, Armeebefehle. Army orders issued in connection with tactical operations during the German advance from the Porkhov sector to the area north of Lake Ilmen.
Jul 21 - Nov 29, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Ost II, Korpsbefehle. Corps orders issued in connection with tactical operations during the German advance from the Porkhov sector to the Vershina-Pustynka area.
Jul 22 - Dec 12, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Ost II. Messages to higher end lower echelons on tactical and administrative matters in connection with the German advance from the Porkhov sector to the Strelitsy area in September, to the Sukhaya Niva-Lushno area in October, and to the winter positions near Vershina and Pustynka in December.
Jul 21 - Dec 15, 1941

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XXVIII. Armeekorps

T314 R784
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Orders, messages, instructions, assignment roster, order of battle charts, daily reports, and maps concerning preparations for and execution of the attack against Russia.
Apr 4 - Jul 28, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Activity reports pertaining to order of battle charts of enemy forces, maps showing enemy's location, evaluation reports of captured enemy documents, and interrogation summaries.
Aug 1 - Sep 3, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 2, Russland. War journal concerning the Corps' advance on the northern front in the Ostrov area, across the Luga River, and to Pushkin, Kolpino, and Krasny Bor in the Leningrad area.
Jul 31 - Nov 28, 1941

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L. Armeekorps

T314 R1230
Ia, Sammelakte, Qu., Kriegstagebuch, Ic, IVa-c, IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte. Collective file of the Operations Branch containing war journal of the Supply Branch for the period Dec 15, 1940, to May 23, 1941 , concerning the activation of the Corps, supply services, administration, and activities in the Wurzburg area, the transfer to Sibiu (Hermannstadt), march movement to Bulgaria to set up supply depots around Sofia, the Balkan campaign, the handling of prisoners of war, the removal of war materiel, and the transfer to the Indjija-Ruma area for rail transportation out of the Balkans. Also, an activity report of the Intelligence Branch for the period Mar 7 to May 25, 1941, pertaining to the operations and tactical situation of the Corps and the enemy in Yugoslavia and Greece and British troop activity in Greece; an activity report of the Administrative Officer for the period Mar 17 to May 18, 1941, concerning operations in Rumania, Bulgaria, and Greece and surveys of captured materiel; an activity report of the Personnel Branch for the period Mar 17 to Jun 21, 1941, regarding personnel matters and the transfer of the Corps from Wurzburg to Sibiu, Skoplje, and Belgrade in April, and to Cottbus at the end of May for rehabilitation; activity reports of the Medical Officer for the period Mar 17 to May 18, 1941, and the Veterinary Officer for the period Apr 11 to May 18, 1941.
Dec 15, 1940 - Jun 21, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 2 und 3, Korpsbefehle und Marschkarten. Orders of the Corps concerning the operations, missions, movements, boundaries, reserves, quartering, construction program, and winter supply for subordinate units; the activity of artillery, antiaircraft, engineer, and signal units; and enemy operations. Also, tables showing detraining at Gunibinnen, Kanthausen, and Trakehnen on Jun 23, 1941, and maps showing the location of movements through Lithuania via Ostrov, Pskov, and Luga to Kolpino, and to Polotsk, Nevel, and Novosokolniki.
Jun 21, 1941 - Jan 17, 1942
Qu., Kriegstagebuch 1. War journal of the Supply Branch concerning supply operations and situation while the Corps was subordinate to AOK 17 during the Yugoslavian campaign. Also, a roster of staff officers and a list of supply installations in Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Serbia.
Dec 17, 1940 - May 22, 1941
Qu., Anlagen z. KTB 1, Operationsakten. Special directives concerning supply and supply troops during the Balkan campaign. Also, special directives relating to the attack on Greece and Yugoslavia and the supplying of advance detachments and regulations governing the conduct of German troops in Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, and the capture of materiel in Greece and Yugoslavia.
Mar 22 - May 22, 1941
Qu., Anlagen z. KTB 1, IVa-c, Tatigkeitsberichte. Activity reports of 'the Administrative Officer for the period Mar 23 to May 18, 1941, the Medical Officer for the period Mar 17 to May 18, 1941, and the Veterinary Officer for the period Apr 11 to May 18, 1941, and surveys of captured equipment. Also, a war journal of the Veterinary Officer as a supplement to his activity report concerning its operations in Rumania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia, and a map (1:1000,000) showing the location of army supply depots and staff headquarters in Bulgaria.
Mar 17 - May 18, 1941
III, Tatigkeitsberieht. Activity report of the Judge Advocate.
Dec 1940 - May 1941
Qu., Kriegstagebuch 2. War journal of the Supply Branch concerning supply services and administration during rehabilitation at Cottbus, May 25 - Jun 21, 1941, the transfer to Gusev (Gumbinnen), and the eastern campaign across Lithuania to Ostrov via Vidzy and to Novosokolniki via Polotsk and Nevel. Also, a register of supply officers. [This item was filmed without frame numbers and follows frame No. 88l.]
Jun 22 - Aug 11, 1941
Qu., Ubergabeverhandlungen, IVa-c, III, FPM, Tatigkeitsberichte. Activity reports of the Administrative, Medical, and Veterinary Officers, the Postmaster 450, and the Judge Advocate. Also, a map showing the location of supply installations in the Novosokolniki area; daily casualty reports of subordinate and attached units; a reports regaining medical experience gained in the field; and receipts for the transfer of Corps records to the Chef der Heeresarchive in Potsdam.
Jun 22 - Aug 9, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 2. War journal concerning the transfer from Cottbus to Gusev in preparation for Operation "Barbarossa" (invasion of Russia) and offensive engagements while advancing to Gatchina (Krasnogvardeisk) via Utyana, Druya, Drissa, Polotsk, Nevel, Hovosokolniki, Velikiye Luki, Ostrov, Pskov, and Luga. The Corps was subordinate to Unterabschnittsstab Ostpreussen I, AOK 16, AOK 9, Pz. Gruppe 4, and AOK 18, successively.
Jun 13 - Sep 17, 1941
Ia, Anlagen "a" z. KTB 2, Kriegsgliederungen. Order of battle charts of subordinate units during the first phase of the Russian campaign.
Jun 27 - Sep 17, 1941

6. Armee

T312 R1507
Ia, Kriegstagebucher 15 und 16, "Festung Stalingrad". War journals 15 and l6 containing chronological entries pertaining to the situation and activities of the 6th Army around Stalingrad.
Dec 23, 1942 - Jan 9, 1943
Ia, Unterlagen z. KTB 16, "Festung Stalingrad". Reports, orders, and directives concerning the German attack on Stalingrad; German casualties between Nov 21 and Dec 26, 1942; supplying of the army by air; and the German and Russian tactical situation.
Dec 1942
Ia, Unterlagen z. KTB 16, "Festung Stalingrad". Data concerning German activity in the Stalingrad area, ration situation, German casualties and artillery losses, ammunition supply situation, and Russian tanks destroyed or disabled.
Nov 1942
Ia, Unterlagen z. KTB 16, "Festung Stalingrad". Reports pertaining to the tactical situation and activities of 6th Army units in the area around Stalingrad.
Nov 1942 - Jan 1943
Ia, Unterlagen z. KTB 16, "Festung Stalingrad". Reports pertaining to the tactical situation and activities of 6th Army units at Stalingrad, a map (1:10000) showing German antitank defenses, and a note from the Red Army High Command to General Paulus demanding the capitulation of German forces encircled at Stalingrad.
Dec 1942 - Jan 1943

T312 R1508
Ia, Unterlagen z. KTB 16, "Festung Stalingrad". Daily reports pertaining to the tactical situation and activities of 6th Army units in the area of Stalingrad.
Nov - Dec 1942
Ia, Verschiedene Unterlagen z. KTB 16, "Festung Stalingrad". Daily reports pertaining to the tactical situation and activities of 6th Army units in the Stalingrad area and a list of subordinate General Headquarters troops.
Jan 1943
Ia, Unterlagen z. KTB 16, "Festung Stalingrad". Daily reports pertaining to the tactical situation and activities of 6th Army units in the Stalingrad area.
Dec 1, 1942 - Jan 11, 1943
Ia, Verschiedene Unterlagen z. KTB 16, "Festung Stalingrad". Daily reports pertaining to the tactical situation and activities of 6th Army units in the Stalingrad area, a map showing disposition of German units, and a report concerning Operation "Donnerschlag."
Dec 1, 1942 - Jan 13, 1943
Ia, Kriegsgliederungen der 6. Armee. Order of battle charts of 6th Army units.
Apr 20, 1942 - Jan 9, 1943
Ia, Winterschlacht 1942-43, vom Tschir zum Mius. Die Kampfe der 3. Armee ab 27. Dez. 1942 und Armee-Abteilung Hollidt in der Zeit vom 23. Nov. 1942 bis 28. Febr. 1943. Afteraction report on the defensive battles from the Chir to the Mius River, including the participation of the 3d Rumanian Army and of Armee-Abteilung Hollidt, with maps.
Dec 27, 1942 - Feb 28, 1943
Ia, Id, Anlagen. Reports and a table setting forth rules pertaining to the degree of mobility of the various types of units.
Jul 1, 1944

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L. Armeekorps

T314 R1232
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report with intelligence and reconnaissance reports, intelligence bulletins, maps, and overlays pertaining to enemy operations, move-ments, unit identification, prisoners of war and booty, morale, and tactical situation; German troop indoctrination and security measures during the movement of the Corps from Cottbus to the Nevel, Novosokolniki, and Velikiye Luki areas. Also, public notices in German and Russian and a translation of an extract from the Russian newspaper "Red Star" concerning German chemical warfare intentions.
Jun 19 - Sep 17, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3. War journal concerning defensive operations, losses, and the tactical situation in the Uritsk, Ligovo, Kamenka, Pushkin, Pulkovo, and Kronstadt areas around Leningrad. Also, reports relating to armored and artillery activities, enemy losses, and weather conditions in the Corps' sector. The Corps was subordinate to AOK 18 under the command of Gen.d.Kav. Phillip Kleffel, Jan 20, 1942 - Sap 17, 1943.
Sep 18, 1941 - May 6, 1942
Ia, Anlagen "a" z. KTB 3. Charts with amendments showing order of battle of the Corps' units.
Sep 4, 1941 - May 1, 1942
Ia, Anlagen "c" 1-100 z. KTB 3. Daily reports, orders, directives, and notes on staff conference pertaining to operations, the tactical situation, winter supply, control of the civilian population, and the training and equipping of ski troops in the Pulkovo area. Also, a report concerning a visit by Bulgarian field grade officers.
Sep 18, 1941 - Nov 14, 1941

XXVIII. Armeekorps

T314 R783
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1, Teil 1; Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. War journal of the Operations Branch concerning formation of the unit and Its transfer to the western theater of operations via southeastern Holland, Belgium, and the Cambrai, Lille, and Arras areas of northern France. Also, a register of officers, a ration strength report, and an activity report of the Intelligence Branch. The Corps was subordinate to OKH, Heeresgruppe B, and AOK 4 as Heeresreserve West, successively, during this period. It was under the command of Generalleutnant Graf Brockdorff-Ahlefeldt.
Jun 1 - 28, 1940
Ia, Verfugungen z. KTB 1. Standard operating procedures for the staff of the Operations Group, including assignment of duties, instructions to subordinate units concerning march routes, and time schedules.
Jun 1 - 28, 1940
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1, Teil 2. War journal concerning movement of the Corps to the Bretagne, Brest, St.Pol, and Cherbourg areas of France and to the Isle of Guernsey for occupation and coastal security duties. Includes a register of officers and a ration strength report. The Corps was subordinate to AOK 6 as of July 12, 1940.
Jun 29, 1940 - Apr 19, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Summarized reports on the main fields of activity of the Intelligence Branch, with emphasis on sabotage prevention, counterintelligence, and propaganda.
Oct 1, 1940 - Apr 9, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Summarized account of intelligence preparations for the invasion of Russia and a daily report on activities from the day of the attack.
May 1 - Jul 31, 1941
Ic, Anlagenband 1 z. TB. Reports and studies concerning the probable situation and strength of Russian units, interrogation evaluations, instructions on security, and daily reports.
May 6 - Jul 31, 1941
Ic, Anlagenband 2 z. TB. Daily and morning reports on enemy activities and situation.
Jun 21 - Jul 27, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1, Teil 3; IIa/IIb, Tatigkeitsbericht. War journal concerning transfer of the Corps to East Prussia for Operation "Barbarossa" (plan for the campaign against the Soviet Union), the opening of hostilities, and operations in Lithuania, Latvia, eastern Estonia, and the Pskov area of Russia. Also, an activity report of the Personnel Officer. The Corps was subordinate to Unterabschnitt Ostpreussen (AOK 16) from April 28 to July 27 and to Heeresgruppe Nord thereafter. It was under the command of Gen. d. Inf. Mauri z Wiktorin.
Apr 4 - Jul 31, 1941
Ia, Anlage z. KTB, [Studie] "Barbarossa" 14.5.1941. Detailed plan of operations against Russia.
May 14 - Jun 23, 1941

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X. Armeekorps

T314 R449
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Ost II, Kriegsgliederungen. Order of battle data.
Jul 25 - Dec 12, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Ost II, Evakuierung. Information on safety zones within the theater of operations, evacuation of the civilian population, defense against guerrilla bands, activation of reserve units in rear areas, safe-guarding of occupied sectors, and general safety measures for rear areas.
Oct 14, 1941 - Jan 6, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Report on intelligence activities and operations, propaganda and counterintelligence methods, and general reconnaissance tasks in connection with the period before and during the German advance to the Porkhov sector.
May 26 - Jul 20, 1941
Ic, Anlagenheft 2 z. TB. Maps (1:300000) and aerial photographs of special terrain features relating to tactical operations before and during the first month of the eastern campaign.
May 26 - Jul 20, 1941
Ic, Anlagenheft 3 z. TB. Daily intelligence reports on enemy moves, maps and overlays (1:300000) showing the results of air reconnaissance, and aerial photographs emphasizing important terrain features in connection with the German advance.
May 26 - Jul 20, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Report on intelligence activities during the German advance from the Porkhov sector to the vicinity of Vershina.
Jul 21 - Dec 15, 1941
Ic, Anlage 1a z. TB. Daily reports on enemy and own operations.
Jul 21 - Dec 15, 1941
Ic, Anlage 2 z. TB. Evaluation of the enemy situation, statements by Russian prisoners and deserters, overlays and maps showing enemy positions, and Russian order of battle information.
Jul 21 - Dec 13, 1941

XXXXVIII. Panzerkorps

T314 R1176
Ic, Anlagen z. TB. Daily intelligence, reconnaissance, and prisoner-of-war interrogation reports; intercepted messages concerning enemy operations, unit identification, and tactical situation. Also, a German translation of Stalin's Order No. 325.
Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Qu., Kriegstagebuch. War journal of the Supply Branch concerning supply operations and administration.
Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Qu., Anlagenband 1 z. KTB, Besondere Anordnung fur die Versorgung. Special directives concerning supply.
Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Qu., Anlagenband 2 z. KTB. Einzelbefehle und Versorgungsberichte. Daily reports and orders concerning the supply situation and casualties of subordinate divisions. Also, order of battle of supply units.
Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Qu., Anlagenband 3 z. KTB, IVa-b, V, FPM 448, Tatigkeitsberichte. Annex to war journal with activity reports of the Administrative, Medical, and Motor Transport Officers, and Postmaster 448.
Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1943

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X. Armeekorps

T314 R448
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Ost II. Messages to higher end lower echelons on tactical and administrative matters in connection with the German advance from the Porkhov sector to the Strelitsy area in September, to the Sukhaya Niva-Lushno area in October, and to the winter positions near Vershina and Pustynka in December.
Jul 21 - Dec 15, 1941

XXXXVIII. Panzerkorps

T314 R1173
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Daily reports, messages, and orders concerning operations, missions, march movements, order of battle, boundaries, subordination, and tactical situation of the Corps; and enemy land, air, and artillery activities, probable intentions, movements, and losses of men arid equipment. Also, evaluation reports of the military situation and inventories of ammunition.
Oct 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Telephonbucher. Logbooks of telephone calls concerning operations.
Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1943

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XXXXVIII. Panzerkorps

T314 R1174
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Telephonbucher. Logbooks of telephone calls concerning operations.
Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report of the Intelligence Officer concerning enemy operations, movements, unit identification, losses of men and equipment, and tactical situation.
Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ic, Anlagen z. TB. Daily intelligence, prisoner-of-war interrogation, and reconnaissance reports; intercepted messages; intelligence bulletins, charts, maps, and overlays pertaining to enemy operations, movements, probable intentions, unit identification, personnel strength, losses of men and equipment, fighting qualities, morale, and ammunition and tactical situation. Also, evaluation reports of the military situation, reports and overlays concerning artillery activity and tactical disposition of the Corps and of the enemy, German propaganda and a translation of a captured Soviet document, and an aerial photograph of the Cherkasskoye area.
Jul 1 - Oct 31, 1943

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I. Armeekorps

T314 R39
Qu., Tatigkeitsbericht, Anlagenband 6a. Summarized activity report for the year 1941 on warfare in the last, supply care and maintenance, and gains and losses in men and material.
Nov. 1941 - Jan. 1941
Qu., Tatigkeitsbericht, Anlagenband 7. Continuation of previous item, dealing with various supply problems during the winter and spring of 1941-1942, and employment of Russian labor units. Enclosed are two situation maps.
Jan. - March 1942
Qu./FPM/III, Anlagen zum Tatigkeitsbericht der Abt. Qu, Tatigkeitsbericht des Feldpostamtes 421 und Abt. III. Daily notes and reports on the mail situation since the shifting of the 1st Army Corps to East Prussia and the Baltic area, giving statistics as to the quantity and nature of the mail handled. Also included is a brief activity report of the Judge Advocate.
May 1941 - March 1942
Qu., Denkschrift uber die Versorgung des I. AK im Winter 1941-42 und der anschliessenden Schlammzeit.
July 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Ostfeldzug. Daily situation and battle reports of the 16th and 18th Armies, the 1st Corps, the 8th Air Force, and supporting units & divisions.
June - Oct. 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Band 2, Ostfeldzug. Continuation of previous item, giving information on enemy and own activities.
Nov. - Dec. 1941

T314 R40
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Band 3, Ostfeldzug. Contains information on own and enemy activities; the employment of armies, corps, divisions and air force units.
Jan. - March 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Fruhjahrskriegsspiel, Band 1. Papers regarding a meeting at 1st Army Corps Hq. in East Prussia in preparation for the invasion of the USSR, with an outline of the mission of each army, corps, division, and other units participating therein. Enclosed is a report concerning a command conference on assembly positions on D-day, zones of operation; tactical deployment, supply care, border protection as of June 1941, and Red Army position.
March - June 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Fruhjahrskriegsspiel, Band 2. 18th Army orders concornins preparations for the forthcoming invasion of the USSR: information on enemy situation, strength, and organization.
March - June 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Fruhjahrskriegsspiel, Band 3. 1st Army Corps field orders and directives concerning preparations for the forthcoming invasion of the USSR; supply care; tactical training; air and ground reconnaissance; organizational measures; preparedness of subordinate units; orders for the attack on D-Day; enemy disposition; and related subjects.
March - June 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Fruhjahrskriegsspiel, Band 4, Kriegsgliederungen. OB charts.
Nov. 1940 - June 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Band 5. Folder containing maps (1:300000 & 1:1000000) and one overlay of areas in the Baltic States showing security zones, waterways, roads, fortifications, disposition of troops and troop movements to the assembly areas.
April - May 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Eingegangene Befehle. Special directives of the Sixteenth and Eighteenth Armies and field orders to the I Corps and supporting units, and experience reports of the Fourth Panzer Army summarizing own and enemy combat activities.
June - Aug. 1941
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Eingegangene Befehle. Orders; detailed summarized report concerning the arrival of the newly forced 250th Spanish Infantry Division to be used in combat in the Volkhov area under German supervision; and an OB chart of the Sixteenth Army.
Aug. - Nov. 1941

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XVI. Armeekorps (mot.) / Generalkommando z.b.V. Kleffel

T314 R571
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 4, Gefechts- u. Erfahrungsberichte. Combat and experience reports pertaining to the corps campaign in France.
Sep 2 - Dec 1, 1940
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1. War journal covering daily activities and operations during the defense of Siauliai (Lithuania) and Jelgava (Mitau), and the continued retreat of German units via Bauska and along the Musa River.
Jul 13 - Oct 15, 1944
Ia, Anlage 1 z. KTB 1. Information on tactical operations along the Sventoji River, at New;}cry, Ponemunek, and Rakishki (Lithuania).
Jul 13 - 24, 1944
la, Anlage 2 z. KTB 1. Tactical information on operations at Siauliai, Jelgava, Bauska, and the Musa River (Lithuania).
Jul 24 - 31, 1944
Ia, Anlage 3 z. KTB 1, Tactical information on military operations east of Jelgava, the Lielupe River, Siauliai, and Zagare.
Jul 31 - Aug 25, 1944
Ia, Anlage 4 z. KTB 1. Tactical information on Operation "Dora" (blocking of railroad bridges at Aki and Ozoli), and continuous German defensive actions against the Russian advance toward the Baltic Sea.
Aug 26 - Oct 15, 1944
Ia, Sonderakte "Riga". Report by Festungskommandant Riga on available equipment and weapons, city and port fortifications, coastal emplacements, troop training, location of antiaircraft batteries and search light battalions including army directives and orders for the defense of the city.
Jul 13 - Oct 15, 1944

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Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1

T313 R61
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 11. Karten, Situation maps (1:300000) showing German and enemy positions and fortification lines during the Russian offensive in the Donez area.
May 1 - Aug 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagen (Nachtrage) z. KTB Nr. 9 u. 10. Operational orders and reports, material concerning unit reorganization and replacement of equipment, and maps.
Jan 1 - Apr 30, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 12. War diary covering the military operations on the Dnieper River front.
Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943

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2. SS-Panzerdivision "Das Reich"

T354 R126
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB der Flak Abteilung SS Panzer Division "Das Reich". Daily messages, orders, and sketches pertaining to defensive and assault operations in the Khodorov and Rzhishchev areas northeast of Kagarlyk, 21 Oct - 5 Nov; redesigantion as the 2.SS Panzer Division "Das Reich," 1 Nov 1943; movement to and securing the Kagarlyk, Belaya Tserkov, and Ol'shanskaya Novoselitsa areas, 5 - 12 Nov; evacuation of Belaya Tserkov, 13 Nov; withdrawal movements in the Fastov and Zhitomir areas, 4 - 19 Nov; and defensive and assault operations in the Kocherovo area west of Kiev, 19 - 22 Nov 1943. Periodic antiaircraf t situation and status reports, training directives, and data on enemy operations and losses.
1943/10/21 - 1943/11/22
IIb, Personalangelegenheiten. Lists and correspondence on SS personnel.
1942/05/18 - 1943/12/12
Ia, Ic, IIa, Allgemein. Instructions and directives concerning reporting procedures, combat training, and counterintelligence activity; reports regarding disciplinary matters; and orders relating to defense against an Allied invasion, 3 Jun, and movement to Gourfaleur north of Saint-Martin, France, 23 Jun 1944.
1943/11/06 - 1944/11/24
Waffenhestandsmeldungen. Inventories of ammunition on hand and requisitions of weapons and equipment.
1944/03/26 - 1944/08/11
Ia, IIa/b Regimentsbefehle. Orders relating to training, clothinq, accidents, and personnel matters.
1944/01/14 - 1944/06/02
IIa/b, E.K. Verleihungslisten. Lists of SS personnel granted decorations.
1942/05/08 - 1944/05/20
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB der Flak Abteilung SS Panzer Grenadier Division "Das Reich". Daily messages, orders, and sketches pertaining to disengagement movements across the Vorskla River in the Poltava and Kremenchug areas and across the Dnieper River, 17 - 24 Sep; defense of the Dnieper River positions in the Rzhishchev area, 25 - 29 Sep; and destruction of the enemy bridgehead in the Grebeni area, 30 Sep - 1 Oct 1943. A directive concerning evacuation of the civilian population and the destruction of enemy property during disengagement movements, periodic status reports, and data on enemy operations. (Item number 78008/22 was filmed on frame Nos. 375050-3765402 which are out of sequence. Thus frames 3760590 on roll 125 and 3765049 are consecutive, as are 3765402 and 3760593.)
1943/09/16 - 1943/10/01

T354 R128
Verlustmeldungen, Personalangelegenheiten. Casualty reports, correspondence relating to personnel matters, and receipts for material and eguipraent issued.
1942/06/01 - 1944/07/29
Ia, Befehle. Orders and reports pertaining to training and preparation for combat action, 18 Feb and 8 Mar, and air raid defense in the Chevry area south of Caen, 21 Jun; weekly training schedule from 17 to 23 Apr; an afteraction report of Gem.Pz.-Kp."DR," 4 - 13 Mar; OKW communique relating to the attempt to assassinate Hitler, 21 Jul 1944; and an intelligence bulletin.
1944/02/18 - 1944/07/21
Ia, Vernichtungsverhandlungen SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment 4 "Der Fuehrer". Orders and lists pertaining to the destruction of classified material, 20 - 22 Jun 1941, 14 - 25 Aug and 2 Oct - 16 Dec 1942, and 31 Mar - 24 Jun 1944.
1941/06/20 - 1944/06/24
IIb, Monatliche Staerkemeldungen des SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment 4 "Der Fuehrer". Monthly strength reports and organizational breakdown.
1944/03/15 - 1944/06/22
Ia, Ib, V, Befehle der SS Sturmgeschuetz Abteilung "Das Reich". Orders relating to administrative, supply, motor pool, and transportation operations.
1944/02/17 - 1944/06/13
IIa/b, Personalangelegenheiten des 9./SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment 4 "Der Fuehrer". Lists of SS personnel granted decorations.
1941/10/01 - 1944/07/16
IIb, Veraenderungsmeldungen der Erkennungsmarken des 9./SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment 4 "Der Fuehrer". Lists of changes in designation of reporting units of SS personnel.
1944/06/07 - 1944/06/07
Ia, Befehle der SS Panzer Division "Das Reich". Orders relating to the formation of an antiaircraft unit, 10 May; operations against French resistance movement in the Clermont-Ferrand areas, 9 Jun; assembly in the Limoges area, 11 Jun; reorganization of Waffen SS divisions to be effective 1 Jul; and a report concerning the attempt on Hitler's life, 21 Jul 1944.
1944/05/10 - 1944/07/21
Befehle des SS Panzer Pionier Bataillon 2 "Das Reich". Orders relating to training , 22 Apr - 29 May and antiaircraft defense, 31 May, and inventories of ammunition expended and loss of equipment and ammunition, 17 - 18 Jun 1944.
1944/04/22 - 1944/06/18
IIa/b, Personalangelegenheiten des SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment 4 "Der Fuehrer". Reports and lists pertaining to proposed for and granted decorations for SS personnel.
1941/08/09 - 1944/07/26
IIb, Personalangelegenheiten. Orders and reports concerning personnel matters.
1944/03/22 - 1944/07/25
Ia, IIa/b, Personalangelegenheiten und Nachforschungen. Reports and lists pertaining to personnel, disciplinary, and administrative matters. (Frames 3765048 and 3765402 are consecutive.)
1942/09/28 - 1944/07/16

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4. Gebirgs-Division

T315 R235
Ib, Anlage V. Versorgungskarte.
Aug. 16 - Oct. 31, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4.
Nov. 1, 1941 - June 3, 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4. (Befehle) Teil 1.
Nov. 2, 1941 - Jan. 30, 1942
la, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4. (Befehle) Teil 2.
Nov. 1, 1941 - June 3, 1942
Ia, Kriegsgliederungen und Unterstellungen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4.
Nov. 1, 1941 - June 1, 1942
Ia, Kartenanlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4.
Oct. 31, 1941 - June 3, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht.
Nov. 1, 1941 - June 3, 1942
Ic, Feindlagekarten zum Tatigkeitsbericht.
Oct. 31, 1941 - June 3, 1942

T315 R236
IIa, Tatigkeitsbericht.
Nov. 1, 1941 - June 3, 1942
Ib, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4.
Nov. 1, 1941 - June 3, 1942
Ib, Anlage I zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4. Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung.
Nov. 2, 1941 - June 1, 1942
Ib, Anlage II. Tagesmeldungen.
Nov. 1, 1941 - June 3, 1942
Ib, Anlage III. Befehle, Verfugungen, Meldungen u.s.w.
Nov. 1, 1941 - June 3, 1942

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4. Gebirgs-Division

T315 R237
Ib, Anlage IV zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4. Tatigkeitsberichte d. Abteilungen III, IVa, IVb, IVc, IVd, FPM and Feldgend.
Nov. 1, 1941 - Jun. 3, 1942
Ib, Anlage V zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4. Versorgungskarte und Lagenkarte.
Jun. 3, 1942
Ia, Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4. Meldungen.
Nov. 1, 1941 - Jun. 2, 1942
Ia, Tagesmeldungen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4.
Nov. 2, 1941 - Jun. 2, 1942
Ia, Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4. Not Reserve.
Jan. 10 - Mar. 24, 1942
Iva, Tatigkeitsbericht.
Jul. 1, 1942 - Jan. 15, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5.
Jun. 3, 1942 - Jan. 15, 1943

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28. Jäger-Division

T315 R834
Ia, Tatigkeitsbericht uber den Aufenthalt der Division in Frankreich; Ic, IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte. Conversion of the 28. Inf.Div. to the 28. le.Div., Nov 4, 1941, by order of AOK 9; transfer from the Smolensk area via Vilna to the area between Besaneon and the Swiss border; reorganization, training activity, and assignments of the division; and its return to the eastern front, Feb 2, 1942. Also, activity reports of the Intelligence and Personnel Branches. During the period Nov 4, 1941 to Jul 5, 1942, the division was known as the 28. le.Div. and the 28. Jag.Div.
Nov. 4, 1941 - Feb. 2, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1 u. 2, Krim - Einsatz. The division's readiness for action and transfer from France to the Kirovograd area in Russia; movements in the Ukraine and entry into the Crimea via Kherson-Armyansk and Zaporozhe-Simferopol; participation in operations on the Kerch Peninsula; preparations for the attack on Kerch; the encirclement of Sevastopol; and the capture of the fortress of Sevastopol. Also, orders relating to Operation "Storfang" (preparations for the attack against Sevastopol) and reports pertaining to the enemy tactical situation and unit identi-fication. The division was subordinate to the XLII. and XXX. A.K.
Jun. 29 - Jul. 5, 1942
Ia, Akte I, Divisionsbefehle und Befehle hoherer Dienststellen. Verlegung der Division vom Westen nach Osten, Abwehrschlacht Kertsch.
Dec. 25, 1941 - Apr. 14, 1942
Ia, Akte Ia, Anlagenheft z. Akte I, Meldungen der Division an hoheren Dienststellen.
Feb. 22 - Apr. 16, 1942
Ia, Akte II, Divisionsbefehle und Befehle hoherer Dienststellen. Vorbereitung Angriffsoperation Kertsch.
Apr. 4 - May 7, 1942

T315 R835
Ia, Akte III, Divisionsbefehle und Befehle hoherer Dienststellen.
May 8 - 23, 1942
Ia, Akte IV, Divisionsbefehle und Befehle hoherer Dienststellen. Vorbereitung Kampf um Sewastopol.
May 16 - Jun. 3, 1942
Ia, Akte V, Divisionsbefehle und Befehle hoherer Dienststellen, Kampf um Sewastopol.
Jun. 7 - Jul. 5, 1942
Ia, Akte VI, Tagesbefehle und Aufrufe an Divisionen und hoherer Dienststellen.
Apr. 3 - Jul. 1, 1942
Ia, Akte IIIa, Einsatze der Jager-Division auf der Krim, Kurze Gefechtsberichte, Antransport und erster Einsatz (Abwehr Kertsch) und Angriff auf der Halbinsel Kertsch.
Feb. 4 - Jul. 2, 1942
Ia, Akte VIIIb, Zusammenstellung von Gefechtsberichten der Truppenteile der Division.
Apr. 18 - Jul. 6, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1 u. 2. Operations during the battles south of Lake Ladoga and for the bridgehead along the Neva River in the Moskovskaya and Dubrovka areas. The division was subordinate to the XXVI. A.K.
Aug. 30 - Oct. 17, 1942

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28. Jäger-Division

T315 R834
Ia, Tatigkeitsbericht uber den Aufenthalt der Division in Frankreich; Ic, IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte. Conversion of the 28. Inf.Div. to the 28. le.Div., Nov 4, 1941, by order of AOK 9; transfer from the Smolensk area via Vilna to the area between Besaneon and the Swiss border; reorganization, training activity, and assignments of the division; and its return to the eastern front, Feb 2, 1942. Also, activity reports of the Intelligence and Personnel Branches. During the period Nov 4, 1941 to Jul 5, 1942, the division was known as the 28. le.Div. and the 28. Jag.Div.
Nov. 4, 1941 - Feb. 2, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1 u. 2, Krim - Einsatz. The division's readiness for action and transfer from France to the Kirovograd area in Russia; movements in the Ukraine and entry into the Crimea via Kherson-Armyansk and Zaporozhe-Simferopol; participation in operations on the Kerch Peninsula; preparations for the attack on Kerch; the encirclement of Sevastopol; and the capture of the fortress of Sevastopol. Also, orders relating to Operation "Storfang" (preparations for the attack against Sevastopol) and reports pertaining to the enemy tactical situation and unit identi-fication. The division was subordinate to the XLII. and XXX. A.K.
Jun. 29 - Jul. 5, 1942
Ia, Akte I, Divisionsbefehle und Befehle hoherer Dienststellen. Verlegung der Division vom Westen nach Osten, Abwehrschlacht Kertsch.
Dec. 25, 1941 - Apr. 14, 1942
Ia, Akte Ia, Anlagenheft z. Akte I, Meldungen der Division an hoheren Dienststellen.
Feb. 22 - Apr. 16, 1942
Ia, Akte II, Divisionsbefehle und Befehle hoherer Dienststellen. Vorbereitung Angriffsoperation Kertsch.
Apr. 4 - May 7, 1942

T315 R835
Ia, Akte III, Divisionsbefehle und Befehle hoherer Dienststellen.
May 8 - 23, 1942
Ia, Akte IV, Divisionsbefehle und Befehle hoherer Dienststellen. Vorbereitung Kampf um Sewastopol.
May 16 - Jun. 3, 1942
Ia, Akte V, Divisionsbefehle und Befehle hoherer Dienststellen, Kampf um Sewastopol.
Jun. 7 - Jul. 5, 1942
Ia, Akte VI, Tagesbefehle und Aufrufe an Divisionen und hoherer Dienststellen.
Apr. 3 - Jul. 1, 1942
Ia, Akte IIIa, Einsatze der Jager-Division auf der Krim, Kurze Gefechtsberichte, Antransport und erster Einsatz (Abwehr Kertsch) und Angriff auf der Halbinsel Kertsch.
Feb. 4 - Jul. 2, 1942
Ia, Akte VIIIb, Zusammenstellung von Gefechtsberichten der Truppenteile der Division.
Apr. 18 - Jul. 6, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1 u. 2. Operations during the battles south of Lake Ladoga and for the bridgehead along the Neva River in the Moskovskaya and Dubrovka areas. The division was subordinate to the XXVI. A.K.
Aug. 30 - Oct. 17, 1942

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28. Jäger-Division

T315 R834
Ia, Tatigkeitsbericht uber den Aufenthalt der Division in Frankreich; Ic, IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte. Conversion of the 28. Inf.Div. to the 28. le.Div., Nov 4, 1941, by order of AOK 9; transfer from the Smolensk area via Vilna to the area between Besaneon and the Swiss border; reorganization, training activity, and assignments of the division; and its return to the eastern front, Feb 2, 1942. Also, activity reports of the Intelligence and Personnel Branches. During the period Nov 4, 1941 to Jul 5, 1942, the division was known as the 28. le.Div. and the 28. Jag.Div.
Nov. 4, 1941 - Feb. 2, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1 u. 2, Krim - Einsatz. The division's readiness for action and transfer from France to the Kirovograd area in Russia; movements in the Ukraine and entry into the Crimea via Kherson-Armyansk and Zaporozhe-Simferopol; participation in operations on the Kerch Peninsula; preparations for the attack on Kerch; the encirclement of Sevastopol; and the capture of the fortress of Sevastopol. Also, orders relating to Operation "Storfang" (preparations for the attack against Sevastopol) and reports pertaining to the enemy tactical situation and unit identi-fication. The division was subordinate to the XLII. and XXX. A.K.
Jun. 29 - Jul. 5, 1942
Ia, Akte I, Divisionsbefehle und Befehle hoherer Dienststellen. Verlegung der Division vom Westen nach Osten, Abwehrschlacht Kertsch.
Dec. 25, 1941 - Apr. 14, 1942
Ia, Akte Ia, Anlagenheft z. Akte I, Meldungen der Division an hoheren Dienststellen.
Feb. 22 - Apr. 16, 1942
Ia, Akte II, Divisionsbefehle und Befehle hoherer Dienststellen. Vorbereitung Angriffsoperation Kertsch.
Apr. 4 - May 7, 1942

T315 R835
Ia, Akte III, Divisionsbefehle und Befehle hoherer Dienststellen.
May 8 - 23, 1942
Ia, Akte IV, Divisionsbefehle und Befehle hoherer Dienststellen. Vorbereitung Kampf um Sewastopol.
May 16 - Jun. 3, 1942
Ia, Akte V, Divisionsbefehle und Befehle hoherer Dienststellen, Kampf um Sewastopol.
Jun. 7 - Jul. 5, 1942
Ia, Akte VI, Tagesbefehle und Aufrufe an Divisionen und hoherer Dienststellen.
Apr. 3 - Jul. 1, 1942
Ia, Akte IIIa, Einsatze der Jager-Division auf der Krim, Kurze Gefechtsberichte, Antransport und erster Einsatz (Abwehr Kertsch) und Angriff auf der Halbinsel Kertsch.
Feb. 4 - Jul. 2, 1942
Ia, Akte VIIIb, Zusammenstellung von Gefechtsberichten der Truppenteile der Division.
Apr. 18 - Jul. 6, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1 u. 2. Operations during the battles south of Lake Ladoga and for the bridgehead along the Neva River in the Moskovskaya and Dubrovka areas. The division was subordinate to the XXVI. A.K.
Aug. 30 - Oct. 17, 1942

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XXXXII. Armeekorps

T314 R994
Qu., Anlagenband 1 z. KTB 3. Correspondence, directives, and reports relating to supply operations during the period of assistance to agriculture in France, transfer to East Prussia, preparations for Operation "Barbarossa," and combat in the northern sector on the eastern front.
Apr 16 - Oct 8, 1941
Ia, Anlagen, Geh. Kdos. Orders, directives, and correspondence relating to deceptive training for Operation "Seelowe" (the planned invasion of England). Also, directives and instructions for improvement of modern warfare.
Jul 24, 1940 - Apr 14, 1941
Ia, Beilagenheft II z. KTB 5. Orders, radio messages, and reports covering the transfer to the southern sector of the eastern front and combat operations of various subordinate units in the Crimea and on the Kerch Peninsula.
Apr 1 - Jul 31, 1942
Ia, Beilagenheft III z. KTB 5. Messages, orders, and correspondence pertaining to operations of the 3. Geb.-Div., the 10., 18., 19., 46., and 132. Divisionen, and other units in the Crimea, Islam, Terek, and Kerch areas; enemy air attacks; and defense of railroads against sabotage by partisan units.
Apr 1 - Jul 31, 1942
Ia, Beilagenheft IV z. KTB 5, Meldungen unterstellter Einheiten. Messages, orders, and correspondence relating to operations of the 22. Pz.-Div., the 28., and 170. Divisionen, and other units in the Mayak and Bulganak areas, situation reports, and requests for assistance.
Apr 1 - Jul 31, 1942
Ia, Beilagenheft V z. KTB 5, Tagesmeldungen unterstellter Einheiten. Daily reports from the 8., 19., 46., and 132. Divisionen and other units pertaining to enemy ground, air, and naval activities, damage caused by enemy air attacks and mines.
Apr 1 - Jul 31, 1942

T314 R995
Ia, Beilagenheft VI z. KTB 5, Tagesmeldungen des Korps an die 11. Armee. Daily reports from the XLII. Korps to the AOK 11 pertaining to enemy ground, air, and naval activities, and damage caused by enemy air and sea attacks.
Apr 1 - Jul 31, 1942
Ia, Beilage z. KTB 5, Denkschrift uber Wiedereroberung der Halbinsel Kertsch. Geographical description of the Kerch Peninsula and reports with maps pertaining to its recapture. Also, casualty reports of the Corps and the enemy.
May 8 - 20, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 6. War journal concerning Corps operations during preparation and execution of Operation "Blucher II" (the crossing of the Kerch Strait, the attack and occupation of the Taman Peninsula, and the security and defense of the Crimea and the Kerch Peninsula). The Corps was subordinate to AOK 11.
Aug 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht, Befehlshaber Krim. Activity report relating to combat operations and partisan warfare in the Crimea and on the Kerch Peninsula; reconnaissance reports on enemy units and on movement of Soviet naval vessels for a possible attempted invasion of the Crimea. Also, troop information and education instructions and interrogation reports of Russian prisoners of war.
Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Beilagenheft I z. KTB 6. Reports, orders, instructions, order of battle charts, and maps relating to combat operations of subordinate units in the Crimea and on the Kerch and Taman Peninsulas.
Aug 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Beilagenheft II z. KTB 6. Correspondence, radio messages, and orders relating to defensive combat operations of subordinate units in the Crimea, partisan warfare, transportation problems, and enemy air activities.
Aug 1 - Dec 31, 1942

T314 R1003
Qu., Kriegstagebuch, Krim; Feldgend., IVa-c, FPM, III, Tatigkeitsberichte. War journal of the Supply Branch with register of officers and combat ration strength report. Also, activity reports of the Military Police, the Administrative, Medical, and Veterinary Officers, the Postmaster, and the Judge Advocate, and an index of war journal 4 appendixes. [This item was filmed without frame numbers and follows frame No. 567]
Oct 9, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5. War journal concerning Corps operations during preparation and execution of Operation "Trappenjagd" (battle for the Kerch Peninsula, Apr 2 - May 15, 1942), the redesignation of XLII. AK as Gruppe Mattenklott on May 20 for the purpose of taking over the command and defense of the Kerch Peninsula, and preparations for the attack on the Taman Peninsula. Also, information concerning Operation "Sevastopol" (attack on Sevastopol) . The Corps was subordinate to AOK 11 under the command of Gen. d. Inf. Franz Mattenklott, Jan 1, 1942 - Jun 15, 1944.
Apr 1 - Jul 31, 1942
Ia, Beilagenheft I z. KTB 5. Orders and reports with charts pertaining to combat operations of the 19. and 46. Inf.-Div., the 8. Kav.-Div., and other subordinate units in the Crimea. Also, reconnaissance information reports relating to coastal defense and partisan activities.
Apr 1 - Jul 31, 1942
Ia, Gefechts- und Erfahrungsbericht "Blucher". Combat and experience reports pertaining to Operation "Blucher," the crossing of the Kerch Strait, preparations for attack, duties of the Air Force and Navy, gathering of information, training, and other activities.
Jun 1 - Sep 4, 1942

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T314 R827
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Report of the Intelligence Branch concerning intelligence matters, such as enemy disposition and activities during the Kerch campaign.
May 1 - 20, 1942
Ic, Anlagen z. TB. Various papers pertaining to intelligence, including maps (1:50000 and 1:100OOO), a terrain and fortification map (1:50000), intelligence bulletins, a synopsis of the Kerch campaign, announcement of short story prize winners, and related papers.
May 1 - 20, 1942
IIa/IIb, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report and related papers of the Personnel Branch, including effective strength reports, a staff casualty list, separate lists of casualties of subordinate divisions for officers and enlisted men, citations issued and decorations awarded, recommendations for decorations, proclamations by the commanding general, and regulations regarding the use of special trains by personnel on leave.
Feb 1 - May 20, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. War journal containing information on day-to-day operations in the Kerch Peninsula, including Operation "Trappenjagd" (a plan for a breakthrough in the Parpach area and forced withdrawal of enemy troops from the Kerch Peninsula).
May 1 - 20, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Miscellaneous papers supplementing information contained in the war journal, including Corps orders for the Kerch campaign, situation maps (1:100000), synopsis of Parpach and Kerch campaigns, and operation reports.
May 1 - 20, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. War journal containing day-to-day information on the operations leading to the fall of Sevastopol.
May 21 - Jul 15, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Miscellaneous papers supplementing the war journal, including maps (1:25000) of the Balaklava-Kapellenberg front, a road map (1:100000), situation maps, Corps orders including orders for Operation "Storfang" (preparation for the attack on Sevastopol), and operations reports.
May 21 - Jun 11, 1942

35. Infanterie-Division

T315 R892
Ia, Anlagen III z. KTB 7. Daily combat reports and situation maps and overlays.
Oct 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942

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T354 R653

SS-Freiwilligen Legion Flandern
Ia, KTB Nr. 1 mit Vorgeschichte der Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern." War journal concerning the activation and formation of Freiwilligen Standarte "Nordwest" in Hamburg-Langenhorn, 11 Apr 1941; from Freiwillige (volunteers) of the Netherlands and Flanders; Belgian and Flemish personnel assigned to Companies 1, 6, and 8 and trained as riflemen; transfer of the Flemish companies and designated as SS-Freiwilligen-Verband "Flandern" to Radom (Generalgouvernement), Poland, 14 Jul; continued formation and training, movement to Truppenuebungsplatz Debica, 3 Aug; regimental units of Standarte "Nordwest" consisting chiefly of Flamen Batl. were formed and motorized, 11 Aug; transfer to Truppenuebungsplatz Arys, East Prussia, 7 Sep, by order of RF-SS Himmler, 14 Sep; both Inf.Rgt., the Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande" and SS-Freiwilligen-Standarte "Nordwest," were reorganized as "1. Inf.Rgt. (mot) Freiwilligen-Legion Niederlande" and "1. verstaerkte Inf.Batl. (mot) Freiwilligen-Legion Flandern" due to a lack of appropriate number of volunteers. Formation of Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern," 1 Oct 1941; from Rgt. units of Flemish personnel and 1. Batl. of Rgt. "Nordwest" consisting of German and Flemish volunteers, training and operational readiness, 27 Oct.
Transfer to the Tosno area, Russia via Tilsit, Germany, Riga, Latvia, and Pskov (Pleskau), Russia, 10 - 17 Nov; antipartisan operations and security duties in the Tarasovo, Rublevo, and Aviati areas, 18 Nov - 14 Dec;
movement to winter quarters in Sabile (Zabeln) and Kandava (Kandau), Latvia via Luga and Pskov, Russia, and Cesis (Wenden), Latvia, 15 - 18 Dec. Afteraction report regarding the assignment of reinforced company of Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern" in the Olomna, Maluksa, Kustovo, and Lipovka River areas, 24 Nov - 3 Dec 1941; combat and ration strength reports; casualty lists; officer reisters; and inventories of motor vehicles.
1941/11/10 - 1941/12/18
Ia, KTB Nr. 2. War journal concerning assignments during winter quartering with the Latvian population in Sabile and Kandava, 19 Dec 1941 - 3 Jan 1942; and preparation for movement, 3 - 8 Jan; transfer of part of the Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern" from Sabile, Latvia to Tosno, Russia, via Riga and Valmiera (Wolmar), Latvia, Torma, Narva, and Tartu (Dorpat), Estonia, and Kingisepp, Russia, 9 - 16 Jan; movement to, defensive, and assault operations in the Podberez'ye, Tyutitsy, Zapol'ye, Koptsy (Kopcy) 17 Jan - 1 Feb 1942; formation of Gruppe Debes (consisting of Begleit-Batl. RF-SS, Legion "Flandern," Flak-Abtlg. Ost) and preparation for transfer in the Sabile and Kandav a areas by the rest of Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern," 9 - 29 Jan; transfer of the remainder of the unit, 29 Jan - 1 Feb from Sabile, Latvia to Koptsy via Smiltene, Latvia and Lyubolyady, Grigorovo, and Podberez'ye, Russia; regrouping, reconnaissance, and defensive operations in the Andryukhinovo (Andrichnowo), Koptsy, Zemtitsy, Zapol'ye, Tyutitsy, and Krutic areas, 2 - 26 Feb; movement for rest to Podberez'ye, 27 Feb - 1 Mar; assault, reconnaissance, and defensive operations in the Zemtitsy and Veshki areas, 2 - 8 Mar; movement to Chechulino by Novgorod for rehabilitation, 9 - 16 Mar; reconnaissance and defensive operations in Krutik, Lyubtsy, Tyutitsy, 17 Mar - 22 Apr; movement to Dolgovo, 23 - 27 Apr; defensive, reconnaissance, and assault operations in Dolgovo, Bol'shoye and Maloye Zamosh'ye, and Glukhaya Kerest' areas, and Gorenka and Kerest' River sectors, 28 Apr - 3 Jal; rehabilitation in Ossiya, 4 - 17 Jul; construction and maintenance of roads between Ossiya and Gorenka, 18 - 20 Jul; breakthrough of Russian Forces at Staro-Panovo, 21 Jul; movement to Lyubolyady, Krasnogvardeisk, Krasnoye Selo, 22 - 23 Jul; and counterattack by Freiwilligen Legion "Niederlande" and part of Freiwilligen Legion "Flandern" (with rest in reserve) in the Finskoye Koyrovo area, 23 Jul 1942. Also data relating to enemy operations and strength, German and enemy losses, and air and artillery situation.
1941/12/19 - 1942/07/23

SS-Freiwilligen Legion Niederlande
Ia, KTB der Infanterie-Regiment (mot) Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande." War journal concerning movement from Cracow, Poland, for training at the Truppenuebungsplatz Arys, East Prussia, 14 Sep 1941; transfer to Selo-Gora, Pskov (Pleskau), Russia, via Liepaja (Libau) and Riga, Latvia, 13 Jan - 2 Feb 1942; regrouping, security, assault, reconnaissance, antipartisan, and defensive operations in the Selo-Gora, Gorenka, Glukhaya Kerest', Pyatilipy, Radoni, Guzi, Ossiya, Chauni, and Maloye Zamosh'ye areas and the Kerest' River sector, 3 Feb - 20 Jul; formation of "Verband Fitzthum" from Legion "Niederlande" and Legion "Flandern" in Gorenka, 21 Jul; and movement by rail transport from Gorenka and Moyka to the Krasnogvardeisk area, 22 Jul 1942. Also register of officers, casualty lists, and combat and ration strength report.
1942/01/13 - 1942/07/22
Ia, TB der Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande." Activity report concerning troop indoctrination and entertainment; authorized, actual, and combat strength: inventory of motor vehicles, casualties, and disciplinary matters.
1942/01/02 - 1942/01/09
Ia, KTB Nr. II und Marsch- und Regimentsbefehle der I./Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande." War journal concerning transfer of the I. Batl. across the Estonian-Russian border to Selo-Gora via Pskov, Tatinc, and Gorenka, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 1942; security activity, regrouping, reconnaissance, assault, and defensive operations in the Selo-Gora, Gorenka, Guzi, Pyatilipy, Radoni , Lyaga, Ossiya, Kleptsy, Chauni, Glukhaya Kerest', and Maloye Zamosh'ye areas and the Kerest' River sector, 6 Feb - 29 Jun; rehabilitation in Gorenka , 30 Jun - 15 Jul; construction of the road Gorenka-Ossiya, 16 - 20 Jul; securing of Gorenka and Selo-Gora, 21 - 28 Jul; movement of the I. Batl. to Finskoye Koyrovo (Lenimjaki) area via Krasnoye Selo, 29 Jul - 1 Aug; securing Finskoye Koyrovo area, 2 - 7 Aug; and the relief of the Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern" in that area, 8 Aug.
Also a regimental order regarding the formation of Kampfgruppe "Fitzthum " consisting of an Einsatzbataillon and other units of Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande" and Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern," 22 Jul; and the movement of Kampfgrupp e "Fitzthum" from Selo-Gora to Krasnogvardeisk , 22 - 23 Jul 1942; combat and ration strength reports, casualty lists, and a register of officers; data relating to enemy operations, losses, and propaganda, and German and enemy air and artillery activity.
1942/01/29 - 1942/08/08
Ia, KTB Nr. 1 des III./Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande." War journal concerning defensive, reconnaissance, and assault operations, regrouping in the Guzi, Pyatilipy, Chauni, Selo-Gora, Kleptsy, Radoni, Krechno, Maloye Zamoshye, and Gorenka areas and the Kerest' River sector, 14 Apr - 15 Jul 1942; movement to and training at Saklinje, 16 - 22 Jul; formation of Einsatzkompanie and its attachment to Kampfgruppe "Fitzthum," 22 - 23 Jul; movement of Batl. to Selo-Gora, 23 - 24 Jul; entraining and movement to Krasnoye Selo, 28 - 29 Jul; guartering at Dudergof (Duderhof), 30 - 31 Jul; and movement to combat positions in the Finskoye Koyrovo area, 3 - 4 Aug. Also data relating to eneiy operations, losses, and propaganda, German and enem air and artillery activity, and German losses.
1942/04/14 - 1942/08/04

4. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Brigade Nederland
Ia, Niederlaendische SS Freiwilligen Grenadier Brigade (mot), Befehle, Weisungen, Lehrplanspiele, Liste der Verpflegungs- und Rationssaetze fuer die Waffen-SS und Polizei, RF-SS, SS Fuehrungshauptamt, Befehlshaber in den Niederlanden, Der Befehlshaber der Ordnungspolizei und SS Wirtschafts und Verpflegungsamt. An order by RF-SS, 12 Aug 1943, relating to the activation of the Niederlaendische SS Freiwilligen Grenadier Brigade (mot) from German and Dutch volunteers of 6000 men and subordinated to the III. (germ.) SS Panzer-Korps; directives regarding a map exercise pertaining to operations against partisans and other general training matters; and an instructional pamphlet concerning scales of supplies and rations for Waffen-SS and police.
Also a copy of a directive by OKW/Chef Kriegsgef./San/Allg. (Ia)/0rg. (IVc) Nr. 3142/42, concerning instructions for the permanent identification marking s of Soviet POW's by using a lancet and Chinese ink (chinesische Tusche) .
1942/09/03 - 1944/04/00

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T314 R828
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Annexes to the war journal including situation maps, fortification maps (1:25000) of the Kamary area, Corps operations orders, and reports on the battle around Sevastopol.
Jun 12 - 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Annexes to the war journal including situation maps, road maps, Corps operations orders and reports pertaining to the fall of Sevastopol, and a synopsis on the Sevastopol campaign.
Jul 1 - 15, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht "Sevastopol". Report describing enemy activities during the siege of Sevastopol and activities of the Intelligence Branch.
May 21 - Jul 15, 1942
Ic, Anlagenband I z. TB "Sevastopol". Miscellaneous papers supplementing the activity report, including intelligence maps (1:25000 and n.s.), a survey of counter-intelligence activities during May 1942, a transcript of a broadcast by Colonel Botsch on the Kerch victory, a report on mines and fortifications, an experience report of the Intelligence Branch on the Kerch campaign, intelligence bulletins, summaries, and reports.
May 21 - Jun 15, 1942
Ic, Anlagenband II z. TB "Sevastopol". Intelligence maps, reports, briefs, a bulletin on the North African theater of war, intelligence and counterintelligence activity reports for the month of June 1942, order of battle charts, and other papers, chiefly pertaining to the final stages of the siege of Sevastopol.
Jun 16 - Jul 15, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Operation "Georg". War journal pertaining to Operation "Georg" (preparation for the attack on Leningrad), operations data on the battles for Leningrad and Kolpino, on the establishment of new main lines of resistance at Kamen-Peski and Pulkovo-Pushkin, and on Operation "Feuerzauber" (plan to capture Leningrad). Included are Corps order of battle, table of organization and equipment for mine-detecting units, organizational charts for combat engineers, situation maps, orders, plans, and messages.
Aug 16 - Nov 5, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Operation "Blucher". War journal containing information on Operation "Blucher" (preparations for the crossing of the Strait of Kerch). The Corps entrained August 7, 1942, for movement to the Leningrad area via Dzhankoi, Perekop, Kherson, Brest, Bialystok, Tilsit, Riga, Pskov, and Vyritsa.
Jul 7 - Aug 15, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB "Blucher". Maps of the 22d and 28th Divisions relating to the crossing of the Strait of Kerch, sketches of equipment used in the crossing, directives on amphibious training, and operations orders.
Jul 16 - Aug 6, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Schlacht sudlich des Ladoga Sees. War journal describing combat operations south of Lake Ladoga. The Corps was subordinate to AOK 11.
Sep 4 - Oct 18, 1942

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X. Armeekorps

T314 R469
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Ost IV, Meldungen. Tactical reports from lower echelons on operations, situations and developments, weather, supply control, and guerrilla warfare during corps operations in the sector south of Lake linen, Staraya Russa, and in the Michalkino area.
Jan 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB Ost IV, Band 1 u. 2. Experience reports, orders, directives, operations plans, evaluations of enemy developments, and tactical maps.
Dec 30, 1942 - Dec 25, 1943

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T314 R919
Ia, Anlagenband IIc z. KTB 1, Taktische Befehle. Orders relating to the withdrawal through the Baltic countries.
Sep 21 - Oct 15, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband III z. KTB 1, Wochenzustandsmeldungen, Starkemeldungen, Pakaufstellungen. Reports received from subordinate units relating to combat strength, combat readiness, and guns and other weapons on hand.
Jul 16 - Oct 15, 1944
la, Anlagenband IV z. KTB 1, Tagesmeldungen, Luftaufklarungen. Daily operations and aerial reconnaissance reports.
Jul 16 - Oct 15, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband V z. KTB 1, Stellungsbau. Orders and reports on the construction and maintenance of field fortifications with maps (1:50000 and 1:100000) and a number of sketches.
Jul 27 - Oct 4, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband VI z. KTB 1, Artilleriegliederungen, Truppeneinteilungen. Charts showing order of battle of artillery units and data on organization, strength, and assignments of other Corps elements.
Jul 19 - Oct 14, 1944


T314 R1016
Ia, Anlagenband X z. KTB, Erfahrungsberichte. Reports on experience gained from the battles at Kharkov and Kerch, the attack on Sevastopol, antitank warfare, and the execution of Operation "Hannover." Also, tactics in antitank warfare.
May 19 - Nov 28, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband XI z. KTB, Auszug aus KTB 1941/1942. Excerpts of a war journal dated 1941-42 summarizing the Corps' summer and winter campaign against Russia.
Mar 10, 1941 - Feb 28, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. War journal of the XLIII. Korps Operations Branch kept while the Corps was subordinate to AOK 16, containing brief summaries of combat operations, artillery and air activities, assignment and transfer of units, and weather conditions. During this period the Corps engaged in successive withdrawals to the Luchs and Barbarossa positions south of Novosokolniki, and subsequently to the Panther line in the Pustoshka area.
Jan 1 - Mar 15, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband 33 z. KTB. Orders of the Corps and AOK l6 and reports of subordinate units concerning operations along the Novosokolniki-Pustoshka rail line to prevent a Russian breakthrough, and withdrawal to the Luchs and Barbarossa lines including intelligence reports on enemy activity, and reports or the disengagement of the 69. Division.
Jan 1 - 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband 34 z. KTB. Orders of the Corps and AOK 16 covering the withdrawal of units to the Panther line, instructions on scorched earth policy on abandoned stretches of the Novosokolniki-Pustoshka rail line, intelligence reports on enemy troop movements, and teletype reports on the withdrawal from positions northwest of Novosokolniki.
Feb 1 - 29, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband 35 z. KTB. Orders of the Corps and AOK 16 for continued strengthening of Panther line fortifications, measures for antipartisan warfare, and re-grouping of units in the new positions, running from north to south just west of Pustoshka.
Mar 1 - 15, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Tagesmeldungen. Daily operations reports and reports on casualties, prisoners of war, and the weather covering the period of withdrawal from Novosokolniki and from the Luchs to the Panther line.
Jan 1 - Mar 8, 1944

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I. Armeekorps

T314 R49
Fuhrungsabteilung, Kriegstagebuch, Band 2. Continuation of Item No. 25128/1, concerning enemy and own activities.
July - Sep. 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Eingegangene Befehle. Folder containing orders, reports and messages from 18th Army Hq. pertaining to the mission of taking up new defense positions.
Feb. - April 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Eingegangene Befehle. Continuation of Item No. 25128/3. Included is a special directive of the 18th Army pertaining to operational plans for the forthcoming summer and fall.
May - June 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Eingegangene Befehle. Continuation of Item No. 25128/3, dealing with the preparations of offensive and defensive actions along the Volkhov river.
June - July 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Eingegangene Befehle. Continuation of Item No. 25128/5.
Aug. - Sep. 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Korpsbefehle. Folder containing corps orders, directives, charts, and overlays pertaining to the conduct of battle against enemy forces.
April - Sep. 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Ausgegangene Befehle. I Corps orders, directives, TWX messages and correspondence to subordinate units pertaining to reconnaissance missions, defensive tactics, and prevention of additional breakthroughs by the enemy.
April 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Ausgegangene Befehle. Continuation of Item No. 25128/8, Volkhov area. Included are sketches showing machine gun positions and anti-tank obstacles.
May - June 1942

T314 R50
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Ausgegangene Befehle. Continuation of Item No. 25128/8, Volkhov area. Included are sketches, overlays and a map showing enemy situation and artillery targets.
June - July 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Ausgegangene Befehle. Continuation of Item No. 25128/8, Volkhov area.
Aug. - Sep. 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Eingegangene Meldungen. Folder containing reports, charts, TWX messages and correspondence from subordinate units pertaining to the conduct of battle and mission; information about the enemy including organization, morale and available supplies,and the re-capture of strategic rail installations which are needed for the advance on Leningrad.
April 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Eingegangene Meldungen. Continuation of Item No. 25128/12, dealing with defensive and offensive actions in the swamps, forests and rail lines along the Volkhov and Tigoda.
May 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Eingegangene Meldungen. Continuation of Item No. 25128/13, dealing with reports on air reconnaissance, weather conditions, anti-aircraft defenses, reorganization of units and methods employed to combat and destroy Russian T-34 and T-60 tanks.
June - July 1942

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I. Armeekorps

T314 R51
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Eingegangene Meldungen. Continuation of Item No. 25128/13, dealing with the employment of the 2 cm four-barreled anti-aircraft gun, experience gained in the defense against enemy attacks and losses of weapons and ammunition.
Aug. - Sep. 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Meldungen des Gen. Kdos. Reports, maps and correspondence on enemy and own activities during the spring thaw period.
April - Sep. 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Fahrt und Besprechungsberichte. Report on iaspection trips of the Commanding General and Staff officers through the Corps area and minutes of conferences attended by these officers in higher and subordinate headquarters.
April - Sep. 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Tagesmeldungen der Divisionen. Daily activity reports from divisions, as compiled from reports received from subordinate units, pertaining to the conduct of operations and own and enemy activities in the forest and swamp areas along the Volkhov River.
April - May 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Tagesmeldungen der Divisionen. Continuation of Item No. 25128/18.
June - July 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Tagesmeldungen der Divisionen. Continuation of Item No. 25128/18.
Aug. - Sep. 1942

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I. Armeekorps

T314 R52
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Tagesmeldungen an AOK. Continuation of Item No. 25128/21.
July - Sep. 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Kriegsgliederungen. Order of battle charts and sketches of I Corps and 18th Army.
April - Aug. 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Gefechts- und Erfahrungsberichte. Reports from units subordinate to the I Corps pertaining to own and enemy activities and experiences gained in offensive and defensive warfare in the Volkhov Sector.
April - Aug. 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Gefechts- und Erfahrungsberichte, Berichte uber Wolchow Kessel. Combat activity reports pertaining to the progress of battle in the Volkhov pocket.
April - Sep. 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Umgliederung und Auffrischung des Ostheeres, Band 1. Orders, directives and correspondence between 18th Army and I Corps pertaining to reorganization and refitting of the I Corps and its subordinate units during the spring and summer of 1942. Also included are order of battle and organizational charts.
April - May 1942

T314 R53
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Umgliederung und Auffrischung des Ostheeres. Continuation of Item No. 25128/26.
May - Aug. 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Kleine Rollbahn Wolchow und Vorbereitung Fackel. Corps orders, unit' reports, correspondence, maps, sketches and charts pertaining to Corps mission.
April - Sep. 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Verfugungs Bataillone. 18th Army and I Corps directives, reports from divisions, and TWX messages pertaining to the activation of reserve battalions within divisions consisting of elements of signal, supply, artillery and engineer units to be available for short notice special tasks.
July - Sep. 1942
Qu., Kriegstagebuch 5. Daily reports compiled by the Supply Branch describing events taking place during the spring thaw period and subsequent fall warfare, gains and losses in men and materiel, climatic conditions, supply care and maintenance, sanitation, construction, protection of animals and men and activation of POW construction companies.
April - Sep. 1942
Qu., Kriegstagebuch 5, Anlagenband 1. Directives concerning supply distribution during the spring thaw period; allotment of food supplies, material, and fuel; transportation; and information on methods of utilizing rail lines, equipment, men, and material.
April - June 1942
Qu., Kriegstagebuch 5, Anlagenband 2. Continuation of Item No. 25128/31, including a report on the general supply situation of the I Corps since the beginning of the Eastern campaign; casualty list giving figures of dead, wounded and missing in action for the period Jan.-June 1942; report on the utilization of the new hollow-charge anti-tank grenade; and two maps showing supply installations and headquarters.
June - Sep. 1942
Qu., Beilage zum KTB, Tatigkeitsberichte der Abt. IVa, IVb, IVc, Wi. u. FPA 421. Activity reports of the Administrative, Medical, Veterinary, and Military Economic Officers, and Field Post Office 421 dealing with difficulties encountered during the spring thaw period and subsequent fall warfare in the wood and swamp areas along the Volkhov River.
April - Sep. 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report of the Intelligence Branch dealing with evaluation of the enemy situation on the strongly defended front on the Volkhov bridgehead; clarification of the enemy situation through interrogation of POWs and informers and through captured documents; combatting of partisans and agentsj and surveillance of the civilian population.
April - Sep. 1942

T314 R54
Ic, Anlage zum Tatigkeitsbericht, Tagesmeldungen, Anlage 1. Daily activity reports of the I Corps Intelligence Branch to 18th Army Intelligence Branch compiled from reports received from subordinate units.
April - Sep. 1942
Ic, Anlagen zum Tatigkeitsbericht, Feindlagekarten und Feindnachrichtenblatter, Anlage 3. Folder of the I Corps Intelligence Branch containing reports on the enemy situation before and after the Russian defeat on the Volkhov bridgehead, enemy fighting strength, tactical situation and operational intentions.
April - Sep. 1942
Ic, Anlagen zum Tatigkeitsbericht, Aufklarungsforderungen, festgestellte Aufstellungen - Hinterland - Propaganda, Anlage Nr. 4. Reports and correspondence from I Corps Intelligence Branch to 18th Army Hq. pertaining to intelligence observations and evaluation of enemy forces giving information on assumed enemy strength, replacements, reserves, weapons, rail lines, location of enemy armament industry and raw material centers, food supply situation in the USSR, own and enemy psychological warfare, and POW interrogations.
June - Aug. 1942
Ia/Mess, Ia/Gabo, Ia/Stopi u. Qu/Stopi, IIa, Tatigkeitsbericht der Abteilungen. Activity reports of the following branches: Map and Survey, Gas Defense, Artillery Staff Officer and Officer Personnel Branch, giving information on personnel strength, awarding of decorations, furloughs, troop welfare, court-martials, casualties, instruction on anti-gas defense, allotment of supplies and material, distribution of printed matter and evaluation of captured Russian documents.
April - Nov. 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum KEB, Lagenkarten. Folder contains 66 maps showing I Corps tactical situation.
April 1 - June 30, 1942
Ia, Nachgereichte Anlagen zum KTB. Additional reports submitted to the I Corps giving information on enemy situation and assumed mission during operations in the switch position along the Volkhov and Tigoda estuary; preparations for withdrawal to safer positions before the forthcoming spring thaw period, and planning of new defense lines.
Jan. - Feb. 1942
Qu., Tatigkeitsbericht der Abt. IVa. Activity report of the I Corps Administrative Officer describing activities, important occurrences, general supply situation, utilization of supply routes, inspection and administration of supply centers.
June 1941 - Dec. 1942
IVa, Tatigkeitsbericht. Daily log of the Branch's activities, including a report of a meeting of administrative officers dealing with the problems in training administrators and clerks, food and supply matters, as well as procurement of various supplies.
Jan. 1 - March 31, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Ostfeldzug, Band 3. Daily notes and reports compiled by the I Corps Operations Branch describing and analyzing strength, defenses, obstacles, troop movements, shifting end replacement of units, physical condition of the troops, casualties, winter uniforms, climatic conditions, estimates on own and enemy situation and mission of the I Corps.
Oct. - Dec. 1942
Ia, Aniagen zum KTB, Band 3. Eingegangene Befehle. Reports, messages, maps and charts of the I Corps and subordinate units, and directives and correspondence from Eighteenth Army Headquarters pertaining to preparations for the forthcoming winter warfare and anticipated Russian assault.
Sep. - Nov. 1, 1942

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336. Infanterie-Division

T315 R2096
Ia, KTB 9 mit Anlagen; Ic, IIa, TB. War journal with orders, messages, and maps pertaining to disengagement to, defense, evacuation, and destruction of Mariupol, 1 - 10 Sep; disengagement movements in the Starodubovka, Novo-Spasskoye, and Nogaysk areas to Melitopol, 10 - 20 Sep, and its defense, 21 - 30 Sep 1943. Activity reports of the intelligence and personnel branches, 1 - 30 Sep 1943; special directives concerning supply troops; status and strength reports; and data relating to enemy operations.
1943/09/01 - 1943/09/30
Ia, KTB 10 mit Anlagen. War journal with orders, messages, and maps pertaining to defensive operations and counterattacks in the Melitopol and Akimovka areas. Status and strength reports, an crder-of-battle chart, and data relating to enemy operations.
1943/10/01 - 1943/10/22

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Berlin Document Center Series 6400: SS Officers' Service Records

The SS Officers' Service Records consist of personnel dossiers for more than 61,000 SS officers with the rank of SS Untersturmführer (second lieutenant) and above, arranged alphabetically by surname. These constitute personnel files maintained by the SSPersonalhauptamt (SS Personnel Main Office) in Berlin, later supplemented by the BDC with records from other collections. Included are individuals who belonged to the Allgemeine-SS (general SS), Waffen-SS (the military branch of the SS), Sicherheitsdienst (SS security service), and SS and police security formations, including the Gestapo (secret state police). Waffen-SS officers include many non-Germans of various European nationalities. The date span of records contained in the dossiers extends from 1932 to as late as March 1945. Comprehensive information for all SS officers, however, cannot be verified, as the German collapse precluded the regular maintenance of personnel records after January 1945.

Roll SSO-272A
Loehnert, Dr. Camillo bis Loesch, Albert

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253. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1755
Ia, Anlagenband II zum KTB 2. Orders and messages concerning movements and operations of the division and reports on the general military situation.
1940/06/15 - 1940/06/23
Ia, Anlagenband III zum KTB 2. Orders relating to training, regrouping, and the release of recruits and maps showing the location of division quarters in the Chalons-sur-Marne, Vitry-le-Francois, and Mourmelon-le-Grand areas.
1940/09/16 - 1940/10/14
Ia, Anlagenband IV zum KTB 2. Orders, reports, and maps pertaining to movement from Lille, France, to Charleroi, Belgium, for security duty; advance to Noyon, France, via Rocroi; withdrawal to Rethel; movement southward and offensive engagements to the Avallon and Chatillon-sur-Seine areas via Chalons-sur-Marne, Troyes, and Vendeuvre-sur-Barse, to the Laon, Soissons, Chateau-Thierry, Rheims, Rethel, Vitry-le-Francois, Mussy-sur-Seine, Bar-sur-Aube, Soulaines-Dhuysm, and Mourmelon-le-Grand areas; relief of the 78.ID, 7 - 18 Jul; administration and security of the Marne Department; air raid protection; and control and employment of refugees and prisoners of war. Order-of—battle charts and notes on command inspections.
1940/06/03 - 1940/08/22
Ic, TB. Activity report concerning operational readiness of the division in Dusseldorf, 26 Aug 1939, movement to the Dutch border in September, reconnaissance results regarding border fortifications, movement to the Dusseldorf area for training, 28 Dec, and later to the Aachen area for border security, taking prisoners of war in Belgium in April, offensive engagements in the Liege, Namur, and Tournai areas of Belgium, and the attack on and capture of Lille, France.
1939/08/26 - 1940/05/31
Ia, KTB 2 mit Anlaqen. War-journal and orders concerning occupation duty, regrouping, and training in the Chalons-sur-Marne, Mourmelon-le-Grand, Mailly-le-Camp, Suippes, Vitry-le-Francois, Rethel, and Sainte-Menehould areas, 1 Nov 1940 - 9 Apr 1941, guarding the "Nordost Linie" by division elements to control the movement of refugees in the Sainte-Menehould and Evergnicourt areas, 11 Jan - 15 Mar 1941, the planned movement of the division to the east, and the departure of the advance party from Chalons-sur-Marne, France, for Allenstein (Olsztyn), Poland, 10 - 12 Apr 1941.
1940/11/01 - 1941/04/13
Ic, TB. Activity report concerning movement southward to Cote-d'Or completed by the time of the armistice and northward to the Marne Department to relieve the 78.ID, control of refugee movement through the "Nordost Linie," employment and control of prisoners of war, counter intelligence activity, and troop entertainment. A map showing the location of the "Nordost Linie."
Ia, KTB 3. Transfer from France to Allenstein (Olsztyn), Poland, 14 - 23 Apr; quartering and training, 24 Apr - 19 Jun; assembly in the Eydtkau (Chernyshevskoye) area, 20 Jun; invasion of Lithuania and advance to Drissa in Russia, 22 Jun - 12 Jul; road and rail security in the Polotsk area, 13 - 18 Jul; advance to and capture of Novosokolniki, 19 - 25 Jul; attack, capture, and securing of Velikiye Luki, 26 Jul - 27 Aug, and Toropets, 28 Aug - 3 Sep; defense of the lake area north of the Andreapol, Peno, and Selizharovo line, 4 Sep - 5 Nov; attack on and capture of Selizharovo, 6 - 8 Nov; and the defense of the Tikhvina, Selizharovka, and Volga Rivers sectors, 9 Nov - 3 Dec 1941. A register of officer s and a casualty report. An activity report of the personnel branch, 11 Apr - 2 Dec 1941.
1941/04/14 - 1941/12/03
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Orders and maps pertaining to the transfer from France to Allenstein (Olsztyn), Osterode (Ostroda), and Mohrungen (Morag); movement to, quartering, and training in the Preussisch Holland (Palek) and Wormditt (Orneta), Bischofstein (Bisztynek), Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warminski), Guttstadt (Dabre Miasto), Gerdauen (Zheleznodorozhny), Bartenstein (Bartoszyce), Rastenburg (Ketrzyn), Angelburg (Wegorzewo), and Goldap areas; movement to the Lithuania border and Eydtkau area. Special directives concerning march and traffic control, air raid protection, and intelligence service. Reports on enemy operations and losses.
1941/04/10 - 1941/06/21
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Orders, messages, and maps pertaining to the crossing of the Lithuanian border in the Vistytis and Kybartai areas and advance, mopping-up action, and offensive engagements in the Marijampole, Kaunas, Kaisiadorys, Paberze, Moletai, Koltyniany, and Zamosh'ye areas of Lithuania and in the Vidzy area of Russia. Reports on enemy operations and losses.
1941/06/22 - 1941/07/07

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T611 R1
SS-Dienstaltersliste der Schutzstaffel der NSDAP (SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer und SS-Sturmbannfuehrer) - Stand vom 1.Oktober 1942
SS-Dienstaltersliste der Schutzstaffel der NSDAP (SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer und SS-Sturmbannfuehrer) - Stand vom 1.Oktober 1943
SS-Dienstaltersliste der Schutzstaffel der NSDAP (SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer und SS-Sturmbannfuehrer) - Stand vom 1.Oktober 1944
SS-Dienstaltersliste der Schutzstaffel der NSDAP (SS-Oberst-Gruppenfuehrer und SS-Standartenfuehrer) - Stand vom 30.Januar 1944
SS-Dienstaltersliste der Schutzstaffel der NSDAP (SS-Obergruppenfuehrer bis SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer) - Stand vom 1.Juli 1944 (bis Seite 61)

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20. Infanterie-Division (mot)

T315 R733
Ia, Anlage A z. KTB 4, Akte I-II. Daily operation reports, radio messages, overlays showing the location of the division, corps and division orders, and special supply directives.
Nov 1 - 30, 1941

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269. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1860
Ia, Aniagenband C, Band 7 zum KTB 5. Daily messages and orders pertaining to advance and offensive engagements in the Mshinskaya, Siverskaya, Kartushevskaya, and Nikolskoye areas, 29 Aug - 6 Sep; in the Bol'shoye Zamost'ye and Gatchina areas, 6 - 10 Sep; penetration and moppinq-up action in Gatchina, 11 - 12 Sep; attack across the Izhora River near Romanovka and break through the Izhora fortifications, 12 - 14 Sep; and attack toward Pushkin in the Kiskisary area, 14 - 15 Sep 1941. Data on Russian fortifications, an intelligence bulletin, and reports on enemy operations.
1941/08/29 - 1941/09/15
Ia, Anlageaband C, Band 8 zum KTB 5. Daily reports and orders pertaining to offensive engagements and mopping-up action in the Kiskisary and Pavlovsk (Slutsk) areas, 16 - 19 Sep; and relief of the 36.ID (mot) south of Pushkin and offensive and assault operations along the Leningrad railroad line in the Pushkin, Pulkovo, and Bol'shoye Vittolovo areas, 19 Sep - 31 Oct 1941. Afteraction critiques of AOK 18, translation of an order by the Soviet 55th Army, and reports on enemy operations and losses.
1941/09/16 - 1941/10/31
Ia, Anlagenband C, Band 9 zum KTB 5. Daily reports and messages, tables, and orders pertaining to defensive and assault operations, training, and preparations for the winter in the Bol'shoye Vittolovo, Pulkovo, and Volodarskiy areas and planned relief by the SS Polizei-Division and the 58.ID, 7 - 10 Dec, and assembly in the area north of Gatchina, 10 Dec 1941. Notes on command conferences and reports on enemy operations.
1941/11/01 - 1941/12/07

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8. Panzer-Division

T315 R490
Ib, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1.
Jun 14 - Dec 31, 1941
Ib, Anlage 1 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1. Einzelbefehle und Funkspruche.
Jun 15 - Dec 31, 1941
Ib, Anlage 2 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1. Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung.
Jun 14 - Dec 31, 1941
Ib, Anlage 3 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1. Tatigkeitsberichte der Abteilungen IVa, III, IVd, V und FPM.
May 1 - Dec 31, 1941
Ib, Anlage 4 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1. Tatigkeitsbericht des Divisions-Arztes.
Jun 14 - Dec 31, 1941
Ib, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2.
Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1942
Ib, Anlage 1 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2. Einzelbefehle und Fernsprttche.
Jan 8 - Jul 1, 1942

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XXVIII. Armeekorps

T314 R785
Ia ,Anlagen z. KTB. Daily, morning, and evening reports from subordinate units on combat developments, and daily situation maps of the Leningrad area.
Aug 13 - 31, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht, Teil III. Activity report of the Intelligence Branch and reports to AOK 16 and 18, and Panzergruppe 4 concerning enemy ground and air activities along the railroad line between Kolpino and Lyuban.
Sep 1 - Nov 28, 1941
Ic, Anlagen z. TB. Prisoner-of-war interrogation summaries, enemy order of battle charts, maps, translations and evaluation reports of captured Russian documents, and instructions concerning the treatment of the population.
Sep 1 - Nov 28, 1941

T314 R786
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Operations orders of the Corps, daily reports of subordinate units, order of battle charts, and maps on the tactical situation in the Lake Ilmen area.
Jul 31 - Aug 13, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Daily reports of subordinate units concerning the tactical situation, orders of superior headquarters, situation maps (Leningrad area), correspondence of the Corpscommander, and reports on losses and booty.
Sep 1 - 16, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Daily reports on the tactical situation during the drive toward Leningrad, situation maps, correspondence between high-ranking officers, and tactical orders of superior headquarters.
Sep 17 - Oct 10, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Daily situation reports and maps, orders, messages, and order of battle information.
Oct 11 - Nov 28, 1941

T314 R787
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. War journal covering perations on the Lake Ladoga and the Neva River fronts and at Mga, Tosno, Chudovo , Volkhov, and Pogostje. The Corps was subordinate to AOK 18 during this period.
Nov 29, 1941 - May 9, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report containing periodic summaries of the Intelligence Branch.
Nov 29, 1941 - May 9, 1942
Ic, Anlagen z. TB. Prisoner-of-war interrogation reports, memoranda, and reports concerning enemy strength and probable plans, reports on guerrilla warfare, and translations of captured enemy documents.
Nov 29, 1941 - May 9, 1942
Ic, Anlagen z. TB. Prisoner-of-war interrogation summaries, intelligence bulletins, order of battle information, and situation maps.
Nov 29, 1941 - May 9, 1942

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18. Armee

T312 R928
IVa, Anlage zum Tatigkeitsbericht. Supplements to special directives about supplies and supply troops. Directives on pay and insurance for Estonian workers.
Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4g, Zusammenfassungen. This document presents daily summaries of data found in KTB Nr. 4g (documents nrs. 52614/2-4).
Jan 1 - Jul 15, 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4g, Textband I.
Jan 1 - Jul 15, 1944

T312 R929
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4g, Textband II u. III.
Jan 1 - Jul 15, 1944

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II. Armeekorps

T314 R165
IIa, Tatigkeitsbericht. Information on casualties, assignments, promotions, decorations, transfers, replacements, shifting of command posts, and other matters.
Oct. 17 - Dec. 31, 1944
IIa, Verlust- u, Verleihungslisten. Casualty lists of officers and enlisted men according to type of casualty (killed, wounded, missing), and also records of decorations by type of medal for outstanding performance of duty on the Baltic front.
Oct. 15 - Dec. 31, 1944
IIa, Kriegsrangliste. Directory of all II Corps staff officers.
Oct. 16, 1944
IIa, Offiziersstellenbesetzungen. Information on unit and job assignments.
Oct. 15 - Dec. 31, 1944
QM, Kriegstagebuch 8 Qu.-und Unterabteilungen. Diary containing detailed entries of all activities in connection with the Eastern campaign on the Baltic front, and reports by various branches such as Administration, Medical, Veterinary, Motor Transport, and Judge Advocate.
Oct. 16 - Dec. 31, 1944
Qu., Anlage zum KTB 8, Versorgung. Information on directives for exploitation of occupied territories, fuel shortage and conservation, evacuations, regrouping of supply troops, supply directives, and maps showing locations and positions of supply installations and troops on the Baltic front.
Oct. 16 - Dec. 31, 1944
Qu., Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung. Supply regulations in regard to various supply services such as medical, veterinary, food, fuel, clothing, weapons, equipment, and motor transport giving detailed basic allowances, shortages, losses, and other important data.
Oct. 16 - Dec. 31, 1944
Qu., Tagesmeldungen. Daily supply reports on expenditure and consumption of various supply items such as fuel, ammunition and weapons, showing exact amounts, shortages, quantities on hand, and losses by individual units.
Oct. 16 - Dec. 31, 1944
Ia, Anlage 175 Ostfeldzug, Melduagen. Information on Russian advances and unsuccessful German attempts to stop Russian offensives on the Baltic front.
Nov. 1 - 10, 1944

L. Armeekorps

T314 R1248
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 8, Mappe 1-2, Taktische Meldungen von den Divisionen. Daily incoming reports concerning Corps and enemy operations in the Velye area.
Mar 30 - Jul 15, 1944
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Activity report of the Intelligence Branch with intelligence reports and maps pertaining to enemy operations, unit identification, propaganda, and tactical situation and German propaganda and counter-intelligence activities.
Apr 3 - Jul 15, 1944
Qu., Kriegstagebuch 15. War journal of the Supply Branch concerning supply operations and services and the movement of supply units in the Brody, Opochka, Ostrov, and Velykaya River areas.
Apr 4 - Jul 15, 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 9. War journal concerning operations, the tactical situation during the Corps' withdrawal across Latvia, and the execution of Operations "Laubfrosch" and "Sonnenvogel" (withdrawal to the Cirma line in the area north-east of Daugavpils).
Jul 16 - Aug 9, 1944
Ia, Anlagen "a" 1-16 z. KTB 9. Kriegsgliederungen, Schema. Charts, with amendments, showing the order of battle and organization and equipment of subordinate divisions and artillery units.
Jul 16 - Aug 9, 1944
Ia, Anlagen "c" 1-88 z. KTB 9, Operationsakten. Orders, directives, maps, and overlays pertaining to construction of and withdrawal to the Marieriburg and Lettland positions, and defense "to the last man" in the Krasnyy, Molokovo, Volkovo, Tirza, and Lake Velye areas.
Jul 16 - Aug 9, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 9, Wochentliche und monatliche Zustandsberichte; Taktische Meldungen an die Armee und von den Divisionen. Periodic reports pertaining to the status of the Corps' units, and daily reports concerning operations in eastern Latvia. Also, order of battle charts.
Jul 16 - Aug 9, 1944

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.12 23:35. Заголовок: SS-Führungshaup..


T175 R178
Item of unknown provenance. Copies of the "Verordnungsblatt der Waffen-SS", for the period June 1941 - April 1945. Nor fur den Dienstgebrauch.

Item of unknown provenance. Folder containing photographs, biography and honor-roll mentions of Dr. Friedrich Wimmer of the Austrian National Socialist party, 1940.

SS-Hauptamt file containing correspondence on Polizei-Verstarkungen - recruitment for the units, physical requirements for the volunteers and the use to be made of the units so recruited, 1939-1940.

Item of unknown provenance. "Arbeitsanweisung der Abteilung IIb" presumably of the SS-Führungshauptamt, 1941.

Item of unknown provenance. Miscellaneous directives of the SS-Führungshauptamt on personnel matters, 1943.

Item of unknown provenance. Folder containing miscellaneous material issued by the SS-Führungshauptamt chiefly on recruitment and transfer of personnel from and to the special SS-units, including transfer from Dachau to Bewahrungs-Abteilung der Waffen-SS, 1943.

Der Hohere SS- und Polizeifuhrer Nord, der SS-Wirtschafter folder containing directives and time schedules for various training courses of the Waffen-SS, 1944.

SS-Hauptamt folder containing directives on the recruitment for the SS-VT and the SS-T.St. and the prerequisites for becoming a full-fledged SS-Mann, 1936-1943.

Item of unknown provenance. Correspondence pertaining to the meteorological research of Dr. Juilfs for the SS, January 1945.

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269. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1858
Ic, IIa, TB. Activity report of the intelligence branch concerning enemy operations, losses, unit identification, fortifications, and roads and an activity report of the personnel tranch.
1940/05/10 - 1940/07/31
Ia, KTB 4. War journal with orders and maps pertaining to relief by the 218.ID, 27 - 31 Mar; transfer from Denmark to Dirschau (Tczew) and Praust (Pruszcz), Poland, 27 Mar - 5 Apr; movement to Tilsit (Sovetsk) via Harienburg (Malbrok), Starogard, Insterburg (Chernyakhovsk), Preussisch Eylau (Bagrationovsk), Neukirch (Timiryazevo), and Kreuzingen (Balshakovo), 6 Apr - 12 May; securing the borders and the Memel sector, 13 - 16 May; and assembly in the Neman area, 17 - 21 Jun 1941.
1941/03/27 - 1941/06/21
Ia, KTB 5. War journal concerning advance and offensive engagements in the Taurage, Nemaksciai, and Slapaberze areas of Lithuania, the Livani area of Latvia, and the Pytalovo (Abrene), Lyutyye Bolota, Porkhov, Strugi Krasnye, and Bol'shiye L'zi areas of Russia, 22 Jun - 29 Jul; attack on and capture of Luga, 30 Jul - 23 Aug; advance and offensive engagements in the Tolmachevo, Mshinskaya, Siverskaya, Kartashevskaya, and Gatchina areas, 24 Aug - 17 Sep; and movement to and defensive operations in the Volodarskiy area on the Leningrad front, 18 Sep - 7 Dec 1941.
1941/06/22 - 1941/12/07
Ia, Anlagenband C, Band 1, Vorbereitungen zum KTB 5. Orders relating to assembly for attack, border security, and Studie Barbarossa (preparations for the invasion of Russia); appraisal of enemy capabilities; combat and training directives; and special directives concerning reconnaissance and commitment of engineers.
1941/03/25 - 1941/06/20
Ia, Anldgenband C, Band 2 zum KTB 5. Daily messages and orders pertaining to the invasion of Lithuania, advance and offensive engagements in the Taurage, Nemaksciai, Vidulki, Tadaiciai, Budraiciai, Slapaberze, Surviliskis, Panevezys, and Panemunis areas and crossing the Neman, Dubysa, Susve, Dotnuva, and Nemunelis Rivers, 22 - 28 Jun; and advance into Latvia to Livani and the Western Dvina River, 29 - 30 Jun 1941. Special directives concerning air reconnaissance and intelligence bulletins.
1941/06/22 - 1941/06/30
Ia, Anlagenband C, Band 3 zum KTB 5. Daily messages and orders pertaining to the attack across the Western Dvina River in the Livani area and the Rezekne River in the Rezekne area; invasion of Russia near Pytalovo (Abrene); advance and offensive engagements in the Lyutyye Bolota and Porkhov areas, 1 - 13 Jul; and movement to Novosel'ye to relieve the 1.PZD in the Zapol'ye area, 14 - 15 Jul 1941. Data on Russian heavy tanks and reports regarding enemy operations.
1941/07/01 - 1941/07/15

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79. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1105
Ia, Anlagenheft A z. KTB 10-12, Befehle, Anordnungen vorgesetzter Dienststellen.
Jan 1 - Apr 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagenheft B z. KTB 10-12, Befehle, Anordnungen der Division, Berichte, Erfahrungen, Zustandsberichte, Starken, Truppeneinteilung.
Jan 1 - Apr 30, 1942
Ic, IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte als Anlagenheft D z. KTB 10-12. Enemy operations, unit identification and strength, propaganda leaflets, and personnel losses; counterintelligence activity, and troop entertainment and indoctrination. Activity reports of the Personnel Branch.
Jan 1 - Apr 30, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 13. Defensive operations in the Volchansk area. The division was subordinate to the XVII., XXIX., and VIII. A.K. during this period.
May 1 - Jun 24, 1942
Ia, Anlagenheft 1 z. KTB 13, Befehle und Anordnungen vorgesetzter Stellen.
May 1 - Jun 24, 1942
Ia, Anlagenheft 2 z. KTB 13, Befehle und Anordnungen der Division.
May 1 - Jun 24, 1942

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332. Infanterie-Division

T315 R2076
Ia, IIa, Ib, KTB 3 mit Anlagen, Zusammengefasste Darstellung. Orders, reports, messages, summary, and maps pertaining to defensive operations, construction of positions, security of the rear area, formation and reorganization of division units, evacuation of the civilian population from the combat zone, training, and regrouping in the Borisovka, Bol'shoy Basov, Novo-Berezovka, Chulanovo, Khotmyzhek, Krasnyy Kutok, Polyanoye, Moshchenoye, Terebreno, Kryukovo, Graivoron, and Trostyanets areas. Special supply directives, 1 Apr - 28 Jul 1943; daily reports of the personnel branch, 2 Jan - 25 Jun 1943; notes on command conferences; strength reports; data regarding enemy operations; and an intelligence bulletin. (The war journal was destroyed at Borisovka before the breakthrough of the encirclement, 6 Aug 1943.)
1943/04/01 - 1943/06/26
Ia, KTB 4 mit Anlagen. War journal including orders, reports, daily messages, and maps pertaining to preparations for and execution of Operation Zitadelle (last German offensive in the Kursk, Belgorod, and Kharkov areas) in the Russkaya Berezovka, Krasnyy Kutok, Berezovka, Gertsovka, Khotmyzhek, Cherkasskoye, Dmitryevka, and Verkhopen'ye areas, 27 Jun - 19 Jul; defensive operations and withdrawal movements in the Streletskoye, Butovo, Tomarovka, Borisovka, Gruzskoye (Kalnitskiy), Gutarovka, and Novoryabina areas, 20 Jul - 8 Aug; assembly for defense of Akhtyrka, Bakirovka, and Chupakhovka, 9 - 11 Aug; and reorganization of remnants of the 332.ID and withdrawal to defend the Psel River sector in the Mikhaylovka area, 11 - 12 Aug, and incorporation into the 255.ID, 12 Aug 1943. An order-of-battle chart; status, strength, and casualty reports; a register of officers; a list of officers duty assignments; afteraction reports; and order of the day of the perscnnel branch, 27 Jun - 30 Jul 1943.
1943/06/27 - 1943/08/12

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20. Infanterie-Division (mot)

T315 R2329
Ic, Anlagen z. TB 5. Intelligence reports, radio messages, and interrogation summaries.
Apr 17 - Jul 6, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht 7 mit Anlagen. Activity report, with annexes, maps, and overlays, pertaining to enemy operations in the central sector of the eastern front. Also, interrogation summaries and intelligence bulletins.
Nov 20, 1942 - Jan 28, 1943

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20. Infanterie-Division (mot)

T315 R736
Ia, Tatigkeitsbericht des Eingreifregiment Barner als Anlage z. KTB 5. Activity report of the Eingreifregiment(Reserve Regiment) Barner concerning operations in the area north of Novgorod to stop the Russian advance along the Volkhov River. Also, regimental orders, messages, maps, and overlays.
Jan 17 - 28, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 6, Teil I-II. War journal concerning operations in the encirclement near Chudovo, west of the Volkhov River, prisoners taken, materiel captured, casualties, and the transfer from Chudovo to Soltsy on Lake Ilmen for rest and recuperation.
Apr 16 - Jul 15, 1942
Ia, Anlage A z. KTB 6, Teil I-II. Corps orders, daily operation reports, radio messages, and reports on enemy activities.
Apr 16 - Jul 15, 1942

T315 R737
Ia, Anlage C z. KTB 6, Teil II. Afteraction and situation reports and reports on enemy operations. Also, maps of the Pskov and Ostrov areas.
May 19 - Jul 30, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 7. War journal concerning security operations in the Lake Ilmenarea between Shimsk and Staraya Russa, antipartisan action along supply routes, replacement of the 250th Spanish Division on the Volkhov River front in the Novgorod area, and troop movement to the Novosokolniki and Vitebsk area in the central sector.
Jul 16 - Nov 21, 1942
Ia, Anlage A z. KTB 7. Daily operation reports and actual strength reports.
Jul 16 - Nov 19, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht 6, Teil I. Activity report, including prisoner-of-war interrogation summaries, order of battle charts, messages, intelligence bulletins, and maps concerning enemy activities in the Novgorod area and the tactical situation.
Jul 7 - Nov 19, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 8. War journal concerning operations and activities in Vitebsk and Nevel and preparations for the battle around Velikiye Luki. Also, order of battle charts.
Nov 18 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 8. War journal concerning operations in the Velikiye Luki area. Generalleutnant Jaschke took over command of Gefechtsstab Wohler, and Oberst Georg Jauer assumed command of the division on Jan 17, 1943.
Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 8. War journal concerning the condition of the division after the battle at Velikiye Luki, where it suffered heavy losses. On May 29, 1943, the division was designated the 20. Panzergrenadier-Division.
Apr 1 - Jun 30, 1943

T315 R2328
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht 4 mit Anlagen. Activity report, with radio messages, maps, and overlays, pertaining to combat duty in the northern sector of the eastern front. Also, interrogation summaries on Russian deserters and prisoners of war and organization charts of enemy units.
Dec 21, 1941 - Apr 16, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht 5. Activity report, with intelligence bulletins, interrogation summaries, and maps and overlays, concerning enemy operations and the tactical situation.
Apr 17 - Jul 6, 1942

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LIV. Armeekorps

T314 R1353
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 11. War journal concerning defensive operations along the Neva and Tosna Rivers, south of Leningrad.
Oct 1 - 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenteil 3 z. KTB 11. Operations reports, orders, directives, and messages, special orders for supply, a report citing weapons on hand, overlays and maps relating to the tactical situation, and a bulletin on construction of fortifications. Also, a report on the combat strength of the 250th Spanish Volunteer Division.
Oct 1 - 31, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 12. War journal concerning operations and the tactical situation in the Leningrad area,
Nov 1 - 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagenteil 3 z. KTB 12. Messages pertaining to the tactical situation, a report on ammunition consumption; a report on Schlammbewegliche Einheiten (units capable of advancing in mud), an activity report and overlay of the artillery commander, a report by the 170. Inf.Div. commander evaluating and castigating his infantry units for lack of nerve in combat performance, and a report on preparations for winter warfare.
Nov 1 - 15, 1942

T314 R1354
Ia, Anlagenteil 3 z. KTB 12. Messages pertaining to the tactical situation, a report on training units of the 250th Spanish Volunteer Division and the 170. Inf.Div., and reports on improving artillery fortifications and training of the Corps' artillery.
Nov 16 - 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 12. Strength reports and inventory of weapons and ammunition.
Nov 18, 1942 - Mar 1, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 13. War journal pertaining to operations and the tactical situation in the Pushkin area south of Leningrad.
Dec 1 - 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenteil 3 z. KTB 13. Messages, reports, and directives; a report and accompanying map on the probability of Russian airborne surprise landings in the AOK 18 area south of Leningrad during the winter months and instructions on what to do; reports on training of personnel of the Corps' units; and an overlay giving a graphic description of ice formation on the Neva River.
Dec 1 - 31, 1942

T314 R1355
Ia, Anlagenteil 3 z. KTB 13, Pionierunterlagen, Stellungsbau. Reports, maps, and overlays concerning construction of field fortifications, dugouts, and shelters for personnel, vehicles, and tanks; and directives on road maintenance during the winter months.
Nov 1 - Dec 8, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB's 11, 12 u. 13. Report citing necessity of greater mobility for commanders, afteraction report on commando-type raid employing flamethrowers, daily casualty lists, strength and ration reports, orders of the day, and proclamations.
Oct 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenteil 1 z. KTB 13, Kriegsgliederungen. Order of battle charts of the Corps and subordinate units in the Leningrad area.
Jul 6 - Dec 31, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. A brief report concerning activities in the Sevastopol area and in the northern sector in the vicinity of Leningrad.
Jul 6 - Dec 31, 1942
Ic, Anlagenband A z. TB. A list of captured prisoners of war and equipment in Sevastopol, maps and overlays containing information on enemy units facing the Corps on the Leningrad front, messages concerning casualties of the 250th Spanish Volunteer Division, and intelligence bulletins.
Jul 6 - Dec 31, 1942
Ic, Anlagenband B z. TB. Daily reports, chiefly on the tactical situation and on reconnaissance forwarded to AOK 18 by the Intelligence Branch.
Sep 7 - Dec 31, 1942
IIa, Tatigkeitsbericht, Kriegsrangliste. Monthly activity reports concerning the fall of Sevastopol; the visit of dignitaries such as the Japanese Ambassador to Germany, General Oshima, and the King of Rumania; awards; and promotions. Also, a list of officers' duty assignments.
Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 14. War journal concerning defensive operations, construction of fortifications, and Russian air and artillery activities along the Neva and Tosna Rivers in the Kolpino and Pushkin areas south of Leningrad. The Corps was subordinate to AOK 18 during this period under the commands of Gen.d.Kav. Erik Hansen and Gen.d.Inf. Karl Hilpert from Jan 20 to Aug 15, 1943.
Jan 1 - 23, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 14. Messages, directives, and reports on the tactical situation; a report, photographs, and diagrams on the use of skis in muddy territory; statistics on scouting and raiding parties; special supply orders; and a report citing tactics used in destroying Russian pillboxes made of earth.
Jan 1 - 23, 1943

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285. Sicherungs-Division

T315 R1880
Ib, KTB 2a. War journal concerning supply, transportation, and security activity; administrative service; and training in the Riga area of Latvia, the Tartu (Dorpat) area of Estonia, and the Pskov, Strugi Krasnye, Plyussa, Lyady, Luga, Krasnyye Gory, Novosel'ye, Voru, Tolmachevo, and Gatchina areas of Russia.
1942/01/01 - 1942/06/30
Ib, Anlagenband I zum KTB 2a. Orders, directives, and reports pertaining to reorganization, release, assignments, regrouping, changes in area boundaries, supply during the thaw period, and the transportation situation; maps showing the location of SichD 285 units; billeting surveys; notes on command conferences at supply headguarters; special directives concerning supply, supply troops, and supplying the 285.SichD combat troops; and activity reports of Ib/WuG (ordnance group) and Ib/K (motor transport unit), 1 Jan - 31 Mar 1942.
1941/12/21 -1942/04/02
Ib, Anlagen II zum KTB 2a. Orders relating to assignments, activity of the military occupation officer, medical and administrative service, supplying horses, road construction, escort for civilian transports to Germany, transportation situation, use of prisoners of war, and supplying combat troops; billeting surveys; notes on command conferences at field headguarters; special supply directives; and activity reports of Ib/WuG (ordnance group) and Ib/K (motor transport unit), 1 Apr - 30 Jun 1942.
1942/04/03 - 1942/07/01
IVa-IVd, FPM, III, TB als Anlagenband III zum KTB 2a Ib. Activity reports of the administrative, medical, and veterinary officers, the judge advocate, the chaplain, and postal officer 354.
1942/01/01 - 1942/06/30
Ic, IIa, TB. Activity report of the intelligence branch concerning partisan action and losses, execution of partisans, and operations against partisans; activity report of the personnel branch; lists of officers duty assignments; and casualty and strength reports.
1942/01/01 - 1942/06/30
Ia, KTB 2, Teil II. War journal concerning operations against partisans and airborne units, railroad security, execution of partisans, training, regrouping, and partisan activity and losses in the Strugi Krasnye, Plyussa, Lyady, Gdov, Luga, Tolmachevo, Krasnyye Gory, Novosel'ye, Voloshovo, and Pushkin areas; mopping-up action of Gefechtsgruppe SichD 285 in the Glukhaya Kerest' area, 1 - 13 Jul, movement to Rogavka, 14 - 15 Jul, and release from the command of AK 38 and disbandment and transfer of its units to SichD 285 in Luga, 16 Jul 1942.
1942/07/01 - 1942/12/31
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 2, Teil II, Daily reports and orders pertaining to operations against partisans and airborne units, execution of partisans, railroad security, and control of the civilian population; formation, organization, assignment, regrouping, training, release, and disbandment of SichD 285 units; partisan activity, strength, losses, and situation in the Strugi Krasnye, Plyussa, Lyady, Gdov, Luga, Tolmachevo, Krasnyye Gory, Novosel'ye, Voloshovo, and Pushkin areas; mopping-up action of Gefechtsgruppe SichD 285 in the Glukhaya Kerest' area, 1 - 13 Jul, movement to Rogavka, 14 - 15 Jul, and release from the command of AK 38 and disbandment and transfer of its units to SichD 285 in Luga, 16 Jul 1942.
Order-of-battle charts, notes on command conferences, a billeting survey, maps showing the location of SichD 285 units, directives relating to the organization and commitment of landeseigene Hilfskraefte, and casualty
1942/07/01 - 1943/01/01

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211. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1626
Ia, KTB 10. War journal concerning defensive engagements and counterattacks in the Zhizdra and Resseta Rivers sector, disengagement movement to and defense of the Granki and Lyubegoshchi areas east of Shchigry, 23 Jul - 8 Aug 1943, movement to the area south of Zhizdra, 9 - 13 Aug 1943, transfer to the area west of Kirov via Zhizdra, Dyatkovo, and Lyudinovo , 15 - 20 Aug 1943, defensive operations in the Kraychiki area west of Kirov, 21 Aug - 9 Sep 1943, disengagement movement to the Panther positions east of Rogachev via Luzhnitsa, Pyatnitskoye, Tyunino, Prigory, Grezinyat, Yershichi, Miloslavichi, Klimovichi, Chudyany, Slavqorod, and Staryy Bych, 10 Sep - 1 Oct 1943, defensive operations in the Slavgorod and Staryy Bych areas, 2 Oct - 7 Nov 1943, and movement to, 8 - 11 Nov 1943, and defensive operations in the Polotsk area, 12 Nov - 31 Dec 1943.
1943/07/01 - 1943/12/31
Ia, Anlaqenband 1 zum KTB 10. Defensive operations and counterattacks in the Zhizdra and Resseta Rivers sector, disengagement movements to and defense of the Granki and Lyubegoshchi areas east of Shohigry, 23 - 31 Jul 1943, regrouping, command conferences and inspections, training, and enemy unit identification and operations. Order-of-battle charts and casualty, strength, and status reports.
Ia, Anlaqenband 2 zum KTB 10. Defensive engagements in the Granki and Lyubegoshchi areas, movement to the area south of Zhizdra, 9 - 13 Aug 1943, transfer to the area west of Kirov via Zhizdra, Dyatkovo, and Lyudinovo, 15 - 20 Aug 1943, defensive operations in the Kraychiki area west of Kirov, 21 - 31 Aug 1943, antipartisan operations, artillery activity, command conferences, and the burning of all villages in the Shchigry area; order-of-battle charts; status and strength reports; and special supply directives.
1943/08/01 - 1943/08/31
Ia, Anlagenband 3 zum KTB 10. Defensive engagements west of Kirov, disengagement movements to the area east of Slavgorod via Luzhnitsa, Pyatnitskoye, Tyunino, Prigory, Grezinyat, Yershichi, Miloslavichi, Klimovichi, and Chudyany, 10 - 27 Sep 1943; order-of-battle charts; strength and status reports; and an afteraction report concerning defensive engagements west of Kirov, 7 - 9 Sep 1943.
1943/09/01 - 1943/09/27

PS В ролике большое количество карт

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285. Sicherungs-Division

T315 R1879
IVa, TB. Activity report of the administrative officer concerning rations, clothing, and other supplies, quartering, finance, and administrative service during formation, movements in Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, and Russia; and security activities and operations against partisans in the Pskov and Luga areas. Special directives relating to rear service, strength reports, photographs of supply installations in Russia, and maps showing the location of SichD 285 units.
1941/03/25 - 1941/12/31
Ia, KTB2, Teil I. War journal concerning operations against partisans, rail and road security, road and bridge construction, regrouping, guard activity, and partisan action and losses in the Pskov, Strugi Krasnye, Plyussa, Lyady, Luga, Zapol'ye, Voloshovo, Tolmachevo, and Gatchina areas, 1 Jan - 30 Jun 1942; position defense in the Yam-Tesovo area, 2 Apr - 1Jun; and offensive engagements in the Rogavka area of the Volkhov River pocket, 2 - 30 Jun, by Gefechtsgruppe SichD 285 (formed 1 Apr 1942).
1942/01/01 - 1942/06/30
Ia, Anlagen I zum KTB 2, Teil I. Daily reports and orders pertaining to operations against partisans and airborne units, including liquidation of partisans, securing railroads and supply routes, road and bridge construction, control of refugees, assignments, and regrouping; partisan activity, probable intentions, and losses in the Pskov, Strugi Krasnye, Plyussa, Lyady, Luga, Novosel'ye, Tolmachevo, Zapol'ye, and Gatchina areas, 1 Jan - 30 Apr 1942; and defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations of Gefechtsgruppe SichD 285 in the Yam-Tesovo, Lyutka, Filippovichi, Lyubishche, Donets, Nikulkino, and Voloskovo areas.
Order-of-battle charts, strength and casualty reports, notes on command conferences, plans for the defense of Luga, and maps showing the location of SichD 285 units.
1942/01/01 - 1942/04/30
Ia, Anlagen II zum KTB 2, Teil I. Daily reports, messages, and orders pertaining to operations against partisans and airborne units, including liquidation of partisans, securing railroad lines and supply routes and depots, regrouping, and partisan activity and losses in the Strugi Krasnye, Plyussa, Lyady, Zapol'ye, Luga, Novosel'ye, Krasnyye Gory, and Tolmachevo areas, 1 May - 30 Jun; defensive and assault operations in the Yam-Tesovo, Filippovichi, Donets, Lyubishche, and Voloskovo areas, 1 - 28 May; movement to and attack on Finev Lug, 29 May - 7 Jun; and offensive engagements in the Rogavka, Glukhaya Kerest', and Maloye Zamosh'ye areas, 8 - 30 Jun, by Gefechtsgruppe SichD 285. Reports regarding enemy operations in the area facing this combat group and activity reports of the intelligence branch for April and May 1942.
1942/05/01 - 1942/06/30

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Nachlass Wolfgang Vopersal

N 756/166b - 12. SS-Panzer-Division "Hitlerjugend"
Unterstellungsverhältnis, Gliederung und Einsätze März bis Mai 1945 sowie Vermisstensuchdienst und Kameradschaften nach 1945
Bd.: 5
Enthält u.a.:
Tagesmeldungen, Fernschreiben, Lageplanskizzen
Dokumentationen und Korrespondenz nach 1945
Erinnerungsberichte von Hubert Mayer
Enthält auch:
Pressestimmen zu NS-Prozessen
Fotografie von SS-Sturmbannfüher Johannes Taubert

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19. Panzer-Division

T315 R724
Ia, Anlagenband 3 z. KTB 2. Division and corps orders, reconnaissance and operations reports, training instructions, order of battle charts, maps, and reports on equipment and casualties.
Mar 4 - Apr 25, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 4 z. KTB 2. Corps and division orders, operation reports, and directives for improvement of frontline positions. Also, maps, sketches, and aerial photographs, and reports on training for Operation "Zitadelle."
Apr 25 - Jun 21, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 5 z. KTB 2, Gefechts- und Verpflegungsstarken.
Jan 1 - Sep 30, 1943

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291. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1911
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Unterlage der Gruppe Koechling und Endres. Orders, reports, radio messages, and maps pertaining to defensive and assault operations, attacks to close gaps caused by enemy penetration and thereby shorten the front lines; the condition, maintenance, construction, and security of roads, railroad lines, and bridges; traffic control; and supply during the thaw period by Gruppe Koechling and Endres in the Glubochka, Fedosino, Kamenka, Chervinskaya Luka, Veretye, Dubovik, Vyritsa, Lyuban, Chudovo, Lisino-Korpus, and Tigoda areas. Status, strength, and casualty reports; order-of-battle charts; special directives concerning supply and supply troops; data on enemy operations, movements, and unit identification and strength; and interrogation summaries.
1942/03/06 - 1942/05/26
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Division orders covering operations from the beginning of the invasion to the arrival at the Volkhov front (partly illegible).
1941/06/22 - 1942/02/13
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Tagesmeldungen I. Daily reports concerning operations (partly illegible).
1941/06/22 - 1942/03/03

T315 R1912
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Tagesmeldungen II. Daily reports concerning operations (partly illegible).
1942/03/04 - 1942/06/13
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Gefechtsberichte. Afteraction reports concerning operations of the 291.ID and its units (partly illegible).
1941/06/22 - 1941/08/27
Ia, KTB 6. War journal concerning movement to the Spasskaya Polist' area, 23 - 28 Jun; defensive operations; road maintenance; training; regrouping; operations against partisans in the Spasskaya Polist', Mikhalevo, Glubochka, Tregubovo, Sennaya Kerest', and Kolyazhka areas and securing the rear area south of Tosno and west of Lyuban and Chudovo, 29 Jun - 4 Nov; relief by the 28.JgD, 5 - 9 Nov; transfer of combat units from Chudovo and Babino, 8 - 17 Nov, and Ergaenzungsstaffeln from Chudovo, Babino, Tosno, and Lyuban to the area north of Nevel, 12 Nov - 9 Dec; and defensive operations in the area between Nevel and Velikiye Luki, 14 - 25 Nov 1942 (partly illegible).
1942/06/14 - 1942/11/26
Ia, KTB 7. War journal concerning defensive operations, offensive engagements, and regrouping in the Izocha, Ptakhino, Opukhliki, and Borshchanka areas between Nevel and Velikiye Luki, 26 Nov - 24 Dec; and defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations in the Novosokolniki, Kobylino, Velikiye Luki, and Pechishche areas, 24 Dec 1942 - 29 Jan 1943 (partly illegible).
1942/11/26 - 1943/01/29
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 6. Daily reports, orders, radio messages, and maps pertaining to movement to the Spasskaya Polist' area, 23 - 28 Jun ; defensive operations, artillery activity, and regrouping in the Spasskaya Polist', Mikhalevo, Kolyazhka, Glushitsa, and Tregubovo areas and securing the division's rear area south of Tosno and west of Lyuban and Chudovo, 29 Jun - 1 Aug 1942. Order-of-battle charts; strength and status reports; special directives concerning supply, supply troops, and signal communications; data on enemy operations and unit identification; interrogation summaries; and an intelligence bulletin (partly illegible).
1942/06/23 - 1942/08/01

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I. Armeekorps

T314 R75
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Tagesmeldungen an die Armee. Daily, morning and intermittent combat situation and activity reports to the 16th Army.
Aug. - Oct. 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Truppengliederungen. OB charts and troop distribution in I Corps.
July - Oct. 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Fahrt- und Besprechungsberichte. Reports on inspection trips of the Commanding General through combat sectors.
July - Oct. 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Unternehmen Blitz. Plans, sketches and messages for Operation "Blitz", a local assault east of Mitau, which was never executed.
October 1944
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Lagenkarten. Situation maps (1:50000), overlays (1:100000), and sketches showing I Corps main line of resistance between Mitau and Riga.
July - Oct. 1944
Ia, Lagenkarten zum KTB. Maps and overlays, scale 1:100000 and others showing I Corps and enemy tactical situation in the area.
July 31 - Oct. 8, 1944
Ia/Stopak, Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 2. Activity report of the Anti-Tank Officer; Corps orders, directives and messages.
July - Oct. 1944
Ia/Stopak, Anlage zum Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 2. Maps showing anti-tank artillery, assault gun batteries and Panzer Jager positions in various I Corps defensive lines during withdrawals in the Dvina, Mitau and Riga area.
July - Aug. 1944
Ia/Mess, Tatigkeitsbericht der Ia/Mess und der Korpskartenstelle 401. Activity report of the Map and Survey Officer giving a brief summarized report on work accomplished during Corps withdrawal movements.
July - Oct. 1944
Ia, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity reports of the Jager and Escort Detachment giving a brief summarized report on action taken in combatting partisans in the forest sectors around Friedrichstadt, Mitau and Jecava, including an overlay (1:300000) showing partisan situation during the month of August 1944.
July - Oct. 1944

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93. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1162
Ia, Krlegstagebuch 1. Formation and training in the Juterbog area, Sep 17 - Nov 16, 1939, transfer to the Bad Kreuznach area, and, in December to Dagstuhl near Saarbrucken for training and preparation for the western campaign, and the crossing of the French border near Tromborn on May 12; with a register of officers. The division was subordinate to the III. A.K., H.Gr. C, AOK 1, and the XXX. A.K., under the command of Gen.Lt. Otto Tiemann, Sep 25, 1939 - Oct 1, 1943.
Sep 17, 1939 - May 19, 1940
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 1, Befehle und Anordnungen, Orders, directives, and instructions concerning the formation of the division and training of troops.
Sep 14, 1939 - May 19, 1940
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 1, Spahtruppunternehmungen.
Jan 9 - May 1, 1940
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 1, Spahtruppmeldungen.
Nov 28, 1939 - May 14, 1940
Ia, Tatigkeitsbericht. Transfer of the division from the Saarland to the Cottbus, Luckau, Guben, and Lubben areas, the absence until Feb 1941, of about 40% of its personnel for employment in the national economy, and training of the remainder of the personnel. The division was subordinate to the III. A.K.
Jul 22, 1940 - Feb 18, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. TB. Division orders concerning training of recruits and quartering of troops on leave of absence for employment in the national economy.
Jul 23, 1940 - Feb 18, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1. The return of personnel from leave, transfer to Amiens, France, for occupation duty, marsh movements in June and July to Saarburg and by train to the Gumbinnen (Gusev) area in East Prussia, attack in July and August across Estonia, the advance to the Oranienbaum area via Kingisepp, and position warfare along the Oranienbaum front. The division was subordinate to Hoh.Kdo. z.b.V. XXXII, Befh.d.ruckw. Heeresgebiet Nord, AOK 18, and the XXVI. A.K., successively.
Feb 14 - Dec 31, 1941

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7. Panzer-Division

T315 R427
Ia, Anlagenband 6 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr.4. Aufgenommene und abgesandte Funkspruche "Hand streich Toulon".
Nov 27, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband 7 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr.4. Karten und Planpausen.
Nov 8 - Dec 18, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband 8 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr.4. Bericht des Marinedetachements Gumprich - ab Nov 28, 1942 "Seekommandant Toulon".
Nov 24 - Dec 5, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr.5. Teil I.
Dec 19, 1942 - Mar 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 1 (Nr. 1-91) zum Kriegstagebuch Nr.5, Teil I. Orders, teletype messages.
Jan 1 - Feb 28, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 2 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr.5, Teil I. Morgen-, Tages- und Zwischenmeldungen der Division an Korps.
Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 3 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr.5, Teil I. Tagesmeldungen der Truppe an Division.
Dec 31, 1942 - Jan 31, 1943

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LV. Armeekorps

T314 R1379
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4, Teil II; IIa, Tatigkeitsbericht. War journal pertaining to operations in the Zhizdra, Bystosh, Petrovski, Zavod, Rognedino, Krestovaya, Kuzmichi, Moravil, andKhatovnya areas, and an activity report of the Personnel Branch concerning the assignment of units, personnel changes, and decorations awarded from Jul 1 to Dec 31, 1943.
Jul 1 - Oct 1, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4, Teil II. War journal concerning operations in Khotovnya, Tursk, and Tikhinichi in the Bobruisk area.
Oct 2 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 4, Teil II. Daily reports, messages, orders, and maps pertaining to operations, the tactical situation, and unit boundaries.
Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1943

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I. Armeekorps

T314 R77
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Meldungen des Gen. Kdos. Situation and battle reports, messages and correspondence between higher and subordinate echelons.
Oct. - Nov. 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Eingegangene Meldungen. Situation and battle reports, messages, maps, sketches and OB charts from subordinate units.
Oct. - Nov. 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Tagesmeldungen der Divisionen u.d. Armee. Daily, morning and intermittent combat situation and battle reports and messages from subordinate divisions pertaining to own and enemy situation.
Oct. - Nov. 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Fahrtberichte und Truppengliederungen. Reports on inspection trips conducted by the Commanding General of the I Corps through the combat area and the main line of resistance.
Oct. - Dec. 1944
Ia, Situation maps (1:100000 & 1:50000) and sketches showing combat positions of the I Corps in various stages on the Latvian front; also positions of the artillery, infantry, and Jager divisions.
Oct. - Dec. 1944
Ia/Mess, Anlage zum KTB der Abt. Ia/Mess und der Korps Kartenstelle 401, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report of the 401st Map and Survey Officer giving a brief summarized report on work accomplished during the shifting of Corps Headquarters to Latvia with no available map reserves on hand.
Oct. - Nov. 1944
Ia/Band, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report of the I Corps Operations Branch/Anti-Partisan Detachment, describing actions and events encountered in combatting partisans mainly in the Corps rear area and in the wooded sectors of Libau. Included is a situation map showing the location of areas infiltrated by partisans.
Oct. - Dec. 1944
Ia/Stopak, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report of the Anti-tank Officer describing own and enemy combat activities and measures taken in the defense of the I Corps MLR and blocking of enemy advances by means of obstacle construction, anti-tank gun emplacements, employment of Panzer-Jager divisions, assault-gun batteries, close combat weapons, etc. in the area around Libau.
Oct. - Dec. 1944
Qu, Tatigkeitsberichte der Abt. IVa, IVb, IVc, V, und FPA 401, zum KEB Nr. 14. Activity reports of the Administrative, Medical, Veterinary, and Motor Tranport Officers, and of the 401st Feld Post Office giving a brief summarized report on their activities performed since the assignment of the Corps to the 18th Army.
Oct. - Dec. 1944
Qu, Kriegstagebuch 14. War Journal of the I Corps Supply Branch dealing with own and enemy combat activities, blasting of supply trains, acute shortages in ammunition and fuel, evacuation of the civilian population, construction of supply depots, and stock-piling of food and material at Libau.
Oct. - Dec. 1944
Qu, Anlagenband zum KTB Nr. 14. Special directives for supply and supply troops pertaining to matters such as housing, clothing, food rationing, raw forage supplies, sanitation, conservation of fuel and gasoline, maintenance of motor vehicles and equipment, search for missing soldiers, evacuation of the wounded, field post regulations, traffic control, etc.
Oct. - Dec. 1944

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88. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1154
Ia, Anlagenbande I-III z. KTB 6. Corps and division orders and reports, and reports and messages of subordinate units, order of battle charts, and maps and overlays.
Apr 17 - Sep 30, 1942
Ia, Anlage Sonderakt "Auffrischung". Army, corps, and division reports concerning rehabilitation of divisions within AOK 2; improvement of antitank defenses; replacement of personnel, horses, and equipment; and order of battle charts.
Jan 20 - Jun 10, 1942
Ia, Anlage Sonderakt "Feldersatzbataillon". Corps and division reports concerning training of Feldersatzbataillon 88 (88th Field Replacement Battalion) in Wehrkreis XIII and transfer to the division frontline in the Kursk area.
May 4 - Jul 23, 1942
Ia, Ic, Berichte uber die Abwehrkampfe bei II./I.R. 246. Reports concerning defensive operations by the II.Bataillon of Infanterie-Regiment 246 in the Livny area northeast of Kursk.
Oct 9 - 16, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 7. Withdrawal from the Don River bridgehead to the Oskol River, to the vicinity of Starya Oskol, west to Livny, and later to Rylsk west of Kursk. The division was subordinate to the VII.A.K., Korpsgruppe Siebert, and the VII. and XIII.A.K., successively, during this period under the command of Gen.Lt. Friedrich Gollwitzer and Obst. Heinrich Roth, who assumed command of the division on Mar 9, 1943.
Jan 6 - Mar 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband z. KTB 7. Corps and division orders, reports, and messages.
Jan 28 - Mar 30, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 8. The breakthrough from encirclement between Voronezh and Kursk and retreat west to the vicinity of Rylsk, regrouping and partisan warfare in the Rylsk area; lists of officers duty assignments and combat and ration strength reports. The division was subordinate to the XIII.A.K., AOK 2, and the VII.A.K. during this period.
Apr 1 - Jun 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 1 z. KTB 8. Corps and division orders concerning Operation "Sommerzeit" (operation by the XIII.A.K. to breakout the 88.Inf.Div. from encirclement between Voronezh and Kursk in April 1943 and withdrawal to the Rylsk area), reports and messagesof subordinate units, order of battle charts, and maps and overlays.
Apr 1 - Jun 26, 1943
Ia, Gefechtsbericht. Afteraction report concerning the division's defensive operations and counterattacks in the combat sectors "Durer" and "Donau", located between Kursk and Voronezh, while the division was subordinate to the LV.A.K. Due to encirclement all the division's records for the period Oct 1, 1942 to Jan 5, 1943, were destroyed to keep them from falling into enemy hands.
Oct 1, 1942 - Jan 5, 1943
Ia, Gefechtsbericht. Afteraction report and an operations report on measures taken for withdrawal.
Jan 23 - Feb 18, 1943
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. The enemy situation on the frontline north of Rylsk, German and enemy propaganda, intelligence bulletins, reports on the attitude of the civilian population and partisans, summaries of interrogations of deserters, and maps and overlays.
Apr 1 - Jun 30, 1943

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Panzer-Grenadier-Division Großdeutschland

T315 R2283
Ia, KTB 2. War journal concerning movement from Stalino to the area south of Rzhev via Smolensk, Vyazma, and Sychevka, 18 - 31 Aug 1942; defensive operations in the Osuga River sector, 1 Sep - 4Oct; movement to and defense of the Olenino area, 5 - 31 Oct, and the Vasil'yeva and Olenino areas, 1 - 26 Nov; defense against the Russian breakthrough in the Kholmets, Glukhovo, and Spas Bereza areas, 27 - 29 Nov; formation of Gruppe Gen.Hoernlein, 30 Nov; defense of the Luchesa River sector, 30 Nov 1942 - 5 Jan 1943; relief by the 110.ID, 6 - 9 Jan, and movement to Volchansk via Smolensk and Belgorod, 10 - 26 Jan; defensive operations in the Dvurechnaya, Valuyki, and Volokonovka areas and securing the Volchansk area, 23 - 27 Jan, and the area between Novyy Oskol and Korocha, 28 Jan - 1 Feb; and disengagement movements in the Bogdanovka, Korocha, and Bol'shoye Gorodishche areas, 2 - 8 Feb. Withdrawal to and defense of the Volchansk and Dolbino area, 8 - 10 Feb, the Liptsy and Veseloye area, 10 - 12 Feb, and Kharkov, 13 - 16 Feb; disengagement movements in the Lyubotin, Ogul'tsy, and Valki areas, 17 - 25 Feb; movement to the Reshetilovka and Poltava area as a reserve of Armeeabteilung Kempf, 26 Feb - 2 Mar; advance and offensive engagements in the Fedorovka, Ol'shany, Bogodukhov, Kozinka, Borisovka, and Tomarovka areas, 3 - 23 Mar; withdrawal to and training and rehabilitation in the Poltava and Oposhnya area, 24 - 31 Mar; defense of the Tomarovka area by part of division, 24 - 26 Mar; and movement to Grayvoron as a reserve of Armeeabteilung Kenpf, 27 - 31 Mar.
1942/08/18 - 1943/03/31
Ia, Anlage 1 zum KTB 2, Spruch- und Befehlsanlagen. Orders and messages pertaining to movement to and assault operations in the Osuga River sector south of Rzhev via Smolensk, Yartsevo, Izdeshkovo , Vyazma, and Sychevka; also reconnaissance operations, billeting, minefield clearing, and operations against partisans along the march route. Special directives concerning supply and signal communications and data relating to partisan activity.
1942/08/18 - 1942/08/31
Ia, Anlage 2 zum KTB 2, Spruch- und Befehlsanlagen. Orders and messaaes pertaining to preparations for assault operations, road construction, operations against partisans, and training in antitank warfare in the Osuga River sector, 1 - 9 Sep 1942, and the execution of Unternehmen Sedan (assault operations to destroy the Russian bridgehead across the Osuga River in the Dubakino and Medvedevo area south of Rzhev and west of Zubtsov, 10 - 18 Sep). Periodic status reports, special directives concerning the gathering of the harvest, and data relating to enemy air and artillery activity and tank losses.
1942/09/01 - 1942/09/15
Ia, Anlage 3 zum KTB 2, Spruch- und Befehlsanlagen. Orders and messages pertaining to assault, reconnaissance, and defensive operations, securing supplies for the rainy season, troop discipline, and construction of quarters and storage buildings in the area south of Rzhev and west of Zubtsov. Periodic status reports and data relating to enemy tank losses and artillery activity and methods of combatting it.
1942/09/16 - 1942/09/30

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5. Panzer-Division

T315 R277
Ia, Anlagenband Nr. 1 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 15. Front line operation reports.
Jul. 1 - Sep. 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband Nr. 2 sum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 15. Routine supply matters, failure of equipment and lines of defense.
Jul. 1 - Sep. 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband Nr. 3 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 15. Operation and situation reports from various subordinate units.
Jul. 1 - Sep. 30, 1943

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12. Panzer-Division

T315 R636
Ia ,Anlagenheft 4 z. KTB 5. Radio and teletype messages, maps, and corps and division orders.
Sep 6 - 30, 1943
Ic, IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte z. KTB 5.
Jun 1 - Sep 30, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5, Teil II. War journal concerning the operations of the division in the Orel, Karachev, Bryansk, Desna River, Gomel, and Zhlobin areas. The division was subordinate to the XLVI. and XLVII. Pz.K. (Stab Breitenbuch), Gruppe von Esebeck, Pz.AOK 2,112. J.D. (Gruppe Wuthmann), 26. J.D. (Gruppe Wiese), XXXV. A.K., AOK9, and LVI. Pz.K. at various times during this period and under the command of Generalleutnant Traut from Aug 1943.
Jun 1 - Sep 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagenheft 1 z. KTB 5. Reports, maps, and training regulations.
Jun 1 - Jul 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenheft 2 z. KTB 5. Corps and division orders and radio and teletype messages.
Aug 1 - Sep 30, 1943
Ic, IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte z. KTB 5.
Jun 1 - Sep 30, 1943

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13. Panzer-Division

T315 R642
Ia, Anlagenband I, Heft 1 z. KTB 6, Geheime Befehle und Meldungen.
Dec 17, 1941 - Jun 11, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband I, Heft 2 z. KTB 6, Offene Befehle und Meldungen.
Dec 17, 1941 - Jun 11, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband III z. KTB 6, Gefechtsberichte.
Jan 8 - Mar 17, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsberichte.
Dec 16, 1941 - Jun 15, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 7, Heft 1, Textband. War journal concerning operations and activities in the Taganrog and Terek areas. The division was subordinate to Gruppe von Wietersheim, Gruppe Wetzel, Gruppe Kirchner, the XLIX. Geb.K., LVII., III., and XL. Pz.K., LII. A.K., and the III. Pz.K., successively.
Jun 16 - Oct 8, 1942

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A3343: SS Officers' Service Records

The SS Officers' Service Records consist of personnel dossiers for more than 61,000 SS officers with the rank of SS Untersturmf?hrer (second lieutenant) and above, arranged alphabetically by surname. These constitute personnel files maintained by the SSPersonalhauptamt (SS Personnel Main Office) in Berlin, later supplemented by the BDC with records from other collections. Included are individuals who belonged to the Allgemeine-SS (general SS), Waffen-SS (the military branch of the SS), Sicherheitsdienst (SS security service), and SS and police security formations, including the Gestapo (secret state police). Waffen-SS officers include many non-Germans of various European nationalities. The date span of records contained in the dossiers extends from 1932 to as late as March 1945. Comprehensive information for all SS officers, however, cannot be verified, as the German collapse precluded the regular maintenance of personnel records after January 1945.

Roll SSO-178A
Kleinermanns, Werner bis Klemens, Gustav

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23. Panzer-Division

T315 R791
Ia, Verschlussachen, Erfahrungs-, Zustands- und Gefechtsberichte.
May 12 - 29, 1942
Ia, Tatigkeitsbericht. [Described with the records of the 23. Inf.Div.]
Dec 1, 1942 - Jan 19, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1, Formation of the division, Sep 21, 1941 to Mar 14, 1942, in the Paris area, transfer to Kharkov, and defensive operations in the Kharkov, Chuguev, and Volchansk areas. The division was subordinate to AOK 6, and the LI. and VIII, A.K., successively, under the command of Gen.Maj. Hans Freiherr von Boineburg-Lengsfeld.
Sep 21, 1941 - May 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 1. Reports, orders of the division and from superior headquarters, and messages.
May 12 - Jun 20, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 2, Bande 1-3. Advance of the division to the Terek River via Kharkov, Volchansk, Volokonovka, Chetkovo, Millerovo, Voroshilovsk, Voroshilovgrad, the Kuban River, Baksan, Prokhladny, and Mozdok by the end of August; and the retreat in Oct and Nov to the Voroshilovsk area. The division was subordinate to the XL. Pz.K. from May 30 to Jul 4 and from Jul 7 to Aug 26, 1942, and to the XLVIII. and III. Pz.K., and Pz.AOK 1, successively, under the command of Gen.Maj. Hans Freiherr von Boineburg-Lengsfeld and Gen.Maj. Erwin Mack from Jul 20 to Aug 26, 1942.
May 30 - Nov 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 2, Gefechts- und Verpflegungsstarken.
Jun - Dec 1942
Ia, Anlagenband 1 z. KTB 2. Messages, orders, and afteraction reports.
May 30 - Jul 9, 1942

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1. SS-Panzer-Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler

T354 R609
Ia, Befehle. Orders and instructions for the 1. SS Rqt. Laibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler pertaining to transfer from Berlin, Wehrkreis III, to the Bernstadt, Hundsfeld, and Oels areas east of Breslau for assembly and preparations for the attack on Poland, 24 - 30 Aug; advance and offensive engagements in the Kepno, Wielun, Zdunska Wola, and Lodz areas, 31 Aug - 10 Sep; attack on and capture of Warsaw and the Modlin fortress, 11 - 27 Sep; and movement to Wiskitki via Blonie. This regiment was attached to the 17.ID, 2 - 9 Sep; the 4.PzD, 10 - 20 Sep; and the 29.ID, 21 - 30 Sep 1939. Also includes special directives concerning signal communication and air force, order-of-battle charts, a list of intelligence officers duty assignments, and combat and training directives.
1939/08/03 - 1939/09/30
Ic, Nachrichten. Instructions relating to preparations for the attack on Poland and later to occupation duty, a report with maps pertaining to German settlements in Poland, a pamphlet regarding the political questions of the day, road maps of Poland, and periodic intelligence bulletins, 12 Aug - 27 Sep 1939, including data on enemy unit identification and Polish officers' duty assignments.
1939/08/12 - 1939/10/01
Ib, Besondere Anordnung fuer die Versorgung. Special directives concerning supply.
1939/08/16 - 1939/09/30
Ia, Taegliche Funkmeldungen. Daily radio messages, casualty reports, a list of personnel duty assiqnments, and an afteraction report concerning combat operations of "LSSAH", 7 Sep 1939.
1939/08/24 - 1939/09/30
Ia, Gefechtsbericht Jugoslawien - Griechenland vom 6.4. bis 24.4.1941 der Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler. Afteraction report of "LSSAH" concerning movement from Radomir, Bulgaria to Kyustendil for assembly, 5 - 6 Apr; invasion of and movement across Yuqoslavia via Probistip, Kumanovo, Titov Veles, Prilep, and Bitolj, 7 - 10 Apr; advance and offensive engagements in the Phlorina, Kastoria, Siatista, Grevena, and Ioannina areas, Greece, 10 - 21 Apr; signing of an armistice with the Greek Armed Forces and occupation of the demarkation line west of Ioannina, 21 - 24 Apr 1941; and casualty reports.
1941/04/06 - 1941/04/24
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2. War journal concerning transfer from Prague, Czechoslovakia, to Bad Ems, Germany, 5 - 14 Nov; training and regrouping in the Bad Ems and Koblenz area, 15 Nov 1939 - 28 Feb 1940, and in the Luedinghausen and Rheine areas, 29 Feb - 12 Apr; assembly and preparations for the invasion of The Netherlands in the Anholt and Ahaus areas, 13 Apr - 12 May; advance, offensive operations, and occupation of The Hague, 12 - 15 May; withdrawal to Arnhem, 16 - 17 May; movement via Hertogenbosch and Eindhoven to the Loos, Huy, and Dinant areas, Belgium, 17 - 20 May; advance into France and offensive engagements in the Hesdin, Saint-Omer, and Dunkirk areas, 21 - 31 May; movement to and offensive operations in the Combles and Peronne areas northeast of Amiens, 1 - 8 Jun; attack across the Marne Biver in the Chateau-Thierry area and offensive engagements southward in the Provins, Clamecy, and Salers areas south of Lyon, 9 - 21 Jun; movement to and security duty in the Saint-Etienne area, 22 Jun - 3 Jul; movement north of the demarkation line to the area north of Autun, 4 - 6 Jul; movement to and security and parade activities in Paris, 7 - 26 Jul; and movement to Metz, 27 - 28 Jul 1940. A register of officers and casualty and strength reports. (This document was badly burnt.)
1939/11/05 - 1940/07/28

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208. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1617
Ia, Anlagenband 1 zum KTB 1. Orders, reports, and overlays pertaining to defensive operations in the Zhizdra area and movement to and defensive engagements in the Bolkhov and Gnezdolovo areas in April 1943; training schedules and directives; notes on command inspections; order-ot-battle charts; a strength report; a billeting survey for the Bolkhov area; and special directives concerning signal communications.
1942/12/07 - 1943/04/30
Ia, Anlagenband 2 zum KTB 1. Orders and reports pertaining to training and defensive operations in the Bolkhov area; activity report of the Feldgendarmerietrupp 208 and the judge advocate for April 1943; strength and status reports; order-of-battle charts; special signal communications directives; and attraction critiques relating to the use of antitank weapons and paramilitary training with the Hitler Jugend.
1943/05/01 - 1943/05/31
Ia, Anlagenband 3 zum KTB. Orders, directives, reports, and overlays pertaining to defensive operations, construction of defensive positions, training, and enemy operations and unit identification in the Bolkhov and Oka River areas; order-of-battle charts and special signal communications directives.
1943/06/01 - 1943/06/30
Ic, TB. Activity report concerning enemy operations, unit identification, and partisan activity; control of the civilian population; and German propaganda, counterintelligence activity, and troop entertainment and indoctrination.
1942/11/01 - 1943/03/31
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report concerning enemy operations, unit identification, and partisan activity; control of the civilian population; and German propaganda, counterintelligence activity, and troop entertainment and indoctrination. Intelligence bulletins, interrogation summaries, special directives regarding intelligence service, and maps showing tne tactical disposition of enemy forces in the Zhizdra area in April and Bolkhov area in May and June 1943.
1943/04/01 - 1943/06/30
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report pertaining to enemy operations, unit identification, partisan activity, and tactical situation; and counterintelligence activity, antipartisan operations, German propaganda, and troop entertainment and indoctrination. Interrogation summaries; maps showing the tactical disposition of German and enemy forces in the Bolkhov area, June - July 1943, and in the Belopole and Vorozhba areas, August 1943.
1943/07/01 - 1943/08/31
Ia, KTB. War journal concerning withdrawal to and defensive operations in the Radomyshl and Zhitomir areas. (There were no Ia records available for the period 1 July - 6 Nov 1943, and according to situation maps Lage Ost the division withdrew from Bolkhov to Navlya via Karachev, 21 Jul - 5 Aug, was reorganized as Kampfgruppe 208, 6 Aug, and moved to the area west of Kiev and east of Radomyshl via Seredina Buda, Konotop, Krasnyy Kolyadin, Nezhin, Oster, and Dymer, 7 Aug - 6 Nov 1943.)
1943/11/07 - 1943/12/31

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XXXX. Panzerkorps

T314 R962
Ia, Aus der Kriegsgeschichte eines Panzerkorps. Excerpt from the war journal of the Operations Branch containing a manuscript for an unofficial unit history, giving detailed accounts of the battle in the Caucasus.
Aug 22 - Nov 30, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4. War journal pertaining to daily combat activity and the tactical situation along the front in the area of Volchansk, Bataisk, Rostov, Taganrog, and Terek. Details on Operation "Wilhelm" (offensive operation in the Volchansk area), a list of enemy losses, and data on the withdrawal to Rostov and Taganrog.
May 2, 1942 - Jan 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagen 1-134 z. KTB 4. Reports, orders, directives, messages, order of battle charts, notes, and maps concerning daily combat activity and the tactical situation in the area of Volchansk, Volchya, and Oskol and including data on the preparation and execution of Operation "Blau" (offensive operation in the Voronezh area).
Apr 29 - Jul 14, 1942
Ia, Anlagen 134a-290 z. KTB 4. Reports, orders, messages, notes, and maps concerning daily combat activity and the tactical situation in the area of Romanovskaya, Nikolayevskaya, and Orlovskaya, with details on the execution of Operation "Blau," and a listing of enemy defensive actions and losses.
Jul 16 - Sep 3, 1942

T314 R968
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5, Band 6. War journal relating to preparations for meeting an expected enemy attack in force, patrols sent out to take prisoners, the shortage of ammunition for howitzers and mortars, and enemy and own casualties; daily operations reports, situation maps (1:100000 and n.s.); and a summary of the Corps' situation.
Jul 1 - 31, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5, Band 7. War journal pertaining to orders, directives, messages, and operations, casualty reports by subordinate units which were overrun and encircled, data on materiel losses, artillery and situation reports, maps (1:100000), a memorandum on measures to be taken during withdrawal from the Donets, and order of battle charts.
Aug 1 - 31, 1943

T314 R970
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 6, Band 2. War journal covering operations, organizations, and personnel matters. Also, group operations orders on tactics and reorganization, daily operation reports, situation maps (1:100000 and 1:300000) and General Schoerner's rebuke to his officers for poor leadership. The XXIX. A.K., the IV. A.K., and the 24.Panzer-Division became subordinate to the XL. Corps, which was then designated as "Gruppe Henrici." On Nov 19 it became "Gruppe Eberbach" and on Nov 25 it became "Gruppe Schoerner."
Nov 1 - 30, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 6, Band 3. War journal relating to operational and administrative matters, daily operations reports, group operations orders, situation maps (1:50000 and 1:100000), and directives for digging in on the Dnieper west bank. The XVII. A.K. became subordinate to the Gruppe Schoerner on Dec 2, 1943.
Dec 1 - 31, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 6, Band 4. War journal concerning operations and organisation. Also, army and Gruppe Schoerner operations order and reports; reports on casualties, materiel losses, and replacements; order of battle of Gruppe Schoerner and its elements; General Schoerner's memorandum on training in which he urges more political indoctrination; situation maps (1:25000 and 1:100000); and a report that units of the 1st Army had been assigned to the 6th Army.
Jan 1 - 31, 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 6, Band 5. War journal containing Army and Gruppe Schoerner operation orders and reports, strength and weapon reports, situation maps (1:100000 and 1:300000), a report praising German troops for their defense of Nikopol; and information about the movement of Corps headquarters to the Khristoforovka-Peresadovka area.
Feb 1 - 20, 1944

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262. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1834
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 2. Orders, reports, and messages pertaining to defensive operations and counterattacks in the Rybnitsa River sector and in the Berezovets, Vshod, Voroshilovo, Sury, Kalganovka, and Telegino areas, 1 - 31 Jul; disengagement movement to the Stish and Lavrovo areas south of Orel, 1 - 4 Aug; movement westward to Karachev and Bryansk, 4 - 10 Aug; departure for Yelnya, 11 Aug; defense of the Ugra River sector and the Ustinova and Korobets areas southeast of Yelnya, 13 - 28 Aug; and withdrawal to the Verbilovo area, 29 - 31 Aug. An order-of-battle chart, status and strength reports, and reports regarding enemy military operations.
1943/07/01 - 1943/08/31
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 2, Ausbau Pantherstellung. Reports on the construction of the Pantherstellung.
1943/08/31 - 1943/10/01
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 2, Ausbau Dnjepr-Brueckenkoepfe. Orders and tables relating to reconnaissance for and construction of the Dnieper River bridgeheads in the Zhlobin-Rogachev and Bykhov areas, the planned relief by the 321.ID, and movement of the division staff and noncombatant units to Mogilev for construction of the Baerenstellung, 19 Oct 1943; directives concerning consolidation of battle-weary units as Div.Gr. 262 and incorporation into the 56.ID; order-of-battle charts; and a status report.
1943/10/01 - 1943/10/16
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report concerning enemy infantry, armored, artillery, air, partisan, assault, and reconnaissance-troop and entrenchment activities, losses, and unit identification; counterintelligence; operations against partisans; and troop indoctrination and entertainment. Interrogation summaries; reports regarding the transfer of the Pantherstellungen to combat troops and initial construction of bridgeheads at Zhlobin, Rogachev, and Bykhov, 1 - 2 Oct 1943; and maps showing the location of enemy units facing the 262.ID.
1943/01/01 - 1943/10/31
Ia, KTB 2. War journal concerning the designation of the division staff and noncombatant units as Division-Rahmen 262.ID, also known as Stab 262.ID, and its subordination to Baustab 12 for construction and defense of the Mogilev bridgehead and the Baerenstellung from Mogilev to Bobruisk, 1 - 24 Nov, and release from Baustab 12 and movement to Orsha via Mogilev for assignment and transfer to Heeresgruppe F, 25 - 30 Nov 1943.
1943/11/01 - 1943/11/30
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 2. Orders, messages, and maps pertaining to reconnaissance for and construction, security, and defense of the Baerenstellung in the Mogilev, Shklov, Kopys, and Orsha areas and of the bridgehead of Mogilev by Baustab 12 (Stab 262.ID); tables showing units of the 262.ID assigned to OKH and AOK 4; directives concerning the consolidation of the 262. and 56.ID for formation of Korps-Abt.D, 26 Oct 1943, and the 337. and 113.ID, the 342. and 330.ID, and the 197. and 52.ID to bring them to full division strength; and an order-of-battle chart.
1943/10/20 - 1943/10/31
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 2. Orders and messages pertaining to construction and defense of the Mogilev bridgehead and the Baerenstellung from Mogilev to Bobruisk by Baustab 12 (Stab 262.ID) under the command of Oberst von Parseval, release of Stab 262.ID and planned assignment and transfer to Heeresgruppe F; status reports of all Stab 262.ID units, 30 - 31 Oct 1943; and maps showing the location of the Mogilev bridgehead and the Baerenstelluag with its antitank defense.
1943/11/01 - 1943/11/30
Ic, IIa, TB. Activit y report of the intelligence branch of Baustab 12 (Stab 262.ID) concerning operations against partisans and troop entertainment and indoctrination and an activity report of the personnel branch.
1943/11/01 - 1943/11/30

277. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1867
Ia, KTB. War journal concerning the release of units in Bitche by Wehrkreis XII to the 277.ID, 11 Jan; movement to Toulouse and Narbonne, France, 19 Jan; quartering, coastal defense, occupation duty, training, and regrouping in the Narbonne, Carcassonne, Beziers, Pezenas, and Sigean areas, 25 Jan - 16 Jun; alert and movement to the Vire and Flers areas via Toulouse, Bordeaux, Sauraur, Tours, Laval, and Le Mans, 16 - 30 Jun; and movement and defensive engagements and counterattacks in the Noyers-Bocage, Gavrus, Bougy, and Vassy areas southwest of Caen, 1 - 25 Jul 1944.
1944/01/11 - 1944/07/25

296. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1954
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 2 und 5, Operationsbefehle II. Orders and messages pertaining to control of refugees and securing of the harvest in the Aisne Department, 4 - 10 Jul, movement to and occupation duty in Liege Province, Belgium, 11 Jul - 25 Aug, and movement to the Dunkirk area for coastal defense, 26 Aug - 17 Sep 1940.
1940/07/04 - 1940/09/17
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 5, Operationsbefehle III. Orders and messages pertaining to coastal, air, and harbor defense in the Gravelines, Dunkirk, and Purnes areas, 24 Sep 1940 - 31 Jan 1941; and relief by the 267.ID and movement to the area southwest of Brussels, 1 - 7 Feb 1941.
1940/09/24 - 1941/02/07
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 5, Fall Seeloewe. Orders and correspondence relating to preparations for the anticipated invasion of England.
1940/09/25 - 1941/01/21
Ia, KTB 3, Teil I. War journal concerning securing of the Kodra River sector, 15 - 23 Aug, and the Irpen River area, 24 Aug - 14 Sep; battle for Kiev, 15 - 20 Sep; offensive and defensive operations in the Brovary and Borispol areas east of Kiev, 20 - 25 Sep; advance to Borzna, 26 Sep - 5 Oct; crossing the Desna River near Korop and advance from the Orlovka area to the Trubchevsk area, 6 - 11 Oct; defensive operations in the Trubchevsk area, 12 - 18 Oct; and advance and offensive engagements in the Ostraya Luka, Altukhovo, Vygonichi, and Bryansk areas, 19 - 28 Oct 1941.
1941/08/15 - 1941/10/28
Ia, KTB 3, Teil II. War journal concerning mopping-up action in the Bryansk area, 29 Oct - 5 Nov; advance from Bryansk to the Bogdanovka area west of Orel, 6 - 16 Nov; offensive engagements in the areas west and south of Orel, 16 - 21 Nov; advance to and offensive engagements in the Chern, Krapivna, and Yasnaya Polyana areas, 22 - 30 Nov; defensive operations in the Tula area, 1 - 12 Dec; and withdrawal to and defensive operations in the Plava River sector, along the tfpa River to the Odoyevo area, in the Belev area, and west of the Oka River, 13 Dec 1941 - 31 Mar 1942. Casualty and strength reports, 6 Mar 1941 - 31 Mar 1942.
1941/10/29 - 1942/03/31

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XVII. Armeekorps

T314 R591
Ia, Anlagen 2-8 z. KTB 9. Reports, orders, charts, maps, and overlays pertaining to military operations along the Dnieper River.
Oct 11 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 11, War journal containing tactical information on defensive operations northeast of Nikopol, withdrawal from Nikopol, and defense of various other German positions.
Jan 1 - Mar 30, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 11. Tactical reports on defensive operations in the "Ilse" position (the Tomakovka position northeast of Nikopol).
Jan 1 - 10, 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 12. War journal covering defensive operations along the Dniester River and at the Raut bridgehead during April, and defensive operations in the Carpathian Mountains in May 1944.
Apr 1 - Jun 30, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 12. Tactical information on corps operations, traffic control, and construction at Dniester crossing points, and on defensive operations in the Raut bridgehead later in the month.
Apr 1 - 10, 1944

XIX. Gebirgs-Armeekorps

T314 R646
Ia, Anlagenbande 10-11 z. KTB Russland 6, Anlagen 644-808. Daily reports, a map (1:300000) identifying units engaged in manning the coastal defense installations in northern Finland and adjacent areas, order of battle data, and organizational charts.
May 1 - 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband 12 z. KTB Russland 6, Anlagen 809-859. Daily reports, including reports on a naval exercise undertaken to determine the adequacy of German-Finnish coastal defenses in case of attempted Soviet landings.
Jun 1 - 10, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband 13 z. KTB Russland 6, Anlagen 860-978. Daily reports, supplemental data to a German Army manual concerning supply of a mountain infantry battalion, and a map (1:50000) and allied data on a training exercise.
Jun 3 - 30, 1944

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7. Panzer-Division

T315 R406
Ia, Kriegstagebueh Nr. 3 (Fuhrungsabteilung), Einsatz Sowjetrussland.
Jun 1, 1941 - May 9, 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebueh Nr. 3, Teil I. Reports, orders, maps, combat experience.
Jun 1 - Sep 27, 1941

T315 R436
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 3 (Zweitschrift). Duplicate of a part of document 24797/1.
Mar 16 - May 9, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4 Drittschrift. Duplicate of document 38743/1.
Nov 8 - Dec 18, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5, Teil I Drittschrift. Duplicate of document 36743/10.
Dec 19, 1942 - Mar 31, 1943
Ia, Erfahrungsberichte, Polen und Tschechei.
Mar 22 - Nov 1, 1939
Ia, Gefechtsbericht ueber den Feldzug in Russland 1941. Maps.
Jul 5, 1941 - Jun 3, 1942
Ia, "Die Winterschlacht von Rshew", A history of the battle.
Jan - Feb, 1942
Ia, Gefechts- und Erfahrungsberichte.
May 31 - Nov 21, 1940
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht, Russland I, Text.
Jun 1, 1941 - May 9, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht, Russland I, Anlagen zum 1. Abschnitt. Information about the enemy, maps, sketches, radio messages, interrogation of prisoners and deserters.
Jun 1 - Aug 7, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht, Russland I, Anlagen zum 2. Abschnitt. Orders, interrogation of prisoners, partisan activities.
Aug 8 - Sep 30, 1941

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4. Gebirgs-Division

T315 R238
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5. Incoming and outgoing orders and operation reports.
Jun. 4 - Jul. 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5. Minutes of conference, Div. and Corps orders and operation reports.
Jul. 31 - Aug. 25, 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5. Daily operation reports and partisan activities.
Aug. 26 - Oct. 3, 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5. Daily operation reports and partisan activities.
Oct. 4 - Nov. 12, 1942

13. Panzer-Division

T315 R643
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 7, Heft 2, Textband. War journal concerning operations and activities in the Terek and Rostov areas. The division was subordinate to the III. Pz.K. under the temporary command of Oberst Crisolli and Oberst
Kuhnert between Oct 1 and Nov 7, 1942. Gen.Maj. Helmuth von der Chevallerie became division commander on Nov 8, 1942.
Oct 9 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband Ig, Heft 1 z. KTB 7, Geheim Befehle Nr. 1-95.
May 15 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband I, Heft 1 z. KTB 7, Offene Befehle 1-180.
Jun 17 - Dec 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband III, Heft 1 z. KTB 7, Gefechtsberichte.
Jun 22 - Aug 14, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband III, Heft 2 z. KTB 7, Gefechtsberichte.
Aug 22 - Dec 16, 1942

16. Panzer-Division

T315 R681
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Orders, directives, plans for laying mines, and maps.
Jun 4 - Aug 6, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Orders, reports, messages, and situation maps.
Aug 7 - Sep 7, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. War journal concerning division defensive operations during the Allied invasion in the Salerno area, Sep 9, 1943, and in the sector north of Naples and the take over of the division sector by Kampfgruppe Berger on Nov 28, 1943, when the division was transferred to Russia. The division was subordinate to the XIV. and LXXVI. Pz.K. under the command of Gen.Haj. Hans Ulrich Back.
Sep 8 - Nov 28, 1943
Ia, Anlage A z. KTB. Orders, reports, and messages. Also, special directives concerning supply and division personnel strength and status reports.
Sep 8 - Nov 28, 1943
Ia, Anlage B z. KTB. Operation reports, messages, directives, orders, situation maps, and overlays.
Sep 8 - Nov 28, 1943

24. Panzer-Division

T315 R806
Ia, Tatigkeitsbericht. Transfer of the division from Lisietix, Bernay, Flers, Falaise, and Montfort via Hagenau, Karlsruhe, Ulm, Augsburg, Munich, Salzburg, Villach, and Littai to Reggio, Modena, and Verona; training activities in the Bologna and Modena areas; and the Italian capitulation, Sep 8, 1943.
Aug 1 - Sep 8, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 1 z. TB. Afteraction reports and situation maps.
Aug 1 - Sep 8, 1943
Ia, Tatigkeitsbericht unterstellter Einheiten.
Aug 1 - Sep 8, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen 1-90. Operations during Russian attacks in the Nikopol, Krivoi Rog, Krasnograd, Dneprodzerzhinsk, and Znamenka areas. Also, commitment, march, attack, and disengagement orders, daily operations reports, and weekly status reports.
Nov 1 - 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Daily activity reports and radio messages.
Nov 1 - 15, 1943

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4. Gebirgs-Division

T315 R241
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 6.
Jan. 16 - Jun. 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagen Band 1. Kartenanlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 6.
Jan. 16 - Jun. 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagen Band 2. Tagesmeldungen.
Jan. 16 - Apr. 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagen Band 3. Tagesmeldungen.
May 1 - Jun. 30, 1943
Ia, Band 4, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 6. Corps and Div. orders and front line activity reports.
Jan. 16 - Feb. 15, 1943
Ia, Band 5, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 6. Div. orders and front line activities.
Feb. 16 - Mar. 30, 1943

304. Infanterie-Division

T315 R2024
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 4. Orders and directives pertaining to defensive operations, regrouping, assignment and organization of mobile alert and reserve units in the Voroshilovsk, Illiriya, and Nikitovka areas; reports regarding personnel and supply matters and enemy reconnaissance activity; notes on command conferences; an afteraction critique; and strength reports, 1 May - 23 Jun 1943.
1943/05/02 - 1943/06/29
Ia, KTB 3. War journal concerning transfer from Arras, France, to Hezhevaya and Gorlovka, Russia, 4 - 19 Dec; movement to the Kamensk-Shakhtinski area to defend a bridgehead along the Donets River, 19 - 27 Dec; advance and offensive engagements in the Verkhne-Tarasovka, Staraya Stanitsa, and Millerovo areas, 28 Dec 1942 - 13 Jan 1943; withdrawal, defensive operations, and counterattacks in the Verkhne-Tarasovka, Dyachkino, Dubovoy, Bolshoy Sukhodol, and Davydo-Nikol'skoye areas of the Donets River sector, 14 - 31 Jan; withdrawal to and defensive operations in the Pavlovka and Semeykino areas, 1 - 27 Feb, and the Kokino area of the Olkhovaya River sector, 28 Feb - 7 Mar; and movement to and defense of the Petrovenki, Malo-Martynovka, Illiriya, and Nikitovka areas of the Donets River sector, 8 Mar - 30 Apr 1943. Casualty reports and data on enemy operations.
1942/12/01 - 1943/04/30
Ia, Anlagenband 1 zum KTB 3. Orders, directives, and maps pertaining to defensive operations in the Millerovo and Voroshilovgrad areas, construction of defensive positions, battle conduct, formation of alert units, and training, 5 Feb - 30 Apr; and Unternehmen Grasmuecke (attack to destroy the enemy bridgehead along the west bank of the Olkhovaya River in the Voroshilovgrad area), 22 - 23 Apr; activity report of the personnel branch, 1 Jan - 30 Apr; register of officers, 1 Jan - 28 Feb; strength reports, 30 Dec 1942 - 16 Apr 1943; casualty reports, 1 Jan - 28 Feb; division orders of the day relating to personnel matters, 4 - 28 Apr; and afteraction reports concerning operations of Kampfgruppe Huenten, 14 - 17 Jan, and Unternehmen Grasmuecke.
1943/01/26 - 1943/04/30
Ia, KTB 5. War journal concerning defensive operations, counterattacks, mopping-up action, reorganization, and construction of defensive positions in the Illiriya, Petrovenki, Adrianopol, Shterovka, and Malaya Nikolayevka areas southwest of Voroshilovsk; evaluation of the military situation; and data regarding enemy operations, movements, and losses.
1943/07/01 - 1943/07/31
Ia, Anlagenband 1 zum KTB 5. Orders and directives pertaining to defensive operations, counterattacks, mopping-up action, reconnaissance activity, and battle conduct in the area southwest of Voroshilovsk; activity report of the intelligence branch concerning enemy operations, movements, and losses, counterintelligence activity, and troop indoctrination and entertainment, 1 - 31 Jul; activity report of the personnel branch, 1 May - 31 Jul 1943; strength reports, 1 - 27 Jul; and afteraction reports regarding the operations of Sturmgeschuetzabteilung (mot) 209 attached to the 304.ID, 17 - 31 Jul 1943.
1943/07/01 - 1943/08/01
Ia, KTB 6. War journal concerning defensive operations in the Illiriya and Petrovenki areas southwest of Voroshilovsk, 1 - 28 Aug; withdrawal movements in the Andreyevka, Makeyevka, Stalino, Bogoyavlenka, Priluki, Mirolyubovka, and Ivanovskiy areas, 29 Aug - 19 Sep; movement to defend the Zaporozhe bridgehead, 20 - 23 Sep; relief by the 125.ID; and movement westward to secure the Dnieper River sector in the Petersa and Novo Avgustinovka areas, 4 - 30 Sep 1943. Data on enemy operations.
1943/08/01 - 1943/09/30
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 6. Orders, reports, and messages pertaining to defensive operations, reorganization, regrouping, and training in the Illiriya, Petrovenki, Shterovka, Adrianopol, and Veselaya Tarasovka areas, 1 - 28 Aug; withdrawals to fortified positions in the Sabovka, Debaltsevo, and Andreyevka areas, 29 Aug - 4 Sep, the Makeyevka, Stalino, Bogoyavlenka, and Konstantinopol areas, 5 - 10 Sep, the Bogodarovka, Priluki, and Ospenovka areas, 11 - 14 Sep, the Mirolyubovka area, 15 - 17 Sep, and the Lyubimovka and Ivanovskiy areas, 18 - 19 Sep; movement to defend the Zaporozhe bridgehead in the Chervonoarmeyskoye and Novyy Kichkas areas, 20 - 23 Sep; movement to the west bank of the Dnieper River, 24 - 25 Sep; and defensive operations in the Petersa, Trituznoye, and Novo Avgustinovka areas, 25 - 30 Sep 1943, Activity report of the intelligence branch and intelligence bulletins.
1943/08/01 - 1943/09/30

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10. Panzer-Division

T315 R561
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5. War journal concerning the divisions's operations during the transfer to Deblin, Poland, on Jun 22, 1941, entrance into Russia at Brest and offensive engagement to Vyazma via Slonim, Minsk, Berezino, Mogilev, Gorki, Yelnya, Dorogobuzh, Roslavl, and Kirov. The division was subordinate to the XLVI. Pz.K., VII. A.K., Pz.Gr. 4, and the XL. Pz.K., successively, under the command of Gen. Maj. Fischer.
May 22 - Oct 7, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband I z. KTB 5. Combat orders, daily operation reports and messages, training directives, and situation maps.
May 28 - Jun 30, 1941

T315 R570
Ia, Anlagenband z. KTB 6. Reports, orders, maps, and overlays pertaining to the transfer of the division to Toulon, France, on Nov 16, 1942, and to Tunisia in Dec 1942; and to Operations "Eilbote" (a flank attack to prevent the enemy from taking Pont-du-Fahs), "Olivenernte" (offensive action to roll back the enemy lines south of Pont-du-Fahs), "Kuckucksei" (action to destroy the enemy forces at the mountain outlets near Ousseltia), and "Fruehlingswind" (action to delay the concentration of American troops in the Tebessa area). The division was subordinate to Armeegruppe Felber, Nov 11, 1942, and to the XC. A.K., Dec 3, 1942, under the command of Gen.Lt. Fritz Freiherr von Broich, Feb 5 - May 5, 1943, and Kampfgruppe Fischer which was formed in Jan 1943.
Sep 30, 1941 - Feb 13, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 6. Reports, orders, and overlays pertaining to Operation "Capri" (action to destroy the strategic concentration of enemy troops between Medenine and the Mareth positions), the defense of the Schott-Akarit positions, and the enemy tactical situation.
Oct 29, 1942 - Apr 19, 1943
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht, Band I, Frankreich. Activity report concerning the military situation in England and along the English Channel, and counterintelligence activity.
May 1 - Nov 28, 1942
Ic, Anlagen z. TB, Band II. Reports on the landing of enemy troops at Dieppe on Aug 19, 1942, and the entry into unoccupied France on Nov 11, 1942, including reports by war correspondent Dr. Peter Wolfframm concerning the entry of German forces into unoccupied France.
May 13 - Nov 18, 1942
Ic, Anlagen z. TB, Band III, Feindpropaganda.
May 1 - Nov 28, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht, Band I, Afrika. Activity report concerning enemy operations unit identification and movements, losses, and tactical situation in Tunisia.
Nov 29, 1942 - Mar 15, 1943
Ic, Anlagen z. TB, Band II, Afrika u. Ia Anlagen. Intelligence reports and bulletins, interrogation summaries, and overlays pertaining to enemy operations, unit identification, order of battle, strength, and movements, and tactical situation; counterintelligence; and troop education and indoctrination. Also, translations of enemy combat orders and instructions, operations orders, reports concerning the effectiveness of Allied antitank guns, the death and burial of General Fischer, Feb 1 and 4, 1943, and Operations "Fruehlingswind" and "Capri" (airborne operations of units of Fliko (Fliegerkorps) in Tunisia, Feb 14 - Mar 8, 1943), and afteraction reports.
Dec 1, 1942 - Mar 15, 1943
Ic, Anlagenband z. TB, Band III, Gefangenenvernehinungen.
Dec 1, 1942 - Feb 25, 1943
Ic, Tatigkeitsberichte mit Anlagen. Activity reports with intelligence and interrogation reports, maps, and overlays pertaining to enemy operations, unit identification and movements, and tactical situation in Tunisia.
Mar 22 - Apr 24, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 3. Division orders relating to operations, missions, and boundaries during the campaign in France.
May 9 - Jun 29, 1940
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3. [This document is a duplicate of 8996/1.]
May 9 - Jun 29, 1940

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3. Panzer-Division

T315 R113
Ic, Kriegstagebuch.
May 9 - July 10, 1940
Ic, Kriegstagebuch.
May 10 - 25, 1940
Ic, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Intelligence reports, announcements, directives.
May 26 - June 5, 1940
Ic, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Announcements, orders, messages, directives, maps.
June 6 - July 2, 1940
Ic, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Intelligence reports, mostly German "Geheim" (Secret).
Nov. 26, 1939 - Feb. 1, 1940
IVa, Tatigkeitsbericht.
June 4 - July 9, 1940
Ia, Kriegstagebuch.
Nov. 28, 1939 - July 11, 1940
Na Fu, Messages and reports.
May 10 - June 26, 1940

T315 R140
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4, Band 1.
Feb. 7 - Sep. 15, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4, Band 2.
Sep. 15 - Dec. 31, 1942
Ia, Divisionsbefehle.
Feb. 8 - Aug. 31, 1942
Ia, Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch 4. Divisionsbefehle.
Sep. 1 - Dec. 31, 1942
Ia, Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch 4. Korpsbefehle und Einsatzbefehle anderer Kommando Stellen.
Feb. 7 - July 5, 1942

3. Panzergrenadier-Division

T315 R173
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4.
July 16 - Dec. 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband Nr. 1 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4. Divisionsbefehle, Meldungen, Kommandeurbesprechungen.
July 16 - Dec. 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 2 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4. 4 Karten mit 33 Planpausen.
Oct. 8 - Dec. 31, 1943
Ia, Anlage 3 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4. Zeittafel ueber takt. Ferngespraeche.
Nov. 4 - 28, 1943
Ia, Ic, IIa, IIb, Anlagenband Nr. 4 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4. Tatigkeitsberichte mit Unterlagen, Kriegsranglisten und Verlustlisten.
July 16 - Dec. 31, 1943
Ia, Verschiedenes wie Bereitschafts- und Alarmstufen, u.s.w.
Nov. - Dec. 15, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Italien.
Jan. 1 - Aug. 10, 1944
Ia, Diagram, Kriegsgliederung.
Ia, Russische Karte, Gebiet Leningrad.

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Das Oberkommando des Heeres

T78 R130
Feldpostuebersicht Teil III, Band 9, 7. Neudruck 3 Nov. 1941: FLakartillerie.
Feldpostuebersicht Teil III, Band 10, 7. Neudruck 30 May 1942: Marine.
Feldpostuebersicht Teil I, Band 21, 1. Neudruck 12 Dec. 1944: 80000 - 87999.
Feldpostuebersicht Teil III, Band 1, 11. Neudruck 20 Oct. 1944: Hoehere Kommandobehoerden, Transportdienste, Eisenbahn Einheiten.
Feldpostuebersicht Teil III, Band 2, 11. Neudruck 30 Sept. 1944: Panzer-Einheiten, Aufklaerungstruppe, Ausbildungs-Einheiten.
Feldpostuebersicht Teil III, Band 3, 11. Neudruck 1 Sept. 1944: Nachrichten.
Feldpostuebersicht Teil III, Band 5, 11. Neudruck 15 Oct. 1944: Artillerie, Werfer, Beobachtungstruppe.
Feldpostuebersicht Teil III, Band 6, 11. Neudruck 25 Oct. 1944: Nachschubdienste.

T78 R131
Feldpostuebersicht Teil III, Band 7, 11. Neudruck 12 Sept. 1944: Pioniere, Bautruppen, Organisation Todt, Reichsarbeitsdienst.
Feldpostuebersicht Teil III, Band 8, 11. Neudruck 28 July 1944: Hoehere Lw.Kdo.Stabe, Fliegende Verbande, Wetterdienste, Fallschirm-Verbaende.
Feldpostuebersicht Teil III, Band 9, 11. Neudruck 29 July 1944: Flak-Einheiten.
Feldpostuebersicht Teil III, Band 15, 1-11. Neudruck 26 July 1944: Lw.Bodenorganisation, Lw.Kriegsberichter, Lw.Feldeinheiten.
Feldpostuebersicht Teil III, Band 16, 1-11. Neudruck 28 July 1944: Luftnachrichtentruppe.
Feldpostuebersicht Teil III, Band 17, 1.-11. Neudruck 25 Aug. 1944: Grenadier Regimenter u. Brigaden 1 - 600.
Feldpostuebersicht Teil III, Band 18, 1.-11. Neudruck 25 Aug. 1944: Grenadier Regimenter u. Brigaden 601 - Schluss, Bataillone, Gruppen, Festungsstamm-Einheiten (Grenadiere) , Fremdlaendische Einheiten.

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III. Panzerkorps

T314 R203
Ia, Anlage z. KTB, Band 5. Daily and morning reports of the Corps and divisions, Corps orders of the day, organizational charts, operations along the Dnieper, partisan activities, Army directives.
Oct. - Nov. 1943

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61. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1013
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5, Band I. Offensive operations in the campaign against Russia from Memel to Mitau (Yelgava), Riga, Tapa, Tallinn, Paldiski, Virtsu, and Kuivastu, and combat operations on the Baltic Islands of Estonia. Also, reports pertaining to Operation "Beowulf II" (combined Army, Navy, and Air Force operation for the occupation of the Baltic Islands of Estonia). The division was subordinate to the XXVI. and XLII. A.K. during this period.
Jun 22 - Sep 17, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5, Band II. Combat operations on the Baltic Islands of Estonia, and the subsequent transfer to the mainland, march to Narva, and offensives to Tosna, Volkhov, and Tikhvin. The division was subordinate to the XLII. A.K., AOK 18, and the XXXIX. Pz.K. during this period.
Sep 18 - Dec 31, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 5 u. 6, Gefechts- und Verpflegungsstaerken. Combat and ration strength reports, and lists of officers' duty assignments.
Jun 22, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagen Z. KTB 5, Bande 1-8. Orders concerning preparations for the invasion of Russia, daily activity reports, radio messages covering the invasion, and combat operations reports.
Jun 9 - Sep 18, 1941

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Oberkommando der Luftwaffe

T321 R86
OKL/722 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. A German Air Force intelligence publication concerning merchant ships and international ports.
OKL/740 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. A German Air Force Intelligence Staff guide to the preparation of reports, including directions on evaluating military operations and reconnaissance reports, and undertaking sabotage operations.
OKL/741 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. Tables and charts prepared by German Air Force Intelligence showing technical data on American, British, Italian, Japanese, French, and Soviet military aircraft.
OKL/744 - Genst. 5. Abt. Reports drawn from prisoner of war interrogations concerning German bombs which failed to explode during the Polish campaign. Also included are German translations of American, British, and Swiss newspaper accounts of Flying Fortress bombsights delivered to England.
OKL/751 - Kdo. Flughafenberich Hannover. A report on the program, membership, watchwords of the Communist organization, "United Fraternal Organization of All Prisoners of War" (BSW).
OKL/762 - WFSt. A German Air Force intelligence report concerning the likelihood of an Anglo-American air front against Germany in the east.
1943/11/00 - 1944/02/00
OKL/809 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. A German Air Force report, with charts and maps, concerning the range of Soviet bombers, including those supplied through the Lend-Lease program.
OKL/850 - Fwi Amt/Ausl. A German Air Force intelligence report on aircraft production in the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union.
1944/00/00 - 1945/00/00
OKL/852 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. German Air Force photographs of Soviet combat aircraft, and American and British aircraft used by the Soviet Union on the Eastern Front.
OKL/854 - Fwi Amt. A German Air Force intelligence study concerning the Allied petroleum supplies.
OKL/860 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. German Air Force intelligence publications citing recipients of the Knight's Cross (Ritterrkreuz). Photographs are included.
1942/00/00 - 1943/00/00
OKL/861 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. A German Air Force intelligence report on Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union through ports in Iran and Iraq, with maps showing supply routes.
OKL/862 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. A world map showing the location and amount of Allied aviation fuel supplies.
OKL/910 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. Daily situation maps from the German First, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Air Fleets on the Eastern Front, showing the number of aircraft involved, the areas of combat flights and losses, and the activities of the Finnish Air Force.
OKL/951 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. A German Air Force study of the Volga River system, with data on inland ships.
OKL/1602-1604, 1606 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. German Air Force intelligence aerial photographs of Russian cities, bridges, airfields, harbor and dock facilities, and fortifications.
OKL/1610d, 1610e, 1-4 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. German Air Force intelligence maps showing the location of airfields in the Soviet Union.
1941/00/00 - 1942/00/00
OKL/1610f - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. A map, designated "target group 56" and dated May 31, 1941, showing food production in the Soviet Union, and a map showing locations of the armament industry in the Asiatic part of the Soviet Union, dated August 1942.
1941/05/00 - 1942/08/00
OKL/1614 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. A map showing the tactical disposition of the Soviet Air Force's 2d, 8th, 5th, and 17th Air Armies on the southern front.
OKL/1617 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. A German Air Force publication citing the location and target number of Soviet cities engaged in armament production.
OKL/1622 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. A map showing the tactical disposition of the Soviet 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 15th Air Armies on the First and Second Baltic fronts.
OKL/1633a - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. Maps and sketches showing the disposition of Soviet forces on the Eastern Front between Riga and Leningrad.
OKL/2042 - Luftwaffenfuehrungsstab Ic. A reference training handbook published by the German Air Force Intelligence Staff and used by German military leaders to obtain data for lectures on the international situation. Continued on roll 87.
1939/00/00 - 1941/00/00

T321 R115
OKL/672 - Luftwaffenpersonalamt. A German Air Force Personnel Office list of air- and anti-aircraft artillery units in the Stalingrad area.
1943/02/00 - 1943/03/00
0KL/2941 - Luftwaffenpersonalamt. - Gen.Kdo III. Flakkorps (mot.). German Air Force Personnel Office seniority lists for line officers.
OKL/3203 - III./Ln. Regt. Personnel evaluations for the German Air Force III Air Force Signal Regiment.
1937/03/09 - 1944/09/20
OKL/3249a-b - Luftwaffenpersonalamt. Two volumes of German Air Force Personnel Office date-of-rank lists for field marshals to lieutenants.

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5. Gebirgs-Division

T315 R286
Ia, Tatigkeitsbericht.
Aug. 1, 1941 - Mar. 15, 1942
Ic, Beilage 1 zum Tatigkeitsbericht.
Aug. 1, 1941 - Mar. 15, 1942
IIa/IIb, Beilage 2 zum Tatigkeitsbericht.
Jul. 11, 1941 - Mar. 15, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch.
Mar. 15 - Sep. 30, 1942
Ia, Inhaltsverzeichnis zu Anlage-Kriegstagebuch.
Mar. 15 - Sep. 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband Nr. 1 zum Kriegstagebuch. Befehle, Meldungen, Funksprueche, Karten.
Mar. 15 - Sep. 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband Nr. 2 zum Kriegstagebuch. Befehle, Funksprueche, Erfahrungsberichte, Karten.
Mar. 15 - Sep. 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband Nr. 3 zum Kriegstagebuch. Befehle, Meldungen, Karten, Erfolgsberichte.
Mar. 15 - Sep. 30, 1942

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Panzerarmee Afrika

T313 R469
A.Na.Fu., Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity reports pertaining to the operation, maintenance, and repair of signal communication installations and networks.
Jul. 20 - Oct 31, 1942
Ia, Schlachtbericht ueber die Kampfe der Pz. Armee Afrika. Combat reports on the battles of Pz. AOK Afrika.
May 26 - Jul 27, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband I-III, Schlachtbericht ueber die Kampfe der Panzerarmee Afrika. Daily reports on combat situations and activities concerning the battles of Pz. AOK Afrika; order of battle data covering activities and combat strength of Pz. AOK Afrika units; and correspondence between Rommel and the Comando Supremo.
May 26 - Jul 27, 1942

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1. Infanterie-Division

T315 R4
Ib, Karten zum Kriegstagebuch No. 1.
June 23 - Nov 22, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch.
Sep. 25, 1941 - March 31, 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 1. Divisionsbefehle.
Sep. 25, 1941 - Jan. 6, 1942
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 2. Divisionsbefehle.
Jan. 6 - March 22, 1942
Ic, Unterlagen zum Kriegstagebuch (Feindnachrichten).
Oct. 5, 1941 - April 12, 1942
Ia, Planpausen: Einsatz und Stellungen der Truppenteile, Winter 1941/42; Zielpunkte, Sperrfeuer- und Stoerungsfeuerraeume, Stellungsbau, Moika-Stellung. Overlays showing commitment and position of units, barrage and artillery fire objectives, and construction of the hoika field fortification.
Nov. 29, 1941 - Feb. 10, 1942
Ia, Karten zum Kriegstagebuch, band 1.
Sep. - Nov. 1941
Ia, Karten zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 2.
Nov. 1941 - Jan. 1942
Ia, Karten zum Kriegstagebuch, Band 3.
Feb. - March 1942
Ia, Zustandsberichte.
June 22, 1941 - March 15, 1942
Ia, Ist-Staerken, Gefechtsstarken und Grabenstaerken. Strength reports.
Aug. 17 - Dec. 30, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch.
June 20 - Aug. 9, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Heft 2.
Aug. 10 - Sep. 24, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Heft 3.
Sep. 25 - Nov. 30, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Heft 4.
Dec. 1, 1941 - March 31, 1942

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24. Infanterie-Division

T315 R801
Ic, Anlagenband IV z. TB, Sonderanlagen. Translations of enemy propaganda leaflets, interrogation summaries, antipartisan warfare reports, and orders and directives pertaining to propaganda.
Nov 24, 1941 - May 18, 1942
Ia, Anlagenbande 1-2 z. KTB, 1. u 2. Teil, Korpsbefehle.
Jul 1, 1942 - Jun 28, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 3 z. KTB, Divisionsbefehle. Orders relating to the encirclement of Sevastopol, coastal defense and training activity in the Sevastopol area, entraining of the division in the Crimea, Aug 10, 1942, for transfer to the Tosno area, combat engagements in the Tosno and Mga areas, and operations along the Volkhov River in the Chudovo and Volkhov areas.
Jul 1, 1942 - Jan 28, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 4 z. KTB, Divisionsbefehle. Orders and maps pertaining to combat engagements and partisan warfare in the Sablino, Lissino, Ulyanovka, Nikolskoye, Yeglizia, Lesno, and Krasny Bor areas south of Leningrad.
Feb 1 - Jun 27, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 5 z. KTB, Fuhrungsanordnungen.
Sep 13, 1942 - Jun 27, 1943
Ia, Anlagenbande 6-8 z. KTB, Tagesmeldungen.
Jul 2, 1942 - Jun 30, 1943

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170. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1529
Ia, Anlagenband 50 zum KTB; Ic, TB, Transfer from the Crimea to the Leningrad front via Pskov, 1 - 7 Aug; defensive operations in the Mga and Gatchina areas; an order-of-battle chart; status reports; special directives on supply and signal communication; afteraction reports concerning the attack on the fortified heights on Sapun Mountain, 21 Jun - 1 Jul; mopping-up operations on the Chersonesus Heracleotica, 3 Jul, and enemy tank attack south of Sevastopol, 3 Jul; afteraction critique relating to Operation Stoerfang. Activity reports of the intelligence branch for June and July and intelligence bulletins and interrogation summaries regarding enemy operations during the battle for Sevastopol and later.
1942/07/11 - 1942/08/26
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB, Vorbereitung des Angriffs auf die Sapun-Hoehen. Orders and reports concerning preparations for attack on the inner circle of fortifications protecting Sevastopol.
1942/06/24 - 1942/06/24
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Abtransport von der Krim. Reports and orders on the transfer of the division from Alma, Bakhchisarai, and Simferopol in the Crimea to the Leningrad front, 1 - 12 Aug 1942.
1942/07/23 - 1942/08/05
Ia, Ic, Anlagenband 51 zum KTB. Daily reports, orders, and overlays pertaining to moverrent to and defense of the Kirsino, Turyshkino, and Mga areas; an order-of-battle chart; a list of code names; special directives concerning signal communication and supply; instruction pamphlets on tactical support of ground troops by the air force and command and assignment of closecombat units; intelligence bulletins and interrogation summaries regarding enemy operations, losses, and unit identification.
1942/08/26 - 1942/09/04
Ia, Ic, Anlagenband 52 zum KTB. Daily reports, orders, and overlays pertaining to defensive operations, counterattacks, entrenchment, regrouping, artillery activity, and preparations for the winter in the Mga, Gaytolovo, and Kelkolova areas; order-of-battle charts; organizational breakdown of the 170.ID; a status report; special directives concerning supply and signal communication. Intelligence bulletins and interrogation summaries regarding enemy operations, losses, unit identification, strength, and weapons; partisan warfare; and counter intelligence activity.
1942/09/04 - 1942/09/17

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28. Jaeger-Division

T315 R837
Ia, Anlage VII z. KTB 1 u. 2, Einsatze der 28. Jager-Division im Herbst 1942. Kurze Gefechtsberichte "Schlacht suedlich des Ladoga Sees" und "Kampf um den Newa-Brueckenkopf bei Moskowskaja-Dubrowka".
Aug 30 - Oct 9, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3. Defense of the winter positions along the Volkhov River and combat engagements in the Volkhov city (Zvanka) area. The division was subordinate to the I. A.K. under the command of Gen.Lt. Hans Sinnhuber.
Nov 1, 1942 - Jan 22, 1943
Ia, Anlage I z. KTB 3, Korpsbefehle.
Nov 3, 1942 - Jan 14, 1943
Ia, Anlage II z. KTB 3, Befehle und Meldungen.
Nov 1, 1942 - Jan 2, 1943
Ia, Anlage III z. KTB 3, Korpsbefehle zu dem Unternehmen "Fasanenjagd". Corps orders relating to "Unternehmen Fasanenjagd" (the relief of the 28. Jag.Div. by the 13. Luftwaffen-Felddivision and the transfer of the division to Estonia for rehabilitation).
Dec 12, 1942 - Jan 20, 1943
Ia, Anlage IV z. KTB 3. Orders and reports pertaining to "Unternehraen Fasanenjagd."
Dec 15, 1942 - Jan 21, 1943
Ia, Anlage V z. KTB 3, Aufrufe und Tagesbefehle.
Nov 9, 1942 - Jan 17, 1943
Ia, Anlage VI z. KTB 3, Einsatz der 28. Jag.Div. in der Winterstellung am Wolchow und kurze Gefechtsberichte im Kampf um Swanka.
Nov 13, 1942 - Jan 15, 1943
Ic, IIa/b, Tatigkeitsberichte. Transfer of the division to the area south of Gatchina, enemy operations in the area south of Lake Ladoga and along the Volkhov River front, and intelligence bulletins with overlays showing the tactical disposition of enemy forces. Also, activity reports of the Personnel Branch.
Sep 1, 1942 - Jan 22, 1943
IVa, Kriegstagebuch 8 u. Tatigkeitsbericht 6 des Divisionsintendanten; KTB 6 u. TB 4 der Backerei Komp. (mot) 28; KTB 7 der Schlachterei Komp. (mot) 28. Includes duty assignment registers.
Apr 1 - Jun 30, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch fur die Zeit des Einsatzes suedlich des Ladoga Sees. Division operations during the winter battles and later defensive engagements in the area south of Lake Ladoga, the taking over of its sector by the 23. Inf.Div. and movement of the division to the Gatchina-Kipen area as army reserves and later to Estonia for rehabilitation. Also, OKH orders dated Dec 23, 1938, and Jan 30 and Feb 22, 1939, relating to the readiness for action of infantry units. The division was subordinate to the XXVI. A.K. under the command of Gen.Lt. Hans Sinnhuber, May 4, 1943, and Generalmajor Schulz.
Jan 22 - Jun 30, 1943
Ia, Anlage I z. KTB, Korpsbefehle waehrend der Zeit der Winterschlacht suedlich des Ladoga Sees.
Jan 22 - Mar 31, 1943

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.01.13 13:40. Заголовок: Ни у кого из участников форума такие ролики не завалялись ?

Ни у кого из участников форума такие ролики не завалялись ?
T315, Roll 322,328,329,351

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Не удивительно ли, что люди так часто воюют за религию и так редко живут по её предписанию?
Г. Лихтенберг
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385. Infanterie-Division

T315 R2193
Ia, KTB1, Heimat and Russland. War-journal relating to an order by OKH/ChefHRuest.u.Bfh.d.Ersatzheeres of 28 Oct 1941, concerning the activation of five divisions under codename "Rheingold" (18.Welle); formation of the division staff in Wehrkreis VI, 9 - 15 Jan 1942; formation of the 385.ID, with units and personnel of Wehrkreis VI, X, and XI, and training at Truppenuebungsplatz Bergen and fallingbostel, Wehrkreis XI, 18 Jan - 19 Mar; transfer to Polotsk, Soviet Union, moving via Suwalki, Poland, 11 - 28 Mar; training, regrouping, security, and operations against partisans in the Polotsk and Nevel areas, 29 Mar - 15 Apr, and the Bobruisk area by part of the division with the mass moving to Spas-Demensk via Roslavl, 16 - 21 Apr; defensive operations in the Spas-Demensk and Suborovka areas, 22 Apr - 12 May; and movement to and defensive operations in the Orel and Ivanovskoye area, 22 - 31 May, and to the southern sector, 1 - 8 Jun . Defensiv eoperations, preparations for and attack across the Tim River in the Lebedki area, 9 - 28 Jun; defensive operations in the Krivtsova Plota area, 29 Jun - 15 Jul; movement to the Volovo and Volovchik areas, 16 - 20 Jul; the battle at Malaya Vereyka, 21 - 26 Jul; and movement to and position defense in the Donskaya Negochevka, Golaya Snova (Golosnovka), and Bol'shaya Vereyka areas in the Vereyka and Don River sectors, 27 Jul - 30 Sep. A register of officers and casualty lists.
1942/01/09 - 1942/09/30
Ia, Anlagenband B1 zum KTB1, 0perationsbefehle. Division orders relating to the transfer to Russia, 11 - 28 Mar 1942; securing the rear area and operations against partisans in the Polotsk and Nevel areas, 29 Mar - 15 Apr; movement to Spas-Demensk via Roslavl and Yukhnov, 16 - 21 Apr, defensive operations in the Kolodez and Suborovka areas, 22 Apr - 12 May; movement to, defensive and reconnaissance operations, and regrouping in the Orel and Maloarkangel'sk areas, 13 - 31 May, to the southern sector in the Lebedki area on the Tim River, 1 - 28 Jun; the Krivtsova Plota on the Kshen' River, 29 Jun - 15 Jul, the Volovo and Volovchik areas, 16 - 20 Jul; the battle at Malaya Vereyka, 21 - 26 Jul; and movement to and position defense in the Donskaya Negochevka, Golaya Snova, and Bol'shaya Vereyka areas in the Vereyka and Don River sectors, 27 Jul - 12 Aug. Special directives concerning signal communications and the constructicn of permanent positions, order of the day by AOK 2, intelligence bulletins, and data on enemy operations.
1942/03/09 - 1942/08/12
Ia, Anlagenband B2 zum KTB1, Operations befehle und Bemerkungen. Orders, reports, and instructions concerning construction and defense of positions, regrouping, conduct of battle, and enlarging the division sector in the Donskaya Negochevka, Golaya Snova, and Bol'shaya Vereyka areas.
1942/08/15 - 1942/09/28

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.01.13 18:19. Заголовок: 18. Armee T312 R97..

18. Armee

T312 R971
Stopak., Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5a, Tagesmeldungen. Daily inventory of AOK 18 units' antitank guns, self-propelled gun carriages, assault puns and tanks.
Oct 14 - Dec 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5a, Sonderstab v. Kapff. Tagesmeldungen an Auffangstab III/18. Daily reports of Sonderstab v. Kapff concerning the number of stragglers seized and returned to their units. Also reports of road conditions and the volume and type of traffic in AOK 18 sector.
Oct 9 - Nov 12, 1944
IIa, Tagliche Verlustmeldungen. Daily casualty reports on the number of dead, wounded and missing officers and enlisted men for AOK 18 corus and divisions. Also lists of casualties by name, rank and unit.
Oct 6 - Dec 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch Mr. 5a. Staerken der Divisionen. Also charts showing Gliederung and Kampfkraefte der Divisionen.
Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5a. Overlays (n.s.) showing daily disposition of AOK 18 corps and their subordinate units down through battalion level.
Aug 30 - Dec 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5a. Transcripts of daily telephone conversations of OB AOK 18 with Generals Schorner, Busse, Hasse, Thomaschki, Risse, Ranek, Wagner, Fischer, Foertsch, Unrein, Heun, Boeckhn-Behrens, Grasser, v.Monteton and v.Saucken.
Oct 8 - Dec 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband zun Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5a. AOK 18 Chief of Staff reports of inspection of corps, and notes on conferences held by the Chief of Staff with corps commanders in connection with the inspections.
Oct 7 - Dec 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5a. Order of battle data covering AOK 18 units.
Oct 3 - Dec 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagenband II zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5a. Daily reports concerning operations of AOK 18 corps, and air tactical situation and weather conditions in the AOK 18 sector.
Dec 1 - 31, 1944

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.02.13 00:56. Заголовок: 101. Jaeger-Division..

101. Jaeger-Division

T315 R1224
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 2. Ausgegangene Funksprueche.
1941/10/01 - 1941/10/31
Ia, KTB 3. Defensive engagements along the Donets River north of Chuguyev, offensive engagements west of Stalino and northeast to the Gorlovka area in December, and finally during January and February of 1942 position defense in the Slavyansk and Artemovsk areas. A combat and ration strength report, a survey of enemy losses, and a register of officers.
1941/11/02 - 1942/02/28
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Divisionsbefehle. Division orders relating to tactical operations.
1941/11/04 - 1942/02/28
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Einzelbefehle nach unten.
1941/12/07 - 1942/02/27
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Tagesmeldungen.
1941/11/05 - 1942/02/28
Ia, Anlagen zura KTB 3. Verschiedenes.
1941/11/09 - 1942/02/27
Ia, KTB 4. Position defense in the Artemovsk and Slavyansk areas and offensive engagements during May and June in the Kramatorsk and Izyum areas, Oskol River sector. An activity report of the Personnel Branch, casualty and combat and ration strength reports, a register of officers, and a survey of enemy losses. (According to situation maps of Heeresgruppe Sued the 101.le.ID was converted to the 101.JgD on 28 Jun 1942.)
1941/03/01 - 1942/06/30

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.02.13 14:16. Заголовок: 208. Infanterie-Divi..

208. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1618
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Orders, reports, messages, and maps pertaining to disengagement movements from the Borodyanka area to the Zhitomir and Chernyakhov areas via Makarov, 7 - 11 Nov 1943, and defensive operations in the Chernyakhov-Zhitomir area, 12 - 20 Nov 1943; special supply directives.
1943/11/07 - 1943/11/20
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Orders, reports, messages, and maps pertaining to defensive operations and counterattacks in the Chernyakhov area.
1943/11/21 - 1943/11/30
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Orders, reports, messages, and maps pertaining to withdrawal to and defensive engagements in the Zhitomir area and counterattacks in the Chernyakhov area.
1943/12/01 - 1943/12/10
Anlagen zum KTB. Orders, reports, and maps pertaining to defensive operations, regrouping, and traffic control in the Malin-Radomyshl area.
1943/12/11 - 1943/12/2 0
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Orders, reports, messages, and maps pertaining to defensive operations in the Malin and Radomyshl areas, 21 - 27 Dec 1943, and disengagement movements to the Zhitomir area, and maps showing the tactical disposition of enemy forces.
1943/12/21 - 1943/12/31

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.02.13 22:30. Заголовок: LIII. Armeekorps T3..

LIII. Armeekorps

T314 R1328
Ia, Anlagenband 2 z. KTB 5. Daily operations reports from division headquarters at Bolkhov and Yagodnoye.
Apr 1 - Jun 30, 1943
Ia, Aalagenband 3 z. KTB 5. Daily operations reports to and from Pz.AOK 2 and Corps headquarters in Bolkhov and Yagodnoye.
Apr 1 - May 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagenband 4 z. KTB 5. Daily reports to and from Pz.AOK 2 relating to operations and the tactical situation in the Bolkhov and Ulyanovo areas.
Jun 1 - 30, 1943
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Activity report including charts presenting Soviet order of battle, directives on security against enemy observation northeast of Bolkhov, intelligence bulletins and maps, and amendments to staff officers' duty assignment roster.
Apr 1 - Jun 30, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 6. War journal concerning the counteroffensive in the Bolkhov area, the Russian breakthrough on the road from Bolkhov to Orel near Tatinka, withdrawal to Kutma north of Orel, march to Bryansk for entraining and move-ment via Gomel to Chernigov, Aug 21 - 26, 1943, and partisan warfare, transfer to Mogilev on Sep 6, and the defensive east of Mogilev. The Corps was subordinate to Pz.AOK 2, AOK 9, and H.Gr. Mitte during this period.
Jul 1 - Sep 30, 1943

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.02.13 19:41. Заголовок: Kommandanten ruckwar..

Kommandanten ruckwartiges Armeegebiet (Koruck)

T501 R2
Folder entitled "Anlagenband 1 zum Kriegstagetuch Nr. 1" of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb.Mitte/Ia, containing Korpsbefehle, data on Gliederungen der Ordnungspolizei und der Sicherheitspolizei, Zusatze z.d. Richtlinien f.d. Ausbildung der Sicherungsdivisionen und der dem Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb. unterstehenden Kraftes as well as information on the Ubergateverhandlungen of the area to Gauleiter Kube.
21 Mar - 31 Aug 1941
Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb. Mitte/Qu., containing the KTB of the command as well as Lagebericht of Wi.In. Mitte Fu. Chef to Wi. Stab Ost Bartenstein, 22 Jul 1941, and Tatigkeitsoerichte of Qu.
15 May - 31 Dec 1941
Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb. Nord/Ia, containing the KTB of Abt. Ia, 22 Jun - 31 Dec 1941, and also the following Anlagen: Offiziersstellenbesetzung des Befh.d.H.-Geb. Stand vom 20.VI.41; Geschaftseinteilung des Stabes Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb. Nord; Tatigkeitsberichte Befh.d.ruckw. H.Geb. 101, Tatigkeitsberichte Befh.d.H.-Geb. Nord/Ic/IA.O.; Tatigkeitsberichte of Abt. Ic; data on Kriegsgliederungen, as well as German official proclamations in Lithuanian, Russian and German.
22 Jun - 7 Aug 1941
Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb. Nord/Ia, entitled Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch and containing reports of Abt. Ic/A.O., a copy of "Erfahrungen des Ostfeldzuges" issued by GenStdH/Ausb.Abt., Richtlinien fur die Tatigkeit der Feld- u. Ortskommandanturen issued" by Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb. Nord, Korpsbefehle on Partisanenbekampfung, Offiziersstellenbesetzung des Stabes des Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb. 101. Stand vom 20. Juli 1941, and also an order for the Sauberung of the Pleskau area.
10 Aug - 30 Sep 1941
Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb. Nord/Ia, containing apparently a Anlage zum KTB of Abt./Ia composed of Monatsberichte der Abt. Ia and Abt. Ic, as well as Kurzer Tatigkeitsbericht fur Dez. 1941 der Abt. Ic/A.O., Tatigkeitsberichte der Abt. IVc, correspondence and reports concerning the possible transfer of the Werro district to RKO jurisdiction and the opposition of the military to such a step, maps showing Einsatz of troops under the command of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb. Nord, copy of "Weihnacht im Osten" issued by Einheit der Feldpostnummer 11122.
30 Sep 1941 - 1 Jan 1942

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 13.02.13 17:37. Заголовок: Heeresgruppe A T311..

Heeresgruppe A

T311 R160
Ia, H.Gr. Sud, Anlagen z. KTB. Defense of Hungary, reports and correspondence. Reorganization of a Danube defense system, German-Hungarian problems. Preparations for evacuation. Chefsachen.
Dec. 1 - 15, 1944
Ia, H.Gr. Sud, Kriegstagebuch.
Dec. 16 - 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Defense of Hungary, reports and correspondence. Operations with Hungarian troops. Plans for counterattack.
Dec. 14 - 31, 1944
Ia, H.Gr. Sud, Meldungen. Mimeographed operational reports.
Dec. 1 - 31, 1944
Ia, H.Gr. Sud, Kriegstagebuch.
Jan. 1 - 15, 1945

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.13 01:11. Заголовок: I. Armeekorps T314 ..

I. Armeekorps

T314 R76
Qu, Anlagenband zum KTB 13. Corps orders and directives for supply and supply troops.
July - Oct. 1944
Qu/IVa, IVb, IVc, V, FPA 401, Tatigkeitsbericht, Anlage zum KTB Nr. 13. Activity reports of the I Corps Administrative, Medical, Veterinary, and Motor Transport Officers and of the 401st Field Post Office giving a brief summarized report relative to the functioning and work accomplished by each.
July - Oct. 1944
Ic, Anlage zum KTB, Tatigkeitsbericht und Anlagen. Activity report regarding own and enemy situation and evaluation of enemy intentions and conduct.
July - Oct. 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch. War Journal describing day by day combat activities and own and enemy situation.
Oct. - Dec. 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Eingegangene Befehle. 18th Army orders, messages and correspondence from the Army High Command and Army Group North pertaining to the conduct of battle and efforts to stop the advancing Soviet armies in the area aroimd Libau. Included is a copy of a memorandum from the Navy Liaison Officer with the Army General Staff regarding the employment of battleships and other vessels in support of Army operations in the Baltic area, particularly the shelling of enemy troops along the coast line with naval guns.
Oct. - Nov. 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Ausgegangene Befehle. Operational orders, directives, messages, maps and overlays, and correspondence from and to the 18th Army regarding the enemy situation, conduct of battle and missions involved, deactivation of units, regrouping and evacuation of troops and materials, border controls, fuel and ammunition shortage, construction of field fortifications, tank obstacles, and strong points in and around Libau.
Oct. - Nov. 1944

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.13 19:29. Заголовок: V. Armeekorps T314 ..

V. Armeekorps

T314 R247
Ia, Kartenanlagen z. KTB 2. Maps (various scales) showing the tactical disposition of V Army Corps units in the Gorki, Gzhatsk, Smolensk, Vitebsk, and Vyazma areas.
Jun 22, 1941 - Feb 5, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht, Band I. Report concerning enemy situation before and during the initial stages of the eastern campaign.
May 25 - Aug 4, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht, Band II. Report on enemy situation relating to German operations in the area of the Votrja and Vopj Rivers and the Dnieper River south of the Vyazma outlet.
Aug 5 - Oct 1, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht, Band III, Teil 1. Report on the enemy situation relating to German operations in the area of Matuschkino, Gorki, and Putschki.
Oct 2 - Nov 15, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht, Band III, Teil 2. Report concerning enemy activities, and general intelligence information regarding the German changeover to positional warfare and the defensive battles at the Lama River and northeast of Gzhatsk.
Nov 16, 1941 - Feb 6, 1942
IC, Meldungen. Reports on enemy troop identification, prisoners of war, captured documents and materiel, included are reports of prisoner interrogations and enemy bulletins for the period before and during the early stages of the invasion of Russia in the area of Vitebsk, Rudnya, and Smolensk.
May 5 - Aug 4, 1941
Ic, Meldungen. Daily intelligence reports, enemy troop identifications, records of prisoner interrogations, captured documents, reports of captured materiel and prisoners of war, and enemy bulletins in connection with the German advance to the Dnieper River south of the Vyazma outlet.
Aug 5 - Oct 1, 1941

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.02.13 19:19. Заголовок: XI. Armeekorps

XI. Armeekorps

T314 R496
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Band 20, Lagenkarten. Maps (1:100000 and 1:300000) showing the billeting area of the 1st Hungarian Panzer Division; Command Post of the XI Corps; highways in the 26th Infantry Division sector; and order of battle of the 168th and 320th Infantry Divisions in the Poltava and Belgorod areas.
Mar - Apr 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Band 21, Lagenkarten. Maps (1:50000) showing dug-in antitank artillery and tank units on the highway between Belgorod and Kharkov, points calling for concentrated artillery fire, construction of fortifications and bridges, and preparations for Operation "Zitadelle."
Jul 1 - 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Band 22, Lagenkarten. Situation maps (1:50000 and 1:100000).
Jul 1 - 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Band 23, Lagenkarten. Maps (1:100000 and 1:50000) of various corps and of the 8th Army area, and of Dnieper crossing points at Kremenchug.
Sep 8 - 30, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch des Gen. Kdo. XI. A.K. War journal, orders, and reports concerning the assignment of the corps to the 1st Hungarian Army in Stry and its mission, building of a bridgehead at Nadvornaya, air support, German and Russian tank losses, and number of German tanks ready for action. Also, an attack order of the 1st Hungarian Army, and corps orders for the continuation of the attack in the Nadvornaya area.
Apr 11 - May 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Corps reports to the 1st Hungarian Army pertaining to tank duels between German and enemy tanks, enemy and own losses, prisoners and captured booty, enemy situation facing 1st Panzer Army, state of readiness of German tanks, and enemy communications; includes order of battle of corps and Hungarian 2d Panzer Division.
Apr - May 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Ein- u. Ausgegangene Funkspruche. Reports on operations of the 1st Mountain Brigade.
Apr - May 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Orders, reports, and maps relating to preparations for attack, construction of rear area positions and village strongpoints, missions of divisions and brigades, assembly of stragglers, training of NCO's, evaluation of enemy situation, and improving of current position east of Mlodiatyn during the corps' withdrawal to Nadvornaya and Stanislav in the Carpathian Mountains region; includes order of battle of Replacement Battalion.
Apr - May 1944

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.02.13 16:57. Заголовок: 3. Gebirgs-Division ..

3. Gebirgs-Division

T315 R182
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht.
Oct. 1943
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht.
Nov. 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch.
Sep. 1942 - July 1943
Ia, Anlagenband (Anlagen Nr. 1-90) zum Kriegstagebuch vom 1 Sep. 1942 - 5. Jul 1943. Divisionsbefehle, Erfahrungsberichte, Karten.
Dec, 21, 1942 - July 4, 1943
Ib, Kriegstagabuch.
May 1 - Nov. 30, 1943
Ib, Anlagenband 1 zum Kriegstagebuch. Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung.
May 1 - Dec. 2, 1943
Ib, Anlagenband 2 zum Kriegstagebuch. Divisionsbefehle, Meldungen.
May 1 - Nov. 30, 1943

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.02.13 00:50. Заголовок: 126. Infanterie-Divi..

126. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1364
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 4. Taktische Meldungen und Befehle, Tagesbefehle. Daily reports, orders, and messages concerning operations; strength reports.
1942/07/01 - 1942/12/24
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 4. Gefechtsberichte. Afteraction reports from the division and subordinate units concerning combat operations in the Volkhov pocket and a Russian surprise attack at the Volkhov pocket, 26 Jun 1942.
1942/05/15 - 1942/12/14
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report, intelligence bulletins, interrogation reports, maps, and overlays pertaining to enemy operations, losses, and replacements; partisan activity; the formation, assignment, and destruction of Soviet 2d Shock Army (2.Stossarmee); unit identification, strength, fighting qualities, and tactical dispositions in the Lovat, Pola and Rob'ya River areas; military security; counterintelligence activity; use of Russian auxiliary workers; and troop indoctrination and entertainment. German propaganda leaflets.
1942/07/01 - 1942/09/30
Ic, TB mit Anlagen. Activity report with interrogation reports, intelligence bulletins, tables, charts, maps,
and overlays pertaining to enemy operations, losses, morale, replacements, order of battle, supply situation, unit identification, strength, fighting qualities, and tactical disposition in the Lovat, Pola, and Rob'ya River areas. Translations of an order of the People's Commissariat for Defense, 6 Sep 1942, and of Soviet combat orders; German propaganda leaflets.
1942/10/01 - 1942/12/30
Ia, Gefechtsbericht. Unternehmen "Michael" 27.9.-5.10.42. Afteraction report with a map pertaining to the execution of Unternehmen Michael (offensive engagements to widen the corridor to the Demyansk pocket, 27 Sep - 5 Oct 1942), including a list of officers participating and reports concerning the number of men and equipment captured.
1942/09/27 - 1942/10/05
Ia, KTB 5. Position defense in the corridor leading into the Demyansk pocket, in the Pola and Lovat Rivers sector near Velikoye Selo, and around Gorushka south of Staraya Russa.
1943/01/01 - 1943/06/30
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 5. Taktische Divisionsbefehle. Orders relating to reorganization for defense and combat training, Jan - Feb; withdrawal to and defense of the Lovat River bridgehead, 25 - 28 Feb; withdrawal across the Lovat River, 6 Mar; defense of the area between the Red'ya and Porus'ya Rivers, 22 Mar, and the Red'ya River sector, 24 Mar; Unternehmen Hindenburg (destruction of the enemy in the Penna positions, 30 Mar 1943); occupation of the Pennastellungen; taking over the 122.ID sector, 3 Apr; and defense of the Porus'ya and Polist' River positions.
1943/01/05 - 1943/05/05

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.02.13 00:51. Заголовок: 126. Infanterie-Divi..

126. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1368
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 5. Orders, reports, and maps pertaining to defensive operations and training; the construction of and withdrawal to the Red'ya, Polist', and Porus'ya River and "Apfelsumpf" positions; and Unternehmen Hindenburg and Operation Ziethen (disengagement movement from the Demyansk pocket, Feb 1943).
1942/12/09 - 1943/06/14
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 5. Reports, directives, and orders concerning training, traffic control, artillery activity, billeting in rear areas, alert units, and inventory of ammunition.
1943/01/04 - 1943/06/26
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 5. Zustandsberichte, Kriegsgliederungen, Staerken.
1943/01/01 - 1943/06/30
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 5. Verteidigungsuebersichten.
1942/10/08 - 1943/05/03
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 5. Stellungslegende: Robja-Stellung. Description of the terrain and fortified positions in the Lovat-Rob'ya River sector; reports and charts on minefields and barricades in the Koslovo area. Intelligence bulletins and reports concerning enemy military situation, supplies, losses, morale, replacements, unit identification and strength, and propaganda and new Soviet attack principles.
1942/09/00 - 1943/01/16
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 5. Besprechungsniederschriften, Gefechtsberichte, Tagesbefehle. Afteraction reports concerning Unternehmen Michael (an offensive to widen the corridor to the Demyansk pocket, 27 Sep - 5 Oct 1942), assignment of the division, 28 Nov - 14 Dec 1942, Gren.Rgt. 424 during the offensive in the Berezovets, Vysotovo, and Kukuy areas, 15 Feb 1943, and Pi.Btl.126, 18 Mar 1943; and Unternehmen Hindenburg, 30 Mar 1943. An afteraction critique relating to the assignment of Pi.Btl. 126, 18 Mar 1943; notes regarding command conferences.
1942/11/28 - 1943/06/26
Ic, TB. Activity report, intelligence bulletins, interrogation summaries, maps, charts, and overlays pertaining to major enemy offensives, 28 Nov - 29 Dec 1942; assault operations; losses; morale; probable intentions; replacements; order of battle; unit identification and strength; artillery activity; propaganda; and tactical situation in the Lovat, Rob'ya and Red'ya River areas; and to counterintelligence activity and troop entertainment and indoctrination. A copy and translation of the proclamation "Der Smolensker Aufruf" by the chairman of the Russian Liberation Committee, Gen.Lt. A.A. Vlasov, 27 Dec 1942.
1943/01/01 - 1943/03/31
Ic, TB. Activity report concerning enemy operations, losses, replacements, unit identification, artillery activity, and tactical situation in the Red'ya and Polist' River areas; counterintelligence activity; troop entertainment and indoctrination; control of the civilian population; and Propaganda-Aktion Silberstreif.
1943/04/01 - 1943/06/30

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290. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1891
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Daily radio messages, reports, and orders pertaining to defensive and assault operations, counterattacks, antitank defense, artillery activity and situation, continuation of Unternehmen Fallreep, 16 - 22 Apr, an attack to regain the Larinka River position in the Nalyuchi area, 14 - 15 Kay, and preparations for Unternehmen Daneborg. Strength, casualty, and status reports; afteraction reports concerning the defense of the Demyansk pocket, 8 Feb - 21 Apr, and combat action of Inf.Rgt. 503, 3 - 5 and 14 - 15 May; data on enemy operations, losses, strength, unit identification, and air activity; a map showing the location of enemy units facing the 290.ID; and an intelligence bulletin.
A report concerning the formation of Kampfgruppe Eicke (Theodor Eicke, Gen.d. Waffen-SS and Kdr. 3. SS-PzD "Totenkopf"), 3 Feb 1942, to secure an outlet for the Demyansk pocket and its disbandment 27 May. (After its mission was completed, Kampfgruppe Eicke's units were again attached to the 3. SS-PzD "Totenkopf".)
1942/04/16 - 1942/05/31
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Daily radio messages, reports, and orders pertaining to defensive operations; construction and naintenance of roads and rear positions; artillery reorganization, activity, and situation; training; rehabilitation; regrouping; and execution of Unternehmen Daneborg (mopping-up action in the Vasil'yevshchina area, attack to gain the Dubovik sector, and the establishment of a defensive position along the west bank of the Pola River in the Nalyuchi area, 4 - 6 Jun). Strength, casualty, and status reports; combat directives; list of units and personnel on detached service; and data regarding enemy operations on land and in the air.
1942/06/01 - 1942/06/30
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB. Monitored enemy radio messages concerning their air reconnaissance.
1942/03/01 - 1942/05/03

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XXVI. Armeekorps

T314 R760
Ic, Anlagen I-III z. TB, Tages-, Morgen- u. Abendmeldungen. Periodic daily reports of the Intelligence Branch concerning daily combat activities, casualties, intelligence obtained through interrogation of Soviet prisoners of war and deserters, propaganda activities, patrol and reconnais-sance observations, and organizational matters in the Lake Ladoga and Neva River areas. Also, data obtained through monitoring Soviet communications.
May 10 - Dec 31, 1942
Ic, Anlage IV z. TB, Feindbeurteilung, Geistige Betreuung. Reports concerning estimates of Soviet Army strength and plans, interrogations of Soviet prisoners of war and deserters, special services activities, and propaganda matters.
May 23 - Dec 28, 1942
Ic, Anlage V z. TB, Feindnachriehtenblatter. Information bulletins regarding the enemy situation, identification of Soviet units on the Neva front, interrogation of prisoners of war and deserters, and the possible use of gas.
May 23 - Dec 31, 1942
Ic, Anlage VII z. TB, Deutsche Flugblatter. Reports and propaganda leaflets, newspapers, and articles disseminated by the Intelligence Branch containing German propaganda intended to affect adversely the morale of Soviet army personnel and the civilian populace, including psychological data directed toward Stalingrad defenders to cause them to surrender.
May 7 - Dec 31, 1942
Ic, Anlage VIII z. TB, Russische Flugblatter. Reports, propaganda leaflets, newspapers, and articles containing Soviet propaganda intended to affect adversely the morale of German army personnel. Includes Soviet psychological warfare information about U.S. and British measures against Germany and its allies.
May 7 - Dec 31, 1942

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I. Armeekorps

T314 R74
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Ausgegangene Befehle, I. Operational orders, directives, messages and correspondence pertaining to organized withdrawal movements, shortening of front lines, planned operations, mission and conduct of battle, troop distribution, construction of field fortifications and new main line of resistance.
Aug. - Sep. 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Ausgegangene Befehle. Continuation of Item No. 59872/4, containing correspondence dealing with the defense of the Jecava sector, further withdrawals to the Mitau position; orders and directives for the disposal and destruction of heavy vehicles and unimportant documents, demolition of bridges and roads, and disciplinary measures.
Sep. - Oct. 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Eingegangene Meldungen. Situation and battle reports, messages, sketches, maps and correspondence from subordinate divisions pertaining to evasive and mobile warfare during withdrawals from Polotsk to Mitau.
July - Oct. 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KTB, Meldungen des Gen. Kdos. Situation and battle reports, requests, messages and correspondence to the 16th Army.
July - Oct. 1944
Ia, Anlage zum KIB, Tagesmeldungen der Divisionen. Daily, morning and intermittent combat situation and activity reports from various divisions.
Aug. - Oct. 1944

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6. SS-Gebirgs-Division Nord

T354 R144
Ib, Anlagen zum KTB. Orders, directives, reports and messages pertaining to supply branch services in northern Norway, preparation for transport from Markajarvi to Kestenga (Kiestinki), 21 Oct, and Oulu, Korpijarvi, and Kuusamo areas. Also, activity reports of the administrative, medical, and motor transport officers, the judge advocate, and the postmaster, 1 Sep - 31 Dec 1941; special supply directives; inventories of weapons, eguipment, vehicles, ammunition, and motor fuel issued and on hand; casualty and strength reports; and an instruction pamphlet on handling of weapons and ammunition during the winter in Finland.
1941/09/01 - 1941/12/31
IIa/b, Personalangelegenheiten der SS-Geb.-Nachr.Abt. "Nord". Lists of Waffen-SS personnel granted decorations or promotions, including company rosters.
1942/03/14 - 1944/12/30
Ib, Besondere Anordnungen fuer die Versorgung. Special supply directives and correspondence pertaining to supply branch operations in the Oulu, Kuusamo, and Korpijarvi areas. Correspondence identification show a redesignation change between 8 and 13 Nov 1943 from SS Gebirgs-Division "Nord" to the 6. SS Gebirgs-Division "Nord", exact date of redesignation could not be determined.
1942/01/07 - 1944/08/28
Ia, Allgemein. Orders relatinq to increasinq the effectiveness of reconnaissance troops, 11 Mar 1945; reconnaissance activity in the Ounasjoki River sector, 17 Oct 1944; and the control of the civilian population in Finland, 11 Mar 1945.
1944/10/17 - 1945/03/11
Ib, Ic, IIa/b, III, Allgemein. Reports on the status of weapons, equipment, and ammunition which led to disciplinary action; lists of technical personnel and awards granted; and interrogation summaries.
1944/01/16 - 1945/03/03
Ia, III, Befehle und Meldunqen. Orders relating to defensive operations in the Karelian sector, 7 - 14 Mar 1944, and offensive engagements of Sperrgruppe Nord in the Mosel River sector, 5 Mar 1945; reports concerning disciplinary matters and troop indoctrination; and inventories ot ammunition.
1944/02/20 - 1945/03/05
IVa, Uebergabeverhandlunq der SS Geb.-Art.-Rqt. 6. Reports concerning the payment of transferred Waffen-SS personnel.
1945/01/16 - 1945/02/27
IIa/b, Verlustmeldungen und Grablisten der 6. SS Gebirgs-Division "Nord". Casualty reports with name and location of burial.
1943/03/17 - 1944/06/11

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134. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1397
Ia, Anlagen zun KTB Russland. Fernsprechheft. Handwritten messages and reports on the invasion of Russia.
1941/07/20 - 1941/08/01
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB Russland. Fernsprechheft. Handwritten messages and reports concerning the activities and advance of the division.
1941/08/13 - 1941/09/04
Ia, KTB 3, Band 1. Crossing the Berezina River near Gubichi, offensive engagements northeast of Rechitsa, and securing the sector between the Dnieper River and Sozh River.
1941/08/11 - 1941/08/20
Ia, KTB 3, Band 2. Mopping-up action in the area between the Dnieper Biver and the Sozh River and movement toward and attack on Chernigov.
1941/08/21 - 1941/09/13
Ia, KTB 3, Band 3. Offensive engagements in the Yablunovka, Drabov, Rzhishchev, Klepaly, Putivl, and Rylsk areas.
1941/09/14 - 1941/10/25
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Korpsbefehle. Corps orders concerning division operations. Intelligence bulletins and maps pertaining to enetay operations, losses, unit identification, and tactical disposition and the general military situation in Russia and Finland.
1941/08/10 - 1941/09/05
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Korpsbefehle. Corps orders concerning division operations, special directives regarding supply and supply troops, and intelligence bulletins and maps pertaining to enemy operations and tactical disposition and the general military situation in Russia and Finland.
1941/09/05 - 1941/10/25
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Divisionsbefehle.
1941/08/10 - 1941/10/25
la, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Besondere Anlagen. A study of the economy and climate of the Ukraine; division and regimental combat orders; afteraction reports concerning the division's operations, 17 and 30 Aug and 9 Sep, and the assignment of IR 445, 7 - 20 Aug ; a critique relating to the leadership and training on the eastern front; a translation of a proclamation by the Red Army; intelligence bulletins pertaining to enemy operations, losses, and unit identification.
1941/08/10 - 1941/10/25

T315 R1398
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Verkehr mit Nachbardivisionen.
1941/08/11 - 1941/10/25
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Allgemeiner Schriftverkehr.
1941/08/11 - 1941/10/25
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Ausgehende Funk- und Fernspruchmeldungen.
1941/08/11 - 1941/08/31
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Ausgehende Funk- und Fernspruchmeldungen.
1941/09/01 - 1941/10/05
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Ausgehende Funk- und Fernspruchmeldungen.
1941/10/06 - 1941/10/25

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217. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1645
Ia, Anlage zum KTB 3. Meldungen unterstellter Einheiten. Reports and messages pertaining to advance and offensive engagements across Belgium and in France from Valenciennes to Arras, 13 May - 5 Jun 1940, and from Arras to Paris via Albert, Poix, and Beauvais, 6 Jun - 14 Jul 1940, occupation of Paris, 15 - 30 Jun 1940, and movement to Saint-Vaast-de-Longmont, 1 Jul 1940.
1940/05/13 - 1940/07/01
Ia, Anlage zum KTB 3. Kriegsrang - und Verlustlisten, Gefechts- und Verpflegungsstaerken.
1940/05/10 - 1940/07/11
Ia, Anlage zum KTB 3, Befehle. Orders and messages pertaining to the invasion of Lithuania at Rietavas and pursuit and offensive engagements from Silute to Jelgava, Latvia, via Varniai, Kursenai, and Joniskis.
1941/06/22 - 1941/06/30
Ia, Anlage zum KTB 3, Fernsprechmeldungen. Reports on the advance through Lithuania.
1941/06/22 - 1941/06/30

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Kommandanten ruckwartiges Armeegebiet (Koruck)

T501 R86
Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 583, containing KTB Nr. 5 of the command, for the period 1 Jul - 31 Dec 1943. Two folders from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 583, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of daily reports and activity reports of Abt. Ia, IIa, and VII.
1 Jul - 30 Sep 1943.
1 Oct - 31 Dec 1943.
Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 525, containing KTB Nr. 5 of the command, for the period 1 Jul - 31 Dec 1943.

T501 R349
H.Geb. Sud, Feldgendarmerie, Tatigkeitsbericht, Geheime Feldpolizei. A file of the Military Zone of Administration South (H.Geb. Sud) containing reports of the Secret Field Police on enemy sabotage and partisan activities and on military security activities of the various Secret Field Police units in the Kiev area.
Jan - Aug 1942
H.Geb. Nord, Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1, Ic/AO, Tatigkeitsberichte. A file of the Military Zone of Administration North (H.Geb. Nord) containing a war journal of the Operations Officer, Secret Field Police reports on military security measures and on enemy sabotage and partisan activities, assignment lists, order of battle charts and maps showing the location of the Commanding General of the Security Troops and Commander in the Military Zone of Administration North and of subordinate units in the area south and west of Leningrad, a map showing re-fitting ereas southwest of Lake Pleskau, monthly reports on German propaganda measures, and staff and corps orders.
Sep - Dec 1942
H.Geb. B, Feldgendarmerie, Tatigkeitsbericht der Geheimen Feldpolizeigruppen. A file of the Military Zone of Administration B (H.Geb. B) containing Secret Field Police reports on the activities of Russian agents and partisans and military security measures, strength reports, and maps showing tactical grouping of Secret Field Police units.
Jan 1942 - Jan 1943
H.Geb. B, Ic, Anlagen z. KTB. A file of the Military Zone of Administration B (H.Geb. B) containing reports of the Intelligence Branch on the activities of Russisn agents and partisans, military security measures, tactical information, a list of sabotage acts committed in the Valuiki-Glukhov area, and a map showing the enemy situation in the Kharkov area.
Dec 1942

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13. Panzer-Division

T315 R641
Ia, Anlage III, Heft 1 z. KTB 5, Gefechtsberichte.
Jun 24 - Aug 9, 1941
Ia, Anlage III, Heft 2 z. KTB 5, Gefechtsberichte.
Aug 10 - Dec 15, 1941
Ia, Anlage V, Heft 2 z. KTB 5; Ic, Tatigkeitsberichte mit Anlagen.
May 20 - Dec 15, 1941
IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte als Anlage V, Heft 1 z. KTB 5 Ia.
May 20 - Dec 13, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 6, Textband. War journal concerning operations and activities in the Stalino and Rostov areas. Also, lists of officers' duty assignments and casualties, combat strength reports, and order of battle charts. The division was subordinate to the III. and XIV. Pz.K. and Gruppe von Wietersheim. On Feb 25, 1942, Oberst Traugott Herr became division commander.
Dec 16, 1941 - Jun 15, 1942

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.03.13 18:40. Заголовок: LXXVI. Panzerkorps ..

LXXVI. Panzerkorps

T314 R1572
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1. War journal concerning the setting up of the staff of the LXXVI. A.K. by the LXVI. Res.K. on Jun 22, 1943, and the redesignation of the Corps to LXXVI. Pz.K. on Jul 17, 1943, its operations during transfer from Clermont-Ferrand via Rome and Naples to the Calabria district, with part of the Corps transferred to Sicily and later withdrawn to the Anzio-Nettuno area. The Corps was subordinate to Armeegruppe Felber, OB Sud, and Pz.AOK 10, successively under the command of Gen.d.Pz.Tr. Traugott Herr, Jul 1, 1943 - Nov 24, 1944.
Jun 22, 1943 - Feb 2, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 1, Band 1. Reports, directives, and orders concerning operations in Calabria, the loss of Sicily, and the defense of southern Italy.
Jul 10 - Aug 30, 1943
Ia, Ia/Stopi., Ic, Anlagen z. KTB 1. Reports, orders, and messages pertaining to defensive operations, tactics, coastal defense, antipartisan activity, and the construction of defensive positions during combat action in Sicily from Jul 10 to Aug 6, 1943, withdrawal to southern Italy, with the battle for Salerno completed on Oct 2, 1943, and withdrawal to defend the Cassino and Foggia areas. Also, intelligence bulletins and reports, with maps concerning enemy operations, unit identification, partisan warfare, prisoners of war, captured materiel, and the air, land, and naval situation, and an instruction pamphlet relating to engineer service.
Jul 16 - Oct 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 1. Reports, messages, orders, and directives concerning operations in central Italy.
Nov 1, 1943 - Feb 2, 1944

T314 R1573
Qu., Kriegstagebuch 1. War journal concerning supply operations, administration, and services.
Jul 7 - Dec 31, 1943
Qu., Anlagen z. KTB 1. Reports, messages, and orders pertaining to supply operations, administration, services, and situation and medical, dental, and transportation services. Also, special directives concerning supply and supply troops, directives relating to the evacuation and destruction of supply installations, and overlays showing the location of the Corps' supply units and installations in the Rome, Castella, Naples, and Foggia areas.
Sep 10 - Dec 3, 1943
Qu., Anlagen z. KTB 1. Periodic daily reports containing statistics on fuel consumption, weapons, and munitions supply.
Jul 26 - Dec 31, 1943
IVb, Tatigkeitsbericbt. Activity report of the Medical Officer.
Aug 13 - Dec 31, 1943
IVa, IVc, FPM, Tatigkeitsberichte. Activity report of the Administrative Officer for the period Jun 25, 1943 to Feb 2, 1944, with reports, orders, and overlays pertaining to the operations and services of administrative sections, supply situation, evacuation of supply depots, and the location of administrative sections during operations in the Clermont-Ferrand, Polla, Rone, Kaples, Salerno, and Cassino areas. Also, activity reports of the Veterinary Officer and the Postmaster for the period Jul 1 to Dec 31, 1943.
Jun 25, 1943 - Feb 2, 1944

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50. Infanterie-Division

T315 R947
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 6, Meldungen Nr. 2.
May 27 - Jul 8, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 6, Anerkennende Befehle.
Jan 18 - Jul 9, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 6, Erfahrungs-, Gefechts- und Erlebnisberichte.
Jan 1 - Jul 10, 1942
Ia, Anlagen zu den Erfahrungs-, Gefechts- und Erlebnisberichten. "Kampf um die Festung Sewastopol".
Jan 1 - Jul 10, 1942
Ic, Tatigkeitsberichte z. KTB 6, Ia. The battle of Sevastopol, the enemy situation, and partisan activities.
Jan 1 - Jul 10, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 7. Antipartisan warfare after the battle of Sevastopol, transfer to the Simferopol and Yalta areas for occupation duties and training, transfer to Kerch and later to Krasnodar for combat operations, and offensives to the Terek River area. The division was subordinate to the LIV. A.K., AOK 11, and the XLII. and LII. A.K. during this period.
Jul 11 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Anlage 1 u. 2 z. KTB 7, Divisionsbefehle Nr. 1 u. 2.
Jul 11 - Dec 31, 1942

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296. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1956
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Advance in the Polonnoye, Vrublevka, Karvinovka, and Zhitomir areas, 16 - 21 Jul; pursuit, offensive engagements, and mopping-up operations in the Vatskov, Korostyshev, Radomyshl, and Vyshevichi areas and the Teterev River sector, 21 - 23 Jul; and movement to and attack across the Irsha River in the Chepovichi area, advance eastward to the Veprin and Malin area, and mopping-up operations in the Irsha and Teterev Rivers sector, 23 - 25 Jul 1941.
1941/07/16 - 1941/07/25
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Daily radio messages, orders, reports, and maps pertaining to securing the Teterev, Kodra, Nezhilovichi, and Maydanovka areas in the Teterev and Kodra Rivers sector, 26 Jul - 4 Aug 1941.
1941/07/26 - 1941/08/04
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Securing the Teterev, Kodra, Nezhilovichi, and Maydanovka areas in the Kodra and Teterev Rivers sector, 5 - 23 Aug, and movement to and offensive operations in the Irpen River sector between Gostomel and Kozarovichi.
1941/08/05 - 1941/08/26
Ia, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Securing the Irpen River sector from the Belogorodka area southwest of Kiev to the Dymer area.
1941/08/27 - 1941/09/14

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4. Gebirgs-Division

T315 R233
Ia, Kriegstagebuch mit Kartenanlagen.
Aug. 16 - Oct. 31, 1941
Ia, Divisionsbefehle (Funkspruche).
Sep. 15 - Oct. 31, 1941
Ia, Meldungen.
Aug. 16 - Oct. 6, 1941
Ia, Meldungen.
Oct. 7 - 31, 1941

Kommandanten ruckwartiges Armeegebiet (Koruck)

T501 R84
Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 584, containing an activity report of the Intendant of the command, for the period 1 Apr - 31 Dec 1943.
Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB Nr. 28 of the command, for the period 1 - 15 Oct 1943.
Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB Nr. 28a of the command, for the period 16 - 31 Oct 1943.
Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB Nr. 29 of the command, for the period 1 - 14 Nov 1943.
Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB Nr. 29a of the command, for the period 15 - 30 Nov 1943.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.03.13 15:56. Заголовок: II. SS-Panzerkorps ..

II. SS-Panzerkorps

T354 R606
Ia, Anlagenband B zum KTB 6, Karten. Situation maps showing the location of the corps and subordinate units in the areas of Kharkov, Ol'shany, Merefa, Lyubotin, 27 - 30 Jun; Dergachi, Belgorod, 30 Jun - 5 Jul; Tomarovka, Gostishchevo, Luchki, 5 - 9 Jul; Verkhopen'ye, Yakovlevo, Pokrovka, Bogoroditskoye, Kochetovka, Pokhorovka, 10 - 17 Jul; Kharkov, Merefa Verkhnyaya Bereka, 18 - 19 Jul; Stalino, Makeyevka, Nikitovka, Psel River, Oboyan, Slavyansk, 20 - 29 Jul; and Chistyakovo, Mius River, Dmitriyevka, and Gorlovka , 30 Jul - 2 Aug 1943; also maps showing the location of supply routes and the tactical disposition of enemy forces facing the II. SS PzK.
1943/06/27 - 1943/08/02
Ia, KTB 7 und TB. War journal concerning the transfer from Malo-Chistyakovo, Russia to Reggio Emilia, Italy, via Kielce, Poland, Dresden and Munich, Germany, and Innsbruck, Austria, 3 - 14 Aug; and movement to the Reggio Emilia, Trento, Rovereto, and Verona areas, 16 Aug - 21 Sep; movement to Udine under the new designation as SS PzAOK 1 to carry out a "Taeuschungsaktion" (deception) within the HGr B command to combat partisan groups in the Karst and Istria areas, 22 - 29 Sep; movement to Opicina (northeast of Trieste) for coastal defense and antipartisan operations in the Istria, Karst, and Adriatic coastal areas, 30 Sep - 10 Oct; movement to Ljubljana (Laibach), Yugoslavia, for execution of Unternehmen "Wolkenbruch" (operations to destroy Croatian and Slovenian partisans) in the Ljubljana, Planina, and Ogulin areas, 12 - 31 Oct; regrouping for and execution of "Inselunternehmen" (antipartisan operations in Fiume, and the Cres (Cherso), Krk, and Losinj (Lossino) Islands), 13 - 16 Nov; and Unternehmen "Traufe" (antipartisan operations in the Ljubljana area), 14 - 22 Nov 1943; after completion of Unternehmen "Traufe," the "Tarnbezeichnung SS PzAOK 1" was lifted and the designation of the II. SS PzK was continued, 22 Nov 1943; and movement of corps headquarters to the Villa Opicina area, 25 Nov 1943. The 65.ID, 71.ID, 162.ID, 24.PzD, an d SS PzD "LSSAH" were subordinate to the corps. Activity reports of the personnel branch and the Nazi guidance officer, 1 Aug - 30 Nov 1943, a register of officers, strength and casualty reports, and data relating to the Italian Army and partisan activity.
1943/08/03 - 1943/12/03
Ia, Anlagenband A, Teil 1 zum KTB 7. Daily reports, orders, and radio messages concerning subordination of divisions, billeting, antipartisan operations, disarmament of Italian military forces, and tactical grouping of the corps.
1943/08/03 - 1943/12/31

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XVIII. Gebirgskorps

T314 R606
Ia, Anlagenbande 4-6 z. KTB 12, Tagesmeldungen. Daily tactical reports on activities on the Vanajajarvi Peninsula, in the Gankashvaara and Lohijarvi sectors, and in the Bolshaya, Jeltj River, and Kesten'ga areas.
Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagenbande 7-8 z. KTB 12, Tagesmeldungen. Daily tactical reports pertaining to activities in the Lohijarvi, Gankashvaara, Njatovaara, and the Louhi sectors and along the Pin'gosalma Highway.
May - Jun 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 12, Meldungen. Messages of higher and lower echelons concerning military operations on the Finnish front, giving tactical information on activities in the Gankashvaara, Louhi, Ucha, Lohijarvi, and Njatovaara sectors, and on the Vanajajarvi Peninsula.
Jan 1 - Jul 30, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 12, Unternehmen "Jubilaum". Detailed tactical information on Operation "Jubilaum" (plans to annihilate guerrilla bands operating between the Rohoe Highway and Pistojarvi).
Jun 19 - Aug 3, 1943
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Report on enemy and own intelligence activities and operations, propaganda methods, reconnaissance missions, enemy situation estimates, interrogation reports, order of battle information, and general security reports in connection with the German campaign in Finland.
Jan 1 - Jul 30, 1943

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XXXXIII. Armeekorps

T314 R1021
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Intelligence summaries pertaining to enemy movements, plans showing assignment of the Corps in the Panther positions in the Kudever area and on the Narva front, estimates on enemy strength, maps and overlays on enemy positions, daily reports from the divisions, and reports from the Corps to AOK 16 and Armeegruppe Narwa, including 10-day reports on captured materiel and enemy casualties.
Mar 1 - 31, 1944
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Intelligence summaries covering enemy forces facing the Corps on the Narva front, elimination of enemy penetration of the Narva-Rakvere (Wesenburg) rail line and the Krivaso bridgehead, maps and overlays, 10-day reports on captured materiel and enemy casualties, and reports to Armeegruppe Narwa.
Apr 1 - 30, 1944
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Intelligence summaries covering enemy activities on the Narva front including enemy strength estimates and overlays showing enemy positions, interrogation evaluation on prisoners of war, partisan activities, and reports to Armeegruppe Narwa.
May 1 - 31, 1944
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity reports pertaining to enemy forces facing the Corps on the Narva front, estimates on enemy strength in the Krivaso bridgehead, and reports on naval activities in the Finnish Gulf. Also, overlays on enemy positions; division's interrogation summary on prisoners of war, reports on enemy casualties, and propaganda; and reports from the Corps to Armeeabteilung Narwa.
Jun 1 - 30, 1944
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity reports on enemy forces opposing the Corps on the Narva front, including maps and overlays. Also, interrogation evaluation on prisoners of war; division reports on enemy movements, casualties, and propaganda; and reports from the Corps to Armeeabteilung Narwa.
Jul 1 - 20, 1944
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 7. War journal concerning defensive operations in Latvia, especially in the Riga and Daugavpils (Dunaburg) area, the execution of Operations "Donner" (withdrawal to positions defending Riga) and "Eulenspiegel" (withdrawal to Birzhai (Birsen) in Lithuania), and the relief of the Corps by the L. AK. and its transfer to Valdemarpils (Sassmacken). The Corps was subordinate to AOK 16 under the command of Gen. Lt. Kurt Versock, Sep 5, 1944 - Apr 14, 1945.
Jul 20 - Oct 9, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Orders of the Corps and AOK 16 concerning operations. west of Daugavpils (Dunaburg) and participation in Operation "Eulenspiegel." Included are overlays (1:300000).
Jul 19 - 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Orders and teletype communications of the Corps and AOK 16 concerning operations on the Latvian-Lithuanian front. After retaking Birzhai (Birsen) the Corps moved northward to defend the Dvina and Memel River areas south of Jounjelgava (Friedrichstadt). Included are directives on countering heavy tank assaults.
Aug 1 - 31, 1944
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Orders, directives, and messages of the Corps, AOK 16, and Armeegruppe Nord concerning operations on the Latvian front. The Corps was engaged in successive withdrawals from positions along the Dvina River in the Jounjelgava (Friedrichstadt) area to the Sigulda (Segewold) positions, protecting Ogre. Included are division strength reports and maps (1:10000).
Sep 1 - 30, 1944

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II. Armeekorps

T314 R143
Ia, Anlage 125 Ostfeldzug, Meldungen. Information on continuous assault and reconnaissance actions on the Eastern front, including reports on guerilla warfare.
June 16 - 23, 1943
Ia, Anlage 126 Ostfeldzug, Meldungen. Information on German defensive operations against Russian offensives near Kholm, Ssemkina Goruschka, etc.
June 24 - 30, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 2, Band 1. Detailed entries on all activities and operations in connection with the II Corps campaign on the Eastern front.
Dec. 16, 1941 - March 22, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 2, Band 2.
March 23 - Aug. 25, 1942

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LVII. Panzerkorps

T314 R1485
Qu., Kriegstagebuch 3, Band 1. War journal concerning supply operations, including transfer of newly subordinate 6. and 23. Pz.Div. from Krasnodar to Kotelnikovski and withdrawal to Kuberle.
Nov 27 - Dec 31, 1942
Qu., Kriegstagebuch 3, Band 2. War journal concerning supply operations; withdrawal to Kuberle, Salsk, Rostov, and Taganrog; evacuation of supplies to a position north of the Don River; eventual fuel scarcity; dynamiting of munitions and supplies; and the transfer of the Corps to Armee-Abteilung Hollidt.
Jan 1 - Feb 20, 1943
IVa-b, V, FPM, Tatigkeitsberichte als Anlage 1 z. KTB 3. Activity reports of the Administrative, Medical, and Motor Transport Officers and of Army Post Office 457, with daily charts showing fuel consumption by units.
Nov 27, 1942 - Feb 19, 1943
Qu., Anlage 2a z. KTB 3, Ein- u. ausgegangene Befehle u. Meldungen. Messages, reports, and orders on supply operations, orders of battle of the 6. Pz.Div. and the Corps' Supply Branch, and directives of AOK 4 on rear area security responsibility.
Nov 26 - Dec 31, 1942
Qu., Anlage 2b a. KTB 3, Ein- u. ausgegangene Befehle u. Meldungen. Messages, reports, and orders citing evacuation to area northwest of Rostov. Also, Pz.AOK 4 list of transports and goods evacuated including ultimate destination.
Jan 1 - Feb 20, 1943
Qu., Anlage 3 z. KTB 3, Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung. Special supply orders.
Dec 2, 1942 - Feb 13, 1943

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.04.13 14:50. Заголовок: III. Panzerkorps T3..

III. Panzerkorps

T314 R207
Ia, Textheft z. KTB, Band II. Includes morning and daily reports of Corps activities to Panzer AOK 1; Corps and Army operational directives — "time, space and road conditions seem no longer to play a role in this third Russian winter;" difficulty in reaching Proskuroff due to Army order prohibiting use of certain routes.
Feb. - March 1944
Ia, Textheft z. KTB, Band III. Includes morning and daily activity reports of Corps to Panzer AOK 1, Corps and Army operational commands and directives; Corps Commanders' disagreement with Army Command regarding time necessary to retake the Duba Sector from the Russians.
March - April 1944
Ia, Textheft z. KTB, Band IV, Contains Army and Corps operational orders, Corps morning and daily reports to Army (Pz.AOK 1), own and enemy activities on Corps front, weather reports, etc.
April - June 1944
Qu., Gefechts- u. Verpflegungsstarken. Periodic listing of officers, officials, non-commiasioned officers, enlisted men and horses, and non-armed forces personnel.
Jan. - June 1944
Ia, Anlageband I z. KTB. Daily and morning reports of the divisions and the Corps relating own and enemy activity, transfer of Corps HQs from Kirowograd to Zybulew and placed under Pz.AOK 1, Army and Corps operational directives.
Jan. 1 - 20, 1944

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XXXIX. Panzer-Korps

T314 R933
Ia, Kriegstagebucher, Bande 19-25 mit Anlagen. War journals containing detailed tactical information on continued fighting in the switch position between the Osuga, Vazuza, and Gzhat Rivers.
Nov 25 - Dec 31, 1942

46. Infanterie-Division

T315 R936
Ia, Anlagenbande A-H z. KTB 11. Reports, orders, directives, announcements, messages, and overlays.
Mar 31 - Jul 31, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 12. Defense of the area south of Izyum and withdrawal. Also, reports relating to Operations "Kornernte" (clearing of the enemy from the breakthrough sector in the Shevchenko-Kolesovo area) and "Sonnenblumenernte" (withdrawal to the area east of Lozovaya). The division was subordinate to the XL. and LVII. Pz.K., under the command of Gen.Lt. Arthur Hauffe until Aug 20, 1943, and Gen.Maj.
Kurt Ropke thereafter.
Aug 1 - Sep 15, 1943

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VIII. Armeekorps

T314 R392
Qu., Tagesmeldungen. Daily reports to AOK 16 on fuel and ammunition consumption, daily food rations, fuel supply, losses of weapons and equipment, and captured materiel.
Jul 20 - Dec 31, 1943
IVa, Geheimsachen. Maps and organization charts of the Administrative Branch, lists of supplies, reports and orders on personnel matters and on the supply situation.
Sep 30 - Dec 14, 1940
Ia, Meldungen z. KTB. Daily reports containing tactical information on enemy attacks in the area of the Gussino, Nevedro, Sviblo, Shadro, and Doliskoye Lakes, along the Velikaya River, and west of Lake Kuschane.
Jan 1 - Mar 28, 1944

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VIII. Armeekorps

T314 R393
Ia, Meldungen z. KTB. Daily reports containing tactical information on Russian attacks in the vicinity of Kovel, and reports on Operation "Bruell" (the annihilation of guerrilla bands).
Apr 2 - Jun 30, 1944
IIa, Beilage z. KTB. Report of the Personnel Branch concerning casualties, vacancies, replacements, strength, and decorations. Also, an army directory.
Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Report on intelligence activities, enemy and own propaganda, secret police operations, and guerrilla warfare during operations in areas of the Gussino, Nevedro, and Shadro Lakes.
Jan 1 - 31, 1944
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Report of intelligence activities, enemy and own propaganda, secret police operations, and guerrilla warfare during operations in the Doliskoje Lake area.
Feb 1 - 20, 1944
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Report on intelligence activities, enemy and own propaganda action, secret police operations, and guerrilla warfare during operations at Lake Sviblo, the Velikaya River, and Lake Kuschane.
Mar 1 - 31, 1944
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Report on intelligence activities, enemy and own propaganda action, secret polic eoperations, and guerrilla warfare during operations in the vicinity of Kovel and during Operation "Bruell".
Apr 1 - Jun 30, 1944
Ic, Anlagen z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Reports pertaining to enemy and own situation, operations, and activities in the Velikaya River, Lake Kuschane, and Kovel areas.
Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944

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34. Infanterie-Division

T315 R876
Ia, Tatigkeitsbericht, Westen. Activity report concerning replacement and training of new recruits for coastal defense in the area between Boulogne and Abbeville, the return of Gen.Lt. Hans Behlendorff, who was wounded in Luxembourg on May 10, 1940, and the transfer of the division to Poland. The division was subordinate to the XXXVIII. A.K. during this period.
Nov 1, 1940 - May 24, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. TB. Corps and division orders.
Nov 1, 1940 - May 19, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4, Teil I; Ic, IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte. Transfer of the division from Boulogne, France, to the Biala Podlaska area in Poland in preparation for the campaign against Russia, crossing the Bug River near Michalkov in the Brest area, offensives northeast to the Dnieper River in the Mogilev area, east to Krichev, and as far as the Desna River toward Kirov. Also, activity reports of the Intelligence and Personnel Branches. The division was subordinate to the XII. and XIII. A.K., AOK 2, and the XLIII. and XII. A.K., successively during this period.
May 25 - Sep 30, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4, Teil II; Ic, IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte. Offensives from the Desna River to Kirov, northeast to the Ugra River, and to Tarutino on the Nara River, where operations were stopped by strong Russian counterattacks and bad weather conditions. Also, activity reports of the Intelligence and Personnel Branches including casualty lists, and combat and ration strength reports. The division was subordinate to the XLIII. A.K. and LVII. Pz.K. during this period, under the command of Gen.Maj. Hans Behlendorff and Gen.Maj. Friedrich Fuerst, who became division commander on Dec 5, 1941.
Oct 1, 1941 - Feb 28, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband 1 z. KTB 4. Corps and division orders, combat reports, and situation maps.
Apr 14 - Jul 31, 1941

52. Infanterie-Division

T315 R956
Ia, Anlagenband C-3 z, KTB 3. Operationsakte, Meldungen an die Division, Funk- und Fernspruche.
Jun 29 - Aug 18, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband C-4 z. KTB 3, Qperationsakte, Morgen-, Zwischen- und Tagesmeldungen, Truppen an Divisionen, Division an Korps.
Jun 24 - Aug 19, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband C-5 z. KTB 3, Operationsakte, Meldungen an vorgesetzte Dienststellen.
Jun 26 - Aug 19, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband C-6 z. KTB 3, Aufzeichnungen wahrend der Kampfhandlungen iiber Besprechungen, Vortrage, Ferngesprache, Feindnachrichten, mit genauen Zeiten.
Jul 8 - Aug 12, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband D z. KTB 3, Gefechts- und Erfahrimgsberichte.
Jul 10 - Aug 23, 1941
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht, Teil III. Division and enemy operations and enemy personnel losses.
Jun 20 - Aug 19, 1941
Ic, Anlagenband z. TB, Teil III. Intelligence reports and interrogation summaries.
Jun 20 - Aug 19, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4. Offensive operations in the Rechitsa, Gomel, Klintsy, Mglin, Bryansk, Zhizdra, Kaluga, Aleksin, and Tarussa areas and defensive action along the Oka River in November and December. The division was subordinate to the LIII., XXI., XLIII., and XIII. A.K., successively.
Aug 20 - Dec 15, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband C-1 z. KTB 4, Eingegangene Befehle vorgesetzter Dienststellen, Einselbefehle, Funk- und- Ferngesprache.
Aug 20 - Dec 15, 1941
Ia, Anlagenband C-2 z. KTB 4, Divisionsbefehle, Einzelbefehle, Funk- und Ferngesprache.
Aug 19 - Dec 14, 1941

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LIV. Armeekorps

T314 R1342
Ia, Anlagenteil 3 z. KTB 3. Orders, operations reports, directives, and messages of the Corps and Army concerning the attack on Sevastopol; overlays on artillery targets; and directives on antipartisan warfare.
Nov 1 - 30, 1941
Ia, Anlagenteil 3 z. KTB 3. Directives of AOK 11 on transportation of prisoners of war and on the mission of the Corps; operations orders, reports, and directives; order of battle charts; a situation map and a report on antipartisan warfare.
Dec 1 - 31, 1941
Ia, Anlagenteile 6 u. 8 z. KTB 3. Daily casualty lists of the Corps, miscellaneous reports and directives on relations between German and Rumanian soldiers and on troop welfare during the winter of 1941-42.
Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1941
Ia, Anlagenteil 3 z. KTB 3, Korpsbefehle.
Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1941

T314 R1343
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4. War journal concerning the encirclement of Sevastopol, observation of ship traffic in the harbor, and air and artillery activities.
Jan 1 - Feb 28, 1942

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