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Своя коллекция пока небольшая, но стараюсь помаленьку обновлять. Сфера моих интересов - 1945, Восточный фронт, посему для себе в основном ищу именно эти доки, но в процессе обмена проходят через руки и документы более раннего периода и по другим направлениям.

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Группа армий Висла / HGr Weichsel

T311 R167
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T311 R168

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T311 R169
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T311 R170
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T311 R171
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9-я Армия / Armeeoberkommando 9

T312 R297
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21-я Армия / Armeeoberkommando 21

T312 R111
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1-я Парашютная Армия / Fallschirm-Armeeoberkommando

T312 R111
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Армия Лигурия / Armeeoberkommando Ligurien

T312 R111
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.12.13 00:42. Заголовок: IX. Armeekorps T314..

IX. Armeekorps

T314 R408
Ic, Anlage 3 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Ferngesprache 3. Reports on own and enemy activities and number of enemy prisoners of war taken and booty captured, evaluation reports of the situation, and Russian counterattacks at the Rusa bridgehead.
Nov - Dec 1941
Ic, Anlage 4 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Meldungen. Daily reports from the Corps Intelligence Branch to Panzergruppe 4 concerning enemy activities on the various divisional fronts during the period of the deepest penetration on the central front near Moscow.
Oct - Dec 1941
Ic, Anlage 5 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Tagesmeldungen. Reports from the Corps Intelligence Officer to AOK 2, Panzergruppe 2, and AOK 4 giving information on enemy activities, location of enemy units, enemy intentions, and prisoners of war and equipment taken.
Jun - Oct 1941
Ic, Anlage 6 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Gefangene und Beutezahlen. Daily reports on prisoners of war taken and equipment captured in the corps area of operations during the first six months of the Russian campaign.
Jun - Dec 1941
Ic, Anlage 7 z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Reports on conditions along the attack route into Soviet Russia, description of rivers, ferries, fords, and border fortifications; evaluation and experience reports; map on enemy situation dated Dec 29, 1941.
Jun - Dec 1941
Ic, Anlage 8 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Lagenkarten I. Maps showing enemy front lines and locations of Red Army units.
Jun 1941 - Feb 1942
Ic, Anlage 9 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Lagenkarten II. Maps showing enemy situation, positions, fortifications, resistance lines, command posts, and presumed plans of operations to counteract the German advance from the Neman River to the Vershina sector.
Jun 22 - Dec 29, 1941

T314 R409
Qu., Kriegsbagebuch 4., I. Teil mit Anlagen A-J; IVa, IVb, IVc, FPM, III, Tatigkeitsberichte. Reports of corps supply activities in connection with operations before the invasion and during the advance toward Moscow. Activity reports of the Administrative, Medical, and Veterinary Branches, the Judge Advocate, and Army Post Office 409.
May - Dec 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 8, Ostfeldzug II. Teil. Daily journal covering operations and activities of the corps on the central Russian front, enemy activities, and periodic battle and ration strength reports.
Jan - Dec 1942

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4. Panzerarmee

T313 R354
Ia, Tages-, Zwischen- u. Morgenmeldungen. Daily reports on own and enemy tactical situation and operations, and on enemy losses.
Jun 20 - Sep 15, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 8, Russlandfeldzug. War diary pertaining to the tactical situation and operations in the Pz. AOK 4 sector.
Jan 9 - Apr 27, 1942
Ic, Anlagen z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Morgen- u. Abendmeldungen. Daily reports on enemy tactical situation and operations, unit organization, strength and movements, fortifications, prisoners of war, and captured booty .
Jun 22 - Sep 17, 1941
Ic, Anlagen z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Abgegangene Meldungen. Reports on enemy tactical situation and operations.
Jul 1 - Sep 15, 1941
Ic, Anlagen z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Eingegangene Meldungen. Reports on enemy situation and operations, organization, unit identification, security of roads, railroad lines and rear area; antipartisan activities; enemy losses, and captured booty.
Jun 23 - Sep 12, 1941

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.12.13 01:40. Заголовок: XXXIX. Panzer-Korps ..

XXXIX. Panzer-Korps

T314 R928
Ic, Anlagen z. KTB. Intelligence reports on enemy and own activities between Lake Ladoga and Lake Ilmen.
Oct 25 - Dec 27, 1941
Ic, Korps-Tagebuch. Diary of the Intelligence Branch containing daily handwritten entries on activities during the beginning of the eastern campaign from the crossing of the Memel River to Smolensk and Bely.
Jun 21 - Aug 6, 1941
Ic, Abgegangene Tagesmeldungen. Outgoing daily reports of the Intelligence Branch covering events in France.
May 14 - Jul 5, 1940
Ic, Feindpropaganda. Collection of enemy propaganda material containing Russian pamphlets emphasizing the joy of German prisoners because of their captivity in Russia and their dissatisfaction with conditions in Germany.
Aug 6 - Oct 20, 1941
Ic, Feindnachrichten und Feindlageberichte. Enemy information and situation reports made during and following the campaign in France.
May 8 - Oct 23, 1940
Ic, Feindnachrichtenblatter. Information compiled by the Intelligence Branch on enemy activities, enemy troop movements, orders of battle, and operations along both sides of the Neva River.
Aug 23 - Oct 10, 1941
Ic, Feindnachrichtenblatter. Detailed reports on the Russian Army before the opening of hostilities and during the first months of the eastern campaign from the crossing of the Memel River to Velikiye Luki, Kholm, and Smolensk.
Mar 13 - Aug 13, 1941

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.12.13 19:32. Заголовок: 1. Panzerarmee T313..

1. Panzerarmee

T313 R54
A.Pi.Fu., Tatigkeitsbericht. Information on engineer activities during the campaign along the Donez and Dnieper and near Izyum.
May 1 - Sep 30, 1943
A.Pi.Fu., Anlage A z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Stellenbesetzung, information on bomb disposal and demolition units and engineer activities during the summer offensive on the Donez and Dnieper Rivers.
May 1 - Sep 30, 1943
A.Pi.Fu., Anlage B z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Assignments and orders for engineer construction units and Org. Todt, employment of prisoners and civilians in engineer units, maps and other information on engineer activities in the battleson the Donez and the Dnieper.
May 1 - Sep 30, 1943

LV. Armeekorps

T314 R1369
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 2. Daily reports, orders, and maps pertaining to operations, missions, and the tactical situation in the Corps sector, and order of battle charts.
Aug 28 - Oct 10, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 2. Army operation orders.
Aug 28 - Dec 12, 1941

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 13.12.13 13:46. Заголовок: LVI. Panzerkorps T3..

LVI. Panzerkorps

T314 R1386
Qu., Kriegstagebuch, 1.Tell. War journal concerning supply operations, administration, and services of the Corps during its movements from Memel through Lithuania to Demyansk south of Lake Ilmen. The Corps was subordinate to Pz.Gr. 4 and AOK 16 under the command of General von Manstein.
Jun 18 - Sep 14, 1941
Qu., Anlagenband I z. KTB, 1.Teil. Special directives for supply, military police units, and subordinate units.
Jun 18 - Sep 14, 1941
Qu., Anlagenband II z. KTB, 1.Teil. Pz.Gr. 4, AOK 16, and OKH supply regulations, directives, and orders concerning the activation and inactivation of supply points, postal operations, supply procedures in sparsely settled areas, guerrilla operations, procuring and securing labor, economic facilities, war industries, and captured materiel.
Jun 18 - Sep 14, 1941
Qu., Anlagenband III z. KTB, 1.Teil. Special supply directives with a memorandum on supplying by air, and a report on the status of captured female members of the Soviet Army.
Jun 11 - Jul 24, 1941

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 18.12.13 20:45. Заголовок: 11. Armee T312 R169..

11. Armee

T312 R1697
Ia, Anlagenband 3 z. KTB 2, Russland. Reports and orders concerning the operations, training, combat readiness, order of battle and casualties of 11th Army units; and maps (1:50000 and 1:100000) showing the tactical disposition of 11th Army units in the Petrokrepost (Shlisselburg) area; and daily reports on German Air Force operations.
Sep 21 - 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagenband 4 z. KTB 2, Russland. Reports and orders concerning operations, combat readiness, training, assignment, casualties, antipartisan actions, and preparations for winter; maps (1:100000) showing the tactical disposition of 11th Army units in Petrokrepost (Shlisselburg) area; reports on the antiaircraft situation; and special directives for signal communications.
Oct 3 - 18, 1942

17. Armee

T312 R668
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1.
May 15 - Dec 12, 1941
Ia, Anlage 1 z. KTB Nr. 1, Kriegsgliederungen der Armee.
May 15 - Dec 12, 1941

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.12.13 02:23. Заголовок: XXVIII. Armeekorps ..

XXVIII. Armeekorps

T314 R800
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB. Morning, daily, and evening reports of the divisions, situation maps, order of battle information, orders, messages, and experience reports.
Aug 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Activity report and annexes, including a summary of enemy operations during the second half of 1943, intelligence bulletins, situation maps, intercepted enemy telephone messages, interrogation summaries of agents and prisoners of war, and an evaluation report on enemy strength and expected moves.
Aug 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ic, Anlagen z. TB. Daily reports of the divisions concerning the enemy situation.
Aug 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebucher. War journals pertaining to military operations and activities of the Operations Branch in the Lyuban, Ostrov, and Pskov areas.
Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944

LVII. Panzerkorps

T314 R1486
Qu., Anlage 4 z. KTB 3, Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung, Pz.AOK 4. Special supply orders of Pz.AOK 4.
Dec 1, 1942 - Feb 27, 1943
Qu., Anlage 4a z. KTB 3, Korpsbefehle u. Ia Tagesmeldungen. Orders and messages pertaining to the tactical situation in relation to Operation "Wintergewitter".
Nov 30 - Dec 31, 1942
Qu., Anlage 4b z. KTB 3, Korpsbefehle u. Ia Tagesmeldungen. Orders and operation messages relating to constant withdrawal action and the holding of the Mius sector in the vicinity of Taganrog.
Jan 1 - Feb 20, 1943
Qu., Anlagen 5a-b z. KTB 3, Versorgungsmeldungen. Messages and daily reports concerning the supply situation and ammunition and fuel statistics.
Dec 3, 1942 - Feb 20, 1943
Qu., W.u.G., Anlage 7 z. KTB 3, Verschuss. Charts showing daily ammunition expenditure.
Dec 2, 1942 - Feb 19, 1943

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21. Panzer-Division

T315 R768
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3. War journal concerning combat engagements in northern Cyrenaica. The division was under the command of Generalmajor von Bismarck.
Jan 30 - Mar 21, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 3. Division orders, inventory of captured equipment, training instructions, and combat reports.
Jan 30 - Mar 21, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4. Defensives in northern Cyrenaica.
Mar 21 - May 15, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 4; Ic, IIa/b, Tatigkeitsberichte. Corps orders, afteraction reports, retraining instructions, and situation overlays. Also, activity reports of the Intelligence Branch, Mar 1 - Apr 30, 1942, and the Personnel Branch, Apr 1 - 30, 1942.
Mar 24 - May 1, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 5. Combat engagements in northern Cyrenaica.
May 16 - Jun 13, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 6. War journal concerning the attack on and capture of Tobruk and the pursuit of the enemy into Egypt.
Jun 14 - Jul 28, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 5 u. 6. Corps orders, afteraction reports, intelligence bulletins, and overlays.
Apr 10 - Aug 3, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 7. War journal concerning offensive operations in northern Egypt to El-Alamein. The division was under the command of Generalmajor von Bismarck until Aug 31, 1942, and then Generalmajor von Randow.
Jul 29 - Sep 30, 1942
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 7; Ic, IIa/b, Tatigkeitsberichte. Division and corps orders, reconnaissance reports, instructions to combat enemy landings, reports on the situation of the enemy, and overlays showing the location of division and enemy units. Also, activity reports of the Intelligence Branch, Sep 1 - 30, 1942, and the Personnel Branch, May 1 - Sep 30, 1942.
Jul 30 - Sep 30, 1942

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.12.13 21:42. Заголовок: XXXXIX. Gebirgs-Arme..

XXXXIX. Gebirgs-Armeekorps

T314 R1195
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 3, Teil II, Feldzug gegen die Sowjetunion: San-Ubergang bis zur Schlacht von Podwysokoje. War journal concerning the invasion of Russia in the southern sector, the crossing of the San River in the Jaroslaw area and the battle for Podvysokoye advancing via the Yavorov, Lvov, Berezhany, Ternopol, Proskurov, Bar, Gaivoron, and Pervomaisk areas. Also, a map showing the location of Corps' advances from Jun 22 to Aug 2, 1941.
Jun 22 - Aug 15, 1941
Ia, Anlagen I/1-70 z. KTB 3. Daily reports, orders, directives, and maps pertaining to preparations for Operation "Barbarossa".
Apr 23 - Jun 21, 1941

T314 R1196
Ia, Anlagen II z. KTB 3. Daily reports, orders, directives, and charts pertaining to operations, order of battle, and the tactical situation during Operation "Barbarossa" and the planned approach to the Stalin Line of fortifications.
Jun 22 - Jul 30, 1941

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 28.12.13 00:41. Заголовок: IV. Armeekorps   T31..

IV. Armeekorps
T314 R223
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 9. Daily entries by the Operations Officer dealing with fortifications and preparations for Operation "Barbarossa", giving information on the activities of construction troops, road inspection trips, planned improvement of the Tarnogrod-Cewkow road, building supplies, billeting areas for the construction squads, etce Also attached is a list of subordinate units.
April - June 1941
Ia, Anlage z. KTB Nr. 9. Preparations for Operation "Barbarossa", including maps showing order of battle5 tactical and march orders; orders pertaining to security, commands, and time of attack; directives for the conduct of troops in Russia; reports on construction, improvements on fortifications, and billeting, and estimates of the situation.
Feb. - June 1941
Ia, Kartenband z. KTB 9. Data on Operations "Berta" and "Barbarossa", showing details on the disposition of troops, billeting areas, order of battle, march movements, improvements of boundary positions, fortification construction, and approach of the IV Corps for Operation "Barbarossa". Include a map (n.s.) giving information on the boundary defense for "Berta" as of 6 June and a map (1:300000 - Radom-Lemberg) showing positions for Operation "Berta".
May - June 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 9. Data on Operation "Barbarossa", including directives for the initial assembly, orders for the divsions to be brought into the assembly areas, supply directives, summary of the enemy situation including a map (1:300000) showing enemy situation in the Jaworow-Lemberg areas as of 19 May 1941, charts on troop movements and strength reports. May - June 1941
Ia, Operation Barbarossa. Similar in contents to Doc. No. 15412/4. Also includes material pertaining to
[*]Red Army and frontier protection troops,[/*]
[*]Soviet Air Force and airports,[/*]
[*]Soviet fortifications,[/*]
[*]Soviet directives, memos, etc.,[/*]
[*]a list of objects of special interest to the German war economy, and[/*]
[*]various maps.[/*]
May - June 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 10. Data on Operation "Barbarossa", giving information on troop disposition, time of the attack, orientation on the ground, change of position, artillery and tank activity, boundaries, estimate of the situation, advances, bunkers, enemy position, air activity, retreat of enemy troops (Lubaczow, Niemirow area), etc. Includes a list of subordinate units. Area: Ruda, Rozaniecka, Glieniany, Krasilow, and Paplince.
June - July 1941

T314 R224
Ia, Anlagenband z. KTB Nr. 10. Data on Operation "Barbarossa", including description of types of bunkers to be found in Russian fortifications; and reports on enemy situation, troop movements, combat engagements. Also order of battle charts.
June - July 1941
Ia, Kartenband z. KTB. 14. Maps showing daily situation for the period June 22 - July 4, 1941 in the Ruda-Rozaniecka-Zolkiew-Glimiany area.
Ia, Kartenband z. KTB. 14. Maps showing the situation in the Podlipce-Zbaraz-Krasilow-Pilawa- and Paplince area.
June - July 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 11. Data on Operation "Barbarossa", giving information on the temporary redesignation of the IV Corps to Gruppe von Schwedler, changes in subordinate status of German units, tactical and combat activities, assembly areas, march movements, boundaries, air reconnaissance in the Solotonoscha area, bad road conditions in the Paplince-Ulanow sector, retreat from the Lipowiec-Porebysze area to the occupation of Tripolje, Operation "Weisser Hirsch", and enemy activities in the Ukrainka and Ulanow-Gorodischtsche areas.
July - Aug. 1941

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8. Panzer-Division

T315 R506
Ib, Anlage 1 zum Kriegstagebuch. Einzelbefehle, Fern- und Funkspruche.
May 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ib, Anlage 2 zum Kriegstagebuch. Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung.
May 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ib, Tatigkeitsberichte der Abteilungen III, IVa, V, IVc, and IVd.
May 1 - Dec 31, 1943
IVb, Tttigkeitsbericht.
May 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ib, Kriegstagebuch des Feldgendarmerie Trupp.
Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1943
Ia, Karte (1:100000). Lage Vogesen. Unterbringung der 8.Pz.Division.
May 15, 1943
Ia, Aniagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Daily front-line operation reports, division orders and radio messages.
Dec 28, 1942 - Jan 8, 1943
Ia, Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Kartenanlagen.
Oct 30 - Nov 12, 1942

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.01.14 16:39. Заголовок: Heeresgruppe Don T3..

Heeresgruppe Don

T311 R272
Ia, Anlagenband 9 z. KTB. Orders and daily reports concerning defensive action and counterattacks to facilitate withdrawal movement on the Don and Donets-Rostov-Asov fronts, ground and air operations, reorganization, order of battle, reserves, march movements, losses, coastal defense, construction of "Maulwurf" positions in the Stalino area, and the destruction of railroad installations and tracks by H.Gr.Don, Pz.AOK 1 and 4, Armee-Abt. Fretter-Pico, and Hollidt and Luftflotte 4 units; the battle for Stalingrad and final destruction and capture of AOK 6 on Jan 31, 1943; and enemy tactical mission, operations, and situation. Reports on ice conditions and floods on the Don and Donets Rivers and road conditions in H.Gr.Don sector. Also, special directives for signal communication and commitment of artillery.
Jan 30 - Feb 6, 1943
Ia, Lage der Heeresgruppe Don. Maps (1:100000) showing daily tactical disposition of H.Gr.Don, Pz.AOK 4, 3. and 4.Rum.AOK, Gruppe Hollidt, and Gruppe Hoth units on the Don and Donets fronts (Voroschilovgrad and Rostov areas), and the territory held by the 6th Army encircled at Stalingrad.
Nov 27 - Dec 31, 1942
Ia, Lage der Heerespruppe Don. Maps (1:100000) showing the daily tactical disposition of H.Gr.Don, Pz.AOK.1 and 4, and Armee-Abt.Fretter-Pico and Hollidt in the Don, Donets, Rostov, Kalitva, Ssal, Derkul, Ssalsk,and Asov areas and the steadily diminishing territory held by the encircled 6th Army at Stalingrad, until captured or destroyed by Jan 31, 1943.
Ia, Lage der Heerespruppe Don—Sud. Maps (1:100000) showing tactical disposition of H.Gr.Don, Feb 1 - 13, 1943, H.Gr.Sud, Feb 14 - 28, 1943, Pz.AOK 1 and 4, Armee-Abt.Fretter-Pico and Hollidt, and Gruppe Kempf and Mieth in the Dnieper River area.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.01.14 21:55. Заголовок: 96. Infanterie-Divis..

96. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1183
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 10 mit Anlagen; Ia/Mess., Ia/Stomu., Ia/Gabo., Ic, IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte. War journal, with corps and division orders and reports, concerning position defense southeast of Mga and relief by the 121.Inf.Div. on the frontline, special training for winter warfare; order of battle charts, lists of officers' duty assignments and casualties, and combat and ration strength reports. Activity reports of the Map and Survey, March Control, and Chemical Warfare Officers, and the Intelligence and Personnel Branches. The division was subordinate to the XXVIII. and XXVI. A.K., under the command of Gen.Maj. Joachim Freiherr von Schleinitz who died on Oct 6, 1942, and Gen.Maj. Ferdinand Noeldechen from Oct 10, 1942, to Jul 27, 1943.
Oct 1 - 31, 1942
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 11, Mappe 1 mit Kriegsgliederungen. Defensive operations and Operation "Flaschenhals" (German attempt to counter the Russian winter offensive which began Jan 12, 1943, against the corridor south of Lake Ladoga in the vicinity of Petrokrepost), and transfer south to the Tigoda and Volkhov Rivers in the Dedelevo area for defensive actions; and order of battle charts.
Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1943
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 11, Mappe 2; Ia/Mess., Ia/Stomu., Ia/Gabo., Ic, IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte. Corps orders, division reports and orders, and situation maps. Activity reports of the Map and Survey, March Control, and Chemical Warfare Officers; the Intelligence Branch, with interrogation reports of prisoners of war, translations of captured enemy documents, intelligence bulletins, and enemy situation maps; and of the Personnel Branch, with lists of officers' duty assignments and casualties and combat and ration strength reports.
Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 12 mlt Anlagen; Ia/Mess., Ia/Stomu., Ia/Gabo., Ic, IIa, Tatigkeitsberichte. War journal, with corps and division orders and reports concerning defensive operations along the Volkhov River northeast of Babino; order of battle charts, and situation maps. Activity reports of the Map and Survey, March Control, and Chemical Warfare Officers; the Intelligence Branch, with interrogation summaries, intelligence bulletins, translations of propaganda material, and enemy situation maps and overlays; and of the Personnel Branch, with lists of officers' assignments and casualties, and combat and ration strength reports.
Apr 1 - Jun 30, 1943
Ia, Denkschrift der 96. Inf.Div. uber die Schlammperiode und Hochwasserzeit am Wolchow. Reports, charts, maps, and overlays concerning inundation of fortified positions during the spring thawing period along the Volkhov River.
Mar 1 - Jun 30, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 13. Defensive operations along the Volkhov River east of Tigoda. The division was subordinate to the XXVIII. A.K. during this period under the command of Gen.Lt. Ferdinand Noeldechen and Gen.Maj. Richard Jacob Wirtz from Jul 28, 1943, to Dec 1, 1944.
Jul 1 - Sep 30, 1943

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257. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1802
Ia, Gefechtsbericht. Afteraction report concerning quartering in the Sankt Ingbert and Blieskastel areas, participation of division elements in the breakthrough battle south of Saarbruecken, 14 - 17 Jun; advance and offensive engagements in the Sarreguemines, Sarralber Bitche, Niederbronn-les-Bains, Dambach-la-Ville, Phalsbourg, and Saverne areas in France, 18 - 24 Jun; movement to north of Saverne and Phalsbourg; the surrender of the French Commander of Bitche, 25 - 29 Jun; and the planned movement westward, 30 Jun 1940.
1940/06/14 - 1940/06/30
Ia, KTB 1. War journal concerning formation and operational readiness in the Ketzin and Potsdam areas, 26 Aug - 1 Sep; training in the Trupperiuebungsplatz Doeberitz, 2 - 17 Sep; movement to and security of the Bielsko and Cracow areas, Poland, via Ratibor, Beuthen, Cosel, and Mikolow, 18 - 28 Sep; occupation duty and training, 29 Sep - 22 Oct; and transfer to Kaiserslautern via Frankfurt/a.M., 23 - 25 Oct 1939. A strength report; an order-of-battle chart; registers of officers; and status reports, dated 20 to 24 Nov 1940.
1939/08/25 - 1939/10/25
Ia, Aniagen zum KTB 1. Orders, directives, and maps pertaining to formation, operational readiness, and training in the Potsdam area and at Truppenuebungsplatz Doeberitz; and movement to and security of the Bielsko and Cracow areas, Poland, and occupation duty, control of prisoners of war and the civilian population, and training in those areas. A status report dated 15 Oct 1939.
1939/08/28 - 1939/10/15
Ia, TB. Activity report concerning the transfer from Sankt Ingbert to Cracow, Poland, 4 - 8 Jul, and occupation duty, border security, guartering, regrouping, training, construction of fortifications, and preparations for Achtung Berta (defense in case of a Russian attack) in the Cracow, Nowy Sacz, Tarnow, Rzeszow, Jaslo, Krosno, Jaroslaw, and Przemysl areas.
1940/07/02 - 1941/05/19
Ia, Anlagenheft 1 zum TB. Orders, directives, and maps pertaining to formation of the division (4.Welle) from Ersatz-Batl. of Wehrkreis III; transfer from Sankt Ingbert to Cracow, Poland, 4 - 8 Jul; quartering, training, map exercises (with order-of-battle charts of Russian units), occupation duty, construction of fortifications, and border security in the Cracow, Nowy Sacz, Tarnow, Habka, Wolbrom, Jaslo, Krosno, Rzeszow, and Jaroslaw areas, 9 Jul - 21 Nov; and release of division units to form the 123.ID in Wehrkreis III, 1 Oct 1940. Status reports and special directives concerning supply, rear services, and signal communications.
1940/07/02 - 1940/11/21
Ia, Anlagenheft 2 zum TB. Orders, directives, reports, and maps pertaining to quartering, regrouping, training, construction of fortifications, border security, and preparations for Achtung Berta in the Rzeszow, Jaslo, Sanok, Krosno, Rymanow, Brzozow, and Przemysl areas. Order-of-battle chart and status and strength reports.
1940/11/21 - 1941/05/15
Ic, TB. Activity reports concerning observation of enemy activity inside the Russian border, counter intelligence, border security, and troop entertainment; and pamphlets presenting the history of the Saarpfalz and Upper Silesia.
1940/07/01 - 1941/05/20
Ia, KTB 5.
1941/05/20 - 1941/12/12

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XXIX. Armeekorps

T314 R810
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Daily frontline activity reports and interrogation summaries of prisoners of war.
Nov 20 - Dec 31, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 1. War journal concerning the initial attack on Soviet forces and advance via Lublin to the Bug River, Alexandrovka, the Styr River, Dubno, Rovno, and Luck and the attack on Kiev. Also, combat and ration strength reports. R.Lt. f. d. Presse Max Axmann is reported to have been severely wounded in action on the day of the invasion. The Corps was subordinate to AOK 6 except for the period June 21 - 25, when it was under Pz. Gruppe 1.
May 15 - Sep 19, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 1. Corps orders, radio messages, intelligence bulletins, combat activity reports, and frontline reconnaissance reports.
May 12 - Jul 11, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 1. Interrogation summaries, Army and Corps orders, frontline activity reports, and reconnaissance reports.
Jul 11 - Sep 19, 1941

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XXIX. Armeekorps

T314 R811
Ia, Anlagen z. KTB 1. Interrogation summaries, Army and Corps orders, frontline activity reports, and reconnaissance reports.
Jul 11 - Sep 19, 1941
Ia, Anlage z. KTB 1. Afteraction report of the 71. Infanterie Division concerning the attack on Kiev.
Aug 2 - Sep 19, 1941
Ia, Anlage z. KTB 1, Kriegstagebuch der Abteilung Lanz. War journal concerning the battle for Kiev. Abteilung Lanz was disbanded on Sep 12, 1941.
Jul 29 - Sep 12, 1941
Ia, Anlagen z. TB. Reconnaissance reports and maps concerning preparations for crossing the Bug River.
Mar 17 - May 19, 1941
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 4, Teil 1. War journal covering operations in the Belgorod, Oboyan, Kharkov, Volchansk, Kursk, and Tomarovka areas.
Jan 1 - May 31, 1942

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79. Infanterie-Division

T315 R1109
Ia, Anlagenheft F z. KTB 16, Meldungen, Berichte, Skizzen, Kriegsgliederungen, Starken, Artillerie-Feuerplane, Feindartillerie.
Oct 22, 1942 - Jan 8, 1943
Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen als Anlagenheft H z. KTB 16. Intelligence bulletins, interrogation summaries, and reconnaissance reports concerning enemy operations, unit identification, losses of men and equipment, and tactical situation; counterintelligence activity, and troop indoctrination and entertainment. A German translation of an order by the People's Commissariat for Land Defense of the U.S.S.R. and enemy propaganda leaflets.
Oct 17, 1942 - Jan 8, 1943
Ia, Kriegstagebuch 17. Withdrawal of the division staff from the battle for Stalingrad, assignment of units from Rostov to the division staff, and the continuation of its operations in the Novocherkassk area. Early in March the division was relieved of its sector by the 15.Luftwaffen-Felddivision and was refitted, as signed new units, and transferred to the Volnovakha area via Taganrog and Mariupol for training. The division was subordinate to Pz.AOK 4 and the XXIX.A.K.
Jan 12 - Mar 14, 1943
Ia, Anlagenheft A z. KTB 17, Befehle und Anordnungen vorgesetzter Dienststellen.
Jan 9 - Mar 14, 1943
Ia, Anlagenheft B z. KTB 17, Befehle und Anordnungen der Division.
Jan 14 - Mar 14, 1943
Ia, Anlagenheft C z. KTB 17, Tagliche Meldungen der Division.
Jan 14 - Mar 11, 1943
Ia, Anlagenheft D z. KTB 17, Tagliche Meldungen unterstellter Einheiten.
Jan 9 - Mar 14, 1943

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Panzergrenadier-Division Grossdeutschland

T315 R2288
Ia, Anlage 19 zum KTB 2, Spruch- und Befehlsanlagen. Orders and messages pertaining to defensive operations and counterattacks in the Borisovka area, 17 - 19 Mar 1943; assault operations from Borisovka via Orlovka and Bessenovka to block the Kharkov-Belgorod railroad line in the Dolbino area, 17 - 18 Mar; reconnaissance operations for the attack on and capture of Tomarovka, 18 - 19 Mar; and securing and reconstructing bridges in Tomarovka, 20 - 21 Mar. Data on enemy losses and a status report.
1943/03/17 - 1943/03/20
Ia, Anlage 20 zum KTB 2, Snruch- und Befehlsanlagen. Orders and messaqes pertaining to the securing and defense of the Borisovka-Tomarovka railroad line and removing nines, 21 - 23 Mar 1943; defense of the Tomarovka area by part of the division and movement of the mass to the Bol'shoye Budishche and Dikanka areas va Bol'shaya Pisarevka, Akhtyrka, Kotel'va, and Oposhnya with headquarters of the division staff at Oposhnya and for supply at Poltava, 24 - 26 Mar; and movement of part of the division to Grayvoron as a reserve for Armeeabteilung Kempf and for rehabilitation, and movement of the mass to the area between Oposhnya and Poltava for rehabilitation and training, 27 - 31 Mar, with no planned commitment until after 15 Apr.
A status report, dated 26 Mar, reports regarding enemy air activity, special directives concerning supplying alert units, and data on German and enemy losses.
1943/03/21 - 1943/03/31
Ia, Anlage 21 zum KTB 2, Kartenanlagen 1-12, Band 1. Situation maps showing locations for assembly for Unternehmen Sedan south of Rzhev, 29 Aug 1942, and its execution in the area south of Rzhev and west of Zubtsov, 10 - 18 Sep; location of supply and rear service units and defense positions south of Rzhev, 25 Sep; location of action of Unternehmen Herbstwind, 30 Sep; relief by the 95. ID south of Rzhev, 5-10 Oct; and the guartering area of the division in the Olenino area, 10 Oct - 1 Nov.
1942/08/29 - 1942/11/01
Ia, Anlage 22 zum KTB 7, Kartenanlagen 13-25, Band 2. Situation maps showing the location of the division's quartering sector in the Olenino area, the deployment area Vyazma (Abstellraum Wjasma), the tactical disposition of German and enemy forces, commitment possibilities in the Olenino area, and supply and winter routes.
1942/11/01 - 1942/11/30
Ia, Anlage 23 zum KTB 2, Kartenanlagen 26-38, Band 3. Situation maps showing the location of tactical disposition of German Forces and supply units, the contour of the AOK 9 front line, winter roads, and march routes from Rzhev to Smolensk.
1942/12/01 - 1943/01/15
Ia, Anlage 24 zum KTB 2, Kartenanlagen 39-57, Band 4. Situation maps showing the location of tactical disposition of German Forces and the B.u.F. Beobachtungs- und Feaerstellungen of Art.Rgt. Grossdeutschland on 19 Feb 1943.
1943/01/16 - 1943/03/31
Ia, Anlage 25 zum KTB 2, Tagesaeldungen. Daily reports regarding the movements and combat operations of Inf.Div. Grossdeutschland in the Rzhev, Zubtsov, Olenino, Glukhovo, Volchansk, Dolbino, Liptsy, Veseloye, Kharkov, Lyubotin, Valki, Poltava, Borisovka, and Grayvoron areas and in the Osuga and Luchesa River sectors.
1942/08/27 - 1943/03/31
Ia, Anlage 26 zum KTB 2, Alarmeinheiten. Orders and directives concerning carrying out measures to increase the division1s combat force and the formation, equipping, training, organization, strength, assignments, and commitment of alert units.
1942/10/14 - 1942/12/28
Ia, Anlage 27 zum KTB 2, Wintervorbereitungen. Orders and directives concerning preparations for winter in relation to stockpiling of winter equipment, clothing, rations, heating material, and weapons; training; the formation, training, eguipping, organization, strength, assignments, and commitment of a ski battalion to increase the mobility of the division and a raiding detachaent for operations against partisans; and preparations for the Russian winter offensive in the Bely area, 23 Nov 1942.
1942/09/20 - 1942/12/18

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Panzergrenadier-Division Grossdeutschland

T315 R2289
Ia, Anlage 28 zum KTB 2, Unternehaen Nordpol. Orders, directives, messages, and maps pertaining to preparations for and execution of Unternehaen Nordpol (a feint offensive operation in the western sector of the northern front of AOK 9 in the Sychevka and Rzhev areas and toward Ostashkov with the division's participation in the Olenino area).
1942/10/25 - 1942/11/25
Ia, Anlage 29 zum KTB 2, Stellungsbau. Orders, messages, and overlays pertaining to the construction of defense positions in the area south of Rzhev, the Olenino area, and the Luchesa River sector.
1942/09/22 - 1943/01/07
Ia, Anlage 30 zum KTB 2, Erkundungen fuer den Einsatz. Orders, reports, maps, and overlays pertaining to reconnaissance operations relating to division defensive and assault operations and enemy activities and operational probabilities in the Olenino and Vasil'yeva areas.
1942/10/07 - 1942/11/15
Ic, TB mit Anlagen, Band 1, Anlage 31 zum KTB 2. Activity report, periodic intelligence reports, and maps pertaining to partisan and enemy combat operations, movements, probable intentions, air and artillery activity, losses, unit identification and location, equipment, weapons, and armament; also control of the civilian population, guarding prisoners of war, training of special Russian units to commit acts of sabotage and demolition behind German lines, treatment of captured Russian commissars, military security, counterintelligence, securing the division's quartering area, and troop indoctrination and entertainment. Interrogation summaries and intelligence bulletins.
1942/08/22 - 1942/11/24
Ic, TB mit Anlagen, Band 2, Anlage 32 zum KTB 2. Activity report, periodic intelligence reports, maps, and overlays pertaining to partisan and enemy combat operations, movements, probable intentions, air and artillery activities, losses, unit identification and location, and characteristics; strength and organization; equipment and weapons; and the control of the civilian population. Interrogation summaries and intelligence bulletins.
1942/11/25 - 1942/12/21
Ic, TB mit Anlagen, Band 3, Anlage 33 zun KTB 2. Activity report, periodic intelligence reports, maps, and overlays pertaining to enemy combat operations, movements, air and artillery activity, losses, unit identification and location, strength and propaganda, and division combat operations and artillery activity. Translations of intercepted enemy radio messages and interrogation summaries.
1942/12/22 - 1943/02/07
Ic, TB mit Anlagpn, Band 4, Anlage 34 zum KTB 2. Activity report, Deriodic intelligence reports, maps, and overlays pertaining to enemy combat operations, movements, probable intentions, armored activity, losses; unit identification and location, organization, and strength; weapons; and division combat operations. Interrogation summaries, translations of intercepted enemy radio messages, and intelligence bulletins.
1943/02/08 - 1943/03/06
Ic, TB mit Anlagen, Band S, Anlage 35 zum KTB 2. Activity report, periodic intelligence reports, maps, and overlays pertaining to partisan and enemy operations, air activity, losses, unit identification, location, organization, and strength; weapons; control and treatment of and German troop behavior toward the civilian population; and military security. A report regarding the Russian tank T-70; a list of enemy passwords, 21 - 31 Mar 1943; translations of intercepted enemy radio messages; interrogation summaries; and intelligence bulletins.
1943/03/07 - 1943/03/31

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12. Panzer-Division

T315 R631
Ia, Anlage z. KTB 3, Anlagen 266-500. Corps and division orders, radio and teletype messages, combat reports, and training regulations.
Aug 12 - Sep 26, 1942
Ia, Anlage z. KTB 3, Anlagen 501-686. Radio and teletype messages, corps and division orders, reports on partisan activities, and maps.
Sep 26 - Oct 31, 1942
Ia, Anlage z. KTB 3, Anlagen 687-910a. Radio and teletype messages, training programs, Hitler's order to kill all members of Commando units, reports on conference of commanders, and maps.
Nov 1 - Dec 18, 1942
Ia, Anlage z. KTB 3, Anlagen 931-991. Corps and division orders, radio and teletype messages, and combat strength reports.
Dec 18 - 31, 1942

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